Section 2: Yogananda Tales of the Heart Introduction
Yogananda Tales of the Heart is a series of articles that focuses upon the lore fables of the major arcana of the Tarot. The major arcana of the Tarot are an influence of self-realization. Each arcana reflects a lore of self to be lived amongst those mastering the spiritual pursuits of life. Each fable is offered for introspection over the lore of the realization of yourself. Most mastering today foster one to two major arcana lore as the theme for mastery of self.
The arcana of fate
Is a lore fable of self
Of a life of mastery
Of spirit
Into matter
In a sojourn of truth
Of the divine
Realizing self within
In a story
Of the sublime
Fostered through time
The lore of truth
Is a sincere expression
Of a realization of the divine
In the motions of self
In the sublime orchestration
Of a beautification of life
In synergy with sustenance
In a sacred path
Of a union sublime
In a hypothesis of transfusion
From the heart
Yogananda Dreaming
Yogananda is a name that translates into sublime realization of self in Tao thoughtform. Realization of self is an odyssey of transfusion lore. Transfusion lore is a script or fable of the divine fulfillment of the love of self through light synthesis motions of waves. The love of self is an internal attribute of existence that occurs through realization of the divine. The love of self is a beautification of the divine purpose of existence. Life is to fulfill upon the understanding of the divine concepts of forgiveness, compassionate action, and realization of self.
Realization of self is not a fantasy. Realization is a legitimate path of focus to foster divine understanding of life. Life unfolds as a physical and nonphysical occurrence. Nonphysical life is a conscious dreaming attribute of awareness. Those gifted at conscious dreaming understand life is two-fold in nature. There is life as it is experienced in the physical and life as it is experienced as a dream expression of non-physicality that parallels. Realization of self augments forgiveness, compassionate action and divine concepts in non-physical awareness more than physical happenstances of life.
The non-physical is an expression that surrounds all life forms upon Earth including the human foray of dream. The non-physical hypothesizes itself to understand, grow, evolve, illuminate, transfuse and rendition the mindset into divine understanding of self. Divine understanding allows the dream time fostering of self to embrace all that is in the love of the love within. Love of the love within is a divine motion that blesses and caresses each self.
Self and spirit augment the process of realization. The process of realization is founded upon ckantor prose poetic symbolic system of life. Life is a living poem if expressed in the divine cadence through time. Poetry in motion is a long-lost happenstance in current human paradigm of self. The restoration of the eloquent poetry of self is the expression of those self-realization at this time. The purpose of the Yogananda Dreaming articles is to express the poetic motion of life in stories written in prose ckantor of self-realizing itself through time.
In the truth of the truth within,
Asur’Ana and Per
The lore of truth
Is a sincere expression
Of a realization of the divine
In the motions of self
In the sublime orchestration
Of a beautification of life
In synergy with sustenance
In a sacred path
Of a union sublime
In a hypothesis of transfusion
From the heart
The Fable of the Fool
The Force of the Stupendous
The Fool
The lore of fool
Is a sustainable resource
That transfigures within
To augment a dream
Of the sublime and stupendous
In order to foster
A union divine
In a credence of self
That understands the notion
That the precariousness of life
Is not
Major Arcana Lore and Realization
The Yogananda Dreaming articles are offered in ckantor prose. Ckantor is a nuance of dragon dreaming language that fosters transfigurative paradigm of self in poetic notions. Transfiguration is an ancient knowledge of dreaming in astute awareness of self. Astute awareness of self is an oscillation of the divine to allow dreams to unfold to mature realization in those mastering in each cycle of evolutionary fulfillment. Astute awareness is the capacity to renunciate the karma so that dharma may happenstance over the dream.
Karma causes dreams to misalign leading to struggle to strife in life. Dharma renditions dreams to flow into astute moments of glorious oscillations of the divine. Divine oscillations are not possible without light wave motions of self. Light waves are an era about to unfold. In the hope of a new tomorrow, the articles of the lore of self in major factions of realization are offered up in this section. The articles follow the major arcana of the early tarot decks utilized for introspection into the divine meaning of life. The first essay is associated with the major arcana of The Fool.
Each mastering self-realization fosters dreams associated with the major arcana of the ancient science of the tarot. The tarot originated in eras of realization in which divination for understanding and insights into life dramas and the karma to forgive was fostered. Those utilizing the tarot were often perceived as gypsies and outside the normal pursuits of others who focused upon normal life issues other than transformative action. Transformative dreams flow in major arcana lore of fables that direct the life for the purposes of realization. Most mastering today augment one to three fables of major arcana lore in a given life. Those realizing into divine notions embody all arcana dreams in the fruition of a state of enlightenment within.
The Tale of the Fool
The tale of the fool is an age old hypothesis that anything is possible in life if believed enough within. The fool causes dreams of the impossible to align within and then experiences the dream without. The fool does not believe anything else should or would occur and in so doing happenstances a motion that catches the flavor of the intention in life. The fool is a hypothesis of a notion of dreaming the extraordinary of self and spirit augmented in a union divine that is superlative within.
The Lore of the Two
The fool of the fools surprises each in a beautiful foray of dream. She is the greatest of hedonists in the sublime motion of self. Hyacinth is succinct in her motions of non-strife in which she believes nothing is impossible and everything is possible that she desires from her heart. She finds her ways to the king’s feast in a pauper’s pension of self. Hyacinth attempts a seductive sequence with the prince who is far from sublime in his nuance of self. She is divine he thinks and rambles away with her into the firelight boudoir of his castle of the night. She raptures Gallagher into deep orgasmic delight in a forensic motion of love that is sincere in his heart. Hyacinth tantalizes Gallagher into a bequest of her fate as his beloved and later his mate.
Gallagher knows the perils of his loins and is not succinct in his motions of naught in love. His desirous accolades of stories are shared by some knowing of them in the kingdom of his lore of self. Hyacinth is the only one for his eyes to feast upon and his loins to pleasure all sensations of himself in an ecstatic union of the divine. Gallagher fares not into the wedded bliss as long as Hyacinth can be his bequest for his sensual-sexual flavor of self. She is not the status for a queen he thinks but he desires her too much to depart.
Gallagher offers Hyacinth a small castle of her own to pleasure him recurrently through the years ahead. Hyacinth accepts and moves from a pauper’s shambles to a small castle with men and women in waiting. She devilishly forensics the conception of a child heeding the need to procreate with the future King for her own visions of a time ahead as his mate.
Prince Gallagher cannot keep his hands or loins in tow and soon a child is on the way. He fosters the love of Hyacinth in deep appreciation of her perceptive skills at understanding the kingdom in the visions of herself. Hyacinth feels blessed in her happenstance of delight with the peril of the night offset into the future as the child is to be born. She knows she will remain at his side even though the children may be not legitimate in birth of the kingdom. The servants in waiting know of her reluctance to give birth. They offer her a sacred drink not of hemlock but a substance to foster the labor of her notion of sincere appreciation of an heir to the King. A beautiful son born named Lyonsmyn.
Hyacinth recoups from the labor and soon the love of the loin is upon her again. The prince shall soon be crowned and is to be wed another other than a partnership of the royal divine accolades of self that Hyacinth fulfills upon. The new wife Westeepa is homely and insincere in her motions of self. Gallagher is not bemused nor happy in his new union in the castle of his birth. Westeepa is a self of the love not of the sensual pleasure of a cast of lost land of another king who is her father. The royal family of her birth attempts to reinstate its political happenstance of the day through the marriage. Prince Gallagher is about to be made the royal heir of the land. Westeepa is earnestly seeking to reinstate the power of her family in the neighboring kingdom.
Westeepa hypothesizes the conception of a son and attempts to entice Gallagher into her boudoir of the night. Gallagher takes a holiday in the castle bequeathed unto Hyacinth who is now expecting her second child. Lyonsmyn is a delight unto Gallagher and he is unsure of the plight of his marital vows of devotion unto a new wife he fails to delight in. Westeepa is the last to know of the King’s mistress. She does not delight in the sexual encounters into the night in the attempt to conceive a child. Gallagher is determined to create a child with his legitimate wife although he is to bear four illegitimate children with his sincere beloved Hyacinth.
Hyacinth knows of Westeepa and the intimate details of the marital strife and all that her precious beloved Gallagher must endure. She knows that the marriage is a farce and the monarchy of his wife insincere in their well wishes of her beloved’s kingdom. She warns of a takeover by those of esteemed value that desire to rule the land in each region in her visionary skills of self. Gallagher takes heed in her perception and orders the soldiers to protect the land in eighteen districts. He knows if a child is conceived with his wife that the strife between kingdoms will wane.
A child is conceived and the two oscillate into the motions of a succinct kingdom of a throne together. A postulation is offered for the birth of a son. Westeepa has taken every concoction offered by the local chief of medicine in order to foster the birth of a boy. She hopes for the best while the minister of the land associated with her kingdom is biting at the bit to cause a renunciation of the union to foster a takeover of the land. The child is born a boy who is sickly at best but appears to cause a renunciation of the strife between the two lands. The child is named Wulgra.
Wulgra grows up protected and imprisoned in the fear that he will be abducted and the kingdoms fall into dispute again. He is weak and frail in stature. Gallagher is uninterested in another child with Westeepa having fulfilled upon the requirements of the kingdom and continues to enjoy his pleasures of the night with Hyacinth who is now expecting her fourth child. The children of the small castle are robust and beautiful. Gallagher delights in the sincerity of heart fostered in his second home. Most of all the King prefers Hyacinth to himself and chooses to create a special suite of the two to spend more time together. The suite is divine and built in a separate castle not far away from the children but far away enough that the two can rest undisturbed.
Hyacinth has a difficult fourth birth that causes her to be unable to conceive again. The child is a little girl who is also unhealthy and dies in a few months. Hyacinth is not well in the death of her child and chooses to retreat in grief with her other children. The children move into a circle of care for their mother and due to the loss of another sibling. They cause a separation between her and the King who is called away to foster other allegiances for his land which is falling into an era of lack of harvest. Something is blighting the fruits and vegetables and there is not enough to eat for the people.
Gallagher procures the harvests of two other lands to aid in the blight of the people. The toll is heavy upon the limited taxes that he collects and he must raise the interest of his banking system of self. The banks raise the cost of the loans to an extreme calling in properties that are foreclosed due to the sad economy of the land. The banks flourish but the people do not, calling for a new King due to their strife. The Kingship of Westeepa is not enough to dissuade the people in orchestrating a takeover in the Lords of another land nearby. Gallagher becomes a chief in waiting to a new ministry of the people that fails to account for a monarchy of self. The monarchy is overthrown.
Gallagher is deprived of his large castle and moves into the small castle in regret with Hyacinth. Westeepa divorces Gallagher and weds the new Prime Minister of the land. She happily conceives a second child which is a girl who is fostered in deep care of herself. Her spouse is busy and fails to pay much attention to her or the family life. Westeepa desires a second child that is a boy but fails to conceive. She perishes of an accident in which she is trampled by horses in a sad happenstance of life. Horse races had been introduced to procure more income for the leadership of the land. Westeepa loves raising horses and fails to heed their temperament and is killed by a winning mare who drags her for miles as she falls from the saddle.
Gallagher wins many a postulation of forensics motion of self at the horse races of the land. He rebuilds his estate and moves his precious Hyacinth and her children to another castle far away from the ill-fated loss of himself from the throne. Gallagher rebuilds in popularity and soon some of the people choose to accept him again as their King. Gallagher creates a much smaller kingdom with Hyacinth as his wife in another region and begins to collect taxes to afford his lifestyle. The two had happily wed one autumn day and choose to be together forever more. The silhouettes of their appearances are transferred into the mountainous structures of the land nearby. All take heed in the love of the two upon the land of their kingdom.
All recognize that this is the land of the beloveds. The land is blessed with the love of the beloveds that choose to be together no matter what strife must be transfused through in order to be together. The land becomes a beacon of truth of the love of the love of the two. Couples flock to a celebration of lore of the beloved to be wed upon the special land of the two. Temples flourish and ministers abound as the love of the two is fostered. Couples relocate and families blossom in the love that is possible within and between each. The land flourishes and the fruits and vegetables abound leading to abundance of sincere hope, prosperity and the will to thrive. Bead traders and artisans aplomb in their gifts anointing the region with estuaries of celebration and joy in temples and castles throughout the land.
Lyonsmyn grows up to become a handsome young offspring of the two. He procures a beloved that is sought after by many men due to her beauty and grace. Lolosia is a majestic bride upon a beautiful sunset eve of the delight of the parents of each. The two romance in their honeymoon in a quaint village nearby conceiving a grandchild. The child is born in the delight of all causing the love of the three to emerge within. The love of the three enhances the beauty of the land for all to see.
The two beloveds Gallagher and Hyacinth transfuse through time and eventually depart the physical. The love of their hearts remains forever in the beloved of the self of the land. The love of the two is fostered in a hope that causes all dreams to align. The love of the two renditions the dreams to cause the beauty of self of the self to be restored in each. Those emulating the self-love of self in the reunion of the beloved within are the only pairs that remain upon the land long after the transfusion of Gallagher and Hyacinth has been fostered. The land hosts the legend of the love of the two forever in the forever of the Tao.
The Beloved Meets the Celebrity
Vernice was an award-winning model and actress of international flavor of self. She is beautiful and succinct in her stunning wear and stage presence. The movie industry forays for her in a starring role of a sad romance of doomed fate. Vernice is eloquent in period wear causing many photo shoots with award winning magazine covers that draw the public attention around the globe. The film is an Oscar winning performance and Vernice rises yet again in prestige, wealth and acknowledgement of her gifts and talents of the stage.
Calbert holds a simple position as a manager of the local museum. The museum fosters a film presentation of the movie and hosts a photo display of the period costume wear of Vernice in her aplomb of the Oscar winning awards of her delight. The photo display arrives and Calbert is responsible for the arrangement along with several technicians that arrive upon the scene. Special equipment that was not the norm is hired to suspend a very large photograph from the third story ceiling of the main entrance of the museum of the beautiful Vernice in her period wear of self.
Vernice arrives in person as the local region is one of her favorites to holiday within. Calbert is present and humors her through the signing of her autograph upon many CDs of the movie soundtrack and a personal photo series in her period costume of self. Vernice is also a consummate singer and performs the final song of a long-lost love of the heart associated with the theme of the movie following the film presentation. Calbert falls in love with her and requests a late night dinner with her if she was free following the late night ceremonies. A party is planned and Vernice socializes with those present which include local governance and other celebrities of the region. Calbert waits until the last attendee departs and forays for a visit to someplace local for a late night bite to eat.
Vernice accepts as she is hungry and Calbert is bemusing and entertaining to her eyes, nose, ears and other unmentionables. Calbert is a gorgeous six foot three with dark hair and figure of a weight builder. She is mesmerized with his attention like no other she has met; and Vernice is also on the lookout for a spouse. Calbert entertains her delighting her sense of humor and the two kiss passionately good night as he drops her off at the plushest hotel in the region. Calbert long to make love and expresses his desires but Vernice chose to play it cool.
Vernice returns home the next day and Calbert calls her personal cell phone a few times leaving messages of sincere care. He is an honest and sincere person of the heart and nothing more. He knows that her fame will probably not cause her to have interest in someone like him but he wishes her well. To his surprise, she calls in return and chooses to fly him to her home for a visit in two weeks time. Vernice owns a lovely home in the countryside and wishes Calbert to stay in her private apartment reserved for guests. Calbert travels happily to meet Vernice who discretely entertains him in a superb weekend of the delight of the two.
The two romance many times upon her property with local caterers of her pleasure that wine and dine the two into the night. A local entertainer is hired to perform and the two dances closely together ending one weekend in the boudoir of Vernice who is as consummate a lover as Calbert. The motions between the two are superlative and Vernice orgasms so many times she can barely stand up by morning. Calbert requires returning to his work and travels off into his life causing Vernice to long for him greatly. The two continue to see one another on weekends until Vernice chooses to hire Calbert for her personal staging of her next play. She feels he is gifted and this will cause him to move closer to her.
The play is a master mind of a gifted author of an affair of the heart. The stage presence is to be special in order to augment the actors and actresses in the scenes of divine love and other scenes of losses due to strife of the family and of sad afflictions of the heart. Calbert is not accustomed to staging theatrical reviews but offers insights into the artisans who come together to foster the vision of the play. He works well with the artisans and creates magical scenes for each act that aplomb. Vernice is pleased with Calbert’s sensible actions that cause the motions of the acts to flow from one to the other in ease. The performance aplombs with awards offered across the nation. The two travel from region to region producing the play flowing kindly together.
Vernice falls in love. Calbert caressed her senses into the fulfillment of her bloom of self. Calbert cares for her deeply and the two are to be wed. Vernice cares but deep down desires a partner of equal fame. Her aplomb causes Vernice to adventure to Rome for a potential international film debut of another love gone wrong film. Vernice meets Uberto, the director of the film, and he appeals to her senses of fame, gifts and talents in a manner that Calbert cannot. She concludes the relationship with Calbert who feels a deep loss of the heart. Calbert quits and retires having earned more than his former life.
Uberto is not interested in marriage and is prone to having many affairs all at once. He woos Vernice and unknown to her is also bi-sexual in nature. Vernice contracts a sad case of venereal disease only to discover the truth of Uberto’s nature as she expressed her sad fate to a fellow actress and former lover of his. Suisa explains that Uberto will never marry or settle down and always has three or more affair occurring simultaneously including with men. He claims he is bored otherwise. Vernice feels dejected and less than beautiful and longs for her former union with Calbert. She calls Calbert who is less than responsive and claims he is in another union that is better suited to his lot in life. He is not good with fame he says and all the bedazzlement of life of an actress and desires only a beloved that cares and a future family that warms his heart.
Vernice returns home sad and realizes that maybe she made a large mistake. She writes Calbert about her feelings and how she had been seduced by the intrigue of the famous ones and realizes that this is not sincere to her heart. She requests that he consider a restoration of their union leading to marriage and children the idea of which she also delights within. Calbert is in a relationship with someone new but is not in love with her. He departs the union for a time cooling the sensual and sexual experiences to return to his union with Vernice.
Vernice appears sincere and the two romance for a few months until suddenly she is called to Paris for a possible stage production. She chooses this time to bring Calbert with her as her beloved and in support of her career. Calbert proposes and the two are married one romantic evening against the backdrop of a Paris sunset. He takes on the role of supporting Vernice as a stage manager and in the glory of her capacity to act. Vernice is grateful and the love of the two graces her life and the focus of the media over time. The two often are caught in romantic photos that appear on magazine covers and upon the television in interviews around the world.
Two children are born and Calbert spends much time tending to the family life. The income is large and he is able to provide for his children in a delirious manner of an astute consumer of childhood delight. His children and wife are spoiled in the many adventures that Calbert creates to cause family life to be joyful and beautiful for all. He fails to continue in the romance of the beloved in his family life and soon Vernice longs for the attention of his love again to warm her heart. Calbert fails to understand her needs until through special counseling the two make agreements to foray for a dream for themselves in a union divine and time alone to romance one another ahead.
The children are tended to by adroit nannies of the gifted kind. Vernice and Calbert spend many romantic getaways together replenishing the union of the two. The romance has not faded and the longing of the love of the two soon conceive another child. Vernice is not sure she desires to bear another but Calbert insists as it is a child of their hearts. A beautiful baby girl is born that is a mirror image of Vernice. Vernice fades into a sad fate of strife due to a problematic delivery. She recovers but fails to emerge in the same strength and vitality as before.
Calbert insists that she take time from her productions and tend to her own health. The two choose to relocate to a beautiful and serene palace large enough for all and with an entourage of support for the children and home life. Vernice recovers slowly and chooses to devote her time in another direction other than the stage. She begins to write. An autobiographical book is produced about the love of the beloveds and the love of children and the import of the vestibule of the heart in life. The book is published and in time becomes a #1 New York bestseller. The book inspires other couples to foray for a dream of love before any other flavor of self.
Vernice ceases to allow many public appearances as her stamina is fading. Calbert is concerned about her health. Many naturopaths are consulted to provide Vernice with the nutrients necessary to recover her stamina. Her experience of natural remedies causes Vernice to write her second book about natural therapies that rendition the body into its sustenance. The books catch national attention due to her #1 Bestseller. In spite of all of the information shared within her own book, Vernice’s stamina continues to fade. In time the doctors diagnose her with brain cancer.
Vernice chooses to operate to remove a tumor and dies shortly thereafter. Calbert is heartbroken but carries on in the raising of his beautiful family of three. The children choose not for a life focus of fame. His son becomes an adroit scientist of research that leads to a Nobel peace prize later in life. The second child becomes a purveyor of natural cosmetics in the region. He marries a partner of as deep a love as his parents who conceived him. The two bear two beautiful grandchildren. Calbert feels fulfilled through his children and grandchildren and their lives, although he misses always his beloved Vernice and for the rest of his life. The two come together as the life of Calbert fades restoring the love of the two beyond the grave.
Analysis: The Tale of the Fool
The fool is a hypothesis of a sublime notion in which the divine sustains the existence in the superlative motions of self. Self is a motion that is superlative in credence of forensics. Forensics foster a repose of self through the nervous system of the biology. Superlative forensics motion a possibility of divinity within. As divine expression motions, the life dreams become superlative in their capacity to cause a happenstance of deep satisfaction and joy along with love. The fool characterizes one who fails to believe that the superlative dream cannot manifest in the life.
The fable of the fool manifests only those dreams that sustain the notion that the superlative experience is possible in life. Possibility of dream aligns as the fool manifests its notions of the sublime truth of the divine. The sublime truth of the divine is that all things are possible even in a world in which the impossible is more common than not. The fool is not a character normal in the happenstance of any era outside of the expression of a time of divine realization of self. Divine realization time warps the happenstance if the dream motioning a notion that anything is possible when intended and believed in within.
For those who are the fool arcana in the dream of mastery, a life of the impossible will unfold. The impossible will carry the fool forth into a notion of a dream that should be impossible given the whereabouts of the forensics of the existence. The fool fails to believe that the impossible is not possible and manifests the desired outcome against seemingly great odds. Odds are a fallacy of the delusion that humans have fallen prey unto through time. As delusion fades, the impossible becomes possible for each. The impossible is only an issue of imagination. Imagine the impossible and dream it and live it in the life. Imagination fosters the unimaginable into existence.
In the truth of the love within,
The Fool
The lore of fool
Is a sustainable resource
That transfigures within
To augment a dream
Of the sublime and stupendous
In order to foster
A union divine
In a credence of self
That understands the notion
That the precariousness of life
Is not
Helpful Link to Support Transfusion
Light Wave Art & Glossary
To all Beings in discovering the Love of the Love within themselves. May you walk in Love and Beauty on Earth.
Creational © 2021, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth
This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and that are useful to your spiritual evolution, and let go of the rest.
The Ascension Insights series and related books offer information on consensus ascension. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. These books disseminate information on having a complete ascension with the potential of taking the body with you.
The Light Wave series offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.
Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.
Asur’Ana. Light Wave 5: Yogi Tales of the Divine. Aligning With Earth, 2021. Digital.