Image of the full moon shining over a quiet lavender landscape. Tao Report for Lore Fables

Tao Report for Lore Fables


Most of you are reversing your fate at this time. This is needed as the old fates no longer apply due to difficulties in the lore fables of mastery. Many are choosing for Baba lore fables in lieu of Yogananda fables ahead. The lore fate change cascades a new destiny, pallet (light grid center), keys and dreams for the future possibilities one is to live ahead. The change may or may not be comfortable within. Many conflictive emotions may arise until each finds an accord with the new fable of fate. The fables are chosen by the Dao and Tao within who witness the best possible realization dream for oneself ahead.


There are nine Baba lore to be chosen from by one’s Dao and Tao within for your futures ahead. This is a brief overview. Full length essays will be spoken unto ahead. There are those also reversing into Yogananda Lore fables that are undamaged but more fully spoken unto in Section 2 “Yogananda Tales of the Heart”.


Overview of the Five Baba Mastery Lore Fables in Light Wave 5


1. The Rose


The Rose fable fosters a blossoming of self into creative projects. Some Rose scripts lead to divine beloveds in life and others do not. The Rose is a beautiful mastery fable of the one who aspires to be beautiful within and project the beauty without. The beautiful within attracts a twin union lore fable if a journey of the two is a part of the script of fate for the life. The Rose is of the rose ray in light motion systems of self of deep care of the heart. The Rose lore fable often triggers the desire to witness or give birth unto a child in a trilogy accolade of self.


2. The Lion’s Mane


The Lion’s Mane lore is one akin to the Chariot in major arcana lore. The Lion’s Mane is an accolade of dreaming for the group or Ashram endeavors through time. The Lion’s Mane lore can foster partnership but not always depending upon fate keys through time. The Lion’s Mane lore is a rainbow hue of all rays to unison into the group fostering of harmony of each associated. The destiny of the Lion’s Mane is Dao and Tao driven for the whole and requires deeper surrender within to foster in the life.


3. The Raven


The Raven fable fosters a blossoming into the truth of the Tao within. Truth is expressed in many endeavors in the physical including scientific projects that support transformation or healing, healing endeavors of fate keys, or teaching endeavors from a point of truth of the Tao within. The Raven is a mastery level of fate amongst those of the yellow ray syncopation of light of divine perception. The Raven rarely manifests a twin union lore fable but can manifest a counterpart mate if the destiny is chosen for within by one’s Dao. Children can be a part of the lore but not always. Read more