Image of the vibrant green peninsula off the coast of beautiful Kauai. Opening the Heart and Remembering to Love Again

1. Opening the Heart and Remembering to Love Again


Book’s Introduction


This book offers a series of letters generated by the Hawaiian Ancestors to assist the Hawaiian Nation (or those who are Hawaiian at Heart) in opening their hearts and learning to love again as well as finding their way to a sovereign state of being. It is the hope of the Hawaiian Ancestors that the Hawaiian Nation will find its way to sovereignty again where those who love the land can live freely from what it provides.


As she moved to the islands, Asur’Ana had promised the Hawaiian Ancestors that she would assist Hawaiians in finding their truth and moving towards the sovereignty of leadership to direct their lives and relations again. This also is the purpose of these letters. Asur’Ana has agreed to step aside and allow the Hawaiian Ancestors to speak their truth so that the Hawaiian Nation (and those who are Hawaiian at Heart) can find their way to sovereignty again to live freely from what the land and sea can give.


Sovereignty is a state of being that leads to greater freedom within. Today most Hawaiians as well as humans in general are imprisoned; they are imprisoned by their jobs, their mortgages, their family, and the government. There is little joy in a life of slavery. Money and the objects that they buy are no substitute for love as it does not fill the human heart. There was once a time that none of this existed; less than 500 years ago, most Hawaiians lived freely from the land without the requirement to pay taxes to the monarchy.


There is balance that sustains one’s health and life in giving the love of one’s heart to one’s crops and then allowing the abundant plant life to feed one’s needs. There is balance in taking in honor and love from the resources of the land to build one’s dwellings. It is love as it is exchanged with the land and sea that leads to a state of health, abundance and prosperity. It is because the land and sea love one in return that health and a long life that is joyful to live can be sustained.


Today Hawaiians (and those who are Hawaiian at heart) have fallen into a human-made dream that is not a part of the natural world. It is in moving into a loveless dream founded upon monetary gain and technological gadgets that leads to dissatisfaction, drug use, alcoholism, depression and strife as well as disease. It shall be in returning to a state of being where love flows between humans and the land and sea again that health and harmony amongst humans shall also be restored. This too is the purpose of these letters, to highlight what internal and external changes one can begin to make to begin to change one’s world into a state of love, health and abundance again. Read more

Image of awe-inspiring Antelope Canyon in Arizona. About These Native American Ancestors’ Letters

1. About These Native American Ancestors’ Letters


Book’s Introduction


This book offers a series of letters from the Ancient Native American Ancestors who have much to share about the holographic knowledge that they were aware of at the time that they were alive. It is the hope of the ancestors to trigger a greater awakening and remembrance of holographic truth through the sharing in these letters.


Long ago and as Asur’Ana’s ascension began in Fremont California, she found herself surrounded by Native American ancestors. The communications with the ancestors prevailed on and off throughout the day and during her meditation time for many years. The ancestors offered up advice, guidance in her personal struggle to master the inner world and transcend her own fearful thoughtform, and assisted her in learning her early spiritual lessons upon the path of ascension. The ancestors taught Asur’Ana to honor the earth, and honor each kingdom, and honor Mother Earth. The ancestors also taught her beautiful rituals to aid her in her times of struggle and to anchor sacred space.


Over time Asur’Ana also came into contact with Polynesian ancestors who were a part of her more ancient tapestry of ancestry and held more information for her continued journey Home. The Polynesian ancestors invited Asur’Ana to move to Hawaii, and at the time she was not sure how this would ever come to be. She told the Hawaiian ancestors that if they could find a way to move her to the islands, she would. It took only 15 months, and the opportunity arose to relocate unto Hawaii.


Hawaii held keys to Asur’Ana’s continued ascent and therefore it was a necessary step to relocate unto the islands for her continued evolutionary journey. However, the Native American ancestors did not understand this and felt betrayed at her departure. Over time Asur’Ana continued to return to the mainland US several times per year and anchor the healing and patterns that would continue to foster human evolution along with ascension of the land. The Native American ancestors finally forgave her and began to understand the larger picture of what she was trying to accomplish in spending time in both Hawaii and upon the mainland each year.


Over time Asur’Ana and her beloved twin partner and husband from Norway, Per, learned to unite the ancestors related to their tapestries and request that they begin to work together and in harmony and honor with one another to foster not only Asur’Ana and Per’s evolution, but the evolution of each that is related unto them. Over time this led to new agreements amongst all ancestors of all nations to unite for the common purpose of fostering a time of human awakening ahead, and launching an era of ascension and evolution “home” with Mother Earth to a new state of being with love as the foundation of existence. Read more

Image of an exquisite mandala of violet, blue and gold colors. Introduction To Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension-Workbook 2

Introduction To Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension: Workbook 2




We begin now the second part of Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension Workbook. The following chapters shall be devoted to bringing to consciousness the nature of human behavior towards one another. In better understanding the nature of human expression in the current paradigm, one will be better capable of transcending the associated karma to give birth to unity and integrity relations. Unity and integrity relations is founded upon taking personal responsibility for one’s own patterning within and karma associated rather than projecting it upon others and then judging, condemning or hating them. For all others are only mirrors of lost parts of oneself. Therefore, in judging, condemning or hating others, one only judges, hates or condemns oneself.


The current human paradigm is not founded upon real love. There is an illusion of love that runs through many spiritual groups that paints an image of what “ideal” love would be like. In ideal love, one would love everyone; everyone would love in return; and all will be good, beautiful, filled with hope, joy and endless love. The reality is that this type of ideal love only occurs if one splits light and dark completely. As there is no density or darkness, there is only the light and a seeming state of endless love.


Combusted Creations and Supernova


However, splitting light and dark does not lead to real ascension “home” to the Great Central Sun Dream where light and dark must be amalgamated into a single rainbow of frequencies in order to pass through the final Star Gate. If anything, creations of only light combust just as readily in the attempt to enter the new Dream as those that are only of the dark, as each does not resonate with the new dream where light and dark unify.


Much like trying to press a round peg through a square hole, creations of only light or only dark have the wrong molecular structure to pass through the new Dream of the Great Central Sun. The friction created in forcing something that does not naturally flow through to enter nonetheless causes the molecules to combust into billions of bits of matter. This is known as “nova” or “supernova” by current scientists; a creation bursting into billions of bits falling from the dimension above due to a miss-ascent into their own Great Central Sun dream of origin.


This is why there have been so many combusted creations at the entry point of the Great Central Sun Dream. The Tao estimates that over 800 creations have combusted against the Great Central Sun dream that Terra (Earth) has begun to enter. Terra has learned to integrate her density to enough of a degree that it can be amalgamated into a single set of frequencies thus allowing her entry into the new dream. This too is what each human must accomplish in order to carry on with Terra, and if not in this lifetime, then in the future generations ahead related unto oneself. Read more

Image of 2 pale aqua colored butterflies gracefully sitting on yellow flowers. The Dancing Butterflies

1. The Dancing Butterflies


Blessings of Freedom and Magic


The Butterfly and Moth Kingdoms


We of the Butterfly Kingdom have much to say to ascending humans today. We honor our channel or translator Asur’Ana who provides for us an opportunity to voice our truth. Butterfly and Moth hold the remembrance of biological transmutation. Our lives take us from birth from an egg into the form of a caterpillar. As we mature, in time we weave a second egg known as a cocoon, and undergo a metamorphosis yet again from a multi-legged insect into a winged creature that takes flight. It is the winged creature that has the possibility of laying eggs in many more places, spawning yet new caterpillars where there were none before. This allows for the continuation of our species, even through the tough times such as Earth’s ice ages in the past.


Genetic and Biochemical Transformation


Metamorphosis is symbolic of ascension both metaphorically and physically. Those who are ascending learn to dissolve the inside and outside of the form a little at a time and in small pockets known as “cocoons”. Each pocket of tissue undergoing transmutation isolates itself, dissolves into a primal “goo” that simulates the birth of life as the ovum meets sperm, and then transmutes itself in a genetic and biochemical sense into the crystalline structure.


Genetic transformation occurs in many stages in ascension, and the same regions are transmuted again and again over time into yet again new biochemical systems in the journey to Full Consciousness. Asur’Ana and Per’s form has had over 1.5 billion pockets cocooned over 18 times each throughout the body in their mastery of 36,000 segments of DNA and a crystalline form. One can see in this why biological ascension takes decades to fulfill upon, and why it is slow and painstaking in nature.


[One strand of DNA contains 3,000 segments of information. 12 DNA-(full tube) strands contain 36,000 segments.]


The Crystalline Structure


What does crystalline mean? The crystalline structure allows for one to become a living mineral that holds an increasingly higher vibration and larger energy field, and that can move energy in increasingly complex manners associated with mastery in ascension. The crystalline structure is filled with the mineral known as salt. The further that one ascends, the more complex the forms of salt are created in association with the Crystalline structure. Asur’Ana and Per have 18 forms of salt that prevail throughout their form and nervous system; each of the 18 salts hold a particular energy flow in their field necessary to their fully conscious state of being. Each salt also attunes them to a portion of the thoughtform known as the Language of Light and Language of ONE. Read more

Image of the Galaxy and Stars. The Ancient Grand Master History Upon Earth

1. The Ancient Grand Master History Upon Earth


Book Cover Image: Art Painting “Star Dreaming” by Alma Nungarrayi Granites


Book’s Introduction


This book offers a series of articles from the consciousness of the Ancient Grand Masters who were seeded upon Earth by the Sirian human race for the purposes of perpetuating human life upon Earth and ascending the human species. These ancient ancestors had large heads three times the size of the largest human cranium in present time. Such brain capacity allowed the Grand Masters more awareness than the greatest scientists of our time. However, their focus and purpose at the time incarnate was to maintain peace and ascend their forms, clearing a pathway into the fourth dimension for Humanity and Planet Earth alike.


Many Ascension Blessings!


Aloha Nui Loa,

Asur’Ana and Per


Chapter 1


It is the ancient ones who greet you today to share a little about our lifetimes and journey that occurred long ago. We began our lives, all 48 of us, upon the planet known as Sirius over 50,000 Earth years ago (200,000 human years). Sirius was a third dimensional planet much like Earth at the time, with mountains high and valleys deep, along with rivers, streams and lakes the size of small oceans. Sirius A was not a water planet; Sirius B had become a water planet due to warfare with the Pleiades over territorial disputes and resources in foreign solar systems. Such warfare had shattered the ice shields creating oceans upon Sirius B about 1,000 years before we were born.


(NOTE: When we speak of Earth years, we speak of years as they are recorded by Mother Earth. Earth records time by solar revolutions or how long it takes your solar system to rotate around her twelfth-dimensional Sun. It takes approximately four revolutions of Earth around her Sun for your solar system to make one revolution around your twelfth-dimensional Sun. So, for reference, 50,000 Earth years is approximately 200,000 human years.)


Earth Manipulatively Chosen for Extinction


Each of us Grand Masters had different parents that were of the “spiritual elite” upon Sirius. We were bred for the specific purpose of moving to Earth in adulthood and fulfilling upon karmic agreements between Sirius, the Pleiades and supposedly Earth. Now we say “supposedly”, as Earth actually had no agreements to host human life, and the entire seeding of the human species occurred against Earth’s will and due to the manipulative dance of certain forces prevalent in your creation that had chosen Earth to be the next place to fall and be “pulled apart”.


Creations come and go into extinction on a recurrent basis in your creation to sustain yet other creations upon upper dimensions in need of fresh grid work and etheric blood to survive. Now this may seem rather “gross” to think about, however it is not much different than how one puts one’s cows out to pasture or fattens one’s pigs for the slaughter to sustain human life. One can see that human life in present time emulates the destructive forces in your Creation in nature as such. Read more

Image of a radiant heart in the midst of flowers. Introduction To Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension-Workbook 1

Introduction To Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension: Workbook 1


Book’s Introduction         


The workbook and worksheets compiled in these materials represent the knowledge and understanding gained for the past several years of group ascension associated with the Dreamtime Ascension School (DAS). Earth has always been involved in the ascent of Asur’Ana and Per along with those studying with them in dreamtime, as it is only as enough is understood about the ancient human history that all may ascend. No records exist of human history; records have had to be compiled from those who ascended and in so doing, released the records held stored in their own biology. As enough of each ancestry has ascended, a more “whole or complete” picture could be put together of the human dream.


More has been revealed about the nature of the Anu as well as the ancient red seeded race and larger headed humans. This information is shared within these pages so that it may trigger one’s own personal karma. As karma is triggered, there is an opportunity to forgive. Through forgiveness, the suffering, pain, judgment and atrocities of the past can be wiped clean and clear so that there can be a new beginning and new era born for humankind. This is the purpose of ascension; to acknowledge the dance of one’s ancestry and to forgive. As enough forgive, a new day will then be born. This requires more to focus inward upon the spiritual goals of transcendence and mastery. This is the purpose for which the materials in this workbook have come forth; to provide guidance for one’s own choice to master internal to self.


Mastery is not a small goal; it is a goal that one’s ancestors have longed for in many time periods and fell unfulfilled upon due to circumstance that was not supportive of evolution. Now there are frequencies emanating from the Great Central Sun that allow for evolution to take hold. Now therefore is an opportunity to fulfill upon these important spiritual goals. For most reading these materials, it is one’s ancestors that press one forward, for it is only as one forgives that they too may forgive and release their karma associated with one’s tapestry of ancestry.


We invite you therefore to proceed through the following pages of written materials followed by guided worksheets for introspection. If you feel confused, we guide you to read the Ascension Insights series in the order that each book was published. These books can be read on the Aligning With Earth website for free or they can be purchased as eBooks on the website or on Amazon Kindle. The materials in these books will prepare one for the introspection offered through these materials. Also, please refer to the Language of Light information for support of your goal of evolution. As you perceive certain glyphs that are helpful to the intentions you have made, feel free to print out full sized images and hang them upon your walls. The images will remind you to move the energy in a particular way that will allow for continued evolution.


We suggest reading the information in the order that it was compiled. The teachings build upon themselves in this workbook for easier understanding the further that one proceeds. Understand that ascension is not a direct science; it is a path that one chooses for spiritual evolution. Ascension is an inner job where one chooses to focus inward and become aware of the unconscious and nonphysical realms that surround oneself as well as be in observation of one’s own thoughts and behavior. Read more

Image of the Redwood Trees. Blessings for Entering the Void of Infinite Possibility

1. Blessings For Entering The Void Of Infinite Possibility


From the Redwood Tree Kingdom


It is the Redwood Tree kingdom that greets you today. For many years and while Asur’Ana lived near the California coast, she would spend time amongst our kingdom. Regularly, she was called to walk in the woods; sometimes she would journey a long distance to do so. She did not understand the significance of this at the time, but always felt better nonetheless, and so would venture to be amongst us.


What was Asur’Ana doing amongst the Redwood Trees? The Redwood Tree Kingdom holds the void of Earth. What is the void? The void is the space from which any dream is cast. Within the void is infinite possibility of all that ever was, and all that ever will be or can be. Asur’Ana journeyed into the void as she walked amongst the Redwood Trees in search of her next steps upon her ascension path, for within infinite possibility is always a future potential dream to be viewed and then chosen. And so, she would gather the dream for the next steps within her ascension journey unto herself in her long walks in the woods.


In moving to Hawaii, palm trees are more prevalent than redwoods or pine trees, but do not offer Asur’Ana the same connection to Earth’s void. She was therefore drawn to visit the botanical gardens of Oahu recurrently for parallel reasons as she lived upon this island years ago. Within the botanical gardens were ancient pine trees upwards of 10,000 years old. Upon the Big Island, pine trees were also scarce; however, the ferns and Ohia trees of the volcano provided this service; and so, she would regularly venture to the volcano park in search of her next steps upon her path. Each walk in the botanical gardens or at the volcano offered Asur’Ana once again an opportunity to attune to the dream of infinite possibility that the tree kingdoms hold; in so doing, she could anchor a dream for her continued ascension along with the continued ascension journey of Earth.


Guardians of Earth


Upon her last visit to volcano park, two hawks (’Io in Hawaiian) were encountered nesting. She could hear the chirps of the young from afar. As she drew closer, she saw a large nest on top of a rather large Ohia tree. The message from the Hawk Kingdom was that Asur’Ana and Earth alike were about to birth a new day in their dream and were drawing this change from the void of infinite possibility. This was the mirror that the nesting ’Io and their young mirrored this unto her. This new dream is the result of the return of the guardians of Earth, which vastly impacts all species including fully conscious species such as humankind, dolphins and whales.


Guardians are aspects of Earth Consciousness that enforce true spiritual law. The vast falls in consciousness that have prevailed upon Earth are the result of large infractions of law in which one polarity has been held to an extreme again and again, leading to recurrent and large drops in vibration. Generally speaking, polarity does not remain only on one side of the pole forever; it vacillates from one side unto the other and should in fact have equal time, energy and focus on both sides. This would lead to an equal recovery of any fall over time given a polarity reversal. Due to lawless beings in governance over the space between Suns that Earth resides, Earth and your solar system have been held in a downward polarity for 18 continuous cycles, while other creations in counterbalance have been held in an upward polarity, such as Sirius A and B. A return cycle upwards in vibration had no opportunity to manifest until now. Read more