Image of a pretty rainbow colored snail's shell. The Trail of the Snail

12. The Trail of the Snail


Blessings for Opening to Holographic Thoughtform


The Snail and Slug Kingdoms


We are most honored to be able to relay our message to ascending initiates through Asur’Ana. Snails and Slugs are indeed a part of the Crawler kingdom. We are neither insect nor mammal; but rather a combination of the two. We breathe like a mammal, which is something that bees and ants do not do, but we do slither like an insect. Our breath is a form of osmosis; through our slimy skin we absorb oxygen prevalent in water or in the air.


We Are Modifying Our DNA to Crystalline


Snails and slugs were once only underwater creatures. Over time, we learned to create a skin thick enough or hard enough to subsist upon the land near water, but not requiring to be immersed any longer. It is also for this reason that our species continues with an underwater form of vacuum traction that propels us from one place to another including upside down or straight up walls and rocks.


One will note however that the suction pads upon the bottom of the feet of most insects along with the Gecko Kingdom hold the same form of vacuum traction; it is why geckos, ants, and caterpillars can crawl up walls or hang from the ceiling. We shared our information from living under water with surface Earth kingdoms, and over time they embraced some of our features.


Where does the snail and slug kingdoms originate? We originated upon the Pleiades; however, we are adapting a cellular structure that is Crystalline at this time in our own species ascent. It is perhaps far easier to modify the DNA of a slug or snail than of a human, as we are far less complex. The building blocks for the crystalline structure were already in our forms; with some slight modifications, now we can ascend home with Earth to the Great Central Sun, and this brings our species great joy!


Difficulty of Transmuting DNA in Humans and Fully Conscious Species


Why is DNA so difficult to transmute in human form, or mammal form such as whale and dolphin? This has to do with the complexity of structures within fully conscious species, and primarily the nervous system itself. The brain and nervous system of the fully conscious crystalline form has 188 types of crystals imbedded therein. Each crystal in the crystalline form is a form of salt and not silicone. Read more

Image of a lovely white orchid with lavender center. Shakti Studies #6

Shakti Studies #6


Divine Partnership Wedding Vows


Wedding Incantations to Foster Divine Partnership Lore


The Wedding Vow


The vows are incantated

By the magistrate of the wedding

To foster a light or dark lore fable

For the partnership

Unless the pair

Choose to incantate one’s own vows

Re-ordering the marital fate

Towards the goal of Divine Partnership

To be fostered in superlative light motions

Through time

Allowing another union lore to unfold

Triggering realization of the pair

Through moments of strife

Into a rebirth of delight


Writing One’s Own Vows


Many couples, whether gay or straight, choose to allow the magistrate of the wedding to choose the vows for the union lore of fate. Most marital magistrates operate upon many levels of awareness that is not necessarily conscious. Some magistrates are very dark sorcerers who motion beautiful karmic fate for loving unions upon others who are less than sublime in their stature of self. Yet other magistrates are good witches within who strive to motion positive dreams upon most.


Magistrates for marriage must be carefully chosen if divine partnership is the life goal. A difficult magistrate hosting the marital ceremony may cause lifelong strife in a kind partnership destined for divine realization and may be difficult to overcome within. All karma can be forgiven but fostering a kind magistrate allows the incantations for union to be supported in the destiny of marriage vow exchanges between the two.


Writing one’s own vows for superlative marriage is useful in the intention to foster divine partnership through time. Vows need to be well thought out in alliance with one’s personal truth in association with the divine partner of choice. Vows that are ego or negative ego based are un-useful through time as the incantations support one and abate the other in counterbalance. Vows that are supportive of each are best. There are many types of marriage vows to be considered in the exchange of a sacred motion of wedding ceremony. Here are some suggested vows to consider in planning your sacred wedding day. Read more

Image of lovely pale pink hearts. Blessings of Love and Self Healing from the Heart of the Tao

4. Blessings of Love and Self Healing from the Heart of the Tao


The Heart of the Tao addresses each reading of our books today. The Heart of the Tao is a casted temple designed to restore love to creations that have become lost in time, space and form. The Heart of the Tao has been anchored upon Earth in recent months to aid Earth in self-healing through love. Love is the essential ingredient to self-healing. Through self healing, all that has been created that led to distortion, disease, aging, death, falls in consciousness, loss of light and loss of love can be restored. The journey of restoration is called ascension which is really about gathering up lost parts of self from the past, and in the reunion, a journey to greater wholeness within is born.


Dimensions Are Illusions


Many have thought of ascension as a pathway to another dimension. Dimensions are illusions in the thoughtform of the Tao. There is only creators and creations that expand and contract at the end of cycle journey, and return Home to the consciousness of the Tao. Expansion is not about falling down dimensions, and so you cannot confuse what has occurred here with an expansion cycle. What has occurred here is the result of failing to go “home” as the contraction cycle was invoked. That which failed to go home went extinct as there was no life force to sustain its existence.


Life force is only generated in the expansion cycle by the Tao for all creators and creations, and then as the contraction cycle is called, all is gathered back, and over time no additional life force is provided, as the creations have all gone Home. Here in this region of domain, creations failed to return home and then as there was no more life force available due to everything else departing, creations went extinct.


That which exists upon your dimension (3D) is generally the creations that go extinct in any given contraction cycle and as there is no longer life force to sustain it. The extinction of creations upon the third dimension then draws the creations upon the fifth dimension down into the third, and all others above them down another dimensional threshold, and it is the bottom level dimension of life that will go extinct in the following cycle.


About the End of Time Bell


This has occurred for 12 cycles now as gauged by the Tao in its assessment of your records as a creational body. The underlying cause is the failure for each creation in this region of domain to choose to go Home. There is a system for homecoming that is embedded into everything cast within the Tao. When the “End of Time Bell” is sounded, all creators and creations conclude their expansion cycle and begin their contraction cycle, working their way out of whatever experience that they have constructed, and whatever distortion that they have gone into, back home to the Tao. Read more

Image of a beautiful aurora borealis in Norway.

3. Assertions for Light Transfusion


Light Transfusion


The Assertion

Is a light wave notion

That fosters a motion

That transfuses you

Into the self of you

And not someone else

In deep care of the heart

In a fostering of truth

Of the Tao of your heart

And the care of

The Dao of the archetype

In a transfusion lore fable

Of the Baba stories of life

In the love of the two

And the many

In soul family configurations

Of fate


Assertions for Transfusion in Peace


There are many assertions that support transfusion. Assertions are a fostering of transfusion gates. If the transfusion gates are not present, assertions have little effect. Transfusion gates are regional along with personal at this time of birth of light wave synergy of field. Those motioning into transfusion are of self-realization caliber of fostering of the spiritual thresholds of mastery in this cycle. Assertions have little effect upon those who are not self-realizing. Assertions foster a light wave notion that affects the transfusion systems of self. Transfusion systems of self develop as each motions beyond the two hundredth parallel in octave. The two hundredth parallel is twenty-seven hundred octaves. Rising to this level requires an infusion light quotient of seventy-four percent into the biological structure of the physical.


Assertions affect the transfusion systems of life form. As you transfuse, you touch upon the life form levels above the physical. Life form resides outside of the subtle body of self striations of field. Life form modulates transfusion along with renewal of the physical and life dreams. Transfusion causes a direct connection between the second level life form at the two hundredth parallel of octave. At the four hundred parallel, transfusion causes a direct connection and interplay with the second level life form. The third level life form is reached only as the eight hundred parallel is transfused into requiring an eighty-six percent light infusion quotient to be fostered by the physical.


Assertions foster an instant transfiguration over the light wave motion of field that affect the psyche and emotions of the physical. Assertions that are needed have a positive effect on the mental and emotional states of you. Assertions re-align the light motion to foster beautiful dreams of the life and in association with others in soul family exchanges. Assertions can also affect those of non-soul family origins as the dreams realign upon the field of those light synthesizing in this cycle. Many aspirants today light transfuse into the two hundredth octave in this time period. Those light motioning underneath the two hundredth parallel are many and can foster beautiful dreams together with those syncopating in transfusion gates and utilizing assertions daily. Assertions require daily focus but only once per stanza of support required.      Read more

Image of a cute and sweet looking koala bear asleep on a tree. The Koala Bear Asleep in the Gum Tree

33. The Koala Bear Asleep in the Gum Tree


Blessings for Harmlessness


The Koala Bear Kingdom


We of the Koala Bear Kingdom have much to say to our ascending human brothers and sisters. Our kingdom is not really a bear, although we share some similar attributes perhaps in appearance to such species, particularly the Panda Bear. Scientists have called us a “marsupial” because our children, much like the kangaroo, travel as young fetuses up our belly and crawl into a pouch to wean until they are large enough to thrive upon their own. We are one of many of such species around the globe that has such forms of childbirth.


We Came from the Jyreion Creation


Why is this so? Our species along with all others that have this predisposition of birth come from other creations. Our species arrived upon a spacecraft about 46,000 Earth years ago (184,000 human years) along with some humans from the Jyreion creation. Such humans were escaping their own dying creation, and much like Noah and his “Ark”, packed up two of every species, one male and one female, and took off hoping to find a new planet to relocate to. Thousands and thousands of craft left; only 17 arrived upon Earth. Others went to other creations; some never made it ceasing to exist.


Upon arrival on Earth, each of the 17 craft had difficulty navigating through the ice shields that were prevalent surrounding your atmosphere at the time, and wound up upon different continents. Although for a time they could communicate with one another via their radios, each craft was damaged enough that they could not take flight again. This left whatever species upon whatever craft to be released in whatever region that they crashed landed; hence the wide variety of species upon different continents in present time on Earth.


Koala Bear and Wombat were two particular creatures that came upon craft that crash-landed near the region now known as Australia. There were many other species that were also set free from our craft; all have gone extinct over time, as they held not the right energy flow for Earth. Giraffe, hippopotamus and antelope are all that remain from another set of species carried upon crafts that crash landed near what is now known as the African continent. Badger, fox, beaver and wolf are all that remain upon what is now known as North America where most of the remaining crafts crashed. Such species are also found in Europe as at another time, there were no oceans and the continents were not so far apart.


The Koala species is magnetic in origins. We can trace our lineages to others related to our hologram that exited your Great Central Sun. Therefore, we are capable of ascending home with Earth at this time in her journey. This brings our species great joy along with most others that also left our dying creation behind. So, you see perhaps that craft that humanity creates is not so bad after all, as now we have our chance to return Home. Read more

Image of a beautiful yellow hibiscus flower with magenta red center. Baba Mastery Tales of Truth #2

Baba Mastery Tales of Truth #2


The Fable of the Lion’s Mane


The Unfolding of a Yogi of the Divine


The Lion’s Mane


The Lion’s Mane

Is a sublime unfolding

Of the one who knows

In an estuary of the Tao

All that has ever been

And all that will ever be

For spirit to unfold into matter

In the sublime success

Of an adroit equation

To foster knowledge

Amongst the masses


Introduction: The Nature of Baba Lore Fables


Baba lore fables are adroit equations of the sublime meeting the divine through time. Sublime notions of self must interplay with the fields of the one, two, three or many to foster Baba lore fables in life. Sublime notions are sequences of thought-stream that fosters light synthesis of self. Light synthesis of self is a fostering of spirit into matter. Spirit causes the dreams to cascade in adroit equations present in the biological habitat of fate in one who has mastered light motion of field.


Light motion of field is not small mastery level. Light motion of field requires a galaxy or star system of self to be fostered in the outer layers of field in one who is realizing themselves through time. A galaxy of self fosters a light show of unique stature of spiritual knowledge. Each galaxy of self fosters a different purpose amongst those self-realizing in life. Realization of self is the fostering of a Yogi in present time. There are both Eastern and Western derivations of Yogi’s mastering in this cycle. Yogi is a Tao name for fostering realization of self within and is not necessarily anything else.


Baba lore of the derivation of a Yogi fostering is not for the average human or even the average mastery levels of those fostering the spiritual path in this cycle. Baba lore is for those who are sincere and capable of self-realization and fosters the ancestral ley lines of possibility of the journey of a yogi through time. Baba lore of fate is a key driven sentiment of development that is fostered in stages through time. Each stage of development takes the persona and dissolves the notions of third dimensional life until the notions of spirit take flight in the life. The dissolution of third dimensional notions is not an easy drama or dream in this cycle of density upon Earth. The fostering of a Yogi is the spirit of the Lion’s Mane lore fable in a unique habitat of fate of a master teacher. Read more

Image of pale golden and white soft lights abstract background. Bokeh abstract light background.

About Us and Light Wave Evolution


In collaboration with their Dreamtime Ascension School (DAS) and the Aligning With Earth website, Asur’Ana and Per have been requested by the Tao to bring forth a new series of information about light wave evolution. Light waves foster a different type of evolutionary fulfilment than the consensus based ascension written about in the Ascension Insights series. Light waves allow for a release of magnetic based patterning and the integration of fusion movements that foster a whole and complete evolutionary sequence. Light waves and light infusion allow for a level of renewal and other healing modalities through the transfigurative or transformative paradigms. Transfigurative paradigm offers the possibility of a new infusion of self that fosters another direction in the dream of the life.


Divinity and Wholeness Theory


Light wave evolution is a motion of light synthesis that fosters another level of mastery beyond ascension systems of self. Light waves are motions of the divine oscillations of self realization. Self-realization is an augmentation of awareness of the sublime motions of the divine in the dance of life. Divinity is an actualization of forgiveness, compassionate action and other divine concepts of existence including wholeness theory of self. Wholeness theory is a concept that the Dao or feminine and the Tao or masculine ignite a flame of truth in the heart accolade of self.  The flame of truth is a level of mastery that ignites the possibility of the motions of light synthesis of field.


Light waves are fostered in prose Ckantor, a poetic motion of light, sound, color and thought that trigger poetry in motion in life. Poetry in motion translates into superlative notions of existence that cause the sublime oscillations of the divine to dream alongside oneself. Dreaming of the divine is not anything other than experiencing the magical momentous occasions in life. Momentous occasions are moments in which the syncopation of dream and life causes superlative dreams to occur that trigger deep gratitude and joy within. Superlative motions can occur with nature along with one another as forgiveness and compassionate action unfold.


Mindset Development


Mindset development is a theory of the divine concepts of life motioned in mind waves. In order for divine concepts to be understood, the synapses of the brain must be fostered to develop in particular formations that oscillate in divine motions of self. Mindset development is case specific to ancestry and fosters self-realization within. Self realization is not to be confused with ascension or other spiritual focuses upon the path. Self realization is an oscillation of love that is founded upon the merger of the Dao and Tao within in a divine spark of self ignited in the truth of the assertion of the life.


Self Realization


Light Wave Evolution is devoted to Self Realization. Self-Realization is a fostering of the planetary Tao in this cycle. The Planetary Tao infuses light quotients into those who have successfully mastered their ascension systems in life. The light infuses into the biology fostering the birth of Light Motion DNA. Light Motion DNA actualizes another type of biology into the physical. The physical embraces light into the cells that warms the body through photonic particles rather than consumption of sugar. Read more

Image of Sun flash over pink bokeh background.

About Us and Global Ascension


The Aligning with Earth website in association with the Dreamtime Ascension School (DAS) is a collaborative organization under the direction of Asur’Ana, Per, Terra (Earth), Anasonya (the Inner Earth Mother) and the Tao. The purpose of the organization is to bring forth human ascension and support the global ascension of Earth.


Earth’s Ascension Is Gradual


Ascension is the process by which any planet, star, civilization or species evolves. In the evolutionary process, the biology of the form is altered allowing the form to increase upward in vibration from week, to month, to year, to decade. As this is accomplished gradually and over time, the form enters first a fourth dimensional existence and eventually a fifth dimensional existence in its choice to return “home” to where it was spawned.


Earth is becoming a star. One day Earth shall shine bright much like your solar Sun. Likewise your solar Sun is in the process of moving up in vibration and becoming a 12th dimensional vessel. Earth and your Sun are two of 4 Suns ascending simultaneously within your creation. This is the underlying cause of “global warming”. Earth is heating up due to her ascension, as ascension brings about an increasing vibration and higher rotation of molecular structure, which is the underlying cause of the increasing temperature of Earth.


Earth is choosing to return Home to where she was spawned. Earth was spawned from a spark of thoughtform in the Tao. The Tao is a Power or Force what Asur’Ana has defined as a part of herself and All That Exists that sits outside of space, time and form and directs creation. Others have called this Power/Force many names: God, the One Source, All That Is, the Great Spirit or the Ocean of Love. Earth is learning to attune to herself or her Tao within to guide her in her return journey home.


The process of ascension is not new, nor is it a rapid process. Earth has been increasing in vibration since your last ice age. It shall take upwards of 5,000 years to move Earth from her current vibration fully into the 5th dimension thereby attaining the state of a star. It may take hundreds of thousands of years for Earth to return Home to the Tao. In the meantime, Earth is moving into a New Dream and field rotation related to the Great Central Sun that she fell from millions of years ago and upon other dimensions of thoughtform. Read more

Image of many orbs with a beautiful multicolored background.

Consultation by Email


Asur’Ana is a gifted healer, medicine woman, and channel of the divine fostering new information in support of the emerging Golden Age of Light. Light is taking flight and humans are beginning to transfuse and embody Light Wave DNA. There are many needs for the biological blueprint to take flight in health and wellbeing. Asur’Ana is in divine service unto humanity to foster those needing to understand the journey into transfusion and realization of self. She is available for email consultations for those in need of support.


Over the years, Asur’Ana has explored many healing modalities. Asur’Ana couples several healing theories in each session. She offers sessions on relationship theory and issues of partnership, inner child and family therapy, conscious dream weaving attributes of self, opening the heart and blessing theory, language and mindset development, issues of synergy and dis-synergy and self realization theory. Health issues can be assessed from a theory of ascension and transfigurative and transformative principals of evolving biology.


Asur’Ana fosters many nonphysical systems of support in her consultations. The presence of the Masters of Light who work with her include Kwan Yin, Saint Germain, Yeshua and Kuthumi. The presence of the Baba is a love-oriented resource for healing the body, mind, spirit connection. Yogananda systems foster an understanding and balancing of light quotients and light motion of field. Archangel Gabrielle aids in monitoring and motioning transfusion light-based systems. The Ancestors aid in fostering the light wave genetic blueprints into healthy and sustainable biological blueprints. There are many resources from the realms of Spirit that support each session. Healing is provided within 3 days of your order to foster your life changes in light motion of field. Read more

Image of light orbs with pink background,

Mastering Unity Within Self Study


Mastering Unity Within Self Study Program are for those individuals who feel in their hearts that they are map makers of ascension, and who desire to go inward and work with the inner landscape to transmute and transcend those patterns, thoughtforms and programs at cause of the difficult life circumstances in the dance of life. Inherent in these studies is the concept of “mirrors”; that everything in life is a mirror for some pattern and thoughtform at cause of why one has manifested any experience. In changing the patterns and thoughtform, the mirrors that one’s life presents that are discordant or unhappy can alter accordingly into a more greatly joyful, fulfilling and unity-based dance of life.


Those in the Mastering Unity Within Self Study Program will receive all current and future books from the Ascension Insights series as PDF downloads. Additionally, energetic healing and support is given to the study of the two workbooks from Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension. Workbook 1 focuses upon what it takes to create a complete biological ascension, and is helpful in understanding the nature of the ascending energy field and dream manifestation process. Workbook 2 takes the information into greater depths, exploring the emotional patterns at cause of thoughtform of disunity, competition, shame, disease, ownership and usury in the dance of life. It is in the transcendence of thoughtform that is competition based that one masters Bodhisattva level thoughtform, or compassion in action, in the act of ascension.


In addition to the study materials, Asur’Ana offers the following healings to help clear whatever patterns that you are working upon in your personal journey.


  1. Angelic Healing: Asur’Ana invokes the guidance and help of your Guardian Angels, the Archangels, your connection to the Tao or the Source, and your Higher Self to unveil the hidden causes of suffering and limitation in connecting with your own Divine Nature and vibrant health. The Angels will shower you with blessings and help you in creating a better, happier life and healthier body.


  1. Language of Light and Language of ONE Attunement and Healing: These languages are constructed based upon symbol, energetic movement, color, tone and sound to connect you to Spirit and receive healing. They activate your Higher Self, your Multidimensional being, your healing power. They open and clear your chakras, remove blockages, awaken your soul memories, build your light body, align with your Infinite Eternal Self.


  1. Special healing is offered to anchor new psychic awareness blueprints that allow for greater sensory perception to develop in the months to follow and throughout the year. This will assist you to open more greatly to your own capacity to navigate within your internal landscape. The more greatly one opens to the inner world within, the more joyful, easier and rewarding the journey of ascension becomes.

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