Image of the vibrant green peninsula off the coast of beautiful Kauai. Opening the Heart and Remembering to Love Again

1. Opening the Heart and Remembering to Love Again


Book’s Introduction


This book offers a series of letters generated by the Hawaiian Ancestors to assist the Hawaiian Nation (or those who are Hawaiian at Heart) in opening their hearts and learning to love again as well as finding their way to a sovereign state of being. It is the hope of the Hawaiian Ancestors that the Hawaiian Nation will find its way to sovereignty again where those who love the land can live freely from what it provides.


As she moved to the islands, Asur’Ana had promised the Hawaiian Ancestors that she would assist Hawaiians in finding their truth and moving towards the sovereignty of leadership to direct their lives and relations again. This also is the purpose of these letters. Asur’Ana has agreed to step aside and allow the Hawaiian Ancestors to speak their truth so that the Hawaiian Nation (and those who are Hawaiian at Heart) can find their way to sovereignty again to live freely from what the land and sea can give.


Sovereignty is a state of being that leads to greater freedom within. Today most Hawaiians as well as humans in general are imprisoned; they are imprisoned by their jobs, their mortgages, their family, and the government. There is little joy in a life of slavery. Money and the objects that they buy are no substitute for love as it does not fill the human heart. There was once a time that none of this existed; less than 500 years ago, most Hawaiians lived freely from the land without the requirement to pay taxes to the monarchy.


There is balance that sustains one’s health and life in giving the love of one’s heart to one’s crops and then allowing the abundant plant life to feed one’s needs. There is balance in taking in honor and love from the resources of the land to build one’s dwellings. It is love as it is exchanged with the land and sea that leads to a state of health, abundance and prosperity. It is because the land and sea love one in return that health and a long life that is joyful to live can be sustained.


Today Hawaiians (and those who are Hawaiian at heart) have fallen into a human-made dream that is not a part of the natural world. It is in moving into a loveless dream founded upon monetary gain and technological gadgets that leads to dissatisfaction, drug use, alcoholism, depression and strife as well as disease. It shall be in returning to a state of being where love flows between humans and the land and sea again that health and harmony amongst humans shall also be restored. This too is the purpose of these letters, to highlight what internal and external changes one can begin to make to begin to change one’s world into a state of love, health and abundance again.


More About These Letters


In March 2000, Asur’Ana visited Oahu for an ascension workshop. The Hawaiian Ancestors greeted her with great joy. Here was someone willing to heal within and is willing to work with the land to heal as well. We invited Asur’Ana to move to Honolulu. Asur’Ana said, “I have so many responsibilities upon the mainland; I don’t know how this might come to be. However, I will agree to this if you weave a dream for me to move, so I will.”


In June 2001, the opportunity arose to relocate unto Hawaii, after Asur’Ana had requested her ex-husband for a divorce to end their 4-year marriage, which was not working for both of them as they have gone in separate directions. She also left her job as a research analyst to start life anew in Hawaii. This began a many year dance of working with the land of Oahu and Honolulu in particular to restore the energy flow so that the region could begin to heal and hold the vibration of the love of Mother Earth again. It was in the year of 2002 that Honolulu was one of the 10 safest cities in the US due to the restoration of love to this region. Asur’Ana fulfilled upon her goals and moved on to the Big Island where she also agreed to assist in restoring the love to this island, before finally moving on to Kauai.


Love that is flowing will produce rain; the rain loves the plants, trees and other nature kingdoms into life again. In Asur’Ana’s work to restore love of Mother Earth to the land, the weather begins balance all over the islands producing more rain to give birth to more life; for life and love are intricately intertwined. Now Mother Earth is beginning to implement this energy flow as a global dance restoring love to all parts of her body, which will bloom with life again as a result. Already this is happening from the Hawaiian Ancestors’ point of view.


In December 2019, Asur’Ana relocated to Norway to continue with her ascension journey. The surrounding countries near the North Pole held keys to Asur’Ana’s continued ascent and therefore it was a necessary step to relocate unto Norway for her continued evolutionary journey. Recently, Asur’Ana and her beloved twin partner and husband from Norway, Per, visited the Hawaiian Islands to do some healing work on the land since the Covid-19 pandemic began. To their delight, a recent series of satellite photos of Earth over the past 5 years shows scientists the increasing greenery global wide (from 3 news articles: AP, BBC and CNN).


We as the Hawaiian Ancestors have stood by Asur’Ana and Per in their work here. It has not been an easy journey but we are rewarded in watching the life return to the āina (land) again. These past few months have been the wettest in the islands ever, even causing flooding and dams to break! Now we also hope that the life is restored to the sea as well, and that one day there will be so many fish that boats cannot navigate through our bays. This is how it once was long ago upon the Big Island.


Aloha Pumehana,

The Hawaiian Ancestors

Asur’Ana and Per


Letter #1


March 14, 2020


Dear Hawaiian Nation (and those who are Hawaiian at Heart),


The following information is offered up out of the deep love that the Hawaiian Ancestors have for the human race. It is our hope that these letters foster an opening unto a new way of being in which the state of love that was once a part of all human relations can be restored. Hawaii is the land of love. Hawaii sits in a vast swimming pool known as the Pacific Ocean and under the Heart Chakra movement and lotus of Mother Earth. Hawaii has never forgotten to love; upon this beautiful land one can feel the pulsations of love that emanates from a larger source than humans generally recall; and this source is the consciousness of Earth.


Hawaiians have often loved deeply as a result of residing upon land that loves. In the exchange of love between land, sea and human, there was a lovely dance of energies that sustained peace, unity and the dance of life amongst the Hawaiians of more ancient times. This was also the same in a land called “Mu” or “Lemuria”, which sunk to the bottom of the ocean floor following the nuclear annihilation of Atlantis 12,000 years ago. The sinking of the Lemurian continent was gradual and over many centuries of time as humans measure time; and as a result, those remaining Polynesians left for distant shores to carry on in their existence. This is how the Polynesian race came to exist in many island chains in the Pacific in present time, including Tahiti, Bora Bora, New Zealand and Hawaii.


Unconditional Acceptance


Hawaiians exist in an island chain closest to the epicenter of Mother Earth’s global heart chakra. It is perhaps for this reason that Hawaiians have recalled love as it once existed in human form long ago and before so many falls in consciousness and awareness. It is therefore the Hawaiian People (and those who are Hawaiian at heart) that the ancestors call upon in present time to assist humanity in restoring a state of love and peace amongst one another and between all nations; for it is the Hawaiian People that remember how to love; and how to love everyone, not selectively, but out of unconditional acceptance.


Unconditional acceptance is a state of being where one embraces all others as they are without judgment and without the need to change or alter the cultural differences of another race, creed, religion or sexual expression of another.  In unconditional acceptance, there is peace because each embraces the other as they are and not as one would wish them to be. It is a state of unconditional acceptance that also brought troubles to the Hawaiian Peoples in recent times, for it was as they embraced others from other nations that their own monarchies were overthrown. As this occurred, the simple way of life of living from what the land and sea could provide faded away as Hawaii became a vacation wonderland for the rest of humanity to adventure unto.


Vacation Wonderland


Now perhaps Hawaiians are upset that their islands have become a vacation wonderland; however, from the ancestor’s point of view, this is far better perhaps than what might have occurred if Hawaii became an industrial cesspool in these modern times of technological gadgetry. Hawaii has been preserved more or less and not terribly polluted due to being held as a vacation wonderland, although the over fishing and death of the coral reefs has taken its toll. Fertilizers that are sprayed upon the many golf courses of Hawaii pass through the porous volcanic soil into the ocean and are the ultimate culprit of the death of the coral reefs; this in turn causes the fish that feed upon the smaller fish that frequent the reefs to disappear or move further out to sea, leaving fishermen to go out sometimes hundreds of miles to find fish these days.


Now there is a solution to this, and that is to cease to fertilize so heavily with non-organic substances, balance the pH of the ocean and to reseed the coral reefs with new life. The oceans were not filled with life to begin with; the oceans formed as shields of ice that were constructed in Earth’s atmosphere by other humans from other creations collapsed causing the great floods. The great floods are not from recent history but from ancient times calculated at over 172,000 years ago. It is the great floods that created your oceans.


It was humans that seeded life into the salt water oceans in this time period and this is where most fish, coral, dolphins, whales and other sea life come from, other creations. If we as the human species seeded life into the sea in the first place, then certainly we can reseed the life we have destroyed in the sea again; and this is the ancestors’ suggested solution to this dilemma. It is interesting to note that our suggestion is beginning to catch on in several projects at the University of Hawaii who are reseeding a coral reef off of the island of Oahu (or so Asur’Ana has heard of in the local news).


Hawaii being a vacation wonderland has an opportunity to touch many humans that live in vastly different climates and cultures around the globe. This the Hawaiian ancestors see as an opportunity that perhaps Hawaiians and those living on the islands had not perceived before; for those who love and love the āina (land) and sea can assist those who travel from other regions in recalling what it feels like to love and be loved again; and in so being humans can begin to open their hearts unto another way of being with one another.


Opening the Heart Is Pivotal to Humanity’s Survival


For this is the crux of the times ahead. The Hopi, Navaho and many other Native American brothers and sisters have foreseen for many centuries that a new time and dawn is ahead; this new time has been called many things including “moving to the fifth world” by the Hopis. The times ahead are not gentle times for those who do not love. For moving to another world of being, or the fifth world as the Hopi’s perceive it, requires the opening of the heart and an opening to the knowledge that one’s ancestry had in ancient times. The opening of the heart is pivotal as it is through the heart that all knowledge is accessed; therefore, it is key for the human species survival over the coming times of change ahead to open the heart.


Hawaiians often have open hearts. This was so several hundred years ago to an even greater degree and before the discovery of the “Sandwich Islands” upon the part of Captain Cook. The Hawaiians openly loved one another without refrain. Those like Mark Twain found the love so extraordinary of the Polynesian Peoples that he preferred to live in the islands to anywhere else in the world. Mark Twain perhaps is an example of what occurs when a human who has closed the heart moves into a region where the people recall love; the heart opens and love begins to flow again, and everything changes as a result.


Returning to the regions where people do not love is painful in comparison, and perhaps this is why humans from around the world return to Hawaii again and again in their travels.  Perhaps these humans are not really conscious about what it is that is so special about Hawaii. But what the Hawaiian ancestors perceive is that it is the love that flows here abundantly from Mother Earth’s own heart that each who lives or visits this land attunes unto causing the experience of the islands to feel special.


Hawaiians (and those who are Hawaiian at heart) therefore have the capacity to assist humanity in remembering to love again. This is not an easy task, for there is more in the human experience that causes the heart to shut than not; and often the heart shuts at such an early age that humans forget what happened that caused them to cease to love. This the ancestors witness in those who desire to heal at this time in history.


Love Heals the Body, Mind and Spirit


There are many healers that have come to the islands finding this land to be supportive of the choice to heal the body, mind and spirit. The reason that healing may be fostered here has to do more with the love of Earth than anything else. If one can open to the love of Mother Earth through the land and sea, then healing may be fostered. If one has blockages in the heart and is unwilling to learn to love again unconditionally, then the healing may turn sour leading to greater strife instead.


Love is the only vibration that heals from the perspective of the Hawaiian Ancestors. Love swirls around the field like a dancing butterfly, dissolving and dissipating the dense and sticky energies that cause disease as well as depression or other emotional struggles. In order for love to have a great impact upon one’s being, the heart must be open enough to feel. Many human hearts and the energy chakra associated are inverted and therefore cannot feel and are unable to love. What has caused the inversion of the heart so greatly that humans by and large have ceased to love?


Electrical and Technological Gadgets Invert the Heart Chakra


Well, this may be hard for many to accept but it is the electrical and technological gadgets that surround the human species at this time in history that is more at cause of why the human heart has shut than anything else. The electricity of television and computers in particular invert the heart chakra sometimes hundreds of times. Even if one loved deeply before the addiction to the television or computer set in, one may discover that one’s heart has actually closed due to such preoccupations. This leads to boredom as well as difficult relations in the dance of life due to an inability to love and relate to another out of compassion.


What is the solution? The ancestors invite each to give the television away, and use the computer minimally, especially avoiding computer games or other addictive dances such as surfing the web. Instead, spend your free time out in the country, by the sea, or in the woods and allow the love of the land and water to begin to interact with one’s field again. Then intend to open the heart again and so it will come to be. You can also request our assistance in this matter and we will support each in the choice to open the heart and learn to love again.


Now with the advent of cellular or mobile phones, there are also microwaves sent into human energy fields wherever there are “hot-spots” for wireless internet or cellular phone use. What do microwaves do to human energy fields? Of course, those developing this technology, or the television a century ago, never questioned what such devices would do to the human species. Microwaves distort the vibrations of love, as does electricity. Electricity pierces through the rotational energy of love and shatters it so that love ceases to exist; microwaves sour the vibration of love until it ceases to love at all and discord sets in instead.


What is happening in your human cities that are bombarded with more electricity and microwaves than anywhere else? Greater and greater incidents of insane violence are beginning to occur. This is a reflection of the souring of the vibrations of love, and it is even occurring in our city of Honolulu in recent years. Random acts of insane violence are a reflection of another fall in consciousness of the human species; humans are falling again further from love and further from truth in the dance with technology again in this era.


Nuclear Annihilation of Atlantis


This is not the first time that this has occurred. Atlantis also was an era of vast technological development; the technology also caused a fall into great dissonance amongst all humans upon Earth, including the Polynesian race living in Lemuria or Mu at the time. In the era of Atlantis, Polynesians were also enticed into using electronic gadgetry; at that time our race fell “out of love” and into great dissonance. At that time, we fell into such great dissonance and were so greatly angered at those in Atlantis that we chose to detonate a large nuclear bomb during the annual congressional meeting in a key Atlantean city. We fell so sour as a nation that we participated in nuclear annihilation of Atlantis; and this part of our history most today do not understand.


Why would the Polynesian race participate in nuclear annihilation? We felt invaded; Atlantis had invaded our land with their armies out of the quest for certain minerals to develop yet more technology. Out of our threatened state, we used the very technology that those in Atlantis developed to not only destroy Atlantean civilization, but ultimately ourselves as well. For one cannot destroy another without destroying oneself; and the nuclear bomb detonated was large enough to cause radioactive dust to reach the soil of Lemuria, causing the Polynesian DNA to fray. We as a nation sank into disease and strife thereafter. Over time, Mother Earth sank the land of Lemuria due to its toxic state of being not only due to the radiation from the bombs detonated over Atlantis, but also technological use and the radioactive substances associated with nuclear power.


The Polynesian ancestors wish that the human species would learn its lessons of technological abuse and how it causes the human energy field to deteriorate to a point of insanity, falls in consciousness and loss of love. And then out of a state of lovelessness, humans fall into nuclear warfare out of an inability to negotiate a truce that is acceptable to each nation. This dance of warfare and insanity has gone on long enough! It is time for the human species to cease to participate in this dance and learn to love again.


Pulling Together in Community


We will also say that Mother Earth as a consciousness has her own tricks up her sleeves that humans may be surprised to discover. For one, Earth is entering a new energy flow of another sector of creation that she once existed within that hosts no electrical energy whatsoever. Over time, electricity will dwindle and cease to be available to be harvested through any means. Electricity will cease to flow through water or the land. Radioactive substances will speed up their dissipation to such a degree that what had hundreds of years of half life will simply cease to exist. What humanity relies upon today will not be available as a resource of energy in the coming 100-year cycle. Humans will have to learn to live from the land and sea again and go back to simple tools that are handmade and non-electrical in nature.


Now one can choose to await these coming times and find oneself and one’s family hard pressed to survive; or one can begin now to plan for these changes ahead and find a simpler way of life that involves living from the land and sea again. At this time, when human families are falling apart due to the lack of love, it may be hard to imagine pulling together to work the land and provide for a community of others, as Hawaiians did only a 100 years ago or so. And yet it was not so long ago that most food in Hawaii was grown upon this land; and that the resources coming in by boat were minimal at best. The Hawaiian Ancestors desire that those who are Hawaiian (or Hawaiian at heart) prepare for the times ahead and find the way to pull together in community to support and sustain one another through the future changes.


How can we go from a loveless and electronic gadget based civilization to a civilization that loves one another, and loves the land and sea again? Ah, well, this is why we are writing today and in the series of letters to follow, the Hawaiian Ancestors will bring forth concepts and techniques to assist in the opening of the heart and learning to live in unity, joy and peace with one another again. This is the purpose of these letters.


Until our next communication.



The Hawaiian Ancestors


Ascension Meditation Recordings


Ascension Insights Charts & Diagrams


Language of Light


Language of ONE



With Love and Gratitude, we (Asur’Ana and Per) dedicate this book to our Hawaiian Ancestors. They taught us of the Aloha Spirit: to open the Heart, to become Sovereign, to honor the Āina (Land), and to honor the dance of the Ohana (Family). May their Wisdom guide Ascending Humans “home” to a new state of Peace, Love, Unity, and Joy within.



Creational © 2023, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth


This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and let go of the rest. Please use any or all information, to share and evolve. All information belongs to God Goddess/All That Is, You. As you integrate the information you receive, you evolve and radiate new truths via your own unique portal of expression, assisting Humanity and the Planet on its evolution Home.



Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.




Asur’Ana. With Aloha from Our Hawaiian Ancestors. Aligning With Earth, 2023. Digital.

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