Image of a 5-petal blue flower with gold center. Flower Essences of Self #3

Flower Essences of Self #3


Polarity Reversal and Astrology


The Position of the Sun and Realization


Realization of Self


I am that I am that I am

In a foray of truth

Of the sustenance of who I am

Choosing a new future

Through realization of myself

As an archetypal foray

Of a dream of my reversal

Into the sustenance of who I am

As a presence of the Tao and Dao within

In the physical


Self- Realization and Shaktar Dreaming


Polarity reversal is an act of transformation for those upon the spiritual quest for realization. Realization is the result of a reversal of poles in the astrological sequences of events over the course of any life of a spiritual longing. Astrology is a symposium of vibrations and melodies that instrument a focus of dream in each sequence of life. There are symposiums for relationship lore along with life lore dreams of work, family and friends. There are also symposiums that direct realization in a spiritual foray of possibility. (Please refer to “Shakti Relationship Lore” in Light Wave 4: Divine Partnership for more information on the dreams that foster union.)


The sounds of the universe are an orchestration of Shaktar order of dreaming. Shaktar is a various melody of accolade of self all of its own. Self is a universal instrument of ordering for the purposes of realization of self. Self is an objective instrument of nonphysical existence that is little recognized in the current spiritual happenstance of the human race. Self and spirit or soul unite together through the physical to offer insights and co-dream the lives of those spiritually mastering in each era. Shaktar is an order of dreaming for the purposes of realization that catches amongst those spiritually mastering in each era.


Humans have forgotten about Shaktar or its orchestration or capacity to aid in the dreams of life. Shaktar dreaming offers support for those mastering in a variety of healing modalities of self. Healing instruments include forensics treatment for the nervous system for mindset development, health criteria along with nutrition foray of needs, and loving synthesis into swings of light waves that foster unity within. Each may intend healing each night in the art of transfusion.


Shaktar is not unconscious nor is it a single force. Shaktar is comprised of millions of attributes of self that have realized over time and remain upon Earth to carry on in their own understanding by ordering the dreaming of humankind. Shaktar relies upon astrological pushes and pulls to cause realization of self. Astrology is an ancient map of the forensics of self that push and draw dreams of existence through time and into planetary sequences that refract upon humankind.


Realization of self is an antonym of an attribute of the quandary over why anything exists. Self realizes through expressing itself in the dreams of life and then contemplating over its own cause and effect and the sequences of dreams associated. Dreams rotate in seven-year lore cycles of self. Lore cycles shift every seven to eight years bringing forward a change of direction of life. Sequences of lore changes are astrological forays of dreams that are planned prior to birth to augment the capacity to realize in any given destiny of spiritual mastery focus. Some lives are not destined to realize and are to augment those who are to realize in their life presence. For those who are non-conscious dreamers, lore cycles foster seven years of motions that determine the dreams without any realization focus.


Self Realization and Pole Reversals


Humans that are realizing receive a dream that causes the cycles to rendition into attributes of sequences of reversals of poles through a reversal birth chart and motion that fosters mastery. Reversal dreams are founded upon the toggling of poles between the natal, progressed and reversal chart of self. The solar system is a series of magnetic forces that push and draw upon the molecular structure of the biology. For most, the pushes and pulls of magnetism attract or repel dreams founded upon resonance of self.


In a pole reversal, dreams are toggled from positive to negative motions to understand karmic happenstance that is unconscious or subconscious in the dreams of life. The negative dreams are sequenced as subconscious events to realize within and do not motion over the life otherwise unless required for deeper accolades of achievement of forgiveness and compassionate action development.


Realization is a subconscious attribute of self. Self is a field development of striations of light that synthesize between the chakra systems and catch the subconscious dreams projected through the formations of magnetism of the reversal chart. Those gifted at introspection attune to the subconscious dream and realize the dynamics of self that occurs as an energetic foray behind the dream of life itself. As the dynamics realized are forgiven, the dream in the life shifts in a new, positive and more expanded development of experience. Forgiveness occurs through the consciousness of the self of the self within. Self-formations are specific to the archetypal sequence of dream extending from birth and through each reversal of self.


Dreams are accoladed down the dimensions as astrological sequences of sounds for everyone causing the life to unfold as it does. For those self-developing, astrology and its symposium of sounds relay as a repose of self. Self reposes its music upon the field of the physical to cause the effect desired to foster realization, drawing dreams of understanding and increasing awareness into the life. Subconscious dreams are fostered as a repose of self. Striations of self form in lore cycles of ascension associated development of field. Ascension is a precursor to self-realization in each dream of mastery in life. As ascension completes its cycle, realization takes off for those ready to rendition into the path.


Difficult dreams can be altered through intention and through realization over the human drama to be forgiven. Forgiveness is a symposium all of its own that accolades over the dream causing life to shift in the direction of renunciation of difficult happenstance of dream as compassion within is mastered. Renunciation sweetens the sound of the repose that sustains the dream so that the drama and trauma lift out of the life happenstance.


Self Realization and Astrology


Astrology in mastery is a different foray of symposium of sound than in non-realization in life. Those realizing receive a pre-birth agreement with Shaktar ordering to symposium a reversal sequence of melody upon the life as realization begins. Realization occurs in eighteen- year sequences for a complete reversal of self to be fostered. Many do not foster a complete reversal until death due to life happenstance of karmic agreements of self.


Reversal sequences are not a presupposition in life other than in cycles of evolutionary fulfillment. The last cycle of mastery was eight hundred years ago. This is another cycle of evolutionary fulfillment that began about twenty-five years ago in present time happenstance. This is a very special time in the foray of mastery in this time period. The mastery cycle is to last one hundred and fifty years and then fade and redevelop in eight hundred years’ time in the sequences of Shaktar dreaming.


Quarter Reversals


Reversals occur in one quarter, one half, three quarter and full reversals of self. Each reversal occurs in approximately six to eight years. Reversals can be ceased at any point to live the life from the mastery gained. Quarter reversals cause a rendition into the renunciation of the thoughts that generated the life happenstance since birth. Those reposing through a quarter reversal often introspect deeply over life’s quandary and manifest a redirection of self into a new life dream.


Many life changes occur in quarter reversals of mastery. Quarter reversals involve a natal and reversal chart along with progressed chart that fostered shifts internal to self. In quarter reversals, one quarter of the weaknesses of self present in the natal chart are renditioned into the strengths associated with the reversal chart. Reversals lead to a strengthening of the persona and capacity to dream dreams in greater fulfillment at each level mastered.


Half Reversals


Half reversals occur in twelve-year cycles and following the quarter reversal of self. Half reversals integrate half of the strengths of the reversal chart into the weaknesses of the natal chart allowing a strong foray of dream to unfold thereafter. Many aspirants unfolding into half reversals create beautiful life dreams that foster realization and other levels of fulfillment of experiences that honor, love and forensics into new motions of self.


Forensics of self allow spirit and the self of the self within to expand into an expression of the nonphysical in life. The nonphysical causes life to unfold under its greater awareness and direction. Life guided by the nonphysical is a delightful experience that generally fosters non-strife as future lessons are forgiven upon the spiritual path. Half reversals are more common today as a resting point of evolutionary fulfillment than reversals above this level due to the requirement to augment further realization into divine mastery of self. Divine mastery requires mindset development and the capability to evolve to another level is case specific to the inheritance. Mindset development requires genetics to foster new synapses in the cortex of the brain along with the nutrients necessary to develop.


Three Quarter Reversals


Three quarter reversals are for the serious initiate that chooses to rendition the life into a karmic completion and into biological mindset development. Karmic completion occurs as three quarters of the weaknesses of the natal chart are renditioned into the strengths of the reversal chart. Those reversing into three quarter levels of mastery are not unknown to humankind and include many famous gurus of self-realization and other postulations of life. At this time there is a small number choosing to rendition into three quarter reversals to happenstance into further realization of self. Three quarter reversals are a postulation of deep introspection to understand and complete with major life lessons of karmic attributes of self.


Full Reversals


Full reversals are an absolute completion with all dreams anticipated in the life including future dreams that are postulated into a new direction. Full reversals are rare and many happenstance this only in death in recent centuries. Full reversals bring about vast change of life as they occur and a redirection of the dream into another level of realization not possible before the reversal occurs. Complete reversals are only for the spiritually mastered who choose to forensics into a new life. For many, full reversals occur at death if a three quarter reversal is manifest in the life happenstance. Those reversing into death continue to realize post life.


Pole Reversals and Charts       


Pole reversal charts are a unique happenstance during eras of realization. Pole reversal charts are twelve hours ahead of the natal birth time. Reversal charts also progress through the life. Reversal charts do not happenstance variances in the positions of the planets or sun. The houses reverse only, augmenting a reverse of the influences and affluences over the life that are associated. Strengths and weaknesses are governed by the position of the houses in their planetary systems that are direct, conjunct, trines or squares or in some other adverse or ingratiating position influencing the dream of life.


Trines repose symposiums of dreams that are harmonious in the symphony generated over the dream. Trines create compatible relationships in life. Squares cause the repose to dawdle with configurations of stanzas of somewhat sardonic or satirical music forayed into the dream. Squares cause relationship to move from harmonious to non-harmonious and back again over time. Conjunct influences cause the sound to repose into sourness repeatedly until the influence of the planets passes into another position or into another house. Conjunct influences cause the greatest strife in the life between parties. For those realizing, transformation often occurs due to conjunct planetary influences that allow for forgiveness and compassionate action to be fostered as the dreams of life strife are renunciated.


Astrological dreams configure in regional forays of life. Each region is gifted at certain symposiums of repose of sound. Some regions such as Hawaii are sweet and offer dreams of vacation and a repose of enchantment with the land and people. Other regions such as Detroit offer symposiums of the repose of strife and labor and difficulties for those without affluence of monetary gain. For those of monetary gain, the repose changes in regions such as Detroit into a melodious melody line for a better life.


Corporations much as in Detroit also vary in the harmonious to disharmonious sounds offered in the astrological foray of dreams possible. The CEO and upper management generally receive a sweet symposium of sound that causes a better dream in the life akin to a trine in astrological terms. Middle management receives a symposium akin to a square with ups and downs and some strife to be lived. Lower levels of affluence receive conjunct dreams in certain times of the years leading to extreme strife. Those laid off receive no repose at all and cease to participate in the astrological foray of the company.


In parallel, those of a lower-class foray of astrological affluence are born into a repose of sour sounds leading to difficult dreams overall. Those in a middle class vary back and forth between sweet and sour sounds causing life to vacillate between kindness to insincerity to sometimes difficult experiences in the dream that are unkind. Those who are upper class receive the sweeter sounding dreams all told although fulfillment of self is rarely an experience unless the life unfolds in the magic of spiritual mastery.


Reversal charts repose the symposium into the harmony of a trine when they are conjunct in the natal progressed chart for a time. For those of low to middle class experiences, life attunes unto a different dream due to the reversal systems of self that occur in mastery of self. The music vacillates back and forth between conjunct reposes and trined reposes until the realization occurs through forgiveness and compassionate action in the difficult life happenstance.


As forgiveness occurs, the conjunct affluence melts into repose of a trine and life carries on all the happier and gentler in the dream. Most in the sincere path of mastery are low to middle class in dream from birth as this is the best postulation for reversing into realization of self. Those of wealth tend to reverse into poverty and strife and this is a difficult happenstance for those of this nature upon the path of realization.


Reversal charts are interesting postulations all of their own. The reversal chart will reflect a variation of a theme of motions between the houses in major planetary arrangements in each chart. The sun in particular is a major influence to compare between the natal, progressed and reversal and progressed reversal charts. The sun’s happenstance of position will invert into positives and negatives to learn the spiritual foray of lessons in a mastery foray of dream. Reversal charts only occur amongst those destined for spiritual mastery in the life. For all others, natal and progressed charts only apply.


The Position of the Sun


There are three main influences to annotate about reversal charts. The position of the sun is the primary influence over spiritual mastery in the life happenstance. The sun directs mastery into forgiveness to abridge difficult happenstances in life. Jupiter and Neptune are two other key planets to attune unto for experienced astrologers to understand between reversal, natal and progressed charts.


Jupiter fosters the union of divinity within the self of the self within. Divinity is an expression of mastery to another level of systems of self. Neptune causes the perception of self to rise above the delusion and illusion of the life happenstance to foster greater awareness in the realization of forgiveness and compassionate action. The positions of the three in each chart will motion back and forth into opposing affluences of repose of symposium causing music to foray in polarity over the dream leading to the jurisdiction of self to foster its own realization.


Realization through polarity reversal is complex. For a basic understanding of the primary affluences of issues of self, the sun is a good beginning point to reference in the examination of a chart of one mastering. Natal, progressed and reversal and progressed reversal charts are best to examine together. The natal chart will provide the postulation of focus for the life happenstance of realization and will be associated with the sun’s position in the chart. The progression of the sun through time will allow the primary spiritual issues focused upon within in the cycle of realization fostered in the life.


Assessing the Position of the Sun


The sun is the most affluent attribute of reversal repose of realization in a given life. The sun will move from house to house in the reversal between natal and reversal charts along with the progressed and progressed reversal charts over the course of the life causing a redirection of focus that is inward. The sun in the reversal chart will be in the opposite house of the natal chart. As the sun progresses through life, the reversal chart shifts accordingly.


The reversal chart hosts houses always five above the natal or progressed chart. The push and pull between the two-house positions of the sun cause realization. Each position of sun causes a different focus for mastery over spiritual happenstance leading to forgiveness of self and the selves of others. Forgiveness within is the main focus for quarter and half reversals of self. Compassionate action and divinity within are the main focus to develop following three quarter reversals of self.


Sun in the First House of Ares: Mastery over Conscious Dreaming


The sun in the first house of Ares will move into the sixth house of Virgo in a reversal chart or progressed series of charts. The first house is for new beginnings and initiatives of life. In spiritual foray of mastery, the first house directs the dreams of fulfillment. The sixth house is for the repose of health and wellbeing along with duty and obligation to the material world happenstance of life. As the two houses toggle between the two presuppositions of the sun, mastery over conscious dream weaving capabilities unfolds.


The reversal chart will happenstance struggles in the management of the dreams of life founded upon duty and obligation rather than fulfillment of self. Dreams of realization are to be fostered founded upon fulfillment of self and not duty and obligation to the karmic happenstances of life. The dreams of strife cause mastery of conscious dream weaving practices to rendition out of the struggles of life.


Conscious dream management is an accolade of achievement of self. As self achieves dream weaving capabilities, dreams are redirected towards fulfillment rather than strife or a life of duty and obligation unto others. The sun in the first house is a foray for a dandering of dream. Those in this position often experience difficult dreams of strife until dream weaving capabilities are mastered and the dream re-directed through intention of self into better postulations of life.


Sun in the Second House of Taurus: Mastery over the Love of Self


The sun in the second house of Taurus will move into the seventh house of Libra in a reversal chart. The second house of taurus is associated with the issues of abundance and the offerings of the material world. In the spiritual foray of dream, the second house is about self-worth and self-love. The seventh house of Libra is associated with relationships and partnerships. In the spiritual foray, the seventh house is equated with the mastery of the love of the love within and the opening unto the chalice divine in the heart accolade of self. As the poles toggle between the two houses, the opening unto the love of the love within and the heart accolade of self is fostered.


Opening to love within has many happenstance of life that is to be realized in order to embrace the love of self. The positions of the other planets in other houses in the natal and reversal chart will determine the nature of the cause to be lived and the strife happenstanced to accolade the heart into its opening into the love of the love within. Life dreams of partnership are often the primary cause of finding one’s way unto the love of self.


Sun in the Third House of Gemini: Mastery over Self Awareness


The sun in the third house of Gemini will move into the eighth house of Scorpio in a reversal chart. The third house is a focus of communication, education and achievements of life happenstance. In the spiritual foray, the third house governs awareness of self. The eighth house is about death and rebirth and cycles of reincarnation. In the spiritual foray, the eighth house directs inner transformation into accolades of achievement into divine precepts of life. The toggling between the two houses causes self-awareness to blossom within.


Self-awareness is an accolade of achievement that warrants the possibility of karmic clearance into a state of dharma. A state of dharma fosters the awareness that reincarnation is not a necessary attribute to continued existence of self. Dharma is an ongoing state of forgiveness in which karma ceases to affluence the dreams of life and fulfillment of the heart’s desires may emerge through self awareness.


Sun in the Fourth House of Cancer: Mastery over Divine Partnership


The sun in the fourth house of cancer will move into the ninth house of Sagittarius in a reversal chart. The fourth house represents family, partnership and ancestral roots of cause and effect. In the spiritual foray, the fourth house governs union of the divine mastery of self. The ninth house directs philanthropy and travel to foreign cultures. In a spiritual foray, the ninth house directs co-creation of self. As the poles are toggled between the two houses, achievement of life can be mastered as a spiritual foray of the two. Mastery in partnership is an accolade of achievement in self-realization of the two.


Self-realization of the foray of the two is to sustain a state of the love of the beloved within and an accolade of synergy between the two hearts. Synergy of the two is a deficit function of self at this time. Love has faded and the human happenstance has become rendered in spirit over time. Those choosing for loving partnerships that achieve self-mastery in partnership may be rare. Those who succeed will be gifted at sustaining synergy and love in the union causing a beautiful foray of partnership dreams to take flight.


Sun in the Fifth House of Leo: Mastery over Fulfillment of Dream


The sun in the fifth house of Leo will move into the tenth house of Capricorn in a reversal chart. The fifth house governs creativity in all of its expressions in life. In the spiritual foray, the fifth house governs synergy of self. The tenth house directs status and achievements in life. In the spiritual foray, the tenth house governs mastery of life. As the two poles are toggled, the positions of the sun direct a fostering of mastery of fulfillment dream.


Fulfillment is a state of being that is fostered through conscious dream weaving capacity to rendition the motions into syncopations of the divine. As the dreams syncopate into divine aspirations of self, fulfillment is achieved as a level of mastery in life. Mastery accolades its achievements into the happenstance of self such that the love of the love within directs the dreams into fulfillment within. As fulfillment within blossoms, the dreams of the heart’s desire can manifest into the life happenstance of self.


Sun in the Sixth House of Virgo: Mastery Over Group Endeavors


The sun in the sixth house of Virgo will move into the eleventh house of Aquarius in a reversal chart. The sixth house directs health, wellbeing and service along with duty and obligation in life. In the spiritual foray, the sixth house directs service unto the whole or world service. The eleventh house directs friendships, associations, hopes and wishes. In the spiritual foray, the eleventh house directs societies of spiritual pursuits of mastery. As the poles reverse between the two positions of the sun, the mastery over group endeavors is realized.


Group achievement is a self-mastery all of its own. Group mastery occurs in community endeavors or societal positions of governance. Group relations are a wheel of self of archetypal stature. Each forays for a position in the group. The group dynamics cause the dance of dream of those associated. Those mastering group dreaming accolade an achievement of self in association with the wheel of those associated through mastery of divine motions of love together.


Sun in the Seventh House of Libra: Mastery of Realization of Self


The sun in the seventh house of Libra will move into the twelfth house of Pisces in a reversal chart. The seventh house governs partnerships, relationships and diplomatic associations. In the spiritual foray, the seventh house directs the dreams of guidance in the spiritual foray of dream. The twelfth house directs the unconscious patterning that can lead to life strife along with mysticism. In the spiritual foray, the twelfth house represents transformation and reflection upon life happenstance in order to realize self. The twelfth house also directs cause and effect or karma until a state of dharma is realized. As the sun toggles between the two houses, the focus of actualization is to be introspected through so that realization of self can be fostered into deeper levels of understanding within.


Realization of self is a self-achievement that is solely internal. Reflections and interpretations of realization can be expressed and shared through teachings. Those of this nature may write or publish their understanding out of a desire to share of self. Realization of self is an interpretive action that causes the forensics motions of life to move inward into conscious dreaming experiences of intuitive perception. Intuitive gifts abound amongst those born with a sun in the seventh house and who are upon the path of sincere realization of self.


Sun in the Eight House of Scorpio: Realization of Archetypal Dreaming


The sun in the eighth house of Scorpio will move into the first house of Ares in a reversal chart. The eighth house directs birth, death, reincarnation, regeneration and transformation. In the spiritual foray, the eighth house governs self-realization. The first house directs the dance of the ego, beginnings and initiatives. In the spiritual foray, the first house directs the dance of dream weaving of self. As the two poles reverse and toggle between the two houses and positions of the sun, mastery over the archetypal wheel of self is realized.


Each archetype has a foray of dream associated with self-realization. Each archetype is gifted at certain presuppositions of self-actualization that cause something new to be recognized and realized within. As the archetypal wheel is renditioned into a function of counterpart and twin lore dreaming, many additional attributes of self levels of understanding can be fostered within and recognized without in group happenstance of mastery. Group counterpart mastery is another level of achievement of self all of its own.


Sun in the Ninth House of Sagittarius: Realization of the Beloved Within


The sun in the ninth house of Sagittarius will move into the second house of Taurus in a reversal chart. The ninth house directs philanthropy and travel to foreign cultures. In the spiritual foray, the ninth house directs co-creation of self. The second house is for the issues of abundance and the offerings of the materials world. In the spiritual foray of dream, the second house is about self-worth and self-love. As the two poles are toggled between the two houses, philanthropy and love cascade into a realization of the beloved of the beloved within in divine precepts of self.


Divinity is a mastery all of its own equation of self. Divine states of being are a foray of realization of self of a different and difficult journey into a foray of life that oscillates the field into understanding the non-divine. The non-divine and the divine are opposites that must be understood, forgiven, embraced and renditioned into wholeness theory of self. In a state of wholeness, there is no good nor evil, right or wrong, black or white, and only oneness of self of the self within. Oneness theory is a foray of mastery for those born with the sun in this position that leads to the expression of the beloved within.


Sun in the Tenth House of Capricorn: Mastery of Divinity


The sun in the tenth house of Capricorn will move into the third house of Gemini in a reversal chart. The tenth house directs status and achievements in life. In the spiritual foray, the tenth house governs reverence of self. The third house is a focus of communication, education and achievements of life happenstance. In the spiritual foray, the third house governs actualization of self. As the poles toggle between the two houses, the fostering of self into the divine reposes of the life are mastered.


Divinity is a multi-faceted endeavor in a spiritual foray of dream. Divine actualization is a blossoming of self into its formations of light synergy of truth. Truth of self is a flowering and blossoming of the light within. Light is a substance of self that fosters achievement of realization and actualization into divine precepts of self. Divinity is refracted throughout the world as those achieve this level of mastery within.


Sun in the Eleventh House of Aquarius: Mastery Over Divine Mindset of Self


The sun in the eleventh house of Aquarius will move into the fourth house of Cancer in a reversal chart. The eleventh house directs friendships, associations, hopes and wishes. In the spiritual foray, the eleventh house directs societies of spiritual pursuits of mastery. The fourth house is the home of partnership, family and ancestral roots of cause and effect. In the spiritual foray, the fourth house governs union of the divine mastery of self. As the poles toggle between the two positions of the sun in the two houses, divine mindset levels of achievement of self is fostered. Divine mindset of achievement is fostered through synapses development that is biological that renditions into a motion that thinks in divine thoughts.


Mindset develops as oscillations of waves of motion through the nervous system repose of self. Those mastering in a system of self cause the nervous system to rendition into another format of thought in which divinity is the primary message of self. Those realizing divine mindset rendition through analysis of self. Mindset analysis is a physical foray of development of synapses in the cortex that fosters another level of awareness in the life.


Sun in the Twelve House of Pisces: Mastery Over Spirit and Self


The sun in the twelfth house of Pisces will move into the fifth house of Leo in a reversal chart. The twelfth house directs the unconscious patterning that can lead to life strife along with mysticism. In the spiritual foray, the twelfth house represents transformation and reflection upon life happenstance in order to realize self. The fifth house governs creativity in all of its myriads of expression in life. In the spiritual foray, the fifth house governs synergy of self. As the polarities are toggled between the two houses, the self of the self within renditions itself into a realization foray between the physical and nonphysical. Self and spirit unite and ignite into a foray of the divine throughout the field in a syncopation of rhythms of love.


The choice to realize in both physical and nonphysical realities is an archetypal sequence of self. As self is realized in the physical and nonphysical, a state of metamorphosis of self can be fostered as a union between Dao and Tao; spirit and matter occurs. The nonphysical attributes of each life have a birth happenstance of chart and astrological sequences of dream all of their own. As physical and nonphysical choose to realize together, the greatest aptitude of self can be transfused into. The two charts amalgamate into a single chart that is universal in presupposition. As self is renditioned into its accolades of achievement between the two realms of existence, truth is achieved within and in the life dream.


Postulations and Reversals


Reversals are a result of postulations of self development that foray over the given life. Postulations are theories of self derived in prose incantations to direct the life in a particular direction. Prose dreaming is an incantation or postulation over the dream to foster realization. As each postulation is offered, the dreams of realization begin.


Postulations are derived for quarter, half, three quarter and full reversals. Postulations of self are a part of the divine keys for life that are a part of the destiny as a mastery level of self. Destiny keys direct astrological dreams through pole reversals of self. Destiny is not a happenstance outside of the choice to spiritually master. Destiny is a key and a rendition unto the life happenstance. As destiny keys ring, the dream shifts into postulations including reversal charts for mastery.


Destiny and reversals work together through postulations of self. There are eighteen postulations that direct each life into polarity reversals of self and mastery of self. Destiny keys are triggered to begin the sequences of dreams leading to the first quarter reversal in life. Another key rings in order to foster half reversals of life. Three quarter reversals require a special key to foster. Full reversals are a summation of all postulations of all suns in each house in natal, progressed, reverse and reverse progressed as witnessed through time.


Reversal systems of self are directed by the Tao within. The Tao is an archetypal sequence of consciousness that relays into the form and forays for dreams amongst those of mastery. The Tao renditions the field and form to oscillate the motions of mastery dreams into the life happenstance. Those gifted at psychic capabilities touch upon the Tao within that directs the mastery into the pursuits of the divine within.


The Dao is the feminine attribute of self. The Dao weaves the dreams and the Tao realizes them through time. Dao and Tao ignite a foray of divine postulations to foster the divinity of self within. Divinity and self is an amalgamation of the Dao and Tao along with spirit and self that fosters a union divine within. Divine union is not to be confused with oneness. Oneness is a pattern that is fostered as a presupposition to a particular bandwidth of development of divine presuppositions of self.


The love of the love within and the chalice of the divine is the seat of self. Self must first be fostered as the heart opens into the formations of the chalice of the divine realizing love within. Love within requires masculine and feminine attributes of self to align in a symposium of union within. Imbalances in the masculine and feminine generally cause an inability to love self.


As love of the love within is a special foray that causes a union divine of Dao and Tao internal to self. As Dao and Tao unite, love is realized. Partnership is not a prerequisite to mastering the love of the love within. Love within alters the manner in which each dreams form in life. Dreams form founded upon incantations prose. As the incantations are blessed in the love within, dreams are fostered that are divine to experience and expression without.


In the love of the love within,

The Tao


Realization of Self


I am that I am that I am

In a foray of truth

Of the sustenance of who I am

Choosing a new future

Through realization of myself

As an archetypal foray

Of a dream of my reversal

Into the sustenance of who I am

As a presence of the Tao and Dao within

In the physical


Helpful Link to Support Transfusion


Light Wave Art & Glossary



This book is lovingly dedicated to all Beings on their Journey to Self Development and Self Realization.

May the Love and Joy of All That Is embrace you on your Path.



Creational © 2022, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth


This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and that are useful to your spiritual evolution, and let go of the rest.


The Ascension Insights series and related books offer information on consensus ascension. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. These books disseminate information on having a complete ascension with the potential of taking the body with you.


The Light Wave series offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.



Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.




Asur’Ana. Light Wave 7: Mindset Development and Self Realization. Aligning With Earth, 2022. Digital.

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