Image of colorful musical notes. New Music for Ascending Humans

11. New Music for Ascending Humans


Blessings for Learning a New Song of Love and Empowerment


Mother Earth consciousness known as Terra would like to share a little more about the new music that we and humanity are moving towards as a collective. This music we call Ohana as it is filled with the sounds and words of love between the two as well as the many. Ohana is a Hawaiian word for extended family founded upon love. Hawaii was one of the last places to resound in ohana music, and perhaps this is why the Hawaiians had the loving lifestyle that they knew up until recent centuries and due to the intrusion of other races. As other races moved to the islands, some of the ohana music in the land was lost. However, there were small pockets of the music remaining and this is what Terra has drawn upon to weave a new music for the new dream that humanity is moving into that shall spawn a new tomorrow and golden age ahead.


There have been many predictions of the new era. Those making the predictions were looking at a future possible dream. In order to live this dream, many changes must come forth in relation to Earth and the human species. Those focusing first hand upon such changes are the map makers of ascension. This is the role of Asur’Ana and Per and their Dreamtime Ascension School (DAS); they work closely with Mother Earth consciousness to ascend, expand and modify their fields and forms along with inner music in manners that are conducive to the whole. In recent years the Tao, a force from outside of time and form that has extended upon Earth to aid in her recovery, has assessed the human map carvers. What was perceived was a vast lack of love within the path of ascension.


The lack of love is due to a lack of love upon Earth. The love has been moved to other creations vying to life extend in a light and love only dance. Fully conscious species are at cause of how much of the light and love was lost in recent cycles; and most of this occurred due to fission and combustion associated with false ascension. False ascension is being put behind Terra at this time as the karma for fission has been released now. It is fission that underlies all patterns of non-love that the map makers have come to understand in the journey towards full consciousness.


Non-love is a difficult dance. Non-love is filled with judgment, hatred, rejection, fear, lust, greed, non-truth, non-freedom, and all the scripts that humans live that are less than fulfilling in nature. Human scripts are vastly discordant and lead to the traumatic karmic relationships that most have known or know now as a result. Scripts determine the dreams that humans live. Edit the scripts and the dreams can begin to fulfill upon a journey towards wholeness; and out of wholeness love can be restored into the human experience.


The Journey Towards Wholeness


Wholeness is something that those studying with Per and Asur’Ana are focused upon at this time. Wholeness precludes the shattering and bitterness associated with the current human scripts. Wholeness is not a state that has ever been known here in this region of domain, including when Terra was inside the Great Central Sun. All that has been known is non-wholeness and it is for this reason that everything falls in consciousness. Much of this is due to patterns in the Tao of which Earth and humanity are not at cause of. Read more

Image of a serene lake in Oregon. The Oneness Paradigm of Self Sustainability

10. The Oneness Paradigm of Self Sustainability


We are at our end of year in the human calendar timeframe. It is therefore the Heart of the Tao’s desire to provide insights into the year behind and also into the direction ahead for the ascending map makers and followers alike. This has been a monumental year of vast change in direction for Terra (Mother Earth consciousness). The change in directions has occurred as her ascension would have failed otherwise.


Last year and although we have spoken little unto this truth, Terra was vastly shattered in multidimensional blows in early November. The blows arose out of combustions that were occurring in the Inner Earth amongst some who had created a vastly false ascension, and as such arose in vibration and sound without creating a fourth dimensional body to ascend into.


The fission from combustion is not unlike exploding a nuclear bomb. As such and for Terra’s energy field, it was as if a nuclear bomb had been detonated; but not in a vibration that affects most in physicality upon the surface of the Earth. The combustion did affect Asur’Ana and Per however, and Asur’Ana nearly died of strokes and Per of a heart attack. They chose to pull through along with Terra; and to move in another direction as obviously something was very misguided about the path that they were headed to have manifested such a difficult experience.


Releasing Fission Karma


What had been failed to be addressed was fission karma. Therefore Asur’Ana, Per, Terra, and our Dreamtime Ascension School (DAS) along with the ascending dolphin and whale map carvers chose to make fission karma their focus for 2025. All karma was to be compiled for fission.


The whales and dolphins wrote a beautiful essay about the nature of fission karma and how false ascension destroys the possibility of life and ascension of the whole. In terms of global ascension and upon successful release of fission karma in 2025, there will no longer be any fission-based threads to cause either nuclear annihilation or another false ascension leading to combustion amongst the Inner Earth humans or dolphins and whales. (Please see Holographic Record Keepers Chapter 13 “Giving Birth to Peace and Forgiving Fission Thoughtform” for more information on the nature of false ascension.) Read more

Image of the Sun behind a palm tree branch. Uniting Power and Love into A New Algorithm Within

9. Uniting Power and Love into A New Algorithm Within


Blessings for Empowering Love


Mother Earth Consciousness known as Terra would like to speak about the need to unite power and love within one’s energy field and within the languages in which one constructs one’s DNA and body along with life dream from. Uniting power and love has become a pivotal direction of change in relation to the dream for ascension at this time. For over time and in the Tao’s observation, all problems in ascension and false ascension are related to the separation between love and power.


Asur’Ana and Per discovered this disparity and strove to unite the two algorithms of love and power within the Language of ONE. What does this accomplish exactly? As love and power is united, abusive power ceases. Most psychic harm is the result of power that is devoid of love. The human unconscious is so filled with psychic harm that Terra has separated the darker attributes into another creation that is held separate from Earth in the physical at this time. In so being, Earth ceases to be destroyed in energy flow through humanity enough that she can carry on in her ascension.


The Grand Masters’ Search for Spiritual Freedom


Where did all the psychic abuse in the human unconscious come from? Long ago and in recent records gathered, there was a race of Grand Masters seeded upon Earth with large craniums and vast spiritual knowledge. They came to Earth to escape the power of the spiritual elite of Sirius that they felt was stifling further evolutionary goals. They came to Earth in search of freedom much as the red nation’s peoples left Europe for the new world of the North American continent also in search of freedom from the Anu slave race. History tends to repeat and this is why we point this out so that each in search of inner spiritual freedom can clear their karma and manifest their dreams more greatly ahead.


Alas for the Grand Masters, a vast travesty was set in motion by the Sirian spiritual elite and many forces we now call false creators who had another agenda in mind other than spiritual freedom. Earth was to be used as a place to polarize unwanted darkness and fission karma that was never to be transmuted in Sirian ascension. Vast polarity machinery was cast and set in motion that split light and dark propelling Terra into an era of great darkness. So instead of finding spiritual freedom, the Grand Masters entered a spiritual prison of the largest order.


The prison was deadly and most perished as this occurred; a few remained and moved to the Inner Earth closer to the Aurora where they fulfilled upon their original goal of physical ascension into the fourth dimension. The outer Earth humans have tended to perish each cycle of attempted ascension much like their grand master ancestors. Although this is very sad, it is also in working one’s way out of the prison that one finds one’s way to real freedom to ascend; and so perhaps it is all as it has needed to be. Read more

Image of maitake mushrooms. Dual Tones and Herbs

8. Dual Tones and Herbs


The herb kingdom has explored many supportive herbs for ascension. Herbs fell down the dimensions in interesting pathways. Long ago and what was a single herb has fallen over time into three to six herbs. In Chapter 14 “Language of Light Tri Tones and Herbs” of Ascension Insights, Volume 6, we explored combining six or more single tone Language of Light herbs together to support the ascending biological systems. When combined, the herbs emulated the biochemistry of a single herb that fell into multiple herbs over time and in the many falls in consciousness upon Earth.


The herb kingdom is retrieving our records of earlier biology that held much more complex biochemistry to ascend into at this time. Human also lost biochemical records into our kingdom and often it is only through combining all six or more tri-tone herbs that one then has all the nutrients necessary to reconstruct crystalline biological systems. This is the import of working with herbal tinctures in ascension; as if one does not, one may not create a complete ascension. If certain organs, glands or systems are unable to ascend due to missing nutrients, then they can become compromised over time. Therefore, it is important from our point of view to give the body the herbs it requires each phase of ascension ahead.


There are also other herbs that are not mentioned here and used in Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine that may hold genetic records from earlier time periods that are not associated with Asur’Ana and Per’s ancestry. Therefore, the herbal kingdom suggests that initiates research all herbs available and ingest those that hold information and that you muscle test are helpful to constructing a complete ascension in this lifetime for your specific ancestry. We have also generated a list of 18 Chinese herbs that are useful mostly to aid in the energy flow through the meridian system or field. (Please see Ascension Insights, Volume 6 Chapter 7 “Using Chinese Herbs to Support Ascension” for more information.)


Take Whatever Herbs Your Body Require for Continued Ascension


Long ago, Asur’Ana and Per were purists and did not give the body the herbs they required. This delayed their ascension to a certain extent. They have long since reversed their position and now take whatever herbs the body requires and generally every few nights and as they muscle test necessary to their continued ascent, or to address problematic areas of their ascending biology. Per and Asur’Ana are continuing to ascend into a yet earlier biology that their ancestors understood. Sometimes portions of the biology struggle to find a blueprint that is held in health. The dual tone herbs offered in this section have been useful for map making pathways into healthier structures in their personal experience and may be useful to others who are ascending as well.


Asur’Ana and Per have learned that herbs are better combined; and much as in Ayurvedic thinking, one herb’s side effects are cancelled by another. But more importantly, the combinations recreate substances that once occurred in a single herb long ago that absorbed their ancestor’s genetic blueprint as they fell in consciousness. Therefore, in recreating the original herb by combining all the herbs that the original fell into, they assure that they have all the nutrients necessary to continue to ascend into health ahead. Read more

Image of a beautiful sunset in Romania. Changes in the New Dream Ahead

7. Changes in the New Dream Ahead


Blessings for Entering the New Dream


This article begins a new series of essays to be offered from the consciousness of Terra unto those who are ascending at this time in history with a focus of what it means to become the creator of one’s own dream. Terra is the consciousness of the body of Earth much as you have a consciousness as a human that directs your life and ascension. Terra is learning to direct her own existence as a creator just as many of you who are ascending are beginning to choose to intend and create your own dreams. Becoming the creator is not easy as so much information has been lost over time that the nonphysical forces own and manipulate dreams in lieu of the global consciousness commanding its own dream.


A time is now underway in which we, Terra, can manage all dreams upon our global body, and are choosing to move all dreams towards unity, peace, love, honor and integrity between all kingdoms. Earth is a consensus reality that is made up of all consciousness upon her. We speak as a group as Terra is composed of many consciousnesses from all over the globe along with the Inner Earth that are working together towards the common goal of entry into the New Dream ahead.


The human dream upon the surface of the Earth is the most distorted by extreme polarity of all other dreams. The Inner Earth peoples have a very middle path dream that is better suited to returning into the Great Central Sun, although in recent times they have discovered, as have we, that they have failed to release the karma associated with outer Earth polarity; and as a result, are contributing to its cause in failing to forgive all that has occurred upon all of Earth over time.


The Inner Earth people live in a bubble of more joyful relations and do not attune to or even acknowledge the outer Earth human circumstance. It is easy for the human species to become self-centered and fail to acknowledge all the karma at hand to be forgiven in the choice to ascend. This is changing at this time as the outer Earth karma is now creating unconscious patterns of harm within the Inner Earth, and this then allows the karma to come to the surface so that it may be forgiven by all ascending humans, and not just those upon the surface of the Earth.


The Current Economic Crisis


The surface Earth humans are experiencing in this moment a world mirror of economic crisis. Why is this occurring at this time? Partially, this crisis is so due to human pyramidal dreams that over inflated over the past 25 years by taking dream from Terra’s global body that was meant for the ascension of the land. As the human dreams inflated excessively, more and more of the global physical plane has been destroyed to create more and more goods that fuel a rising economy that has little or no bearing upon collective ascension. Read more

Image of a magnificent sunrise. Restoring the State of a Creator unto Human Form

6. Restoring the State of a Creator unto Human Form


This is a first in a series of articles through Asur’Ana and the Heart of the Tao to address the patterns and issues of becoming a creator in human form as well as a steward of this space craft known as Terra ahead. We hope each enjoys this information as it pours forth. We also recommend working with Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension Workbook 1 to foster as complete an ascension as possible this lifetime. A complete ascension without schisms is necessary to the sustenance of health in the new dream. Workbook 2 focuses upon the emotional issues of separation and imbalance in ascension and how to bring them to a new state of unity and integrity within.


Blessings for Remembrance that You are the Creator


The Heart of the Tao would like to address the real purpose of human existence. The human form was devised by the Tao long ago as a physical representation of the “creator”. All creations in the Tao are structured from sound, movement, tone and color. All creations have a shape that is caused as the energy associated moves; it also has a sound that is like a symphony of sweet music. Creators choose the blueprint for any creation by drawing upon variant possibilities within the template created by the Tao each expansion cycle and cause their creations. Human consciousness may or may not be a part of any creator’s creation.


Creators work together hosting neighboring regions that create sound, tone, music and color that complement one another, creating even a more greatly beautiful music when all is orchestrated together and moves together. Creating through sound, tone, color and movement is also only one type of creation in the Tao; there are thousands of other types of creations that have additional attributes; however, the foundation of all creations is related unto sound, tone, color and movement.


Within the movement, there can be form or biology as you know it. The genetics that you know are a part of a blueprint that takes sound, tone, color and movement and condenses or compresses it into what appears to be a shape of some sort. The shapes formed in the compression can hold consciousness or not. Whether shapes hold consciousness or not is up to the creator at cause of any creation and what the creator is vying to experience and evolve to understand.


What Is Consciousness?


What is consciousness? Consciousness is awareness that one exists within the compressed sound, tone, color and movement that creates form. Non-consciousness on the other hand does not hold awareness within the biology of the form, but rather just within the creator behind the creation that compressed or molded the physical into its state of being. Creators can also alter any form into becoming conscious at will and if necessary to the sustenance or evolution of the creation. Read more

Image of shiny and sacred Native American rocks. A Spiritual Perspective on the Current World Economic Crisis

5. A Spiritual Perspective on the Current World Economic Crisis


The Heart of the Tao would like to share with you a different perspective of the current economic crisis that is causing severe losses to the banks and banking system along with the real estate market at this time. The cause of the crisis is really founded upon the polarity reversals and energetic changes that are the result of Terra’s (Earth’s) global ascension. For the past six years, Terra has entered gateway after gateway of energy flow known as “Star Gates” towards the Great Central Sun Dream. Each Star Gate has offered up new energetic movements; some of which have been embraced leading to further global ascension. Some of the movements that are supportive have become a new language upon Terra known as the “Language of ONE” and have been captured as crop circles around the globe.


Anu Based Cycle


For the past 2,000 human years, you have been in an Anu based cycle. The Anu based cycle is the result of a group of Pleiadians that came to Earth and strip mined her of gold to extend life back home. Life in the Pleiades was dying due to a missing vibration related to the golden octave. As the golden octave was moved from Earth, life in the Pleiades was restored and Terra began to move towards extinction.


Fall after fall in vibration and energy flow occurred in the era of the Anu due to the loss of Terra’s gold; and the loss created the space for a Pleiadian energetic geometry to be increasingly set in motion in Earth’s field. This pattern is pyramidal in nature and many metaphysical aspirants are familiar with what is known as the “Merkaba”. The formation of electrical pyramidal flow is really a foreign geometry set up by a particularly small group of humans that required this flow to extend their lives.


The Anu became bored after a time and chose to heavily breed a slave nation of humans. These humans grew into the billions in numbers and increased the pyramidal energetic movements around their civilization and upon Terra. The electrical pyramidal flow increased so heavily that it drew a dream of nuclear annihilation left over from another Pleiadian war unto Earth; and the culmination in the era of the Anu was a vast travesty.


The era concluded in six large nuclear bombs detonated upon Terra’s surface that sent her downward in vibration, pressed her upon her side, and it took 24,000 human years thereafter just to balance her energy flow enough that she could stabilize. A nuclear winter that scientists perceive as the “great freeze” occurred in this time period. (For more historical information as gathered through human and global ascension, please refer to Chapter 1 “Human Archetypes and Archetypal Nature” of Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension: Workbook 1.) Read more

Image of lovely pale pink hearts. Blessings of Love and Self Healing from the Heart of the Tao

4. Blessings of Love and Self Healing from the Heart of the Tao


The Heart of the Tao addresses each reading of our books today. The Heart of the Tao is a casted temple designed to restore love to creations that have become lost in time, space and form. The Heart of the Tao has been anchored upon Earth in recent months to aid Earth in self-healing through love. Love is the essential ingredient to self-healing. Through self healing, all that has been created that led to distortion, disease, aging, death, falls in consciousness, loss of light and loss of love can be restored. The journey of restoration is called ascension which is really about gathering up lost parts of self from the past, and in the reunion, a journey to greater wholeness within is born.


Dimensions Are Illusions


Many have thought of ascension as a pathway to another dimension. Dimensions are illusions in the thoughtform of the Tao. There is only creators and creations that expand and contract at the end of cycle journey, and return Home to the consciousness of the Tao. Expansion is not about falling down dimensions, and so you cannot confuse what has occurred here with an expansion cycle. What has occurred here is the result of failing to go “home” as the contraction cycle was invoked. That which failed to go home went extinct as there was no life force to sustain its existence.


Life force is only generated in the expansion cycle by the Tao for all creators and creations, and then as the contraction cycle is called, all is gathered back, and over time no additional life force is provided, as the creations have all gone Home. Here in this region of domain, creations failed to return home and then as there was no more life force available due to everything else departing, creations went extinct.


That which exists upon your dimension (3D) is generally the creations that go extinct in any given contraction cycle and as there is no longer life force to sustain it. The extinction of creations upon the third dimension then draws the creations upon the fifth dimension down into the third, and all others above them down another dimensional threshold, and it is the bottom level dimension of life that will go extinct in the following cycle.


About the End of Time Bell


This has occurred for 12 cycles now as gauged by the Tao in its assessment of your records as a creational body. The underlying cause is the failure for each creation in this region of domain to choose to go Home. There is a system for homecoming that is embedded into everything cast within the Tao. When the “End of Time Bell” is sounded, all creators and creations conclude their expansion cycle and begin their contraction cycle, working their way out of whatever experience that they have constructed, and whatever distortion that they have gone into, back home to the Tao. Read more

Image of the Beehive crop circle. The Language of ONE #33-65

3. The Language of ONE #33-65


The Language of ONE is brought forth as crop circle definitions that are made available unto ascending initiates by the Great Central Sun for the purposes of transcendence. Each symbol will invoke a holographic energy movement in the field, just as the Language of Light symbols cause movement that dissipates density and allows for ascension. Please see Chapter 3 of Ascension Insights, Volume 6 for definitions of the Language of ONE #1-32


Crop Circle Interpretations


Caution: If these symbols cause one to feel dizzy, nauseous or faint and uncomfortable, we guide you to return to the Language of Light symbols and master these tones first in one’s personal ascension.


When Finish: Please intend to disengage from the movement that each symbol fosters when you are finish with your focus. We recommend using these symbols in small amounts a little at a time until one has embraced a flow that supports these tones. These tones are “macro” commands that invoke the entire scale of the Language of Light single, dual, tri and quad tones all at once. Also intend that one adjusts the movement to serve one’s current level of ascent by requesting this of Earth’s angels. Earth is holding a dream to support the learning of the movement of the Language of ONE for all whom are ready for this next level of work.


33. Holographic Record Keeping









Holographic records are kept in a tightly organized manner in which there is 900 times more memory than spiral based storage. Holographic records allow for much more information stored in a more organized manner, not unlike current human data keeping on CD Rom that emulates Earth’s field. The increasing record keeping capabilities allow Earth to retrieve lost holographic records and store them for reference or use in the continued ascent of each kingdom or the whole of Earth.


34. Holographic Consensus Based Knowledge









Holographic knowing allows one to access all information ever understood at a particular bandwidth of frequency within one’s species or the consensus at large. No information is withheld and nothing is missing. All that is required to access the knowing is the right vibrations and keys and as long as one does not misuse the information in any manner, then one will have access to whatever one requires to understand in order to ascend. This is the same for each species as well as Earth as a whole.  Read more

Image of four small glass bottles of essential oil and flowers. Essential Oils and Single Tones

2. Essential Oils and Single Tones


Many essential oils may be useful in ascension. The fruit, herb and flowering kingdoms wish to provide information on the Language of Light tones that essential oils made from various fruits, herbs and flowering kingdoms hold. Oils from herbs, fruits and flowers have been made since the original red nations peoples were seeded upon Earth. Over time and through many falls in consciousness, human genetic information became trapped in some kingdoms used for essential oils.


Essential oils are soothing to the senses, allow for the dissipation of density in the auric field, and can also have tonic effects upon the body if ingested in small amounts. One way to work with essential oils is to place a little upon the finger and brush the tongue. The brushing of the tongue will stimulate the digestive system and cause one to assimilate one’s spiritual lessons in the dance of ascension. Citrus oils are useful for this and taste sweet or sour similar to the fruit associated. Eucalyptus is also useful for the purposes of stimulating digestion and also contains a certain fatty acid that some crystalline nervous systems require to sustain consciousness and understanding unity-based principles. (Always muscle test before using.) We suggest using organic steam distilled essential oils for ingestion.


Use of essential oils is another way also to connect and commune with the herb, fruit and flower kingdoms associated. In the communion, genetic records lost in our kingdoms can be uncovered and returned for your continued ascension. And so, we invite you to commune with us while using essential oils in your homemade creams, lotions, salt scrubs or in the bath each night.


Please refer to Ascension Insights, Volume 5 Chapter 1 “How to Work with Herbs and Essential Oils in Ascension”  for more information and some lovely homemade spritzers, creams and toothpaste recipes. In Ascension Insights, Volume 6 Chapter 14 “Language of Light Tri Tones and Herbs” , we share herbal supplements useful in supporting ascending biology.


In Dancing with Trees and Plants Chapter 7 “Blessings for Remembering the Ancient Past”, there are recipes for homemade skin lotions; in Chapter 18 “Blessings for the Fragrance of Health, Beauty and Love”, there are homemade perfumes and non-toxic cleaning substances; and in Chapter 25 “Blessings for a Return to Conscious Farming Practices”, there are recipes for regenerative body oils and creams that feed the skin and are also useful unto ascension. Read more