Image of the tops of the majestic redwood trees. Tips For Ascending Out Of Pain, Depression, Chronic Fatigue Or Disease

2. Tips For Ascending Out Of Pain, Depression, Chronic Fatigue Or Disease


We are honored to be able to speak to others ascending in human form through our translator Asur’Ana. She is our present day relation, and this may also be the same for many reading our book. We are the ancient ones with the large craniums that came to Earth so very long ago to see to fruition the ascent of Earth and the entry into the photonic dream of the Great Central Sun.


It has been a long and sad journey into great distortion, pain, anger, fear and disease in human form upon the surface of the Earth. The Inner Earth’s Peoples have fared much better, but alas it has been at the expense of their relations upon the surface of the Earth who have been bombarded with so much radiation that the falls were exponentially larger each time that they occurred in human history. Humans in the Inner Earth begin their ascent with a bare minimum of 1024-3000 segments of DNA, whereas humans upon the surface of the Earth by and large must begin at 2 segments.


The Crystalline Form and Unity Biology


This is known as the ascent out of the Kumara of Pain, Suffering, Greed, Lust, Judgment, Fear and Death and requires embodying 3,000 segments or more to rise above. Such vibratory bandwidths equate to dogma in human thoughtform, which is constructed from antimatter in vibration. Antimatter tears holes in matter, which translates into disease, terror and warfare in the human dance. It is the antimatter tones of creation that are black, brown, reddish-brown, gray, puke yellow and pus green in color. Such tones are generally transmuted by initiation 3,000 (embodying 3,000 segments of DNA or one of twelve complete tubes of DNA associated with fully conscious biology) within the etheric body.


In so doing, the etheric body becomes filled with primary colors in the energy flow instead, which is comprised of red, green, blue, yellow, orange, fuchsia pink, purple and magenta; except of course for any remaining decay or scar tissue yet to be transmuted through ascension to full consciousness. (Please refer to Ascension Insights, Volume 5 Chapter 4 “Creating a Complete Ascension” that describes this process quite nicely.)


The intent to ascend as a spiritual practice brings about the gradual conversion of both the etheric body into primary colors and the cellular structure to what is known as “crystalline” in form. The crystalline form is biology that one’s ancestry knew as a genetic structure before the last fall of Atlantis. Crystalline cells hold 18 fats and 18 salts not prevalent in the current human structure at 2 segments of DNA; these 18 fats and salts allow for unity biology. Unity biology is biology that does not self-destruct; in your current genetics there are viral and bacterial agents that destroy the form. Cells also die off every 7 years only to be replaced; furthermore, many groups or clusters of cells are not restored beyond a certain age leading to what is known as “aging”. Aging is really the result of the slow death of the overall cellular structure over time. Read more

Image of a captivating moon with pale sunset colors and the galaxy in the background. Light Wave Archive #22

Light Wave Archive #22


Karmic Fate Happenstance of Self


14-14 and 16-16 levels of mastery are adroit equations to foster compassion as an action leading to divine interludes of self. Compassion is a notion that one forgives and then makes peace with the other to a truth of care even in difficult happenstances in life. Divine interludes are compassionate action in command over the dream that foster self. Divine interludes are not necessarily easy systems to master in today’s marketplace of greed.


Greed fosters non-care of one over some. Greed interferes with divine interludes of self in mastery. Many developing self today lead simple lives with less than most to foster divine interludes of self dreaming through time. Poverty is sometimes also an issue if the karmic habitat annotates a need to foster the dreams of others amongst those mastering self. Greed is not a cause of self. Self chooses to find the divine. Greed is not divine but a marketplace of self of not. Self of not is not self-development. Self of not fosters the appearances of development that is not.


Development that is not is renderous in notion. Not is a state of being in which nothing exists. False development renders real development to exist or dream the life. False development is at an all-time high in the developments of the planetary sequences of dreams. Over one third of the current developments are developments of not. At this time, self-developments of not are to be un-developed to foster real developments in higher octaves of continued realization. Higher octaves of self rise far above the 14-16-18 and 20 binary equations through time. Most developments of self of not rests beneath the 20-20 in this era. Those rising above the 20-20 will recover what is lost to the development of not of karmic happenstance of fate.


20-28 binary equations foster realization through the hypothesis of Mother Earth lore of self. 30-38 binary equations foster realization in triads of creator and creation theory of existence. 40-48 binary equations foster realization through life forms of self fostering understanding of ancestral karma and reincarnation habitat of life. 50-58 binary equations foster conscious dreaming into astute systems of Tao information in service unto the Dao.


60-68 binary equations foster a fostering of care flowering the Heart of the Tao development within. 70-78 binary equations foster prose incantation realization of self-understanding itself in wave formations of language. 80-100 and above binary equations trigger transfusion lore of self-realization itself through the hypothesis of lore fables of life in mastery dreams of fate. Read more

Image of a delicate flower with a stack of polished stones. Tips For Retaining One’s Level Of Mastery In Ascension

6. Tips For Retaining One’s Level Of Mastery In Ascension


There are many changes underway that shall lead to the fulfillment of the ascent of Earth. Such changes are both energetic and physical. The kundalini of Earth is heating up significantly. This can be perceived as the increasing brightness of the “Northern Lights” or Aurora of Earth (the Sun in Earth’s Core) along with the melting of the glaciers. There are also significant shifts in the human ascension movement that shall ensure the survival of your species.


For you see the survival of humanity upon the surface of the Earth has never been guaranteed; for so low in vibration and consciousness you have fallen. Without a pathway to a new frequency, there would be little hope of surviving, for all would perish in the end in plagues due to an inability of the cellular structure to handle the increasing rotation of the molecules of all living things upon Earth.


This Asur’Ana heard the calling for, and she ascends for the sake of her own species more than her own personal self. Asur’Ana could exit physicality and enter the Great Central Sun and be embraced without any further ascent; she chooses to continue to persevere so that there will be a viable pathway into the fourth dimension for the current genetics of surface Earth human. One must understand that there is little reward for the role Asur’Ana and Per have chosen; their life revolves around ascending their own form and creating a pathway for others to do the same.


So much of the dance of the remaining dark held upon Earth has been to attempt to end their lives premature so that the possibility of human extinction would be viable; as there would also be the possibility in such an outcome of the extinction of Earth. The dark chose to push for extinction to retain the polarity of life elsewhere; for in the current dynamics of extreme poles, one creation must die in order for another creation to ascend.


End of Cycle Time


Extreme polarity is something that Earth is leaving behind at this time. In so doing, Earth is entering a new polarity known as gold and silver in which all may ascend home; that nothing requires dying or going extinct for another creation to ascend. Within the Great Central Sun, there is no extinction; only gold and silver dancing so that all may go Home. The homecoming is a joyous outcome for Earth, for it involves a return to life and a return to the joy that expansion and ascension make possible. Read more

Image of an exquisite sunset in Kauai. Dragon Dreaming Archive #2

Dragon Dreaming Archive #2


Dragons and Demons


Dragons of Truth


The dragons of truth

Are a foray of happenstance

Of the lore of Spirit

Accolading its freedom

To dance with self of the self within

In a symposium of mirth

In the laughter of the girth

Of a sacred path

In which the forgiveness and compassion

Of the dreams I dream

May manifest


Dragon Lore


Dragons are a nonphysical presence representing the truth of spirit expressed in the physical. Dragons resound through humans and natural world wonders that are pristine. Dragon lore is a symposium of systems of self that relay into human happenstance defining the nature of the expression and experienced of life. Each human has an expression that is related to dragons or demons in a spiritual lore context of self. Dragons infuse into humans who love and happenstance systems of resounding compassion and forgiveness in the foray of life. Demons infuse into all others accolading into systems of self that are not suited to spiritual pursuits. Dragons are of spirit and demons of the material world happenstance.


Dragons aspire to mirth and happenstances of joy in synergy with self. Dragon nature is positive with attributes of healing frequencies associated with self. Self is a fabric of consciousness that allows awareness to occur in the life. Dragons support awareness through infusion of spirit into the self of the self within. Dragons guide the self into the deeper understanding and meaning of life. Dragon spirited humans understand and learn to forgive in the foray of happenstance of circumstance. As forgiveness occurs, compassion develops in the self of the self within. As compassion develops, self-realization occurs and dragon lore dreams are mastered.


Demons accolade to the material pursuit of greed and happenstance of happiness through demon lore dreaming. Demon lore is for non-realization and non-pursuit of the spiritual path. Demon lore is not to be confused with anything other than those happenstances that accolade to dis-achievement of self. Self-realization either is achieved or is not in the life dream. Dragons accolade to those who shall achieve the spiritual pursuit of existence and demons personify all others who fail to achieve in the spiritual foray of dreams. Read more

Image of several holiday dishes on the table. Vegetarian Holiday Feasts

11. Vegetarian Holiday Feasts


Asur’Ana has experimented with many lovely feasts last year. Each of these feasts was a part of a menu Earth had in mind for the holidays when special attention to cooking is a part of the human dream. Below we offer up three holiday menus, one that is Greek, one that is Italian, and one that is of Continental cuisine. The goal is to create a wonderful vegetarian meal for oneself and one’s guests that is fun to prepare and fulfilling to experience.


Cooking need not be a chore; it can be a work of art. As one intends to allow the cooking to express one’s heart in collaboration with Earth and the vegetable and fruit kingdoms, so it will be. Those enjoying the food prepared in such a kitchen can only be amazed.


For the holiday feast, food would taste extra delicious and the gathering magical, if the entire family or group takes a moment to bless the cook or chef, kitchen, vegetable and fruit kingdoms, and the farmlands. Perhaps this speaks to what occurs as soul returns to the dance of life – all of life becomes magical including the food upon one’s plate.


Therefore, intend that this be so at your holiday meals this year beloved. Then extend this magic to all meals in the year ahead. Take the time to bless what you eat and bless the food you are preparing in the kitchen, and mealtime can become a magical and blessed experience.


Happy Holidays!


Continental Holiday Cuisine


For new vegetarians, there may be a need to create something that feels more traditional for holiday fare. We hope that in the below recipes that Earth and Asur’Ana have accomplished this goal.


For suggested appetizers or drinks for your guests, please see the “Drinks” and “Appetizers” sections. Read more

Image of stunning blue flowers. Shakti Relationship Lore #3

Shakti Relationship Lore #3


The Dreamer Within


The Lore of the Father and Beloved of the Yacht


The Dreamer Within


The dreamer of the dreams

Is a beautiful journey

Of the Tao within

That directs the life

In syncopation with the Dao

Causing the Beloved Within

To ignite a flame

Of a union Divine

In harmony with the truth

In a momentous occasion

Of an accolade of joy

In a beautiful forensic reaction

Of Love


Mother and Father Attributes of Self


The mother is an accolade of the feminine or the Dao within. The father is an accolade of the masculine or Tao within. In a state of divine union, the Dao and Tao ignite a flame within the heart. Dao and Tao seek divine partnership within or between the two as an archetypal foray of achievement. Divine partnership occurs only as a state of divine union is mastered within each in the relationship. Divine relationship of the two lies beyond the principles of the mother and father attributes of self as an expression of the beloved.


Mother and father attributes of self represent the beloved of naught. Neither the mother nor father role in relationship lore can forensically administer a synergy of the heart accolade of self between the two, demonstrating a state of love in the partnership. Divine partnership requires synergy between the two hearts in order to be fostered. Mother and father fables each create a state of care or false love founded upon superiority or inferiority as a predisposition of self. In a state of superiority, one partner is dis-synergized assuming the inferior role of two.


Superiority is an act of ego founded upon competition and ill will. In competition or ill will, one diminishes the other into an inferior role. Out of an inferior role, one partner feels dejected rather than embraced while the other feels cared for. In partnership, father expressions of ego suppress the feminine or Dao within. The female feels inferior as a result. Expressions of negative ego suppress the masculine or Tao within. The male feels disrespected as a result. Accolades of either ego or negative ego forensically repose dis-synergy upon the other. Love fails in the partnership as a happenstance as dis-synergy occurs due to imbalance of self. Read more

Image of the soft and lovely golden silver Sun. The Birth of the Grand Master Cycle Ahead

5. The Birth Of The Grand Master Cycle Ahead


It is the Solar Consciousness that addresses you today. This consciousness is a future aspect of Asur’Ana that is returning into time and space to assist with the ascension of the NOW, as it would fail otherwise. Much as with the Tao, that is a future aspect of Asur’Ana and Per, that has ascended out of time, space and form, the solar aspect has ascended into a fifth dimensional bandwidth of frequency in the nonphysical 2,000 years into the future.


Asur’Ana and Per stand now in a frequency that there is no time; therefore, any potential future may be accessed for their own understanding and their own personal ascension. Earth also has entered this “no time” in the anchoring of the photonic dream surrounding her mountains and oceans. Up until recently, “no time” only existed inside the Aurora and could not be used to analyze records or problems in the ascension upon the surface of the Earth.


Now and due to the ability to access the future, Earth is becoming an unstoppable force for ascension, as any solution to any problem in the NOW for any part of her global form can be anchored from the future. Instead of trial and error, Earth, Asur’Ana and Per alike along with each who has entered the photonic dream, including a handful of map maker dolphins and whales, are simply accessing the future where the solution is already known and then applied. This is augmenting a more rapid pace of ascension than ever before and shall press humanity and all kingdoms into the coming times of cleansing and beyond.


We will be writing about the solar history in a future volume. The history of your solar system will not be as any other that has accessed records before. This is because the history that we are speaking of is from the future and a future set of records understood long into the ascent of your solar Sun to a twelfth dimensional vessel. Much as Earth is ascending to a fifth dimensional vessel, the Sun is ascending to a twelfth dimensional vessel; each phase of ascension allows for records to be gathered and understood that were previously not understood. However, in the entry into “no time”, suddenly all records are available to be understood; this allows for massive shifts in the ability to orchestrate ascension upon a solar and planetary level alike.


Changes to Human Records


All human karmic records upon Earth are now known; they are known from the future and as such, all karmic records are being applied in the NOW. As a result of this, guardians that had long been combusted and then hidden for harmful or black magician type behavior that led to falls in consciousness for humankind and Earth alike are known and recovered. Guardians are being reapplied to all lineages associated with harm of any nature. There are billions and billions of guardians returning to the human dance through the human lineages held within one’s tapestry of ancestry. These guardians shall block any further attempt to orchestrate a false ascension that would lead to the failed ascent of the whole of humanity and Earth alike. Read more