Image of maitake mushrooms. Dual Tones and Herbs

8. Dual Tones and Herbs


The herb kingdom has explored many supportive herbs for ascension. Herbs fell down the dimensions in interesting pathways. Long ago and what was a single herb has fallen over time into three to six herbs. In Chapter 14 “Language of Light Tri Tones and Herbs” of Ascension Insights, Volume 6, we explored combining six or more single tone Language of Light herbs together to support the ascending biological systems. When combined, the herbs emulated the biochemistry of a single herb that fell into multiple herbs over time and in the many falls in consciousness upon Earth.


The herb kingdom is retrieving our records of earlier biology that held much more complex biochemistry to ascend into at this time. Human also lost biochemical records into our kingdom and often it is only through combining all six or more tri-tone herbs that one then has all the nutrients necessary to reconstruct crystalline biological systems. This is the import of working with herbal tinctures in ascension; as if one does not, one may not create a complete ascension. If certain organs, glands or systems are unable to ascend due to missing nutrients, then they can become compromised over time. Therefore, it is important from our point of view to give the body the herbs it requires each phase of ascension ahead.


There are also other herbs that are not mentioned here and used in Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine that may hold genetic records from earlier time periods that are not associated with Asur’Ana and Per’s ancestry. Therefore, the herbal kingdom suggests that initiates research all herbs available and ingest those that hold information and that you muscle test are helpful to constructing a complete ascension in this lifetime for your specific ancestry. We have also generated a list of 18 Chinese herbs that are useful mostly to aid in the energy flow through the meridian system or field. (Please see Ascension Insights, Volume 6 Chapter 7 “Using Chinese Herbs to Support Ascension” for more information.)


Take Whatever Herbs Your Body Require for Continued Ascension


Long ago, Asur’Ana and Per were purists and did not give the body the herbs they required. This delayed their ascension to a certain extent. They have long since reversed their position and now take whatever herbs the body requires and generally every few nights and as they muscle test necessary to their continued ascent, or to address problematic areas of their ascending biology. Per and Asur’Ana are continuing to ascend into a yet earlier biology that their ancestors understood. Sometimes portions of the biology struggle to find a blueprint that is held in health. The dual tone herbs offered in this section have been useful for map making pathways into healthier structures in their personal experience and may be useful to others who are ascending as well.


Asur’Ana and Per have learned that herbs are better combined; and much as in Ayurvedic thinking, one herb’s side effects are cancelled by another. But more importantly, the combinations recreate substances that once occurred in a single herb long ago that absorbed their ancestor’s genetic blueprint as they fell in consciousness. Therefore, in recreating the original herb by combining all the herbs that the original fell into, they assure that they have all the nutrients necessary to continue to ascend into health ahead. Read more

Image of the Beehive crop circle. The Language of ONE #33-65

3. The Language of ONE #33-65


The Language of ONE is brought forth as crop circle definitions that are made available unto ascending initiates by the Great Central Sun for the purposes of transcendence. Each symbol will invoke a holographic energy movement in the field, just as the Language of Light symbols cause movement that dissipates density and allows for ascension. Please see Chapter 3 of Ascension Insights, Volume 6 for definitions of the Language of ONE #1-32


Crop Circle Interpretations


Caution: If these symbols cause one to feel dizzy, nauseous or faint and uncomfortable, we guide you to return to the Language of Light symbols and master these tones first in one’s personal ascension.


When Finish: Please intend to disengage from the movement that each symbol fosters when you are finish with your focus. We recommend using these symbols in small amounts a little at a time until one has embraced a flow that supports these tones. These tones are “macro” commands that invoke the entire scale of the Language of Light single, dual, tri and quad tones all at once. Also intend that one adjusts the movement to serve one’s current level of ascent by requesting this of Earth’s angels. Earth is holding a dream to support the learning of the movement of the Language of ONE for all whom are ready for this next level of work.


33. Holographic Record Keeping









Holographic records are kept in a tightly organized manner in which there is 900 times more memory than spiral based storage. Holographic records allow for much more information stored in a more organized manner, not unlike current human data keeping on CD Rom that emulates Earth’s field. The increasing record keeping capabilities allow Earth to retrieve lost holographic records and store them for reference or use in the continued ascent of each kingdom or the whole of Earth.


34. Holographic Consensus Based Knowledge









Holographic knowing allows one to access all information ever understood at a particular bandwidth of frequency within one’s species or the consensus at large. No information is withheld and nothing is missing. All that is required to access the knowing is the right vibrations and keys and as long as one does not misuse the information in any manner, then one will have access to whatever one requires to understand in order to ascend. This is the same for each species as well as Earth as a whole.  Read more

Image of four small glass bottles of essential oil and flowers. Essential Oils and Single Tones

2. Essential Oils and Single Tones


Many essential oils may be useful in ascension. The fruit, herb and flowering kingdoms wish to provide information on the Language of Light tones that essential oils made from various fruits, herbs and flowering kingdoms hold. Oils from herbs, fruits and flowers have been made since the original red nations peoples were seeded upon Earth. Over time and through many falls in consciousness, human genetic information became trapped in some kingdoms used for essential oils.


Essential oils are soothing to the senses, allow for the dissipation of density in the auric field, and can also have tonic effects upon the body if ingested in small amounts. One way to work with essential oils is to place a little upon the finger and brush the tongue. The brushing of the tongue will stimulate the digestive system and cause one to assimilate one’s spiritual lessons in the dance of ascension. Citrus oils are useful for this and taste sweet or sour similar to the fruit associated. Eucalyptus is also useful for the purposes of stimulating digestion and also contains a certain fatty acid that some crystalline nervous systems require to sustain consciousness and understanding unity-based principles. (Always muscle test before using.) We suggest using organic steam distilled essential oils for ingestion.


Use of essential oils is another way also to connect and commune with the herb, fruit and flower kingdoms associated. In the communion, genetic records lost in our kingdoms can be uncovered and returned for your continued ascension. And so, we invite you to commune with us while using essential oils in your homemade creams, lotions, salt scrubs or in the bath each night.


Please refer to Ascension Insights, Volume 5 Chapter 1 “How to Work with Herbs and Essential Oils in Ascension”  for more information and some lovely homemade spritzers, creams and toothpaste recipes. In Ascension Insights, Volume 6 Chapter 14 “Language of Light Tri Tones and Herbs” , we share herbal supplements useful in supporting ascending biology.


In Dancing with Trees and Plants Chapter 7 “Blessings for Remembering the Ancient Past”, there are recipes for homemade skin lotions; in Chapter 18 “Blessings for the Fragrance of Health, Beauty and Love”, there are homemade perfumes and non-toxic cleaning substances; and in Chapter 25 “Blessings for a Return to Conscious Farming Practices”, there are recipes for regenerative body oils and creams that feed the skin and are also useful unto ascension. Read more

Image of various colors of hearts. Opening to the Infinite Love of the Heart of the Tao

1. Opening to the Infinite Love of the Heart of the Tao


It is the Tao that greets you today, an aspect outside of time, space and form which communes and communicates with Asur’Ana and Terra (Earth) via the holographic planes. Terra has become the favored name of Earth as it translates into “Beautiful One” in the Language of ONE.  The Tao has been guiding Asur’Ana for over five years in her ascent to date and recently has established communication planes to guide each kingdom upon Earth and in your multidimensional ascending consensus. This allows for a new dream to be woven as held by the Tao for Terra’s ascension Home. (Please see Chapter 3 of Volume 6, Volume 7 and Volume 8 of the Ascension Insights series for more information on the Language of ONE for crop circle based definitions of the new ascending language that Terra is evolving into.)


The ascension of Terra “home” to the Tao may take upwards of 10,000 years to accomplish and shall involve the merger of the physical with the nonphysical, after which physicality ceases to exist and the nonphysical consciousness carries forward. The purpose of this shall be the understanding of what it takes to ascend a creation fallen into such density and destruction home; and in so doing shall create a pathway for many other regions of domain lost in time and space much as with Terra. Terra’s collective consciousness will then go on to serve in another mission of aiding yet other creations in returning Home to the Tao that have fallen as greatly as herself.


The evolution of the Tao has begun as a result of the connection unto Terra and the ascending consensus that includes Dimensions 3 through 18 in your time space, along with four future creations also ascending home in future contraction cycles of the Tao in the same time space quadrant as Terra. The net result is a sharing of information and resources that spans contraction cycles, all of which is necessary to the recovery of this region of domain.


The other creations are ascending even more completely gathering up all attributes of self, leading to a more complete ascension in each future cycle ahead. Because the Tao sits outside of time and space, the four cycles can be viewed concurrent, leading to a sharing that also occurs outside of time and space. This allows information for healing to be passed from Terra to other creations ahead, as well as information from the other creations back to Terra in her time-space. The new result is that we are now giving closure to the era of the dark in all four contraction cycles simultaneously.


Giving Closure to the Era of the Dark


Much of the closure to dark forces has occurred as the Tao has reabsorbed attributes of itself that were left behind in incomplete ascensions going back as far as 36 contraction cycles ago. These attributes of self has been called the “false tao”, as they are related unto the Tao but had broken off and were left behind. It is the false tao that then dances with those creations that fail to ascend Home in any future cycle. It is the false tao that has set up a non-ascension possibility for this region of domain that Terra resides within. The false tao is now being reabsorbed, bringing an end to the darkness that has plagued Terra and all ascending dimensions at this time. Read more

Image of a sweet golden bird. Angel Archive #8

Angel Archive #8: Sacred Waters


Sacred water and light go hand in hand to emulsify the body better in light wave motion. Bathing, showering, swimming, Jacuzzi’s or mineral springs are very useful to balance light if used daily or as frequently as you can. The water hits the skin and emulsifies light around the epidermis. If you have not a bath, standing in the shower for 15 minutes will suffice to foster the same effect. Bath additives are best with rock salt plus lavender essential oil along with vitamin C powder. The salt nourishes the field and the lavender revives the skin while the vitamin C allows dead skin to depart. If you cannot bathe, making a salt scrub of the above ingredients and apply ¼ cup following each shower will have parallel effect.


(Please see Ascension Insights, Volume 1 Chapter 5 “Supporting the Human Form in Ascension”  for more information on the detoxification process and making and using salt scrub.)


Feet Care


Make sure to scrub the bottom of each foot in each shower to renew and revive the feet too. Leathery skin upon the feet causes so many physical problems in extreme light that it is best to avoid. If you have leathery feet, it may be best to go to a spa for a foot treatment to remove all of the dead skin for the sake of your health. The feet are natural conductors of the meridians of the body. Leathery feet do not conduct light through the meridians evenly leading to every disease you could imagine. It is not a time not to take care of feet. If you need a kit for home treatment, purchase one; but a professional spa treatment may suffice to catch you up so that the vitamin C scrub upon the bottom of the feet in each shower or bathing in vitamin C each night fosters a release of what is dead so that your meridians can flourish in light properly.


Face Care


Washing the face is another sacred journey all of its own. Finding a seaweed facial wash and cream is best. Seaweed nourishes the skin in a gelatinous substance that allows light not to damage the epidermis. Vitamin C powder scrub upon the face each morning will remove dead skin cells off the profile too. Sprinkle only ¼ teaspoon of vitamin C powder upon the hand and blend with a sprinkle of water and apply to the face and rinse immediately. Follow with a seaweed facial cream for a soft and beautiful profile.


(Please refer to Dancing with Trees and Plants Chapter 7 “Blessings for Remembering the Ancient Past”  for homemade recipes for regenerative facial cleanser, regenerative face cream, and regenerative facial mask.) Read more

Image of a noble looking rainbow parrot. Angel Archive #7

Angel Archive #7: Sacred Grains


Sacred grains are a necessity for all light wave humans. Wheat is an inflammatory substance. Wheat causes the cells to inhale water and grow to be plump. The plump figure is almost normal today for many humans who consume too much wheat. Wheat is a poison how it is raised and processed in today’s society. Ancient grains on the other hand are useful to the heart and mind.


Wheat Problem


One major problem is that a short grain wheat strain was chosen for most farmers that is more productive but low in protein and high in sugars. Hypoglycemia is almost a norm for humans now as a result who eat more than they should due to dropping blood sugar levels. The high sugars of wheat cause a low sugar reaction and starvation symptom of humanity. Out of starvation, most eat far more than is needed; and in light wave motion to an extreme the obesity of the body is a sure sign of death ahead. Swelling is a sign that you are eating too much wheat. Eliminate the wheat and you will slim down to normal proportions ahead. Choose for other grains when needed and you will feed the body what you need and not a poison of humanity.


Stevia as a Sugar Substitute


Ancient grains are best for all star seeds to consume. Ancient grains are higher in protein and have the right sugars for the mind. The mind needs some sugars to stay straight through time. Simple sugars such as glucose are a complex topic for the mind and body in light wave motion. Simple sugars cause the heart to race and the pancreas to over produce insulin. The cells then eat too much simple sugar and over heat the body leading to diseases through time. Stevia is the best substitute for sugar as it is a mind bend not. Fructose from fruit and not a powder is also helpful to the mind every day. Fructose as a powder causes parallel problems as glucose to the heart and cells.


Some ingenious health food companies are making their way to chocolate or other candies that are stevia based. If you cannot find a candy of this stature, foster a chai tea with stevia and soy milk and see if this settles your adroit need to satisfy yourself in the sweet taste buds of you.


Junk Food


(NOTE: Asur’Ana abstains from wines and all alcoholic drinks. This section is written at the Archangels’ request.)


If the mind is bent and you need “junk food not” then think about red wine. Red wine is very helpful to the sugars of the mind. It is a fermented food that aids digestion. The blood thrives on red wine. Have a glass and do not worry about it as the alcohol vaporizes in the blood in extreme light. White wine and rose are also sometimes useful to the brain function of you so muscle test what is best. Wine detoxifies the pancreas, supports the liver, aids the spleen, and nurtures the mind. Read more

Image of amazingly sparkling aqua blue water of a bay. Forgiving the Spiritual Lessons of our Grand Master Ancestors

Chapter 7: Forgiving the Spiritual Lessons of our Grand Master Ancestors


Mastering Integrity Within and Defining Guru Archetypes     


This is the last chapter of Workbook 2 and all of its explorations into the emotional make up of humans at this time in history, and what requires transcending to come into the middle path of greater unity and integrity within. Unity within and integrity within are intricately intertwined; without unity there can be no integrity; and without integrity there can be no unity. Integrity is a state of being that states “I honor you, I honor me, I honor the group, I honor nature and I honor Earth”. It is in the honor of all things that real unity comes forth in the dance of the two or the many.


There are many time periods in which honor and integrity flourished in the human dream. Honor and integrity were the foundation of dream that the Grand Masters came to Earth within; and anchored for the other red nations’ tribes to flow within. This is the karma we are to explore within this section along with a host of other relations that were the descendents of the Grand Masters and created karma that has influenced the archetypal patterns in all related unto them over time.


Earliest Records of Combustion Revealed


At the time that Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 of Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension: Workbook 1 were written, less was known about the lives of the Grand Masters than today. Therefore, we now give a greater overview of their purpose and nature. We have uncovered records of larger headed humans that came to exist upon Earth prior to the era of the Grand Masters. These humans appear to have come to exist within the Inner Earth to explore the possibility of relocating unto Terra from Sirius A.


They worked with the energy dynamics of Earth and appear to also have combusted in attempted ascensions. We have no record of any fourth dimensional human remaining from this time period which dates to 80,000 Earth years ago (320,000 human years) and 30,000 Earth years ago (120,000 human years) prior to the arrival of the Grand Masters; and 5,000 Earth years (20,000 human years) prior to the seeding of the 18 red nations’ tribes. [The Grand Masters came to Earth 50,000 Earth years ago (200,000 human years). The seeding of the red nations occurred 75,000 Earth years ago (300,000 human years).]


The combustions of these larger headed humans that came to Earth occurred in small groups of five or less and so had minimal impact upon Terra’s energy flow of the time. However, the records of combustion appear to have influenced the larger headed Grand Masters to follow the same deadly path in a later time period. It is unclear that the Sirian larger headed humans of the time understood that those that appeared to have ascended, actually combusted. Read more

Image of a small heart pillow among pink roses. Workbook 2 Chapter 7 Worksheets

Workbook 2: Chapter 7 Worksheets


These worksheets are to be used with Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension: Workbook 2, Chapter 7: Forgiving the Spiritual Lessons of our Grand Master Ancestors.


Forgiving the Spiritual Lessons of our Grand Master Ancestors


These worksheets are focused upon addressing those issues related to the Grand Master ancestors with the large craniums that came to Earth 50,000 years ago (200,000 years as humans measure time) and set in motion a series of patterns that have been problematic unto Terra along with humanity alike throughout time. As the lessons of those of this nature are understood and forgiven, the pattern of false ascension and incomplete ascension will also be forgiven, and then the path of real complete ascension Home to the Tao can open up to all humans as their future destiny upon Earth.


Before this can come to be so, the map makers who are working with this information must create a complete map without schisms or gaps in the DNA, and to a destination that creates peace within and without. Therefore, this information is also devoted to the path of the peacemaker as a map maker who will find unity and integrity within and then create unity and integrity-based relationships outside of self in the dance of life as a result of your ascension.


Unity and integrity as they have been expressed in the past can be brought forward into the NOW and experienced. However, we now understand that the Grand Master dance of unity and integrity was very short lived in their time upon Earth; and the sour nature of the dance of disunity that followed set in motion a dream in which disunity and non-integrity has recurred again and again throughout history.


Throughout human history there have been sweet times of balance, unity and joy followed by very sour times of disunity, struggle, lack, and often warfare, in particular as the cycles of the Anu have rolled around creating conflict to an extreme. As the dance of swinging between the polarity of sweet and sour dreams is forgiven, then sweeter dreams can be woven overall in the continued dance of life. Sweeter dreams appear sweeter only against the tapestry of what sour dreams make manifest.


In the new languages anchored related to the Language of ONE and Language of the Tao that is now entering Terra’s core, there is no sweet or sour music; there is only the constant dream and music of truth to be expressed as a result of one’s thoughtform. Over time and as ascending humans embody the music of the Tao, a constant and harmonious dream will be called into the dance of life. Read more

Image of a marvelous bird with widespread white wings, black head and orange breast pecking an orange berry. Angel Archive #6

Angel Archive #6: Sacred Brunch


Brunch is a luxurious moment to share with Spirit. Sometimes brunch is helpful to your mindset too for so many of you work too hard and celebrate too little. Brunch is a time of celebration over a midday meal that can delight and also sustain the body in light wave motion if it is of the right food resources. The wrong brunch food resources on the other hand will kill you otherwise over time. What is right and what is wrong? Salads and fruit are right and desserts and pastries are wrong.


(NOTE: Asur’Ana is a vegan and abstains from all alcohol. Therefore, she does not recommend eating eggs or fish or consuming alcohol, however, the Archangels requested that she shares the following information.)


Organic Eggs


Eggs are delightful with vegetables and not potatoes. Eggs should be reserved to three times per month as a 2-egg omelet and not more as the fats cause problems with the heart, spleen and liver over time otherwise in light wave motion. Eggs are gifted at resurrecting tissue if they have gotten blown out. If in a time of resurrection, eggs can be consumed four times per month instead of just three.


Finding restaurants that offer scrambled tofu is another option to choose for breakfast or brunch if you need no more eggs this week. Salads and fruit are also welcome with brunch along with fish if offered on the menu of your favorite restaurant. Smoked salmon is sometimes helpful to the mind but needs to be devoid of the bagel and placed over a salad instead to support your health ahead. There are always means to eat out as long as you choose for what is right minded food in extreme light wave motion. This is an extreme light wave motion cycle and therefore right-minded eating is needed unless you wish to die early in this lifetime of yours.


If hungry, a salad can always be complemented with hummus without the pita and served on top of cucumber, celery and tomatoes instead. Potatoes are always best substituted for fruit or a side salad to retain your right-minded brunch excursion into health. Adding shrimp to the salad is good with eggs but not scrambled tofu. Eggs and shrimp compliment. Salmon should be eaten separate whether smoked or not as they do not digest easily with eggs or tofu. Ahi (tuna) should also be separate from both eggs and tofu to foster a complete ingestion of all proteins associated. Consuming a digestive enzyme following any meal with protein is also recommended to avoid gut rot. Read more

Image of a peaceful lake with the forest and mountains in the background. Transcending Seduction and Illusion

Chapter 6: Transcending Seduction and Illusion


Becoming the Authentic Self             


This chapter is devoted to the patterns of seduction and illusion in all the many and varied ways that it occurs amongst humans. Humans have fallen into the need to appear other than whom and what one is in order to please, make peace, unite others, or feel loved and accepted in the dance of life. This is the underlying cause of the need to seduce from Mother Earth’s point of view. Underneath the seduction however one can often feel incompetent or as though one must bend the truth in order to play the role that the seducer or seduced one participates in. Therefore, seduction is the underlying cause of why humans bend their will as explored in Chapter 5 of Workbook 2.


Seduction is so common in the human dance of life that there is hardly one relationship that does not sustain itself somewhat on the act of seduction. Those gifted at seduction are more popular than those who are not. Those least gifted at seduction are the most disliked or even hated in the dance of life. Seduction does not rely upon abusive techniques that are verbal or behavioral in nature; instead, they lure others to oneself but then abuse in the unconscious energetic dynamics instead. So, one could say that seduction is abusive and destructive in the unconscious and not the physical.


The Origins of Seduction         


Where does seduction originate? Seduction originated with Zeus and Innana primarily. Zeus and Innana archetypal natures seduce sexually, and through attracting others to them through the sexual flow. The sexual flow creates a mirror through which one is mirrored whatever one desires to perceive about Zeus or Innana archetype that portrays them in a favored manner. All the negative attributes of Zeus or Innana archetype are hidden behind the mirrors so that one simply does not perceive them, unless of course one lives or works closely with those of Zeus or Innana archetypal nature.


Seduction is difficult to sustain in an ongoing and recurrent manner, as it requires 100% more chi to sustain the mirrors or veils of illusion than spin a field. Therefore, in an ongoing living or work circumstance, the veils of seduction fall away and the real nature of the person underneath is revealed. It is for this reason that romance often only lasts as long as two do not live together, as once the truth of who the other is becomes revealed, the love founded upon seduction dissipates. Often amongst couples that are extremely variant in genealogies where one is primarily red nation and the other Pleiadian or Anu, there is an ongoing misunderstanding of one another beyond the original seduction. This is where most conflictive partnerships arise from; the two simply do not understand one another upon a molecular level.


If two understand one another as the inheritance parallels from Sirius and is red nation in origins, then there is an innate acceptance of one another that leads to more greatly peaceful unions. It is for this reason that Mother Earth advises that humans build ascending partnerships with those who inherently parallel and have harmonious ancestries, as ascension together requires more harmony in order to sustain a balanced divine union flow and field rotation. Relationships that are disharmonious take away from ascension and lead to failed ascension beyond a certain point, and therefore those devoted to mastery over Bodhisattva level evolution are guided to release those partnerships or associations that do not serve. Read more