Assessing Algorithmic Patterns of Disease
This chapter is devoted to patterns of imbalance within the energy flow and nervous system of the biology of the body. Imbalance leads to disease along with discord in the dance of life. Balance on the other hand leads to unity and equality in the life expression of each choosing to ascend at this time in history. Imbalance therefore is an important pattern to transcend to assure the health, wellbeing and continued ascension of each choosing to master in this lifetime.
Energy Dynamics of Initiations
Much of Chapter 5 in Workbook 1 was devoted to explaining the ascending energy field of those mastering from 3,000 to 9,000 DNA segments this lifetime. As the field holds together in balance, the field rotates effortlessly and then does not lose chi and can build in energy flow to expand and take initiations in ascension. An extremely balanced field is required to take any initiation.
Initiations are mastered as one embodies certain segments of DNA and then goes on to open the moving energy systems associated. Each segment of DNA of roughly 500 segments beneath 3000, and 800 segments for those mastering above 3000 segments will trigger an initiation when the field expands. The expansion of field is transcribed from the segments of DNA embodied in the etheric vessel. Each layer of DNA has transcriptions for the etheric cells, the physical cells and the energy flow of the field at large.
So, what exactly occurs in an initiation? For each layer of moving energy system that is to expand for the 500 or 800 segments one has embodied in the etheric vessel, the field spins up in rotation and puffs outward in size and to the degree it should given the level of mastery one is working upon. Angels specific to the initiation process descend for a time to aid in the spinning up and rebalancing of field necessary to stabilize at the next octave higher in vibration and associated music as well as more greatly expanded energy flow. The music of the entire field alters at this point and raises in key to the next octave of sound for the entire orchestra that one’s molecular structure and the spin of one’s chakras produces.
Often initiates feel “in bliss” or extremely energized but calm as the field expands into an initiation phase. Generally, the entire process takes only a few hours, and then the field settles down in rotation and music to the level that the body can sustain naturally and of its own accord. Field rotation is caused by the movement of the kundalini through the core of the body; the more kundalini that can run, the higher the field rotation can spin and the higher key or pitch of music that one’s orchestra of movement creates. Read more