Image of holographic moon phase. Holographic Moon Cycles

5. Holographic Moon Cycles


Blessings for Remembering the Cycles of the Moon


May 28, 2022


Dear Beloved upon the Red Road of Inner Discovery,


It is the Native American Ancestors that have something to share today. Long ago, our ancient ones were well aware of the moon cycles. Moon cycles are not necessarily about what the “Farmer’s Almanac” has to say, or even the Hawaiians that followed the moon cycles for planting and fishing along with celebration purposes. Moon cycles are about the time that the moon shines following each day of activity that is not only for rest but also introspection about the spiritual lessons that you may be learning. Asur’Ana has called this time of introspection “Dreamtime” or “Dream Time”.


Dreamtime is a time for the body to rest and for the light body or dream time self to assist in your ascension by gathering records necessary unto your spiritual journey in the healing temples that Earth has orchestrated for ascending humans. The records researched may include the necessary DNA to repair a particular part of the body that is ailing or requires attention for the ascension ahead; or to research karma in the inheritance for a particular energy dynamic that is troublesome and could lead to disease if not forgiven; or helping to assemble holographic templates related to your inheritance.


Sometimes those who are gifted conscious dreamers experience portions of their dream time consciously while lying awake and focusing upon the patterns that the dreamtime self is relaying back to physicality. Asur’Ana and Per spend portions of each night consciously dreaming about the patterns that they are personally transcending in their current phase of ascension along with group patterns that are troublesome that require releasing at their dreamtime events ahead. Dream time offers an opportunity to review the life dream and then forgive those patterns at cause of dreams one does not desire to manifest so that a different dream steps into physicality.


Conscious dream time is for those who are choosing to consciously learn to intend and weave their dreams and then live to experience them. Generally speaking, humans today accept the dreams that they experience whether they like them or not without awareness that they can mold or alter dreams to a more desirous outcome. Molding dreams requires paying attention to the dreams stepping down into the physical, and then through the conscious choice to understand the karma between dissonant parties or within dissonant experiences, forgive the karma altering the outcome of the dream in your favor. As the karma skewing any dream in a particular manner is released, then a new dream is cast causing a different outcome in the dance of life to descend into the physical. (Please refer to the last chapter “The Twelve Paths of the Red Road Home” for some tips on conscious dream weaving.)


Bardo and the Choice to Ascend


Conscious dreaming and choosing to mold dreams in one direction or another is the result of the choice to ascend. In the choice to ascend, you choose to experience your “bardo” or life review nightly rather than upon death or in a near death experience. Humans have been so unaware of the need to assess the spiritual lessons that they are learning over the course of the life that they have deferred this experience to an after death phenomenon. Read more

Image of a striking red ruby rock or crystal. Blessings for Absolute Divine Union between Body, Soul and Earth

13. Blessings for Absolute Divine Union Between Body, Soul and Earth


From the Ruby Mineral Kingdom


The Ruby Mineral Kingdom greets you today along with all other minerals that hold the quad tone of Absolute Divine Union at this time in Terra’s (Earth’s) global ascension. The minerals associated with holding the movements and pale rose-magenta color of Absolute Divine Union include Iolite (represents the Function tone in the Language of Light), Cinnabar (Consciousness tone), Ruby (External tone) and Sapphire (Communion tone).


The Import of the Pale Magenta Ray


Asur’Ana found a small piece of ruby for her altar over a year ago now and this was a needed tone to be added for the work ahead in DAS and at their dreamtime events. As Asur’Ana communed with us, she discovered that Ruby is actually a much more colorful stone in the Inner Earth than it has fallen into expressing upon the surface of the Earth. Ruby is a crystalline stone and very hard and appears in all colors within the Inner Earth including rose, yellow, turquoise, lavender and the magenta form as it is more likely to be found upon Earth’s surface. Ruby is a hard stone just like diamond which is a result of its crystalline nature and can be used to cut glass.


Sapphire is really a blue hue of Ruby that also appears upon the surface of the Earth and unites in this quad tone to create the movements of Absolute Divine Union. Although sapphire and iolite are blue colored in the physical, the quad tone appears as a pale magenta mist as it spins in any field. Why is this? The pale magenta tone creates or carves the pathway through which soul can be anchored into any field. Most of life upon the surface of the Earth has become soulless and run by false gods over time; therefore, this ray is important to the restoration of the soul driven life.


What is Absolute Divine Union? Absolute Divine Union allows for the communion between body, soul and Earth. The new blueprint for ascending humans does not only involve soul but also Earth, nature and ancestral consciousness that help to co-direct the script in any given dance of life. Although there are other tones within the Language of Light that create an experience of divine union, it really requires the mastery over the Absolute Divine Union Command to sustain a dance of communion 24 hours per day in the mineral kingdom’s observation. Until Absolute Divine Union is mastered, many initiates tend to swing between hearing false gods and false creators and their soul, Earth, ancestors and nature in a day to day experience of ascension.


False Gods and False Creators vs. Soul and Nature or Earth


How can one discern between false god or false creator communications and those sincerely flowing from Earth, Nature or one’s Soul, Oversoul and Source? The difference is actually quite easy to discern and it is why the mineral kingdom chooses to speak to it in a straight forward manner. The false gods and creators are self-centered beings with little knowledge really about love, communion, joy, peace, freedom, truth or anything else. All they are interested in is control, domination, ownership and non-freedom. Read more

Light Wave Webinar #7: Transfusion in Rainbow Light


The transfusion of you

Is a light wave sway

That triggers divine grace

To flow unto

Your life stream

Causing inspiration

And your imagination

To take flight

To foster your tomorrow

In beauty and delight


Light Wave Webinar #7 Introduction


Transfusion is a natural motion of light waves that permeate the body. Transfusion systems are a design of gates that retain light motions in succinct rhythms that aid you in increasing the light in your cells.


Transfusion systems can go corrupt. Transfusion systems can invert leading to motions of down fusion that cause you to grow tired. Transfusion systems can foster the wrong rays leading to ill health.


Buoyancy and Sway


Transfusion requires Angels and Archangels (or Arc angels) to retain their buoyancy. Buoyancy is a flow that lofts the field and enhances the mind to expand in awareness to realize something new. Buoyancy can also be lost if the gates no longer flux properly.


Sway is another aspect of transfusion. Sway is a motion that suspends you with your Dao to foster your Dao dreaming and guidance from within. Sway is suspended by Dao and can also go corrupt. Read more

Image of a mystical sunset at a beach. Mastering the Light of You #1

Mastering the Light of You #1


The Nature of Light


The light

Is a gift of life

That is always present

To revive and renew

The body mind and soul

In an ageless tomorrow

Of abundant dreams

Of a truth of all that is

And all that has ever been

That the light has never dimmed

Unless the mind

Believes it so

Believe it not

And arise and shine

In the light of you

Renew and revitalize

Finding the truth

Of your youth

In the self of you


Mindset of You and Light


The mindset of you fosters the thought-stream of the humanness of yourself. The mindset of you is a fostering of synapses and a biochemical structure of life form. Life form is ethereal while the physical appears less so although in reality the physical is only light. Light is witnessed in the molecules and atoms of you. The molecules and atoms are the light of you as a physical structure. Where the light is dim, disease or infection may lie in the physical. Where the light is bright, health is sustainable. When the light is too bright, there may be another condition such as inflammation in the physical.


The mind has light quotients too. Where the mind is dim, you are depressed, grievous or suicidal in an emotional context within. Where the mind is just right in light, you are well and sit in peace with yourself and your life unfolding. Where the mind is too bright and spikes, you are anxious, or angry or feel insane to deranged within and possibly in your actions in life. The mind spikes due to over wattage of light. The mind dims due to under-wattage of light. The mind is best when the right wattage of light is present for balanced mindset function in your head.


What causes the mind to dim? In the recesses of your life, you have thought consistently about death as a future and possibly an escape out of your own misery at the end of your lifespan. The more that you have focused upon death, the dimmer the light grows in your mindset. What focuses foster death thought-stream? You do not have to adventure too far out into the media bandwidths of local or global news to witness death thought-stream in action. Read more

Image of a red and black lady bug on a yellow flower. The Little Ladybug

18. The Little Ladybug


Blessings for Full Consciousness


The Ladybug and Beetle Kingdom


It is the Lady Bug and Beetle Kingdoms that address you today. Ladybug is a member of the Beetle Kingdom, although most find us smaller and perhaps more “adorable” in appearance with our red wings and black poke-a-dots. The Beetle Kingdom has a specific role upon Earth that is vital to global consciousness as we hold the frequency of spiritual awareness and knowledge. It is perhaps for this reason that the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt recognized our kingdom as a spiritual symbol.


Spiritual Awareness and Knowledge


Spiritual knowledge can be equated to consciousness or awareness. Over time, consciousness and awareness has declined so drastically upon the physical plane that there is little recall of the spiritual purpose of any species, including humans, whales and dolphins that are purported to be “fully conscious” in nature. In the original blueprint for your Creation, humans, dolphins and whales were the keepers of consciousness; over time, humans in particular dropped so low in vibration that they ceased to hold consciousness from the perspective of the Beetle Kingdom.


What is consciousness? Consciousness is the ability to be aware within the physical form or vessel of one’s life and spiritual purpose; it is further the ability to direct the physical in genetic changes or modifications inherent in the act of ascension. Ascension has always been about biological modifications towards non-physicality. Real ascension is about the merger of the soul and physicality in a blaze of light following which the physical form retracts off the physical plane. This is the real “homecoming” that ascension makes possible, a return to the nonphysical for all physical form.


Ascension and Homecoming


In our perception, humans desire ascension for many reasons. For most, there is an innate knowing that one is “not at home”, and there is a desire to return “home”, wherever home may be. A part of the reason that most humans feel so not at home is the simple truth that one’s inheritance and DNA originate from other galaxies. One’s home therefore is light-years away, and one may not be able to return there even as consciousness until the karma has been released that has retained one upon Earth. The gift of this end of cycle time period is that all consciousness that originated elsewhere in creation will return home, as it cannot carry forward into this Great Central Sun if it did not originate therein.


Beetle therefore perceives that there will be much homecoming in the coming quarter century for the human, whale and dolphin species along with many other kingdoms upon Earth, for each shall retract and return to their creation of origin. For those remaining with Earth in this journey into the Great Central Sun, the homecoming will not only be in the entry into her dream, but in the merger of physical with the nonphysical about 8,000 Earth years (32,000 human years) into the future. This shall be the real homecoming in which all that is physical concludes its experience and merges with soul again; and then and only then can the return journey Home to the Tao may begin. Read more

Image of the vibrant green peninsula off the coast of beautiful Kauai. Opening the Heart and Remembering to Love Again

1. Opening the Heart and Remembering to Love Again


Book’s Introduction


This book offers a series of letters generated by the Hawaiian Ancestors to assist the Hawaiian Nation (or those who are Hawaiian at Heart) in opening their hearts and learning to love again as well as finding their way to a sovereign state of being. It is the hope of the Hawaiian Ancestors that the Hawaiian Nation will find its way to sovereignty again where those who love the land can live freely from what it provides.


As she moved to the islands, Asur’Ana had promised the Hawaiian Ancestors that she would assist Hawaiians in finding their truth and moving towards the sovereignty of leadership to direct their lives and relations again. This also is the purpose of these letters. Asur’Ana has agreed to step aside and allow the Hawaiian Ancestors to speak their truth so that the Hawaiian Nation (and those who are Hawaiian at Heart) can find their way to sovereignty again to live freely from what the land and sea can give.


Sovereignty is a state of being that leads to greater freedom within. Today most Hawaiians as well as humans in general are imprisoned; they are imprisoned by their jobs, their mortgages, their family, and the government. There is little joy in a life of slavery. Money and the objects that they buy are no substitute for love as it does not fill the human heart. There was once a time that none of this existed; less than 500 years ago, most Hawaiians lived freely from the land without the requirement to pay taxes to the monarchy.


There is balance that sustains one’s health and life in giving the love of one’s heart to one’s crops and then allowing the abundant plant life to feed one’s needs. There is balance in taking in honor and love from the resources of the land to build one’s dwellings. It is love as it is exchanged with the land and sea that leads to a state of health, abundance and prosperity. It is because the land and sea love one in return that health and a long life that is joyful to live can be sustained.


Today Hawaiians (and those who are Hawaiian at heart) have fallen into a human-made dream that is not a part of the natural world. It is in moving into a loveless dream founded upon monetary gain and technological gadgets that leads to dissatisfaction, drug use, alcoholism, depression and strife as well as disease. It shall be in returning to a state of being where love flows between humans and the land and sea again that health and harmony amongst humans shall also be restored. This too is the purpose of these letters, to highlight what internal and external changes one can begin to make to begin to change one’s world into a state of love, health and abundance again. Read more

Image of a 5-petal blue flower with gold center. Flower Essences of Self #3

Flower Essences of Self #3


Polarity Reversal and Astrology


The Position of the Sun and Realization


Realization of Self


I am that I am that I am

In a foray of truth

Of the sustenance of who I am

Choosing a new future

Through realization of myself

As an archetypal foray

Of a dream of my reversal

Into the sustenance of who I am

As a presence of the Tao and Dao within

In the physical


Self- Realization and Shaktar Dreaming


Polarity reversal is an act of transformation for those upon the spiritual quest for realization. Realization is the result of a reversal of poles in the astrological sequences of events over the course of any life of a spiritual longing. Astrology is a symposium of vibrations and melodies that instrument a focus of dream in each sequence of life. There are symposiums for relationship lore along with life lore dreams of work, family and friends. There are also symposiums that direct realization in a spiritual foray of possibility. (Please refer to “Shakti Relationship Lore” in Light Wave 4: Divine Partnership for more information on the dreams that foster union.)


The sounds of the universe are an orchestration of Shaktar order of dreaming. Shaktar is a various melody of accolade of self all of its own. Self is a universal instrument of ordering for the purposes of realization of self. Self is an objective instrument of nonphysical existence that is little recognized in the current spiritual happenstance of the human race. Self and spirit or soul unite together through the physical to offer insights and co-dream the lives of those spiritually mastering in each era. Shaktar is an order of dreaming for the purposes of realization that catches amongst those spiritually mastering in each era.


Humans have forgotten about Shaktar or its orchestration or capacity to aid in the dreams of life. Shaktar dreaming offers support for those mastering in a variety of healing modalities of self. Healing instruments include forensics treatment for the nervous system for mindset development, health criteria along with nutrition foray of needs, and loving synthesis into swings of light waves that foster unity within. Each may intend healing each night in the art of transfusion. Read more

Image of maitake mushrooms. Dual Tones and Herbs

8. Dual Tones and Herbs


The herb kingdom has explored many supportive herbs for ascension. Herbs fell down the dimensions in interesting pathways. Long ago and what was a single herb has fallen over time into three to six herbs. In Chapter 14 “Language of Light Tri Tones and Herbs” of Ascension Insights, Volume 6, we explored combining six or more single tone Language of Light herbs together to support the ascending biological systems. When combined, the herbs emulated the biochemistry of a single herb that fell into multiple herbs over time and in the many falls in consciousness upon Earth.


The herb kingdom is retrieving our records of earlier biology that held much more complex biochemistry to ascend into at this time. Human also lost biochemical records into our kingdom and often it is only through combining all six or more tri-tone herbs that one then has all the nutrients necessary to reconstruct crystalline biological systems. This is the import of working with herbal tinctures in ascension; as if one does not, one may not create a complete ascension. If certain organs, glands or systems are unable to ascend due to missing nutrients, then they can become compromised over time. Therefore, it is important from our point of view to give the body the herbs it requires each phase of ascension ahead.


There are also other herbs that are not mentioned here and used in Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine that may hold genetic records from earlier time periods that are not associated with Asur’Ana and Per’s ancestry. Therefore, the herbal kingdom suggests that initiates research all herbs available and ingest those that hold information and that you muscle test are helpful to constructing a complete ascension in this lifetime for your specific ancestry. We have also generated a list of 18 Chinese herbs that are useful mostly to aid in the energy flow through the meridian system or field. (Please see Ascension Insights, Volume 6 Chapter 7 “Using Chinese Herbs to Support Ascension” for more information.)


Take Whatever Herbs Your Body Require for Continued Ascension


Long ago, Asur’Ana and Per were purists and did not give the body the herbs they required. This delayed their ascension to a certain extent. They have long since reversed their position and now take whatever herbs the body requires and generally every few nights and as they muscle test necessary to their continued ascent, or to address problematic areas of their ascending biology. Per and Asur’Ana are continuing to ascend into a yet earlier biology that their ancestors understood. Sometimes portions of the biology struggle to find a blueprint that is held in health. The dual tone herbs offered in this section have been useful for map making pathways into healthier structures in their personal experience and may be useful to others who are ascending as well.


Asur’Ana and Per have learned that herbs are better combined; and much as in Ayurvedic thinking, one herb’s side effects are cancelled by another. But more importantly, the combinations recreate substances that once occurred in a single herb long ago that absorbed their ancestor’s genetic blueprint as they fell in consciousness. Therefore, in recreating the original herb by combining all the herbs that the original fell into, they assure that they have all the nutrients necessary to continue to ascend into health ahead. Read more

Image of a gorgeous golden yellow flower

Light Wave Webinar #6: Seed Systems of Dreaming


The seeds return home

And find a seed Dao

To dream with

To heal with

To foster yourselves

In light wave motions

Upon planet Earth

Where the systems align

In complement to you

And not someone else

To be free to be within

And know yourself

Through time


Light Wave Webinar #6 Introduction


Each of you are star seeds that incarnate with vast holographic information. Each of you mastered your ascension in manners that most humans fail to understand within or in life.


Star seeds are few in number today upon the planet (If you are reading this, then you are a star seed). Star seeds are in need of sacred support of this time of emerging light systems of self.


Light systems are gears of dreaming in light wave motion. Dreams of life in light are physical, emotional, intuitive, of life engagement with others, and also of your occupation or preoccupations through time.


Dreaming in light wave motion is an archetypal formulation of self. The archetype creates the self of you to foster your day to day, month to month and yearly dreams. Read more

Image of Aurora light over a pristine lake in Finland. We Dream of Atlantis-1

Chapter 1: The Fostering of My Baby Years


Love of Who I Am


Love of Who I Am

The flower of my heart

Is a delicate repose

Of myself

Attempting to foster

The care of the one

In the reflection of the shadow

Of long lost parents and lovers

Who betrayed the heart

Dare I open unto you?

I must love myself

In all the beauty of who I am

In the forever of my divinity

In my ancestral birthright to love

And care for myself

Through time

In the love of the love within

I am that I am that I am


The Atlantean Way: The Love of the Many and the Whole


I, Jasgahntar, am born on a summer’s eve of the lifeline of my mother Endelay. Endelay has been graciously expecting for what seemed oh so long. She is not large per her midwife Lynelle. Lynelle has a kind approach to midwifing expectant females in tantric communities in the region known as Cherithani. Cherithani is known for and named after its beautiful and gracious pink flowers that flower almost year-round gracing the hills and valleys nearby. Cherithani is remote from Atlantean cityscapes and a kind place to retreat to raise a tantric family. The tantric community is known as Fala’a in Atlantean (translates into “Sweetheart of Self”). I will always fondly remember Fala’a as the sacred place of my birth although I only visit the region again once later in my life after I depart at age seventeen.


Ten communities are nestled nearby in sacred ordering of divine motions of life form for the fostering of the birth of gifted and mastery level mindset level children. The accommodations are kind but accord to conservative approaches in the lifestyle of a tantric system of family rearing. All parents are allowed only a minimal wardrobe of six practical or tantric yoga style clothes and even fewer possessions. Shoes are abundant due to the need to walk through the cascading hills filled with trails to witness the gracious waterfalls or other luscious beauty of nature oh so prevalent near Fala’a. The children enjoy the beauty and serenity of the region to foster balanced mindset into their teenage years.


The tantric community children are raised in accord with a spiritual master of deep aptitude of care of the young heart known as Hamzoon. Hamzoon is a master tantric wizard with children taking them from ailing and winy mindset into the beauty and care of the wholeness of himself. Hamzoon can sooth the most difficult of children through time with himself and through himself as a tantric swing system of deep care of the heart. Read more