Image of pale golden and white soft lights abstract background. Bokeh abstract light background.

About Us and Light Wave Evolution


In collaboration with their Dreamtime Ascension School (DAS) and the Aligning With Earth website, Asur’Ana and Per have been requested by the Tao to bring forth a new series of information about light wave evolution. Light waves foster a different type of evolutionary fulfilment than the consensus based ascension written about in the Ascension Insights series. Light waves allow for a release of magnetic based patterning and the integration of fusion movements that foster a whole and complete evolutionary sequence. Light waves and light infusion allow for a level of renewal and other healing modalities through the transfigurative or transformative paradigms. Transfigurative paradigm offers the possibility of a new infusion of self that fosters another direction in the dream of the life.


Divinity and Wholeness Theory


Light wave evolution is a motion of light synthesis that fosters another level of mastery beyond ascension systems of self. Light waves are motions of the divine oscillations of self realization. Self-realization is an augmentation of awareness of the sublime motions of the divine in the dance of life. Divinity is an actualization of forgiveness, compassionate action and other divine concepts of existence including wholeness theory of self. Wholeness theory is a concept that the Dao or feminine and the Tao or masculine ignite a flame of truth in the heart accolade of self.  The flame of truth is a level of mastery that ignites the possibility of the motions of light synthesis of field.


Light waves are fostered in prose Ckantor, a poetic motion of light, sound, color and thought that trigger poetry in motion in life. Poetry in motion translates into superlative notions of existence that cause the sublime oscillations of the divine to dream alongside oneself. Dreaming of the divine is not anything other than experiencing the magical momentous occasions in life. Momentous occasions are moments in which the syncopation of dream and life causes superlative dreams to occur that trigger deep gratitude and joy within. Superlative motions can occur with nature along with one another as forgiveness and compassionate action unfold.


Mindset Development


Mindset development is a theory of the divine concepts of life motioned in mind waves. In order for divine concepts to be understood, the synapses of the brain must be fostered to develop in particular formations that oscillate in divine motions of self. Mindset development is case specific to ancestry and fosters self-realization within. Self realization is not to be confused with ascension or other spiritual focuses upon the path. Self realization is an oscillation of love that is founded upon the merger of the Dao and Tao within in a divine spark of self ignited in the truth of the assertion of the life.


Self Realization


Light Wave Evolution is devoted to Self Realization. Self-Realization is a fostering of the planetary Tao in this cycle. The Planetary Tao infuses light quotients into those who have successfully mastered their ascension systems in life. The light infuses into the biology fostering the birth of Light Motion DNA. Light Motion DNA actualizes another type of biology into the physical. The physical embraces light into the cells that warms the body through photonic particles rather than consumption of sugar. Read more

Image of Sun flash over pink bokeh background.

About Us and Global Ascension


The Aligning with Earth website in association with the Dreamtime Ascension School (DAS) is a collaborative organization under the direction of Asur’Ana, Per, Terra (Earth), Anasonya (the Inner Earth Mother) and the Tao. The purpose of the organization is to bring forth human ascension and support the global ascension of Earth.


Earth’s Ascension Is Gradual


Ascension is the process by which any planet, star, civilization or species evolves. In the evolutionary process, the biology of the form is altered allowing the form to increase upward in vibration from week, to month, to year, to decade. As this is accomplished gradually and over time, the form enters first a fourth dimensional existence and eventually a fifth dimensional existence in its choice to return “home” to where it was spawned.


Earth is becoming a star. One day Earth shall shine bright much like your solar Sun. Likewise your solar Sun is in the process of moving up in vibration and becoming a 12th dimensional vessel. Earth and your Sun are two of 4 Suns ascending simultaneously within your creation. This is the underlying cause of “global warming”. Earth is heating up due to her ascension, as ascension brings about an increasing vibration and higher rotation of molecular structure, which is the underlying cause of the increasing temperature of Earth.


Earth is choosing to return Home to where she was spawned. Earth was spawned from a spark of thoughtform in the Tao. The Tao is a Power or Force what Asur’Ana has defined as a part of herself and All That Exists that sits outside of space, time and form and directs creation. Others have called this Power/Force many names: God, the One Source, All That Is, the Great Spirit or the Ocean of Love. Earth is learning to attune to herself or her Tao within to guide her in her return journey home.


The process of ascension is not new, nor is it a rapid process. Earth has been increasing in vibration since your last ice age. It shall take upwards of 5,000 years to move Earth from her current vibration fully into the 5th dimension thereby attaining the state of a star. It may take hundreds of thousands of years for Earth to return Home to the Tao. In the meantime, Earth is moving into a New Dream and field rotation related to the Great Central Sun that she fell from millions of years ago and upon other dimensions of thoughtform. Read more

Image of the Beehive crop circle. The Language of ONE #33-65

3. The Language of ONE #33-65


The Language of ONE is brought forth as crop circle definitions that are made available unto ascending initiates by the Great Central Sun for the purposes of transcendence. Each symbol will invoke a holographic energy movement in the field, just as the Language of Light symbols cause movement that dissipates density and allows for ascension. Please see Chapter 3 of Ascension Insights, Volume 6 for definitions of the Language of ONE #1-32


Crop Circle Interpretations


Caution: If these symbols cause one to feel dizzy, nauseous or faint and uncomfortable, we guide you to return to the Language of Light symbols and master these tones first in one’s personal ascension.


When Finish: Please intend to disengage from the movement that each symbol fosters when you are finish with your focus. We recommend using these symbols in small amounts a little at a time until one has embraced a flow that supports these tones. These tones are “macro” commands that invoke the entire scale of the Language of Light single, dual, tri and quad tones all at once. Also intend that one adjusts the movement to serve one’s current level of ascent by requesting this of Earth’s angels. Earth is holding a dream to support the learning of the movement of the Language of ONE for all whom are ready for this next level of work.


33. Holographic Record Keeping









Holographic records are kept in a tightly organized manner in which there is 900 times more memory than spiral based storage. Holographic records allow for much more information stored in a more organized manner, not unlike current human data keeping on CD Rom that emulates Earth’s field. The increasing record keeping capabilities allow Earth to retrieve lost holographic records and store them for reference or use in the continued ascent of each kingdom or the whole of Earth.


34. Holographic Consensus Based Knowledge









Holographic knowing allows one to access all information ever understood at a particular bandwidth of frequency within one’s species or the consensus at large. No information is withheld and nothing is missing. All that is required to access the knowing is the right vibrations and keys and as long as one does not misuse the information in any manner, then one will have access to whatever one requires to understand in order to ascend. This is the same for each species as well as Earth as a whole.  Read more

Our Photo #1

Image of Asur'Ana and Per with the tranquil Alta River in Norway as the background. Asur'Ana is wearing a yellow hibiscus flower as a hair ornament and with gold-green shirt-pants suit. Per is wearing a light blue shirt underneath a navy blue jacket.


Blessings of Ascension and Enlightenment


August 8, 2023


This photo of us was taken in October 2008. Shortly thereafter and due to karmic manipulation from dark forces, we were separated for 11 years before we could be reunited again in December 2019. Looking back now, even though it was a manipulation, it also served as a spiritual testing for our relationship.


Many of the twins and divine counterparts’ stories from Shakti and Shaktar were written during the time period from 2009-2012. The partnership prose and stories helped Asur’Ana to acknowledge the complex issues that couples face and many things that happen between people who care a lot about each other; but maybe unintentionally hurt each other due to manipulation from outside forces. They assisted her to heal over the loss of Per and to prepare for our reunion a decade later.


Twins are notorious for doing everything together, and not realizing separate from one another. Asur’Ana has chosen to relinquish her twin in their enforced separation and carry on in her realization of herself alone. Per also carried on in his own realization by himself. After a long period of fostering the beloved of the beloved within herself, she was eventually reunited with her beloved Per to fulfill upon their shared ascension and spiritual missions together.



Aloha Pumehana,

Asur’Ana and Per


From the Light Wave Series, and especially, Light Wave 9: Psychology of Tao Realization


Our Photo #2

Our Photo #2

Image of Asur'Ana and Per with the tranquil Alta River in Norway as the background. Asur'Ana is wearing a reddish burgundy laced shirt-pants suit. Per is wearing a light blue shirt underneath a navy blue jacket.


Blessings of Love and Peace


August 8, 2023


This photo of us was taken in October 2008. Shortly thereafter and due to karmic manipulation from dark forces, we were separated for 11 years before we could be reunited again in December 2019. Looking back now, even though it was a manipulation, it also served as a spiritual testing for our relationship.


Many of the twins and divine counterparts’ stories from Shakti and Shaktar were written during the time period from 2009-2012. The partnership prose and stories helped Asur’Ana to acknowledge the complex issues that couples face and many things that happen between people who care a lot about each other; but maybe unintentionally hurt each other due to manipulation from outside forces. They assisted her to heal over the loss of Per and to prepare for our reunion a decade later.


Twins are notorious for doing everything together, and not realizing separate from one another. Asur’Ana has chosen to relinquish her twin in their enforced separation and carry on in her realization of herself alone. Per also carried on in his own realization by himself. After a long period of fostering the beloved of the beloved within herself, she was eventually reunited with her beloved Per to fulfill upon their shared ascension and spiritual missions together.



Aloha Pumehana,

Asur’Ana and Per


From the Light Wave Series, and especially, Light Wave 9: Psychology of Tao Realization


Our Photo #1

Image of amazingly sparkling aqua blue water of a bay. Forgiving the Spiritual Lessons of our Grand Master Ancestors

Chapter 7: Forgiving the Spiritual Lessons of our Grand Master Ancestors


Mastering Integrity Within and Defining Guru Archetypes     


This is the last chapter of Workbook 2 and all of its explorations into the emotional make up of humans at this time in history, and what requires transcending to come into the middle path of greater unity and integrity within. Unity within and integrity within are intricately intertwined; without unity there can be no integrity; and without integrity there can be no unity. Integrity is a state of being that states “I honor you, I honor me, I honor the group, I honor nature and I honor Earth”. It is in the honor of all things that real unity comes forth in the dance of the two or the many.


There are many time periods in which honor and integrity flourished in the human dream. Honor and integrity were the foundation of dream that the Grand Masters came to Earth within; and anchored for the other red nations’ tribes to flow within. This is the karma we are to explore within this section along with a host of other relations that were the descendents of the Grand Masters and created karma that has influenced the archetypal patterns in all related unto them over time.


Earliest Records of Combustion Revealed


At the time that Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 of Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension: Workbook 1 were written, less was known about the lives of the Grand Masters than today. Therefore, we now give a greater overview of their purpose and nature. We have uncovered records of larger headed humans that came to exist upon Earth prior to the era of the Grand Masters. These humans appear to have come to exist within the Inner Earth to explore the possibility of relocating unto Terra from Sirius A.


They worked with the energy dynamics of Earth and appear to also have combusted in attempted ascensions. We have no record of any fourth dimensional human remaining from this time period which dates to 80,000 Earth years ago (320,000 human years) and 30,000 Earth years ago (120,000 human years) prior to the arrival of the Grand Masters; and 5,000 Earth years (20,000 human years) prior to the seeding of the 18 red nations’ tribes. [The Grand Masters came to Earth 50,000 Earth years ago (200,000 human years). The seeding of the red nations occurred 75,000 Earth years ago (300,000 human years).]


The combustions of these larger headed humans that came to Earth occurred in small groups of five or less and so had minimal impact upon Terra’s energy flow of the time. However, the records of combustion appear to have influenced the larger headed Grand Masters to follow the same deadly path in a later time period. It is unclear that the Sirian larger headed humans of the time understood that those that appeared to have ascended, actually combusted. Read more

Image of a small heart pillow among pink roses. Workbook 2 Chapter 7 Worksheets

Workbook 2: Chapter 7 Worksheets


These worksheets are to be used with Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension: Workbook 2, Chapter 7: Forgiving the Spiritual Lessons of our Grand Master Ancestors.


Forgiving the Spiritual Lessons of our Grand Master Ancestors


These worksheets are focused upon addressing those issues related to the Grand Master ancestors with the large craniums that came to Earth 50,000 years ago (200,000 years as humans measure time) and set in motion a series of patterns that have been problematic unto Terra along with humanity alike throughout time. As the lessons of those of this nature are understood and forgiven, the pattern of false ascension and incomplete ascension will also be forgiven, and then the path of real complete ascension Home to the Tao can open up to all humans as their future destiny upon Earth.


Before this can come to be so, the map makers who are working with this information must create a complete map without schisms or gaps in the DNA, and to a destination that creates peace within and without. Therefore, this information is also devoted to the path of the peacemaker as a map maker who will find unity and integrity within and then create unity and integrity-based relationships outside of self in the dance of life as a result of your ascension.


Unity and integrity as they have been expressed in the past can be brought forward into the NOW and experienced. However, we now understand that the Grand Master dance of unity and integrity was very short lived in their time upon Earth; and the sour nature of the dance of disunity that followed set in motion a dream in which disunity and non-integrity has recurred again and again throughout history.


Throughout human history there have been sweet times of balance, unity and joy followed by very sour times of disunity, struggle, lack, and often warfare, in particular as the cycles of the Anu have rolled around creating conflict to an extreme. As the dance of swinging between the polarity of sweet and sour dreams is forgiven, then sweeter dreams can be woven overall in the continued dance of life. Sweeter dreams appear sweeter only against the tapestry of what sour dreams make manifest.


In the new languages anchored related to the Language of ONE and Language of the Tao that is now entering Terra’s core, there is no sweet or sour music; there is only the constant dream and music of truth to be expressed as a result of one’s thoughtform. Over time and as ascending humans embody the music of the Tao, a constant and harmonious dream will be called into the dance of life. Read more

Image of a peaceful lake with the forest and mountains in the background. Transcending Seduction and Illusion

Chapter 6: Transcending Seduction and Illusion


Becoming the Authentic Self             


This chapter is devoted to the patterns of seduction and illusion in all the many and varied ways that it occurs amongst humans. Humans have fallen into the need to appear other than whom and what one is in order to please, make peace, unite others, or feel loved and accepted in the dance of life. This is the underlying cause of the need to seduce from Mother Earth’s point of view. Underneath the seduction however one can often feel incompetent or as though one must bend the truth in order to play the role that the seducer or seduced one participates in. Therefore, seduction is the underlying cause of why humans bend their will as explored in Chapter 5 of Workbook 2.


Seduction is so common in the human dance of life that there is hardly one relationship that does not sustain itself somewhat on the act of seduction. Those gifted at seduction are more popular than those who are not. Those least gifted at seduction are the most disliked or even hated in the dance of life. Seduction does not rely upon abusive techniques that are verbal or behavioral in nature; instead, they lure others to oneself but then abuse in the unconscious energetic dynamics instead. So, one could say that seduction is abusive and destructive in the unconscious and not the physical.


The Origins of Seduction         


Where does seduction originate? Seduction originated with Zeus and Innana primarily. Zeus and Innana archetypal natures seduce sexually, and through attracting others to them through the sexual flow. The sexual flow creates a mirror through which one is mirrored whatever one desires to perceive about Zeus or Innana archetype that portrays them in a favored manner. All the negative attributes of Zeus or Innana archetype are hidden behind the mirrors so that one simply does not perceive them, unless of course one lives or works closely with those of Zeus or Innana archetypal nature.


Seduction is difficult to sustain in an ongoing and recurrent manner, as it requires 100% more chi to sustain the mirrors or veils of illusion than spin a field. Therefore, in an ongoing living or work circumstance, the veils of seduction fall away and the real nature of the person underneath is revealed. It is for this reason that romance often only lasts as long as two do not live together, as once the truth of who the other is becomes revealed, the love founded upon seduction dissipates. Often amongst couples that are extremely variant in genealogies where one is primarily red nation and the other Pleiadian or Anu, there is an ongoing misunderstanding of one another beyond the original seduction. This is where most conflictive partnerships arise from; the two simply do not understand one another upon a molecular level.


If two understand one another as the inheritance parallels from Sirius and is red nation in origins, then there is an innate acceptance of one another that leads to more greatly peaceful unions. It is for this reason that Mother Earth advises that humans build ascending partnerships with those who inherently parallel and have harmonious ancestries, as ascension together requires more harmony in order to sustain a balanced divine union flow and field rotation. Relationships that are disharmonious take away from ascension and lead to failed ascension beyond a certain point, and therefore those devoted to mastery over Bodhisattva level evolution are guided to release those partnerships or associations that do not serve. Read more

Image of the delectable jackfruit on the tree. Earth Light Wave Sign Language #15

Earth Light Wave Sign Language #15


Truth of Self


The Truth of Self


Truth of You

The truth of me

Is not the truth of you

Nor am I the truth of the group or my nation

I love that I am

I bless each that loves in return

I care that I am

I care for those who care

I knot those who fail to care

Due to the closure of the human heart

That hurts the self of myself

I blossom in a sway divine with my Dao

In the truth of my essence within


Truth of You


The truth of you is fostered in a sway of the divine with spirit and soul that descends into matter. Spirit and soul cannot descend into a non-love status of being. There are many who desire to dance with those who love who fail to care from the heart. In the dance with others who fail to care, spirit and soul cease to descend as it hurts spirit and soul to be in a status of a system of non-care of you and them. Without love, the truth of you cannot blossom due to the loss of spirit and soul. The soul driven life cannot emerge in the loss of care of the human systems unless you choose to love and bless only those who care in return. Love and bless you. Love and bless those who care in return. Love the self of you until soul and spirit descend to foster the truth of you into a living play of deep care of the heart of the soul family.


Tao fosters the truth of you within. The truth of you is not complete until it is actualized into the dreams of life. Truth is a circle all of its own. Truth blossoms within as you contemplate over why you fail to love each and yourself. As you love you and love each, truth bubbles up in the heart sway of self.


As the heart sways, you bless each who cares and also those who trespassed upon you in life who do not care for you. As you bless those who trespassed, they cease to affluence your mind into a mind bend of the non-divine. As you love you, truth bubbles up in a larger circumference of affluence over your life stream. Love of you calls spirit and soul to be present within the sway with your Dao within. As the Dao of your heart sways with you, you learn to cease to bless those who cannot love you in return as it hurts your heart and the Dao of you. Read more