Image of the New Chakra System (Initiation 3000). The Vedic Planes

8. The Vedic Planes


We would like to speak a little about dimensions and distortion. Dimensions resemble layers of an onion. If you liken your particular creation to be similar to an onion, the lowest vibration would exist on the outermost layer of the onion and have the lowest vibration. The higher the dimension, the closer to the center of the onion that particular layer would exist upon and the higher the vibration. The higher the vibration, the closer one is to the center, and the center can be likened to being “at one with God”.


Dimensions and Distortions


Distortion can be likened to the bending of a straight line or arrow. At an upper dimension within the center of the onion, the line flows straight like an arrow. As that same line descends through the layers of the onion, each layer causes the arrow to bend slightly or curve. The lower the dimension, the greater the curve. As the line reaches the last layer within the onion and the lowest dimension, it has now curved to such a degree that it no longer appears as a straight line at all but rather as a spiral.


If we draw an analogy between the line and a thoughtform, at higher dimensions, the thoughts of God/Goddess are clear and precise and flow in a direct fashion like a straight line. As the transmission of his/her thoughts travel down the dimensions, they become curved (like a spiral) and then are subject to a distorted interpretation. Within third-dimensional thoughtform, human civilization is the result of the largest level of distortion of the thoughts of God Goddess/All That Is. Not only human civilization experiences the distortion of God/Goddess but also the very Lords and Ladies who hold the form and govern the Hierarchies of your reality.


Distortion is related to attachment. Attachment can be seen energetically as a line of energy connecting an individual to another individual or object within their life. Not only form or bodies experience attachment but so do the very souls that inhabit all form. Soul attachment appears no different from human attachment and can be seen as an energetic line that connects one soul to another or one soul to another group of souls.


Attachment (or the cording between souls) does not exist within the upper dimensions of God/Goddess. There is no attachment between souls which exist within the 25th dimension of your creation. The experience of attachment begins for those souls who reside on the 20th Dimension or lower. The lower the dimension, the greater the attachment or cords between souls. Read more

Image of one part of the universe. The Ascension Process - Part 5

The Ascension Process – Part 5


The following information is from Chapter 8 of Ascension Insights, Volume 2:


Embodying the Vedic Plane (Initiations 2,500–3,500)


The Vedic Plane is an unconscious plane of reality that is Universal in nature. The unconscious Vedic plane came to be as a result of Universal-level destruction or Universal-level falls over time. A Universe, in our terminology, is a region that is contained by a Logos or Lord containing many solar systems. In the case of Earth, Earth is related to a Universe containing a total of nine stars and includes the Pleiadian star system and our Sun.


Upon the Vedic plane, initiates will find all curses that are recorded within the Universal unconscious. We wrote of the nature of curses in the last chapter. As an initiate embodies Initiation 1024, all karma held within the unconscious as it is related to the Earth plane is transmuted, and the Earthbound unconscious plane is reunited with the conscious plane within their form. As an initiate embodies Initiation 2500, all karma recorded within the solar unconscious is transmuted, and the solar unconscious plane is reunited with the conscious plane within their form. As an initiate embodies 3500, all karma recorded within the universal unconscious is addressed and transmuted, and the universal unconscious is reunited with the consciousness within their form.


Creator God/Goddess Training


To address the karma recorded in the universal unconscious, we must explain the purpose of Godheads and Goddessheads within your Ovum. The 144 Godheads/Goddessheads that we, The Order of Dari, oversee serves as Creator God/Goddess training. In the lower levels of Creator God/Goddess training, Gods and Goddesses learn about creation and destruction from the perspective of embodying a planet, star, galaxy, universe, cosmos, creation, or an entire God/Goddesshead with many creations occurring simultaneously.


Within your particular Godhead, there were fourteen Creator Gods who have united to create a parallel experience. The Lord of the creation that Earth exists within was held by Lord Rama and was one of the creations with which he was simultaneously experimenting. Each of the fourteen creations that Lord Rama was experimenting with can be likened to a movie with a complete script. The role of Lord Rama was much like that of the director who casts other Lords (who wish to co-create his drama) into the various positions that need to be filled.


Due to recent cosmic records uncovered regarding the Anti-Christic entity’s invasion of all 14 Creations that Lord Rama was responsible for, Rama has retracted back to the One Source for recasting. (Please see Chapter 6 “Godheads and Goddessheads of Our Ovum” for more information on how three of Rama’s fourteen creations experienced “falls” into density so great that it threatens the very survival of this entire Godhead/Goddesshead.) Read more