Image of a Thanksgiving basket with pumpkins, corns, and other fruits and vegetables. Holiday Blessings

19. Holiday Blessings


Holiday Blessings MP3


The Creator of Creators, Source of all Sources, along with Mother Earth wishes to extend a Holiday Blessing to all whom are willing to receive it. Thanksgiving and Christmas is a time to remember with gratitude that which one has. Gratitude for objects possessed, fortunes made, and objectives manipulated into manifestation are not the type of gratitude that we speak, for such forms of gratitude are false and unfulfilling in the long run. Much like the drug addict, one moves from one object or possession to another for the next “high”, but it is never sustained in the falsified form of gratitude that is so prevalent in the human dance upon Earth.


Real gratitude is the result of communion and connection to one’s source, oversoul and I AM Presence. As the source and oversoul descend into the human form, and fills the form with its love and life force, one becomes fulfilled from within with the love of God Goddess/All That Is. For those that have never experienced such fulfillment, then this blessing is for you in particular, along with all others whom are willing to receive it.


Opening to Receive the Blessings


Receiving this blessing requires an open heart. So, sit for a moment, with your eyes closed, and ask your heart to open. Breathe in slowly, and breathe out. Ground your soul and source into your form, and now allow it to fill you to the brim with the Love of All That Is and All That Ever Will Be.


Breathe in again slowly and breathe out. You are infinite, you are multidimensional, you are a part of the dance that has existed inside and outside of time. Allow yourself for a moment to touch upon the infinite nature of whom you really are beyond time and space. You are vast, but you are not All That Is, but rather a piece of the whole. As all pieces unite and dance together in union, great bliss is experienced and an expansion that carries one Home.


Allow the parts of yourself to unite now, dancing together outside of time and space, expanding to touch upon the One Source, the Source of All Sources, from which all creations, all existence originates. Now allow the One Source to fill you with remembrance, to fill your heart so that your longing and loneliness shall cease forevermore. Read more

Charts & Diagrams, Volume 2

Charts And Diagrams For Ascension Insights, Volume 2


The following are charts and diagrams for Ascension Insights, Volume 2:


3. Language Of Light Dual Tones 49 – 96


Please click on the link below to download the LOL Dual Tones in PDF:


Language of Light Dual Tones 49 – 96 in PDF


7. The Buddhic Planes


Please click on the links below to download the charts in PDF:


New Chakra System 1 (Initiation 1800) in PDF


New Chakra System 2 (Initiation 1800) in PDF


Global Chakra System (Initiation 1800) in PDF

Read more

Image of the moon against a light blue background. Earth Attains First Major Pole Shift

18. Earth Attains First Major Pole Shift


There are many changes underfoot, and indeed they are most miraculous. First and foremost, Earth has completed and is stabilizing at Initiation 4200 in the nonphysical, 3500 in the physical in her global ascension. What exactly does this mean? It means that Earth’s overall vibration has risen over double in less than one 12-month cycle! For Earth, this is a most magnificent goal, as global ascension has come forth at a seeming snail’s pace over the past many centuries.


Many understand that Earth and your solar system have entered the first Star Gate of the Great Central Sun. The frequencies that are penetrating Earth’s atmosphere and form have increased the pace of molecular rotation enough that a more rapid ascension is underway than ever possible prior to entry. Why is this so? Photonic energy causes two things; it causes molecular rotation to speed up, and it causes the crystalline genetic structure required for biological ascension to occur; the more photonic energy available, the more rapid the ascension for all species upon Earth.


Prior to entry of the first Star Gate, the photonic energy available was less than one half of what is now experienced in present time. In December 2019, Earth will enter the second Star Gate and this again will double the amount of photon energy available. For those choosing to ascend now, the pace of ascension is much more rapid than previously possible. However, there are some hitches, and such comes from an impartial or incomplete map for human ascension, along with all species upon Earth. So much information and so many records have gone missing, that it is like ascending while blind, without knowing where one is headed, and often before one realizes it, one has fallen off of a cliff!


The False Gods


Mother Earth would like to explain that there have been many souls present upon Earth that are “False Gods”. The souls that have guided Earth for a long time and have been lost themselves, and knew not where “home” was, are known as “False Gods”. Such False Gods are being removed from Earth at this time and removed from all jurisdictions including human jurisdiction.


Why? Any soul that is lost will lead a creation astray, and in the misleading will ensure a failed ascension. Mother Earth chooses not to fail in her choice to ascend, but succeed, and therefore is completing her karma with such souls that have misguided her in the past and removing them from Earth. In the completion of all karmic cause of how such souls came to be a guiding force of Earth, such souls may return to where they came from and continue their dance elsewhere in time and space. One day, such souls will also choose to go home. However, one can only go home in the creation from which one emanates, and so in returning these souls to their creation of origin, there is a better opportunity for each in finding their way home just as Earth is doing in present time. Therefore, it is perhaps the greatest gift that could be given to such lost souls. Read more

Image of rainbow waves enveloping Earth. The End Of The Era Of Dogma

17. The End Of The Era Of Dogma For Earth And Humankind


The One Source would like to give our readership a better understanding of what these Great Central Sun Transmissions are and entail on the part of our channel to bring through for other humans to understand. Earth and each species compile records of data that is transmitted to the Great Central Sun on a monthly basis that summarizes the experience of ascension upon Earth. Such records include not only karmic records but also energetic solutions to compression of energy due to the distortion that Earth has entered.


All ascending stars within the Great Central Sun, which number seven in total from dimensions 3 through 144 carefully digest such transmissions thereby uncovering parallel problems in their own fields or matching unknown karmic experiences. Not all ascending stars have human life, but five of the seven that are ascending do. Therefore, the human records are important to human counterparts upon dimensions 12, 18, 36, 72 and 144 that are also ascending at this time in history.


These records are transcribed from the records shared with the Great Central Sun and all ascending stars therein at this time in history. Asur’Ana acts as the transcriber and to the best of her ability shares what has been relayed. What is not shared are the energetic solutions that accompany such changes, as this is so complex it would cause this chapter to be ten times longer in length to attempt to include.


The False Intervention


Long ago, the Dara Soul Group began to investigate a group of souls that had opened a gateway into the 5th Dimension by extending themselves down the space between your creation and a neighboring creation. The beings formed a star and claimed themselves to be a part of an intervention of All That Is. It has been subsequently determined that these beings are not from your All That Is, but have been traced to a parallel All That Is that had an incomplete ascension long ago. These beings are now being determined by the One Source to be responsible for the destruction of 8 All That Is that neighbor the All That Is that Earth is associated with. This is the 9th All That Is that this particular set of beings have entered and subsequently caused fall after fall in consciousness therein.


These beings claim themselves to be an intervening factor, but are not a helpful source of information, although they present themselves as such in the beginning. Often such souls start at the bottom or the parts of any creation that are learning the basic lessons of creation and destruction. They intervene and sometimes appear as highly enlightened and willing to help. Sometime they are invited to help as a particular planet or star encounters difficulties in their own evolution. Sometimes they are invited to incarnate into a specific species upon a specific dimension, as their dance appears to match in congruence of the lessons that a particular form might offer. However, the reason for such souls’ incarnation is not to evolve or learn, and not to help, but rather use the associated planet or star as a place to dump karma from the false intervention and strip mine ascension records. The ascension records are then used to ascend out of the creation as the creation itself falls into non-consciousness or total annihilation. Read more

Image of the Language of Light Polarity Checker. Balancing Opposing Forces Of Persona In Ascension

16. Balancing Opposing Forces Of Persona In Ascension


Communication is convoluted. One human says one thing and another human interprets what is said to mean another. The confusion is the result of a multitude of problems, one of which is differing cultures, which create different languages that have little cross over in understanding. Cultures dictate “norms” or constants for those raised under such circumstances that are different from the norms of yet other cultures, and often understanding is based upon such norms. Therefore, some of the misunderstanding between fellow humans is indeed cultural.


Even inside of a similar culture, there are differences between locations of upbringing, or towns, cities or regions. This too creates misunderstanding between those of different regions attempting to communicate. Each misunderstanding is a reflection of a different energy signature or symbol behind the words, which give words a different meaning to a different culture. One example of such a thing is known as “slang”. Indeed, the slang may be so unique that those outside of the culture may not understand at all. One example of this type of slang in Hawaii is “Pidgin”. Pidgin English has become a known language amongst the locals in Hawaii, particularly of Hawaiian descent. Outside of their culture, one would be hard pressed to understand exactly what was communicated.


If one examines the symbols behind any given language, they will discover that they are different between languages. One language may have a word that defines “friend” or “enemy” or “lover”, and yet the symbols behind the words will be different. This gives the concept of such words a different nuance for each language. However, it also means that one culture may not totally understand another. One area that this is clearly seen is in humor, as often that which is humorous in one culture is missed entirely by another.


Standardization of the Language of Light


At this time, Mother Earth is attempting to standardize language global wide, not only for humanity, but also for all species upon Earth. It is only as language is standardized that all may understand one another with ease, and therefore all may work for the common goal of ascension of the whole known as Earth. It is through the Language of Light that language shall become standardized. Indeed, this language has already been embraced by all ascending species, including those in human form that are choosing to ascend. In so doing, there is a common language which is seen as a series of symbols with movement, color, vibration and sound that all humans shall embrace as they themselves ascend, or one’s future ancestors ascend related to one’s lineages.


For each dialect of humanity, those that are ascending are beginning to infuse the Language of Light into the language that one inherited at birth, or for those that are multi-lingual, for whatever languages that one understands with ease. In so doing, behind all words global wide for the human species, the Language of Light will one day be the common underlying symbol. Read more

Image of a lovely lady with her back turned and reaching toward the Sun to represent rising above all problems in ascension. Symptoms Of A Problematic Ascension

15. Symptoms Of A Problematic Ascension


The ascension map has been updated to allow for a unification of light and dark within. This will allow for a more thorough assimilation of the dark and unconscious that one should be integrating in order to ascend up in vibration.


In this chapter, we will shed light on the symptoms of a problematic ascension so that those experiencing such a dance may seek to rectify the dilemma through conscious intent. Solutions shall also follow in relation to what requires intending, in particular just before one falls asleep at night.


It is in the half awake and half asleep state that one’s intents are most clearly heard from the universe and then can be relayed back into one’s life expression until enough of the subtle bodies have been rectified to allow intentions to be heard during one’s conscious awake state. For this reason, we suggest that initiates utilize this time upon awakening or upon falling asleep to make their intents in relation to their desired manifestations in this life expression. If this includes the intent to ascend, then this is the time that one should intend to ascend, along with all other intents one wishes to see come to fruition.


Problems Releasing Karma


Rectifying the Tapestry of Ancestry

One of the major problems with karmic release uncovered by the mapmakers of ascension was an inability to release all karma necessary to ascend. This caused a deeper inquiry into why karma was not being released, only to uncover that most humans have manipulated lineages within their tapestry of ancestry. One sign of an inability to release karma is a lack of change in a particular circumstance or a particular harmful pattern that will simply not go away no matter how much that one intends it to be released in full. Another sign is a diseased part of the form that simply will not resurrect.


In ascension, one is forever changing, releasing old karma such that a new “you” may be born. Along with the release of karma, change also follows in the life dance. So, another symptom of problems in releasing karma is that one thinks they are ascending, but nothing changes. They do not leave the spouse, or sell the house, or change jobs, or move into their respective soul’s purpose. Ascension should bring about the gradual relinquishing of all that does not serve the choice to ascend, and changes related to the completion of the karmic dance with those presently in one’s life. If change is not occurring in the physical, then the karma is failing to be released, and if this is so, then one is not ascending or is creating an incomplete ascension. Read more

Image of a delicious watermelon bowl filled with watermelon pieces and fresh fruits. Ascension, Nutrition And Disease

14. Ascension, Nutrition And Disease


There is a great need to give to the body that which the body requires in order to ascend. Ascension can be an uncomfortable process, and to the degree that one denies the form whatever is required to ascend, to such a degree one prolongs the discomfort. The discomfort can come from body pain during which that which has died, scarred or decayed is being resurrected and reconstituted. Pain can also be emotional as one processes through the drama and trauma that remains from one’s ancient ancestry. To the degree one fails to support the form in detoxification or feed the form the foods necessary to ascend, to such a degree one prolongs the period of pain, whether the pain be physical or emotional in nature.


We therefore make some suggestions and guidelines for ascending folk such that they provide the form that which is required during each phase of ascension. For some, seeing a chiropractor, nutritionist, acupuncturist, homeopath, or massage/aromatherapy specialist may also be vital or helpful depending upon one’s constitution at the beginning of their journey. Some forms are more decayed than others, some more scarred than others. Some may even begin their journey already diseased, and yes ascension can transmute disease if one’s form is strong enough to handle the detoxification inherent in ascension.


Reversing Heart Disease


With a diseased form, the process of ascension is modified to address the weakest organs first, repairing them so that they can support the whole of the form in the continued detoxification necessary to ascend. In some cases, the genetic materials may be modified by one’s soul in a variety of ways to support the recovery of a specific disease. We have had success in reversing heart disease, even following a heart attack. This individual’s heart grid work and biological ascension was taken to 5,000 segments of genetic materials in the heart and circulatory system after the remainder of the body arrived at 1024. In essence, all ascension beyond 1024 was focused upon the recovery of the heart. Once the heart had recovered, this individual could proceed through bringing the remainder of the form to 5,000 segments of DNA.


Recovering from Epilepsy


We also have had several recovery cases of epilepsy. Epilepsy is caused by an exorbitant amount of electrical energy running through the nervous system. The cause of such tends to be karma, and as the karma is released, and the electrical sacred geometry dismantled in full, a full recovery can indeed come forth. Some folk suffering from Epilepsy will have a nervous system that has decayed more greatly than one that has not suffered from such a problem. This is simply the result of how electricity shatters the energy flow of a magnetic based form that this is so. As a result, it may be that the nervous system requires repairing and bringing forth to a higher initiatory level before the remainder of the form ascends. This has successfully worked in two known cases of epilepsy to date.


Reversing Autoimmune Dysfunctions


We have had cases of autoimmune dysfunction in which the spleen, kidneys and liver were terribly compromised. In these test-case ascensions, the spleen, kidney and liver were addressed above and beyond the remainder of the form after transiting 1024. In one case the spleen, liver and kidneys were built to 2,500 segments before the remainder of the body was addressed. This allowed enough recovery that this individual was no longer sleeping most of the day and could begin to function again in the world. In yet another more severe test case, the kidney, liver and spleen were taken all the way to 5,000 segments, again allowing for a recovery of the fatigue associated with an infection of such viruses. Read more

Image of Earth in space with the Sun in the background. Earth Transits Reign Of The Dark

13. Earth Transits The Reign Of The Dark


It is with great joy that the Great Central Sun and Mother Earth announces that the reign of the dark that has plagued Earth and your Cosmos has been completed upon and is coming to an end at last. The push to bring closure to the presence of those of great darkness in dominion over your Cosmos has been a long process and project indeed. It has also resulted in an intervention of the Source of All or Source of One whom exists beyond time and space and all Creations past, present and future emanate from.


We of the Great Central Sun with the assistance of Source of One along with the Dara Soul Group, which is another intervening force working in alliance with the Source of One has analyzed Earth’s long period of darkness. The analysis may surprise many humans whom read our review of the cause of such difficulties within your creation. Earth has always been a part of the Great Central Sun, but stepped outside of the boundaries of our conscious awareness, or in other terms, into our unconscious. (Please refer to Chapter 18 of Ascension Insights, Volume 1 for more information.) The reign of the dark began as Earth exited our energy flow about 16 million years ago. However, it was not until human forces incarnate gave form to a vessel that the dark could use, that the darkness present upon Earth became physical in the human dance.


With all creations, all occurrences occur in the nonphysical first and foremost, and then step into what is known as physicality. The separation between the nonphysical and physical is not known above dimensions 144 within the Great Central Sun. However, all creations below Dimension 144 know a separation between the nonphysical and physical realms. As Dimension 144 ascends “home”, their ascension shall bring an end to such separation in full for all souls and forms incarnate upon such a dimension. Such an ascension cannot occur without all dimensions beneath and supporting Dimension 144 likewise ascend.


The Great Central Sun is ending its experience of separation of soul and form. This is not a concept that exists within the Source of One or Source of All. No other creations outside of time and space separate soul and form. However, the distortion that your creation has fallen into is the result of experimenting with a blueprint that separated many things, form and soul, masculine and feminine, spirit and matter. It is in this experiment, of which was deemed a necessary experience that the many problems within your creation and many other parallel creations resulted.


The Separation of Spirit and Matter


The Great Central Sun, in its experimentation with separating spirit and matter into separate and distinct blueprints, underestimated that a part of the equation would become so lost that it would fail to hear or be able to interpret spirit or soul. It is as a result of this miscalculation, that form would become a separate life force in existence of its own free will and without the supervision of soul that the problems upon Earth and within the human dance are related. Read more

Image of the gorgeous sunset along the ocean with rings of aqua light surrounding a golden sun with the blue sky as background. A New Divine Plan For Earth And Humanity Is Launched

12. A New Divine Plan For Earth And Humanity Is Launched


The Great Central Sun is coming to learn and understand so very much more than ever before as a result of the continued sharing of records from Earth’s experience in our own unconscious. Indeed, such shifts are having affects upon the Great Central Sun as we assess our own parallel distortion and then make related corrections. Such shifts come after a long period of non-evolution, and therefore the change seems greater than ever following a long period of non-change. So, may ascension upon Earth feel much like a grand rectification with so much change after a long period of the same dance over time.


Indeed, Dara and the Order of Dari have called the period of non-change a “self-perpetuating thoughtform”. Dara is currently ensouling Earth and holding Language of Light tri and quad tones in Earth’s energy field. This soul group also is in governance of all karmic boards upon Earth and within the Great Central Sun. The Dara Soul Group is a part of the Intervention of Source of All overseeing the rectification of distortion throughout your respective All That Is. It is through the Dara Soul Group that a better understanding of the distortion surrounding incomplete ascensions is coming to be known by the ensouling factor of your Great Central Sun.


A “self-perpetuating thoughtform” is one that cannot and will not change and repeats the same dance over and over again without end. Following the nuclear explosion of the Annanuki reign upon Earth about 120,000 years ago, humanity and Earth fell into a self-perpetuating thoughtform. The dance that was set up in the drama that occurred in such a moment has repeated again and again endlessly in your human dance for the past 120,000 years of human history.


The Cast of Characters


In human form, there is a cast of characters. The cast of characters in human form represent those whom during their incarnations created key karmic incidents that have continued to influence the thoughtform of humankind ever since. The reasons that the thoughtform from the last cast of characters has continued to influence humankind is that such lifetimes caused Earth to fall into a self-perpetuating cycle that has no relationship to anywhere else in creation.


Thoughtform upon Earth is finite, which is not so elsewhere in the Great Central Sun, or the Ovum of 4,000 dimensions of which we are related or Source of All. Within all other sectors of creation, thoughtform is infinite and interconnected in a manner that allows for evolution and ascension. Upon Earth, thoughtform became separated off and ceased to interconnect with the thoughtform of the dimensions above Earth, and in so doing, became self-perpetuating. In so doing, Earth also ceased to evolve. Read more

Image of a beautiful Indian woman in a namaste greeting hand gesture. The True Meaning Of Namaste

11. The True Meaning Of Namaste


What does Namaste mean? Namaste means many things and the translations are quite deep. In Lemurian, “Namaste” is an ancient word that was utilized to trigger the deep awareness between two or more souls of their underlying truth. The underlying truth of two or more souls is a vibrational resonance that holds a specific function in Creation, upon Earth, and throughout time, space and form. As two or more souls hold their specific function in any creation, the truth of the creation becomes amplified such that the entire creation may hold its truth in a state of honor. It is only in such a state that any creation can evolve and ascend.


Seven Root Races


The seeded Red Race, whom came to Earth about 200,000 years ago, was seeded as seven tribes. The tribes have been traced in recent records uncovered in Earth’s ascension to regions known as North America, South America, Africa, Tibet, Australia, Hawaii/Tahiti, and the North Pole. Those carrying a pure lineage to such original seeding are known as North American Indians, South American Indians, Aborigines, Polynesians, Eskimos, Africans, and Tibetans. These are the remains of the original seven root races seeded upon Earth. However, all humans shall be related to one or more of these seven root races in their ancient ancestry, as all humans are indeed ONE. It is as any human brings forward in time their ancient ancestries that the genetic encoding become available to fuel one’s biological ascension forth.


The original job of the seven root races was to hold their truth, and in so doing, Earth’s truth was likewise amplified and held. Such tribes were anchored to assist Earth to fulfill upon her truth of ascension. Very early on and shortly after the original seeding, a distortion occurred within the seven tribes altering the thoughtform so that destruction rather than ascension would come forth for their nations. What was the cause of this original distortion?


There appear to be many causes upon the assessment of Earth in her own ascension. For one, the root races were from a solar system known as Sirius that was red/pink in color, and were transported to Earth which exists in a solar system that contains a yellow/orange sun. This in and of itself would not provide perhaps the necessary vibrations to the original root races to sustain the form distortion free, that is if they did not adjust to the change in environment. However, the Priests and Priestesses within the root races were seeded with grand spiritual knowledge. It was their role and agreement with Earth through successive ascensions to alter the genetics of all human tribes to become compatible with the vibrational differences between our solar system and Sirius. However, this was never completed upon, and something else took hold that was far more devastating.


Incomplete Ascension


Ascension results in the clearing of thoughtform. Thoughtform creates life upon any dimension that the thoughtform exists upon. The current thoughtform of Earth creates life upon Earth. In ascending to the next dimension, one releases the thoughtform that is third dimensional in nature, and embraces thoughtform that is fifth dimensional in nature. If one wishes to ascend and return to Source of All, one then releases all thoughtform inherent in this creation and embraces the thoughtform of Source of All and exits this creation altogether. Read more