Image of the Beehive crop circle. The Language of ONE #33-65

3. The Language of ONE #33-65


The Language of ONE is brought forth as crop circle definitions that are made available unto ascending initiates by the Great Central Sun for the purposes of transcendence. Each symbol will invoke a holographic energy movement in the field, just as the Language of Light symbols cause movement that dissipates density and allows for ascension. Please see Chapter 3 of Ascension Insights, Volume 6 for definitions of the Language of ONE #1-32


Crop Circle Interpretations


Caution: If these symbols cause one to feel dizzy, nauseous or faint and uncomfortable, we guide you to return to the Language of Light symbols and master these tones first in one’s personal ascension.


When Finish: Please intend to disengage from the movement that each symbol fosters when you are finish with your focus. We recommend using these symbols in small amounts a little at a time until one has embraced a flow that supports these tones. These tones are “macro” commands that invoke the entire scale of the Language of Light single, dual, tri and quad tones all at once. Also intend that one adjusts the movement to serve one’s current level of ascent by requesting this of Earth’s angels. Earth is holding a dream to support the learning of the movement of the Language of ONE for all whom are ready for this next level of work.


33. Holographic Record Keeping









Holographic records are kept in a tightly organized manner in which there is 900 times more memory than spiral based storage. Holographic records allow for much more information stored in a more organized manner, not unlike current human data keeping on CD Rom that emulates Earth’s field. The increasing record keeping capabilities allow Earth to retrieve lost holographic records and store them for reference or use in the continued ascent of each kingdom or the whole of Earth.


34. Holographic Consensus Based Knowledge









Holographic knowing allows one to access all information ever understood at a particular bandwidth of frequency within one’s species or the consensus at large. No information is withheld and nothing is missing. All that is required to access the knowing is the right vibrations and keys and as long as one does not misuse the information in any manner, then one will have access to whatever one requires to understand in order to ascend. This is the same for each species as well as Earth as a whole.  Read more

Image of the crop circle of Holographic Dream Weaving. The Language of ONE #1-32

3. The Language Of ONE #1-32


The Language of ONE is a holographic language that is emerging upon Earth in her continued ascension. The Language of ONE defines oneness concepts. Oneness is a state of self sustenance in which all is provided from within.


The images in this chapter are brought forth as crop circles which capture this new language upon the land. Each symbol will invoke a holographic energy movement that causes density to dissipate and allows for continued ascension.




Asur’Ana has been requested by Mother Earth to begin to interpret crop circles for those who are ascending in human form at this time in history. Crop circles are static pictures of key codes and fire letters emanating through photonic sources. Some crop circles are electrical or radioactive, and these will have straight lines or edges or angles unto them. Such crop circles are from other Great Central Suns and are their languages.


Your Great Central Sun hosts a magnetic language. The symbols for magnetic tones of creation are rotational or circular in nature. Earth is traversing through a diverse region of domain in the choice to re-enter the dream of the Great Central Sun. Within the “Star Gates” leading into entry are many languages. Earth feels blessed for all of the information made available, as many of such languages have assisted in her ascent to date.


In essence, each tone and symbol provided unto Earth by the Great Central Sun(s) and through each Star Gate entered is captured within the Aurora. The symbols rotate. Earth then tries each symbol to see if the rotation fosters ascension of her field or portions of her field or not. Those symbols that fail to foster ascension are discarded and erased. Those that foster ascension are embraced as a part of Earth’s new “operating system” or language. Read more

Image of silvery white waves. Waves And Poetic Prose

Waves And Poetic Prose


Introduction: Healing through Transfigurative Dreaming


Prose are incantations that cast a spell over the dream through poetic formations of repose of thought. Incantation spells transfigure the dream to respond to the thoughts causing a shift in the paradigm of notion of each moment. Moment to moment shifts in dreams repose down the dimensions catching over the transfigurative action of the field.


Incantations are to be recited only once per day. Twenty incantations will be shared after this introduction. Please pick only those that most deeply resonate within to intend. You can read the incantations without intention and then re-read the incantation with intention to cast the transfigurative spell for healing the dream of self for each given day of transformative action. Intending a particular incantation twice cancels the transfigurative action over the dream. Intending the incantation the third time reinstates the transfiguration.


It is best to intend only one to two of the following prose as transfiguration over any given day of transformation within. Transfigurative action can confuse the dreams if too many are intended all at once. The purpose of the prose is spiritual and is designed to cause healing of the self of the self within. The self of the self within is an energetic formation of field that reposes the consciousness and awareness of the experience of life. It is the self of the self within that manages all life dreams.


Consciousness expands through self-realization. Humans upon the spiritual path realize self in many variations of experiences of life. The prose ignites the divine flame of synergy within the heart accolade of self to aid in the realization over particular realizations of self for the purposes of forgiveness of karmic debt and difficult or traumatic life happenstance.


Transfigurative action is a formation of dream weaving that is much like an artist with a paint brush. The prose causes the foundation and colors of the dream to alter into beautiful formations that attract delightful moments in time to be experienced and expressed. Read more

Image of sparkling crystal jewels. Light Wave Glossary

Light Wave Glossary


There are many new words that we are exploring in our written studies of light wave synergy. Words are meaningful in mindset of thoughtform.


Words that are the most useful in light wave mindset cause a foray of ckanton or prose that hosts a deeper meaning than the Webster dictionary definition associated. The deeper meaning is a command all of its own to redirect the dream and light synergy of field in a new manner than otherwise would be possible when the incantation associated with the word is invoked.


Ckanton is a language of the dragon soul realm that is reiterated as a prose of beautiful poetry to elicit a sweet dream towards self in the light motion of field. Ckanton is a master language that fosters light wave synergy through key words or phrases. This is an example of a ckanton behind a particular definition often used in our written materials or prose.




I am the equinox of myself

In the inspiration

Of a reservoir of Self

In a beautiful foray of meaning

To be delivered

In a synergistic moment of time

When needed by you

As you flux

In light wave mindset Read more

Image of the Language of Light symbols. Language Of Light Tri Tones 97 – 136

3. Language Of Light Tri Tones 97 – 136


The following are 40 Tri Tones of the Language of Light. Please refer to Chapter 3 of Ascension Insights, Volume 1 for 48 Single Tones. Dual Tones 49-96 can be found in Chapter 3 of Ascension Insights, Volume 2. Please see Chapter 4 of Ascension Insights, Volume 1 on how you can use the Language of Light to facilitate ascension.


Infinite Oneness




Nature: Active

The Symbols of God/Goddess and Oneness

Infinite Oneness allows forever or expansiveness to experience the moment. The application of infinite oneness expanses the moment into the opportunity of all possible expressions. Only in the leaning one way or another is the expression of the moment cast until the next moment’s leaning. The movement from all possibility to a moment expression is action directed from a point of balance.






Nature: Passive

The Symbols Balance, Dream and Communication

Symbolic allows for moment to moment coherence. The translation of any possibility requires the interweaving of all the possible moments perhaps viewed as links or chains of experience, each moment leading to many possible moments. Each possible experience contains within itself all the expressions that are woven so as to maintain balance in creation. Symbolic in the passive weaving is the predisposition for completion. Read more

Image of the Language of Light. LoL Dual Tones 49-96

3. Language Of Light Dual Tones 49 – 96


The following are 48 Dual Tones of the Language of Light. Please refer to Chapter 3 of Ascension Insights, Volume 1 for 48 Single Tones. Please see Chapter 4 of Ascension Insights, Volume 1 on how you can use the Language of Light to facilitate ascension.


Forgiveness          God Goddess/All That Is



#1 Forgiveness     #48 God/Goddess/All That Is

Nature: Integrative
Glyphs #1 Forgiveness and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to become #49 UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS
Unconditional Forgiveness brings forth the essence of God/Goddess/All That Is in relation to being in a state of allowance. This creation vibration is the ability to embrace all as one expanding into itself. As this vibration becomes inherent in the energy pattern, all passes through without the need to cling or blend or manipulate; simply allowed in its existence seeking to expand.



     God Goddess/All That Is   



#4 Compassion    #48 God/Goddess/All That Is

Nature: Completion
Glyphs #4 Compassion and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to become #50 UNCONDITIONAL COMPASSION
Unconditional Compassion is a completion tone that unifies tones 40–49 into a singular vibration of unconditional compassion. Unconditional Compassion is the aspect of God/Goddess/All That Is that provides a clearing or opening for creation as the needs of all are sensed and can be provided for through the application of this vibration. This vibration is wholeness in the ability to touch or work with the creation vibrations in expansion and completion stemming from the unending desire to create, to expand, to evolve.  Read more

Language of Light Single Tones

3. The Language Of Light


The Language of Light Glyphs are constructed on 144 concepts that are reflected in shape, color and tone. The tones are equivalent to the tones or vibrations of creation. Over time on Earth, the tones of creation became distorted and then destruction and separatism became prevalent on Earth. The Language of Light is the original glyphs, tones and vibrations utilized on Earth prior to the distortion.


The Language of Light is based on unity consciousness where there are no destructive thought-forms. As you embody all 144 glyphs of the Language of Light, you transcend all destructive patterns on all planes of reality: conscious, subconscious and unconscious.


The first 48 glyphs are singular in nature and comprise the foundation of the Language of Light. The first ten glyphs are the ‘Ten Octaves of Love’. The remaining 38 glyphs are created through combining two or three of the original Ten Octaves of Love into varying shapes which give them a different tone or vibration and consequently a new meaning. In essence, the Ten Octaves of Love are the foundation of the Language of Light.


Those who attain the state of the Bodhisattva in their personal ascension anchor the first 48 glyphs in their field and take the first steps towards unity consciousness in their personal life experience. The Bodhisattva then draws on the unity consciousness language in all that they do to sustain a state of harmlessness.


The glyphs themselves are categorized in nature. The nature of each glyph not only governs a particular meaning but has a particular effect on your consciousness and fields. There are four major categories for glyphs within the first 48 glyphs, which are respectively:  Read more

Image of a violet orchid. Virtues of Vegetarianism 2

The Virtues Of Vegetarianism – Part 2 of 2


We have heard scientists acknowledging the global warming problem and that it will cause natural disasters and flooding to come. There is news that scientists are finding a new place for humankind on another planet. Is this a viable option for humanity? How can we save the planet and ourselves?


Save Humanity and the Planet from Global Warming


We believe that humans can save themselves right now by turning to the vegetarian diet, which is benevolent and very compassionate. By being compassionate to others, Heaven will be compassionate to us. The law of cause and effect is always very correct.


So, the only thing we do to save ourselves is to be compassionate and to change to a nobler, benevolent lifestyle without meat or animal products. Then you can see immediately how the weather will change. Everything will return to peaceful abundance because Heaven is merciful. We have to start to be merciful like Heaven; then we can experience Heaven.


We cannot run away from bad karma. We cannot run away from the consequence of our actions. We have to be vegetarian and be compassionate; then everything will turn around because good karma and loving atmosphere changes everything.


The Moral Code of a Human Being


The vegetarian diet is the moral code of being a human. It is the mark of a great human. It’s very easy to do, especially nowadays. There are all kinds of means to do it.  Read more

Image of a yellow hibiscus. Virtues of Vegetarianism 1

The Virtues Of Vegetarianism – Part 1 of 2


It is well known that the majority of the Indian populations do not eat meat. This is not because they cannot afford meat. Most of them object to it because it involves the taking of life. Underlying that objection is the law of karma, which has been familiar to Indians for many thousands of years.


Karma and the Vegetarian Diet


Saints and their disciples do not eat meat, fish, eggs or any sort of animal food for the same reason. It involves the slaughter of animal life, and that means the assumption of karmic debts. Let us now see how it works out both in theory and in practice.


In vegetables there is only one active tattwa, or elementary condition of matter. That is jal, which means ‘water’. It refers to the liquid state of any substance. In insects there are two active tattwas, agni or ‘fire’, and vayu or ‘air’. Agni refers to the resolving state, or heat; it means a transitional state of matter. Vayu refers to the gaseous condition of matter. In birds there are three active tattwas: jal, agni and vayu. In the higher animals there are four active tattwas: prithvi (earth), jal, agni and vayu.


But in human, and in human alone, all five tattwas are active. As a matter of fact, all five tattwas are in everything in the world, but they are not active. Akash is the last one, which is active in human alone.  Read more