Image of a 5-petal blue flower with gold center. Flower Essences of Self #3

Flower Essences of Self #3


Polarity Reversal and Astrology


The Position of the Sun and Realization


Realization of Self


I am that I am that I am

In a foray of truth

Of the sustenance of who I am

Choosing a new future

Through realization of myself

As an archetypal foray

Of a dream of my reversal

Into the sustenance of who I am

As a presence of the Tao and Dao within

In the physical


Self- Realization and Shaktar Dreaming


Polarity reversal is an act of transformation for those upon the spiritual quest for realization. Realization is the result of a reversal of poles in the astrological sequences of events over the course of any life of a spiritual longing. Astrology is a symposium of vibrations and melodies that instrument a focus of dream in each sequence of life. There are symposiums for relationship lore along with life lore dreams of work, family and friends. There are also symposiums that direct realization in a spiritual foray of possibility. (Please refer to “Shakti Relationship Lore” in Light Wave 4: Divine Partnership for more information on the dreams that foster union.)


The sounds of the universe are an orchestration of Shaktar order of dreaming. Shaktar is a various melody of accolade of self all of its own. Self is a universal instrument of ordering for the purposes of realization of self. Self is an objective instrument of nonphysical existence that is little recognized in the current spiritual happenstance of the human race. Self and spirit or soul unite together through the physical to offer insights and co-dream the lives of those spiritually mastering in each era. Shaktar is an order of dreaming for the purposes of realization that catches amongst those spiritually mastering in each era.


Humans have forgotten about Shaktar or its orchestration or capacity to aid in the dreams of life. Shaktar dreaming offers support for those mastering in a variety of healing modalities of self. Healing instruments include forensics treatment for the nervous system for mindset development, health criteria along with nutrition foray of needs, and loving synthesis into swings of light waves that foster unity within. Each may intend healing each night in the art of transfusion. Read more

Image of a beautiful yellow lotus or water lily. Flower Essences of Self #2

Flower Essences of Self #2


Apothecary of Herbs and Diet For Light Synthesis and Transfusion


The Light Within


The light within

Is a beautiful synthesis

Of the self of the self within

In the love of the now

In the perseverance of realization

Of the unity of all of life

In which the dreamer and the dreams

Of wholeness may unfold

In collaboration with all kingdoms

In the new dream


About Transfusion and Self Realization


Transfusion is an ancient energy system that is associated with self-realization. Transfusion is a flow that oscillates the self of the self within into interplay with spirit such that consciousness can understand the nonphysical in life perceptions. Life for many is devoid of the expanse of spirit. Self has been cut off from spirit for eons of time in human expression. The loss of spirit is a direct happenstance of loss of knowledge and direction to allow life to unfold in ease.


Transfusion is an adroit equation of light that spins over and through the biology augmenting diffusion of density into particles of gaseous substances of self. The gas flows through the pores and other gateways of self to dissipate on the exterior leading to a system of ascension of the vessel that augments self infusion of self. Self infuses into the biology where the density departs leading to a self and soul driven exposé of life.


Transfusion is not an oscillation possible without a rendition of light synthesis of self. Self of the self within is an energetic formation of seven layers of field that synthesize consciousness into self-awareness. Few understand the nature of self and it is a region of field that can be damaged as realization begins to transfuse. Transfusion light synthesizes the striations of the self of the self within into an ignition or spark that ignites truth to be exposed and expressed in life. Read more

Image of a pretty red flower with some yellow near the center. Flower Essences of Self #1

Flower Essences of Self #1


Flower Essences of Self Introduction


Flowers of Self


It is a wondrous occasion

To be the one of the one

Of the flower realm

Accolading my dream

In a happenstance of joy

In a cadence of sound

In a fortification of love

In a system of self

To cause the beautification of myself

In an enchanting foray

To realize the love of the love within


Flower Essences of Self Introduction


Flower essences of self is a series of articles to explore the issues of self-realization. Self realization is an antidotal process of recognition of the divine attributes of self. Self is a foray of a field that flowers within itself as realization occurs. The flowers of self shall explore the variant attributes of the formations of flowering that occurs in mindset development of divine proportions of self. Divine proportions of self accolade synergy to the systems of the field into waves of light formations that transfuse.


Transfusion is a light synthesis phenomenon. Light synthesis occurs as light waves are embraced into the self of the self within. The self of the self within is a flower formation that begins with the chalice divine. The chalice divine oscillates a lotus pattern that allows forgiveness to take flight in the life. Forgiveness is the first formation that allows self to descend and striate into the field. Self striates between the formations of chakras and flowers in florescence light formations as compassionate action and divinity occur in self development.


Self-development is not a formation of ascension. Ascension is a precursor to self development. Self-development occurs in light synthesis which first must form a field rotation attuned unto the possibility of self realization. Self realization is an ancient concept and field formation that has occurred in lifetimes and eras long lost. Self-realization occurs in small numbers in eras of recent aptitude of spiritual foray of dreams. Self realization is to occur in more numbers in the age of enlightenment about to unfold. Read more

Image of an exquisite blue water lily with a yellow center. Mindset Development #6

Mindset Development #6


Atlantean Seeds


Fostering Light Wave Sway


The Atlantean Seeds


I am that I am

A fostering from Atlantis

Seeded through time

To sway in light wave DNA

With my soul family

And foster light wave dreams

In an incantation divine

Of the planetary Tao

Who fosters renewal into my youth

In this life of mine

In light wave motion of field

Into another level of spiritual mastery

Of realizing myself through time


Atlantean Seeds: Sprouts of DNA from the Past into the Now  


The Atlantean Seeds are soon to sprout. Are you an Atlantean Seed? Atlantean Seeds were spawned in this time period to foster a recollection of light wave motion of field in order to grow light wave DNA in the physical and in the now. There are approximately forty thousand Atlantean seeds incarnate today as adults. There are another thirty thousand Atlantean Seeds incarnate as children or teenagers. There is another sixty thousand Atlantean Seeds to enter the world in the coming thirty years. The Atlantean Seeds are to sprout light wave DNA and mindset develop into another level of mastery that is destined to self-realize in some cases.


The Atlantean seeds are incarnate in pockets in regions that host light gates worldwide. There are those nearby that can foster partnerships or friendships of a kinship of fellow Seeds. Some families of Atlantean seeds will form, but most adults are the first generation to sprout in this cycle of light motion upon Earth. The entire purpose of the Atlantean Seeding of DNA is to foster a certain level of mastery of the mindset and also to cause self-realization to foster another bandwidth of thought-stream that is planetary in its effect over the whole of humanity. Those seeded may not know who you are yet. As the seed sprouts, another life begins to unfold of another level of mastery known as “self-development”.


There are also part-seeds of Atlantean thresholds of light motion aptitude that are already sprouting at this time. Those of part-seed Atlantean DNA may not mindset develop as much as learn to motion light and transfuse the body into an infused state of light that renews and revitalizes the life for a longer lifespan through time. Light motion DNA is a very beautiful derivation of mastery also to foster in your life. Part seeds sprout first; and full seeds take flight after the part seeded DNA has grown in the body. The part Atlantean Seed DNA fosters light motion into the cells of the body but not the mind. The full Atlantean Seed DNA sprouts as another layer of cortex of the mind that grows to cause mindset development in the life. Read more

Image of lovely white flowers with yellow center. Mindset Development #5

Mindset Development #5


The 18-18 Gateway


Mastering Light Wave Biology


18-18 Opening


The lore of the opening

Of the 18-18 sequencing

Is a gift of biological systems

That sustain light wave synergy

In each cell

In a motion that gives birth

To divine right to renew

And restore my youth

And my vitality

Through time

To augment the journey

Into realization of self


Light Wave Biology: Mastery of the 18-18 Gateways of Self Realization       


Light wave biology is a succinct rhythm of light that fosters renewal and sustenance of the body upon the physical plane. The light infuses into each cell with a photon particle of light in which the structure can fade from sugar metabolism into sustenance through light. The journey into light wave biology is a long and arduous journey. The ascension journey into the 11-11 and 12-12 pathways generates a thirty to forty percent light infused system of cells. Mastery into the 18-18 requires an eighty percent light infused cellular structure. Light biology begins to develop as the 11-11 gate is mastered. Light biology sequences into the forty to fifty percent range as the 12-12 gate is fostered. Light biology grows more succinctly as the 14-14 gate is fostered into light infusion systems of self.


Light infused cells do not consume sugar. Light infused biology hosts a different metabolism altogether. When the body is part light and part sugar-based metabolism, a diet of lacto-ovo vegetarianism that is half raw and half cooked is recommended. When the body sequences into a full light biological system from sixty to eighty percent infused, a vegan diet of primarily raw vegetables is recommended. Going carbohydrate free is important as the biology reaches a seventy percent infused state to offset diabetic flux that can lead to disease, blindness or death otherwise. Light infused biology causes many changes in the physical structure. The changes in the structure will be written of more fully in an article to follow.


The planet is about to take flight into the Mother Sun Dream. The Mother Sun Dream is a fostering of light and nothing else. Ascension has allowed the dreams beneath the Mother Sun quotients of life to be motioned beyond through light infusion of self. Those ready to master into the 16-16 to 18-18 pathways of development are to enter the Mother Sun Dream soon. Light quotients of forty percent or above must be integrated in the physical for the Mother Sun dream to take flight in life. The Mother Sun dream is not one of apartheid theory of separation of light and dark. The Mother Sun dream is of wholeness in which light and dark are integrated or amalgamated within. Amalgamation of light and dark is a fostering of wholeness theory. Read more

Image of a brilliant happy yellow flower. Mindset Development #4

Mindset Development #4


The 14-14 Gateway


Realization into Transfusion Theory of Self


14-14 Opening


The lore of the opening

Of the 14-14 sequencing

Is a gift of mindset development

Into oska and aliska

In a new threshold of awareness

That births realization

As a component of self

Experiencing itself

Through time

In a mesmerizing journey

Into the divine concepts of life

In the actualization of oneself


Tao Realization Theory: Mastery of the 14-14 Gateways of Ascension


Tao realization theory is an adroit equation to foster self of the self within. Self of the self is consciousness that fosters self-awareness to allow for divine concepts of existence to prevail within. Divine concepts are not difficult to illustrate and are presented to follow. Divine concepts are easy to read about but are difficult to realize within as each level of mastery must foster a rising above difficult happenstance of karma in life. Divine concepts are realized as they are acknowledged in often the most difficult of circumstances of experiences. Acknowledging divinity in those that resonate is easy. Acknowledging divinity in those that fail to resonate and are cantankerous in nature and damaging to one’s spirit or physical presence is the real task of those mastering the 14-14 threshold of existence in this era.


Tao realization is fostered by the Tao of the Tao within or the God aspect of self. The Goddess aspect is known as the Dao of the Dao within. Tao realizes the consciousness of the physical self while Dao realizes the consciousness of spirit. Self is realized through Tao inaugurations of field that bring light infusions into the biology and mindset of mental activity to stimulate divine interpretation of life. Light infusions trigger another flux of mindset to unfold as the synapses form in the cortex of the brain. Light infusions of field syncopate the biological mindset with the formations in the mental body to foster divine understanding of life in its unfolding through time.


Light infusion of field does occur in many who develop into 12-12 thresholds of development too. Light infusions trigger variations on a theme of forgiveness or compassionate action theory of life in 12-12 developments. Light is less infused into 11-11 developments. Light thresholds of 11-11 systems generally are no larger than thirty percent. 12-12 developments can foster up to eighty percent light infused field and biology through time. The larger the light quotient in a 12-12 development, the deeper the compassionate action that forms directing the life into dreams of deep sincerity and sustainability of presence. Read more

Image of a delicate white flower with green center. Mindset Development #3

Mindset Development #3


The 12-12 Gateway


Ascension into Compassion Theory of Self


12-12 Opening


The lore of the opening

Of the 12-12 sequencing

Is a gift of the heart

Of the planet

Attempting to give restitution

In an entanglement with the dark

Fostering a shift

In a direction of polarity

In which the journey of ascension

Triggers the breath of life

To flow for each and for the whole

In compassionate action


Compassionate Action Theory: Mastery of the 12-12 Gateways of Ascension    


Compassionate action is a theory of a life of mastery in many time periods. Compassionate action theory begins at the 12-12 threshold of thoughtform loop and motions upward into the 18-18 octave of development of self. Thoughts are formed in loops of forensics motion of light synthesis around the planetary systems of self. Loops of forgiveness are spirals that form in the cranium as well as in gates of the 11-11 sustained in nature. Nature sustains all gates for development of awareness in all time periods upon Earth. Earth is a natural world foray of dream.


Loops of compassion foster arc formations in the mindset. Loops of forgiveness fosters spirals in the cortex of the mind. Spirals flux into arcs as compassionate action is mastered in life. Arcs that foster compassionate action occur as the mindset develops into theta and meta bandwidths of thoughtform loops. Theta and meta is a fostering of formation lifting life from alpha, beta, love and hate loops of polarized thinking into the actions of forgiveness and the birth of compassionate action within.


Meta is active mindset that occurs during the day. Theta is dreaming actions of thoughts that occur at night while asleep. Conscious dreaming is a rare occurrence in meta theta bandwidths of development. Meta theta development cannot conscious dream due to a lack of forensic motion needed. Meta theta development can foster psychic perception to interpret the messages of spirit and the journey fostered while asleep. For many 12-12 developments in meta theta mindset without psychic perception, forgiveness and compassion occurs while asleep and then spills over into the daytime activities through time. Read more

Image of captivating lavender and white flowers. Mindset Development #2

Mindset Development #2


The 11-11 Gateway


Ascension into Forgiveness Theory of Self


11-11 Opening


The 11-11 gateway

Is a series of motions

That opens the heart

In the chalice of the divine

Giving birth to self

Flowering in itself

Fostering a truth divine within

And the expression of love

As a fostering of forgiveness

That is born within

And renditions the life

Into a hypothesis of ascension


Systems of the 11-11: Mastery of Forgiveness


Mindset development begins in mastery of the 11-11 octave of light infused ascension. Ascension is a foray of dream to foster a level of forgiveness theory of self. Self is the consciousness of field that is woven in between the chakras that causes awareness in life. The motions of the mind in the cortex in certain formations trigger awareness of self. The mind must develop in order for awareness of ascension level hypothesis of forgiveness to begin.


Mindset development begins as an 11-11 octave of development. 11-11 development triggers new synapses to grow on the cortex leading to unity-based awareness. 11-11 development also fosters a re-numeration of the binary encoding of the molecular structure of the biology. The re-numeration allows the consciousness to expand within to embrace concepts of forgiveness of each upon one’s path. The re-numeration also triggers new DNA to grow that fosters another level of health within. Organs that are weak or diseased can ascend and recover in the 11-11 apothecary of self.


Forgiveness theory of self is a development of many. There are many who have ascended into the 11-11 octave over this past century. Those mastering forgiveness develop synapses in the cortex relay a spiral mind wave. Spiraling mind waves are associated with evolutionary fulfillment concepts of self. Evolution is fulfilled upon through forgiveness theory of self as 11-11 development occurs. The spiraling mind wave triggers a release of emotional strife as forgiveness unfolds. Balance and harmony follow as the strife is forgiven within. Read more

Image of beautiful pink cherry blossoms. Mindset Development #1

Mindset Development #1


Overview of Mindset Development


Ascension into Self Development and Realization Theory


Mindset Development


The birth of the mind

Is a series of light infusions

Sustained through time

That fosters the cells to illuminate

Giving birth to self

Realizing in itself

Fostering a system of divinity

In the expression of synergy

In a wave motion of prose

That ignites a flame

Of truth within

Giving birth unto divine love within


Systems of Mindset Development

The 11-11, 12-12, 14-14, 16-16 and 18-18

Gateways to Levels of Mastery of Ascension into Self Realization


The 11-11, 12-12, 14-14, 16-16 and 18-18 are gateways or portholes into the concepts of forgiveness, compassionate action and divinity of self. Self is a consciousness that develops as striations of light are woven into the subtle bodies of mental, emotional, creative and intuitive awareness. The light striations synthesize motions of light waves in the field that cause octaves to be transfused through associated with mastery over each porthole and the divine concepts associated. Transfusion is an act of light synthesis that allows a connection between the physical and nonphysical associated with archetypal understanding. Transfusion dispensates knowing associated with each level of development.


Transfusion allows archetypal knowledge to be understood through light synthesis of self. Synthesis of self causes understanding to flow between the subtle bodies and mindset of the physical. Light synthesis of self fosters mindset development to comprehend the issues of mastery as self develops through time. Mindset development levels are a function of the waves that form through the synapses of the cortex of the cranium along with the subtle bodies. As mindset matches the subtle bodies, the physical and nonphysical better comprehend one another. Mindset has many formations of synapse development and flowers to foster understanding of forgiveness, compassion, or divine realization in the lives of those mastering self.


Most ascending humans foster non-succinct waves in the cortex of the mind. Non-succinct waves motion in angular synapse formations that flux in non-divine thoughts within. Non-divine brainwave motions equate to passive-aggressive behavior, depression, boredom, or listlessness; or hyper active behavior of nervousness to excitement or elation. Non-succinct mind waves spike, squiggle, flare or are disjointed in the formations of waves flowing out of the synapses of the cortex. Spikes are associated with elation, nervousness, fear or excitement. Flares trigger passive aggressive behavior. Squiggles cause the flavor of depression or listlessness in the life expression. Most mindset of ascending humans is non-succinct until development is fostered to another level within through continued mastery. Read more

Image of an exquisite lavender water lily with golden center. Mindset Development Introduction

Mindset Development Introduction


Ascension into Self Realization Theory of Mastery


The Mind


The mind is the gift

Of the awareness of self

In a forensics motion

Of a heart-mind accolade

Giving birth to union

In divine honor of all

Fostering the knowing

Of the mastery keys of life

In the beautification of care

Of the self of each

In the dreams of love

Of a realizing master within


Self-Realization Theory: Mastery of Divinity       


Self-realization is another level of ascension that is associated with the mastery of spirit over matter into the divine accolades of self. Self-theory is a level of consciousness that transfuses. Transfusion is a light force occurrence that synthesizes knowledge of physical realization unto the nonphysical for a continued existence post death. Those who transfuse generally do not become ill and renew in each cycle of development as long as the diet supports the journey. Transfusion is a light synthesis motion that sustains the mindset. Mindset is an adroit equation of synapses that allow for realization of self. Mindset development is a pre-requisite unto realization of self.


Divinity is a keynote of development for the purposes of transfusion lore of self. Transfusion lore of self is founded upon equality to foster the birth of realization within. Equality is an understanding that all is one and none is larger, smaller, grander or diminished in life regardless of happenstance of self. Equality is the prelude to development of the first synthesis of the self of the self within. The self of the self within develops into eighteen systems of divine concepts that are often difficult to transfuse through. Each of the eighteen systems flower in multiple light motions as prose thoughtform is perceived, witnessed, understood, realized and actualized through time. Self-realization language is poetry in motion known as prose. Prose reflects upon the lesson understood as each wave motion is mastered within.


Divine concepts of self are not an illusion but an internal mechanism to understand life from the point of reverence of truth in divine thoughts of wave prose. Truth is sustainable in increasing increments with each wave prose mastered in light motion. Light motions of truth are developed through the Tao of the Tao within. Tao is a force that asserts itself in development of self from within the archetype of self. Each human is born of a specific archetype with a specific life goal through time. Those realizing are of a particular bandwidth of archetype suited to the goal of actualization in each cycle. Many archetypes master ascension. Some can traverse no further as the mindset is incapable of developing within. Read more