Assessing Algorithmic Patterns of Disease
This chapter is devoted to patterns of imbalance within the energy flow and nervous system of the biology of the body. Imbalance leads to disease along with discord in the dance of life. Balance on the other hand leads to unity and equality in the life expression of each choosing to ascend at this time in history. Imbalance therefore is an important pattern to transcend to assure the health, wellbeing and continued ascension of each choosing to master in this lifetime.
Energy Dynamics of Initiations
Much of Chapter 5 in Workbook 1 was devoted to explaining the ascending energy field of those mastering from 3,000 to 9,000 DNA segments this lifetime. As the field holds together in balance, the field rotates effortlessly and then does not lose chi and can build in energy flow to expand and take initiations in ascension. An extremely balanced field is required to take any initiation.
Initiations are mastered as one embodies certain segments of DNA and then goes on to open the moving energy systems associated. Each segment of DNA of roughly 500 segments beneath 3000, and 800 segments for those mastering above 3000 segments will trigger an initiation when the field expands. The expansion of field is transcribed from the segments of DNA embodied in the etheric vessel. Each layer of DNA has transcriptions for the etheric cells, the physical cells and the energy flow of the field at large.
So, what exactly occurs in an initiation? For each layer of moving energy system that is to expand for the 500 or 800 segments one has embodied in the etheric vessel, the field spins up in rotation and puffs outward in size and to the degree it should given the level of mastery one is working upon. Angels specific to the initiation process descend for a time to aid in the spinning up and rebalancing of field necessary to stabilize at the next octave higher in vibration and associated music as well as more greatly expanded energy flow. The music of the entire field alters at this point and raises in key to the next octave of sound for the entire orchestra that one’s molecular structure and the spin of one’s chakras produces.
Often initiates feel “in bliss” or extremely energized but calm as the field expands into an initiation phase. Generally, the entire process takes only a few hours, and then the field settles down in rotation and music to the level that the body can sustain naturally and of its own accord. Field rotation is caused by the movement of the kundalini through the core of the body; the more kundalini that can run, the higher the field rotation can spin and the higher key or pitch of music that one’s orchestra of movement creates.
Spinning up the field rotation through conscious intention is also a method of clearing the field as experimented with in our recorded meditations; however, each field has a naturally occurring field rotation that sustains the vibration of the etheric and physical vessel, until the next rise up and initiation is to be taken. Spinning up the field daily through conscious intention will mimic for a short time the next level of initiation and field rotation to be mastered ahead; and is a good method to use to clear and prepare the field for future initiations and ascension.
False Initiations and False Ascension
In most cases of false ascension, the ascension of the etheric body occurs but fails to occur in the physical. In so being, etheric ascension does not step down into the physical. Real ascension causes the etheric body to expand into the new genetic materials, and then the energy field expands as an initiation is taken every 500 to 800 segments embodied. The new genetic materials then step down to the physical vessel which goes through a transmutative cycle to the crystalline structure within a particular part of the biology.
As the cells become crystalline, the biology then expands in its capacity to hold a higher frequency as more molecules are resurrected and reconstituted and spin. In so doing, the body then provides chi through the kundalini energy flow that also expands as there are more molecules to hold the elements of air, water, fire, and earth as well as distribute energy throughout the body. As there is more chi running through the body, the next level of DNA can enter the grid work and alter the etheric cells, leading to the next expansion of energy field associated and physical ascension to follow.
Real ascension is a continuous cycle of genetic alterations to the etheric cells, expansion of the energy field, and then physical transformation to the crystalline structure within the biology. False ascension occurs generally as the physical is left out of the loop and only the etheric body is expanded. Over time and if this occurs greatly enough, there will be a gap between the etheric body and the physical body through which great harm can flow through to include manipulations from dark forces desiring to enforce extinction of humanity and Terra alike. It is for this reason that false ascension is not allowed; ascension must occur down to the physical or it will be prevented from occurring altogether beyond a certain level that is complete.
Complete ascension is really ascension that occurs in all parts of the field and form, such that there are no gaps between the physical and etheric bodies, or gaps between the etheric body and moving energy systems, or gaps between moving energy systems. As complete ascension is constructed, all parts move up in vibration each cycle in parallel to one another and this creates a solid field that does not wobble, and a healthy biology that does not become diseased.
The expansion of the etheric body above the physical is really a life extension pattern of the Anu and Pharaohs alike. In life extension, the etheric body is doubled in size to create a supercharged field that regenerates the physical to extend the life, but does not create real biological modifications to the cells in the physical. The gap between the etheric and physical is then used by false gods and other forces to manipulate the group, moving karma, chi and dreams from one to another.
This is how the Anu and Pharaohs moved their dreams of disease and death onto other real ascending initiates; who became sick or died instead of evolving. We have seen this pattern of false ascension many times within our Dreamtime Ascension School (DAS); and generally, those participating have Pharaoh or Anu inheritance, and are barred from ascending much beyond 1,800 segments as this is often where the ascension is complete.
Many studying these materials will have ancestry to those who attempted to create real legitimate ascension in times past but died or became ill due to the dance of the Anu or Pharaohs. As the karma for taking on death or disease dreams of others is released, one steps out of the game and ascends instead into the dreams of continued ascension and a joyful life that one intends. In so doing, the karma for how life extension became the dominant pattern above and beyond real ascension is settled and real ascension for all humans can then come forth.
Schisms or Gaps in the Ascent
Schisms and gaps in the ascent can also create another form of false expansion or ascension. Generally, this occurs as large segments of DNA are bypassed and ascended beyond without clearing the karma or ascending the etheric body with the new genetic encoding. The gaps are often filled with light body body-double grid work which holds a higher frequency and appears to have all the genetic changes that were to occur if the ascent had been complete. Those having this type of false ascension are then used by forces to manipulate chi, dream, information or karma from one to another, and in particular to support the current gurus in power. DAS has also seen a load of these types of ascension which often occur in regions where a more rapid ascent can occur due to the availability of chi from the land.
In regions that are ascending more slowly, the lack of support presses those focused upon ascending individually to rise slower in vibration, and in so doing, a more thorough ascent comes forth. For one cannot rise too much above the vibration of the land without being very thorough and making sure that each layer of DNA is embodied before moving on to the next. Small gaps may occur due to a lack of karmic records in the archives; but generally, this is no more than 20 to 80 segments in size. The small schisms are allowed and it is perceived that most recover the missing records shortly beyond the level schismed over.
Those moving to regions ascending more rapidly will find that the land can lift one into karma and genetic materials higher than one has legitimately ascended into. This then leaves larger gaps sometimes of 100 to 400 or more segments of DNA that have failed to be integrated into in physical. The gaps are filled with light body body-double grid work on the part of dark forces. The gap then allows other forces to use this region of domain as a conduit of harm to the physical plane. Those living in regions rapidly ascending will therefore have to be much more careful about the DNA that one is working upon each day, week or month of the ascent to make sure that all layers of information have been fully integrated down to the physical.
One of the more thorough ascensions Asur’Ana and Per have ever witnessed was an initiate who discerned after reading our materials that the largest troubles in ascension was the result of a lack of thoroughness. They made up their mind to only ascend into 100 segments at a time, and go back and forth over the DNA to make sure it was completely integrated to the physical before going on to the next 100 segments. The field that this initiate constructed was one of the most stable and powerful fields Asur’Ana and Per had ever seen in their dreamtime program. Perhaps this is a testimony to taking the ascension slow and deliberate through each layer of karma and spiritual lesson along with crystalline encoding embodied to create a healthy body and complete ascension in this lifetime.
Schisms and Disease
Over time and if schisms in the DNA remain unaltered to the crystalline encoding, the associated region of the form will be “left behind” in vibration. If the DNA involves a particular organ, gland or system, then over time the region that has failed to ascend shall become diseased. In review of the records of a famous ascension guru who created a very incomplete ascension, they died primarily of liver failure. You will see in the energetic systems of this individual when alive, that there was large gaps or schisms that involved the liver, pancreas and spleen. The liver, pancreas and spleen had ascended no further than 108 segments of DNA when the rest of the body attempted to ascend into a blueprint of 36,000 segments of DNA. Over time, the liver became increasingly compromised until it led to the initiate’s death.
In addition to the above, the space between the cellular structure had failed to ascend at all. As a result, the body had no capacity to release toxic gases produced by the cells that had ascended to 36,000 segments in vibration. Without an ability to release toxic gases, the body’s health is also compromised leading to bouts of arthritis and bloating primarily. The lack of ascension of the space between created a very large schism and such a large gap between the physical and nonphysical in the space between of this initiate. The large gap was used to spin very large pyramids and stars in the space between of this initiate’s field.
The stars and pyramids created an energy formation related to the University Pyramids of Athena when she was alive and involved in the Universities of the slave nation. This initiate was a direct descendent of Athena and essentially tried to create a university of ascension founded upon false ascension; and those that follow this guru will find themselves arriving in the same incomplete map that is not a map of ascension at all; but a map of life extension.
It may be that the life extension practices that caused the Pharaohs to exist for thousands of years do not work well for humans at two segments of DNA. In the era of the Pharaohs, the larger headed humans had yet to fall beneath 15,000 segments. Life extension at 15,000 segments is much easier than if one begins at two segments. It is for this reason that those attempting this type of false ascension will simply die off in the coming times of cleansing; and perhaps this is not a bad thing. For in so being, only real ascension will have the effect of extending the life in this cycle; and this shall allow real ascension to take hold in lieu of false ascension within all future human ancestries in the century ahead.
Imbalance of Field and Wobble of Energy Flow
Imbalanced fields create wobbles in the energy flow that will tear at the etheric body. If the pressure upon the etheric body is great enough in a particular region of domain, the region will become compromised or sick over time. Generally speaking, any wobble will create body level pain in the given region that pressure occurs upon the etheric vessel. Sometimes the etheric vessel will actually begin to rip or crack if the wobble is great enough.
What causes wobbles of energy flow? One of the largest causes of wobbles is a sudden loss of a moving energy system or a portion of a moving energy system. Let us say that one has a karmic encounter with someone that one has given one of one’s chakras unto in an ancestral karmic exchange; or one’s digestive system, or a large chunk of one’s dream, or a portion of one’s sexual energy system; or a portion of the subtle bodies; or a portion of one’s grounding. Suddenly, a large part of the moving energy field leaves one’s field and moves to the field of another. Not only is such an exchange entirely useless to the other party unless they are ascending and have reached one’s current vibratory rate, but it will also lead to an extreme wobble in one’s own field.
Now perhaps one has a headache; or an ache in the neck or shoulders, or pain in the upper or lower back, or pain in the knees or feet. The pain is indicative of an extreme wobble of field due to a sudden loss of a part of one’s field. As one takes the time to search out what part of the field has been given to another, and chooses to release the karma and retrieve one’s own moving energy system or systems, then a most rapid recovery can occur. Without taking rapid action, one is in a downward slide, and if allowed for a day or two, will probably lead to a cold or flu like symptoms. As soon as the energy field is retrieved and recast, then the symptoms will also dissipate.
The karma for the loss of moving energy systems is related to the Pharaohs and Anu alike. The Pharaohs took the moving energy systems of the Mahavishnu living upon Pharaoh Island to extend their lives. Instead of recasting their fields in the event they were shattered or torn, the Pharaohs would simply exchange their dysfunctional moving energy system for another’s that was functional. In so doing, many of the Mahavishnu became ill over time. This also occurred between the Anu and the red nations’ peoples through the Anu’s red nation lovers or spouses. The Anu would trade their sour moving energy fields for the clean and clear energy fields of the red nations’ peoples and this would leave the red nations’ peoples to become ill.
At this time of ascension, there is no requirement to strip the moving energy system of another. The process of recasting allows each to rebuild and reweave their field each night during dreamtime. In so doing, any part of the field that has become cracked or compromised can be rewoven and healed. Recasting is an ongoing part of ascension and occurs in the healing temples. During recasting, one is surrounded by angels that arise out of the Aurora and the healing temples and specialize in the reweaving of field.
Long ago, the Mahavishnu lost the information on recasting. This may have occurred in the era of the Grand Masters many thousands of years prior. As a result, neither the Pharaohs or Mahavishnu knew how to reweave or recast a problematic field. As a result, exchanging fields became the norm. Sad, but this is what occurs when information is lost. Now at this time of ascension all information is being gathered up and what was forgotten is being recalled. In so doing, humans and Earth alike are learning to recast and reweave the field for continued ascension Home to the Great Central Sun Dream.
Splintering in Time
The false gods and other dark forces also like to crack energy fields of ascending humans, much as one would crack an egg. At first small cracks may form; and then these are enlarged enough to remove an entire moving energy system from one person to another. Perhaps one does not notice the small cracks in the field; but one will notice the loss of moving energy system due to the wobble that one has gone into. Once you have retrieved your moving energy system, it is then also best to seal all cracks within the field.
Fields can also be cracked in time so that one part sits in the past and another part sits in the future. When a field is splintered in time, past karma and future karma can come into play that then will cause a loss of chi, information, moving energy systems or dream that is associated. Restoring one’s field to be entirely in present time will allow through intention for a full recovery of all that has been lost. While a field is in present time, it aligns straight above, beneath and around the etheric body. In present time, only present time karma can be the underlying cause of any energetic exchange with another. Generally, present time karma is small and relatively easy to manage upon a day to day basis.
It is often future karma in particular that is the most difficult upon ascending initiates, as it assumes a much larger future ascended field. Therefore, future karma can act like a large hammer upon one’s field tearing vastly at oneself. As future karma is restrained in the future where it belongs, it then ceases to act out and the field can be repaired. In true spiritual law, only present time karma should have any affect upon one’s field in any given moment of the day. Future and past karma are null and void as they are not a part of one’s current path of ascension. If one has recurrent difficulty with future karma that is activated with a particular other in the dance of life, take them to the karmic boards in dreamtime and guardians will be assigned to prevent the continued activation of future karma.
Past karma can also be activated and traumatic if a large portion of what one has already transcended suddenly becomes active again in the field. This will cause the field to shatter and descend rapidly to a lower vibratory rate than one once held. Sometimes the field becomes fanned into the past causing many past patterns to reactivate. One manner to correct this is to seal the fanned time pulling it into the present moment again. Another suggestion that Mother Earth has is to fully erase one’s past at each level of transcendence mastered. In so being, if the past is opened, it will have nothing in it and thereby cannot affect one’s field in the NOW. However, learning to retain one’s field in the NOW is important to the continued ascent and this is also our suggestion.
Breath of Life and Remaining in the Now
Generally, it is each deep breath that one takes over the course of the day that assists in retaining the field in present time. As one takes a deep breath, the chakras begin to spin, the field grounds to the Aurora, and the chakras line up above and beneath oneself causing one to remain in the moment. If one finds oneself ungrounded or tired, one can learn to take many deep breaths to pull oneself back into the moment and recharge the field causing it to spin again.
If the field ceases to spin, one will not only become tired but will desire to go to sleep. The body should take a deep breath about every five minutes or so to sustain consciousness and remain in present time during the day, as well as at night to sustain the minimum field rotation to allow for recasting and healing during dreamtime. Many initiates snore while asleep and this is the breath of life in action which retains the necessary field rotation to hold one’s vibration while asleep.
What interferes with the breath of life? Often there are entities that can enter one’s field and shut off the breath of life energy system. There is an energetic system that hosts three chakras in the front of the diaphragm and three chakras in the back of the ribs, all slightly above the solar plexus region. These six chakras spin together and assist one in remembering to deep breathe every five minutes or so.
If entities enter the field and shut down the breath of life system, one then fails to breathe and may splinter in time, allowing an easier time for the dark to manipulate one even further. Remembering to spin the breath of life chakras will assist the body in pulling itself back into present time in the event of a time manipulation. Taking breaths every five minutes will retain one in present time where manipulations are far more likely not to occur thereby creating an easier time in the continued ascent.
Polynesian Kundalini Energy System
Generally, initiates have a tendency to anchor heavily into the grids of Earth near where one lives and rely upon the associated cords of attachment to stabilize the field in the event of a severe wobble. The attachment into Earth can assist in balancing the field to end a wobble; however, it also leaves pathways through which family and neighbors or others of difficult karma with one’s ancestry can track one’s energy field. The solution unto this is to construct four large chakras that spin parallel the land and utilize the magnetic push and pull between them to foster greater balance of one’s subtle bodies or chakra system in the event of an extreme wobble of field.
The chakras that spin with the land are a part of the Polynesian Kundalini energy flow. It is best to open such chakras in open space or parkland, the ocean, lakes, mountains or meadows nearby and not over land that humans reside upon. The chakras can be many miles away from one’s etheric body if need be and will also assist the land that they hover over to ascend. Then as one opens the chakras to assist in stabilizing the field in the event of a wobble, one can begin to pull up the cords of attachment one has anchored into the land.
Often initiates anchor attachment for miles surrounding where one lives or works. As one pulls up the attachment, one can imagine pressing the ties down the grounding chakras and to the Aurora. This will allow one to cease to be targeted by others that one has karma with through one’s ties to the Earth grid work which surrounds one’s living environment or work environment.
Then if one feels a wobble of field and pain in some part of the body that is the result, one can use the magnetic push and pull between the four chakras to stabilize the field rotation. One can think of the magnets much as a scale of weights. As you puff up one of the chakras, it will add more stability to a particular side of the field; if the field is wobbling right to left, puffing up the larger right chakra and left chakra incrementally will eventually end the wobble leading to a return to stability. Then one can go about retrieving the lost moving energy system and recast the field for a complete recovery.
It will be your Polynesian ancestors from Lemurian timeframe that will hold knowledge on the Polynesian land-based Kundalini. One may have to visit the temple of ancestry to find ancestors related unto one’s inheritance with this knowledge. If one has no ancestors with such knowledge, one can intend to recover ancestors related and open up the stabilizing four corner chakras associated with the land at a future point in time.
Energy Wobbles as Genetic Patterns
There are also small or subtle wobbles in the field related to genetic patterns of emotional scarring in particular regions of the etheric body. If the scarring is great enough in the feet, knees or legs, a wobble can be caused in the grounding of the field. If the scarring is great enough in the pelvis, it can cause a wobble in the sexual energy flow or pelvic lotus. If the scarring is great enough in the lungs or chest, it can cause a wobble of the heart lotus. If the scarring is great enough in the neck or head, it can cause a wobble of the crown lotus.
Scar tissue is related to incomplete DNA that does not make sense as a genetic transcription to your akashic record keeper. Therefore, the scarred cells develop as a conglomerate rather than individuated formations and may not feed or detoxify very well, leading to hardened tissue over time. In the center of any cluster of incomplete DNA will be a traumatic wound of some sort generally from an ancestor, but also can be from a present day circumstance such as an accident or surgery. In order to transmute scar tissue, one must be able to break down the hardened tissue with enzymes and then restructure the cells as crystalline, individuated formations. In order for the crystalline encoding to be recovered, the trauma recorded inside the scar tissue must first be released in the etheric body.
Scar tissue can be tiny pockets in many regions all over the body, as well as larger structures that may interfere with the function of a particular organ, gland or system along with creating a wobble in the field rotation. Generally speaking, ascending humans are very good at quarantining scar tissue off in any major organ or gland or system so that it ceases to have an effect upon the function of a particular part of the biology. In so doing, the health and wellbeing can be retained even if the scar tissue is not fully resurrected. However, the lack of resurrection can lead to small or medium wobbles in a particular part of the energy flow. This is particularly so for those in adult form moving on beyond 4,600 segments in vibration.
Each part of the genetics also has a transcription for the moving energy system that is related. Generally, genetics related to organs, glands or systems will also host information surrounding the construction of the regeneration chakra system that sits just outside the etheric skin. Over time, the regeneration chakra system becomes increasingly complex like a series of gears that spin to keep time within a clock.
The regeneration chakras pull fire from the core of the kundalini energy flow along the horizontal ley lines of the grid work to cause regeneration of the entire form and skin. The scar tissue in the organs, glands or systems may translate into one or more regeneration chakras failing to be added to a field leading to a wobble in the overall regeneration energy flow each day. Where the wobble is the greatest may cause the associated part of the body to fail to regenerate adequately leading to other problems in the physical over time.
Making the intent to get at the underlying emotional trauma associated with any large pocket of scar tissue within the organs, glands or systems of the biology is therefore a useful intention to make, particularly for those proceeding beyond 3,000 segments. Understand that one must have the biological capacity to dissolve scar tissue and not all humans may hold such information in their genealogy. However, if one does, then a useful intent to make is to dissolve scar tissue, particularly the large pockets that prevent a particular energy system to formulate within the field.
Thoughtform and Scar Tissue
Thoughtform associated with the programming spoken to in Chapter 3 of Workbook 2 is often locked into the field in scar tissue. Scar tissue can hold the traumatic events from ancestral experiences and are related to current life trauma in childhood, teenage or adult years. The ancestral experience then becomes a part of the beads of cause and effect that are associated with fear-based programming and patterning. In order to erase the programs, one will also wish to erase the traumatic memory from the etheric cellular structure, and often the trauma is recorded in scar tissue or decay and not in healthy cells.
The trauma in scar tissue first releases in the etheric cell and then in the physical cell as the tissue is resurrected to the crystalline structure. In order to release etheric scars, one applies Language of Light tones of creation to the region. One can do so through intention before falling asleep at night. Minerals are also useful tools to deliver a particular set of tones necessary to dissolve etheric scar tissue to a particular region of the biology where the trauma is recorded. Generally, Asur’Ana suggests a small hand-held point of clear quartz, amethyst or rose quartz for clearing and moving etheric scars.
Take the point in your hand and clear it first of any energy flow that is non-conducive to your healing. Then intend to charge the mineral with the Language of Light single or dual tones necessary to dissolve the scar tissue within one’s etheric body. If you are aware of where the scar tissue is located, you can focus the point in the given region. Often there is stuck energy where etheric scarring sits that causes stiffness or pain in the region and as the trauma is released, the pain also dissipates. Sometimes the release of the scar will also cause an emotional catharsis of the trauma at hand, or trigger memories of the ancestral life experiences or childhood suffering that is associated.
As the etheric scar releases, the etheric cells can modify themselves to be of the crystalline structure. Then as the etheric blueprint steps down to the physical, the physical scarring will also release and the associated region of the body self heals becoming crystalline in nature. In one initiate’s experience of healing the cancer of her uterus, it only took 1/3 of the scar tissue to release in order for enough of a healthy organ to be reconstructed to push her out of a cancerous state of being. Scar tissue can be at the root of any disease and as it releases, there is an opportunity for recovery.
Etheric Surgery
Sometimes scarring of the etheric body is so great that etheric surgery is the only method strong enough to move the pattern out allowing the region to self-heal. Generally, a vogel crystal is useful for psychic surgery. Take the vogel in your hand and charge it up, clearing out any energy that does not serve the healing. Then pointing the small point towards the body near the region of scarring, intend to cut out the scarred part of etheric body with the laser like flow emanating from the vogel; this generally only takes a minute or less. Then intend to reweave the region with healthy grid work and bring in the corrected genetic blueprint that does not host the emotional trauma.
Working with the mineral kingdom is a great gift for ascending humans at this time of evolutionary cycle home. You can also request that the mineral kingdom aid you in the surgery so that a complete removal of the scarred region of the etheric body can occur. The scarred portion of grid work can be sent to your recasting temples for examination and a thorough gathering of the traumatic records of your ancestry held therein. Intend upon awakening the next morning to remember the details of the ancestral experiences and wounds so that the spiritual lesson can also be brought to consciousness from the experience. In so doing, there need not be a repeat of the associated disease or scarred state into your future or to be experienced by your future ancestors as the karma is forgiven.
Scarring of the Nervous System
It is the scarring of the nervous system that is related unto algorithms for disease. Scarred tissue in the nerves of the body causes the energy flowing through to skip and jump leading to surges and gaps in the movement of chi to the organs, glands and systems that they feed. In the crystalline blueprint, the nerves are to deliver constant pulsations of chi to every organ, gland, system and muscle throughout the biology. The constant pulsations of enough chi allows each part of the biology to receive enough to assure regeneration and continued life. The smoother and more even the delivery of chi, the greater the health of each region of the biology that is associated.
Some nerves have such a hard time conducting any chi at all at two segments of DNA that the associated regions begin to rapidly decay, particularly beyond age sixteen. In Chinese Medicine, one would consider such regions to be cold or damp in nature. Such regions will tend to become even more scarred or decayed over time, leading to aging and disease in older age and eventually death. As the nervous system ascends, it begins to self-heal. In the ascension to 1,024 segments, most nerves that could not conduct any chi begin to resurrect; this leads to regions that did not receive any chi through the nervous system at two segments to begin to receive some life force. However, there are generally two to three and possibly more regions of the biology that still receive far too little chi to develop a full set of crystalline cells.
Some nerves absorb the excess chi that fails to move down yet other nerves that cannot pulsate much at all. This causes the organs, glands or systems at the end of these nerves to receive far too much chi. In Chinese Medicine, one would consider such regions to be hot or have excessive fire. These regions tend to combust or fry the cells also leading to yet other types of diseases associated with tumors and cancer.
Excessive stimulation can cause cells to grow that are unneeded to the organ, gland or system. Cancer is really the result of the overgrowth of space between cells (the structure that holds the cells together) to great excess. The growth of the space between then prohibits the feeding and detoxification of the cells that they surround leading to sick organs, glands or systems. All of this is related to over stimulation of the region through the nervous system.
By 1024, there is a smoothing out of the nervous system enough that most regions cease to receive so much fire that they may end up cancerous. There may be however one to three regions that are still over stimulated enough to cause trouble. We use the next part of this chapter to examine the nature of variant diseases and the thoughtform behind such physical manifestations. Each disease is related to over or under stimulation of the nervous system; and there is a thoughtform in the ancestral inheritance that is also related. As the thoughtform is addressed and transcended through the transmutation process of ascension, then the DNA in the nervous system can be modified to blueprints from other ancestors who, when they were alive, had a nervous system that provided just the right amount of chi to the associated region.
It is perceived by Earth that transcending the underlying cause of disease will allow ascending humans to not ascend into disease. It is for this reason that this information is offered in great detail so that each can examine their own patterning within and choose to transcend it before disease manifests; or if one has developed a disease already, transcend the patterning at cause so that a recovery becomes possible ahead.
Thoughtform and the Nervous System
How does thoughtform and over or under firing of the nervous system relate? Thoughtforms or algorithms direct the energy flow in the field. Some thoughtforms are so strongly embedded into the foundation of who one thinks one is that they direct too much chi to the brain or brain stem via the crown and third eye chakras. As too much chi is received by the brain or brain stem, then excessive firing of the nervous system results; and the nerves that are most likely to absorb excessive chi then create a hot spot in the biology that can become cancerous over time.
Yet other thoughtforms do not direct enough chi to brain. This leads to an under firing of the nerves and in particular through those nerves that have a hard time conducting chi due to scar tissue within them. As too little chi is received by the brain, then an under firing of all nerves occurs, and those nerves that are heavily scarred may deliver no chi at all to particular organs, glands or systems of the biology leading to a cold spot. The lack of chi then leads to rapid degeneration and disease, or an inability to resurrect, ascend or regenerate the region over time.
Exercise can assist with warming up cold spots in the biology and balancing the field more greatly for continued ascension. Taking gentle walks or swims each day will assure that all nerves are stimulated throughout the body, and even begin to rebalance what is out of balance in terms of cold or hot spots. This is the gift of gentle exercise. Over exertion such as running or heavy weight lifting is not recommended as this can exacerbate the dance more greatly rather than lead to balance. Why is this so? It has to do with degree of stimulation. A gentle walk or swim will provide mild stimulation of the nerves through the movement of the body. Heavy exercise will provide heavy stimulation which may increase cold and hot spots rather than allowing them to balance out.
In addressing the thoughtform behind the excessive or inadequate chi sent to the brain through the entire ascending field, the patterns that underlie disease can shift. Most initiates fluctuate over the course of any given day from delivering too much chi to the brain and then too little. Generally speaking, too much chi is sent to the brain over the course of the day and if one is very busy in the dance of life leading to hot spots in the biology; and then at night too little chi is sent to the brain leading to cold spots. As the thoughtform at cause of the flux of chi to the brain is cleared, just enough chi is delivered 24 hours per day, the cold and hot spots will cease to be so great and a more even temperature of the overall biology will occur, which will lead to greater health over time and in support of the continued ascent.
In addition, the scarred nerves that tend to fail to deliver much pulsation at all can be altered through conscious intention through ascension. Each ascending human has 144 lineages and thousands and thousands of ancestors to choose genetic information from. One can intend to uncover many ancestors who had healthy crystalline nerves for each scarred nerve within the biology. In anchoring a new blueprint for each scarred nerve so that it delivers chi more fluidly and in just the right amount, greater health can be achieved throughout the body through ascension.
Thoughtform Algorithms and Disease
It is now our goal to list diseases related to algorithms that create “hot” or “cold” spots in particular parts of the biology. There are many more diseases listed in encyclopedia of illness that we will speak to. We will attempt to list the patterns and problems in an organ, gland or system basis rather than in the names that the medical professionals use for various diseases. Many of the disease names and diagnosis are actually from Atlantean era and were drawn from Pleiadian thoughtform and therefore not necessarily relevant to ascension.
Ascension is about ascending out of electrical biology and into magnetic biology that is resonant with Earth and nature. Many disease patterns are the result of trying to blend magnetic and electrical energy and biological systems. Electricity creates too much chi in a magnetic system; magnetism creates too little chi in an electrical system.
Underlying the hot spots in the body will be electrical DNA that requires transmuting into a magnetic encoding from one’s more extended ancestry of genealogy. Underlying cold spots may be magnetic nerves that ran too much electrical energy and became scarred and now fail to deliver enough chi to the biology. As the scarring is transmuted through ascension, then the cold spots can also cease. As the entire biology hosts magnetic DNA, then there is an opportunity for a more even overall energy flow through the nervous system along with a more balanced temperature of each organ, gland or system leading again to greater health for the continued life and ascension ahead.
Left and Right Lobes of the Brain
Over stimulation of the right side of the brain leads to one who may be overly emotional or frequently overwhelmed. Over stimulation can also lead to aneurisms or cancerous growths in the brain over time or strokes in older age. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the right hemisphere is “I feel too much, I am overwhelmed and cannot function in the dance of life.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend peace and unconditional acceptance in the dance of life.”
Under stimulation of the right side of the brain leads to one who may be depressed or lethargic much of the time. The lack of stimulation can lead to deterioration of the brain as not enough blood may flow to feed all brain cells. The lack of blood can also lead to an experience of “migraine headaches”. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the right hemisphere is “I am melancholy and sad; I only perceive the negative side of the dance of life.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend non-conditional love and hope in the dance of life.”
Over stimulation of the left side of the brain leads to one who may be extremely analytical in nature and who despises those who are emotional. Over stimulation can also lead to aneurisms or cancerous growths in the brain over time or strokes in older age. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the left hemisphere is “I analyze my circumstance to make myself safe, I find emotions frightening.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend non-conditional truth in the dance of life. I intend to open my heart.”
Under stimulation of the left side of the brain leads to one who has a hard time focusing upon any subject or learning new information. Some have considered such children of “Attention Deficit Order” in nature. The lack of stimulation can lead to deterioration of the brain as not enough blood may flow to feed all brain cells. The lack of blood can also lead to an experience of “migraine headaches”. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the left hemisphere is “I am confused, I am unable to sit still, I need to move.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend integrity and honor in the dance of life.”
Corpus Callosum
(interconnects the right and left hemispheres)
Over stimulation of the corpus callosum leads to an excessive communication or firing of nerves between right and left hemispheres. The movement of chi back and forth leads to one who may be very talkative or very creative in nature expressing well with both words and emotions. Over stimulation can also lead to an aneurism, stroke or brain tumor or cancer in this region of the brain. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the corpus callosum is “I must express myself; I must be heard, I must create.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend co-creation with Earth, Nature and my Soul and Oversoul.”
Under stimulation of the corpus callosum leads to one who may have great difficulty putting words to their experiences or emotions and as a result may not say much in social circumstances. The lack of stimulation in the region can also lead to an experience of “migraine headaches” or deterioration of the region over time. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the corpus callosum is “I cannot verbalize my thoughts or feelings; I am unable to communicate.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend honest communication in the dance of life.”
Pain Pleasure Center
(core of the brain)
Over stimulation of the pain pleasure center leads to one who likes the drama and trauma of life and may even seek to create drama out of the desire to emote. Over stimulation can lead to aneurisms or brain tumors over time. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the pain pleasure center is “I come first, watch me, I want to be center stage.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend honor in the dance of life.”
Under stimulation of the pain pleasure center leads to one who may desire to drink excessively or seek out drugs as recreation or to divert boredom in the dance of life. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the pain pleasure center is “I must escape, I am bored.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend a grounded state of being and to learn to live in present time. I intend my breath of life.”
Brain Stem and Nervous System
Brain Stem
Over stimulation of the brain stem leads to ongoing tension in the nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system. This creates a human that prefers to be active and has a hard time sitting still. Over stimulation of this region can lead to an aneurism in the brain stem over time. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the brain stem is “I need to be physically active.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend peace and unity in my life as well as biology. I intend balance between physical activity and the need to rest the body for regeneration purposes.”
Under stimulation of the brain stem leads to a lack of enough stimulation throughout the parasympathetic nervous system. This can lead to lethargy and a desire to be inactive. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the brain stem is “I am lazy and prefer not to work or be active.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to retrieve my life force and breath of life.”
Nervous System
Over stimulation of the entire nervous system leads to scarring of the nerves and combustion of the molecular structure which can lead to diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis or Fibro Myalgia. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the nervous system is “I want to die. I do not wish to live.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to ascend and transcend death. I intend to retrieve my will to live.”
Under stimulation of the nervous system leads to a lack of overall stimulation of the entire body which can lead to the experience of chronic fatigue. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the nervous system is “There is not enough chi or life force to exist.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend my breath of life and grounding unto Mother Earth. I intend to retrieve my red ray so that I will always have enough life force.”
Endocrine System
Pituitary Gland
Over stimulation of the pituitary gland leads to the desire for sexual encounters or frequent masturbation. Over stimulation of this region can also cause the pursuit of the spiritual path. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the pituitary gland is “I like to move my kundalini and sexual energy flow.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to develop a kundalini flow that supports my ascension. I intend the fulfillment of my spiritual path.”
Under stimulation of the pituitary gland leads to one who may exhibit manic depressive tendencies due to the lack of production of hormones associated with this gland. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the pituitary gland is “When I am high, I am on top of the world; when I am low, I sink into deep depression and even suicidal desires.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend balance in the dance of life.”
Pineal Gland
Over stimulation of the pineal gland leads to more light emanating throughout the entire grid work of the body. The pineal gland absorbs light through the eyes and then relays the vibrations through the nervous system to the rest of the body. Those of this nature may feel good most of the time and be happy go lucky in nature. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the pineal gland is “I have no worries, I am happy.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend honest communication with myself about my sincere state of being.”
Under stimulation of the pineal gland leads to depression and suicidal tendencies. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the pineal gland is “I attune to dark thoughts and the dark entities around me.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to ascend; I intend to anchor and attune to a light Earth dream and the nonphysical forces that support ascension.”
Immune System
Lymph Nodes
Over stimulation of the lymph nodes leads to over production of white blood cells within the immune system. The white blood cells can then to go to attack healthy tissue if they are malformed leading to autoimmune diseases. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the lymph nodes is “I must fight for my life. I must fight for everything I have.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to retrieve my will and power. I intend to stand in the power of my truth in action.”
Under stimulation of the lymph nodes leads to a lack of enough immune response if the body is under a biological attack. AIDS is one disease related to under stimulation of the lymph nodes. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the lymph nodes is “I do not fight back, I give in. I lose.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to learn to run the red ray of life force and orange ray of power. I intend to embody authentic power in this lifetime.”
Over stimulation of the spleen leads to over production of white blood cells and other components of the blood. Sometimes the white blood cells become deformed in the overproduction and begin to attack cells of the body which is known as autoimmune diseases. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the spleen is “I give my holographic truth away. I take on the truth or identity of another.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to become my ascending truth in action. I intend to stand in the truth of who I am.”
Under stimulation of the spleen leads to a lack of enough immune response if the body is under a biological attack as well as a lack of enough components in the blood as produced by the spleen. Autoimmune diseases in which not enough platelets or other components of the blood are produced are related. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the spleen is “I am a chameleon. I become what others need me to be, even if it makes me uncomfortable.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to become my ascending truth in action. I intend to stand in the truth of who I am.”
Circulatory System
Over stimulation of the heart leads to ongoing stress in the heart muscle. Over time this can lead to heart attacks or heart disease. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the heart is “I give my love away. I need to make others feel loved and accepted.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to learn to love myself. I intend the return of the inner beloved.”
Under stimulation of the heart leads to a lack of enough blood pressure to assure that all cells are fed within the crystalline biology. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the heart is “I am in fear of intimacy and love. I use my power to control those who love.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend mastery over non-conditional love in the dance of life. I intend to open my heart.”
Veins and Arteries
Over stimulation of the vascular system leads to constricted veins and higher blood pressure than perhaps necessary to feed the cells of the body. Over time, this can lead to hardening of the arteries and rips and tears that create clots that then lead to heart attacks. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the vascular system is “I must give five times what I receive. Giving is better than receiving.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend balanced giving and receiving in the dance of life.”
Under stimulation of the vascular system leads to a lack of enough blood pressure to assure that all cells are fed within the crystalline biology; blood may also pool in some regions and be sparse in others leading to deterioration of particular parts of the body. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the vascular system is “I am in fear of life, I am shy.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to become my authentic truth in action. I intend the full self expression of my truth.”
Bone Marrow
Over stimulation of the bone marrow leads to over production of red blood cells. Sometimes the blood cells can become deformed leading to diseases of the blood such as leukemia. The deformed blood cells may have a hard time carrying nutrients or wastes through the circulatory system leading to an inefficient circulatory system. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the bone marrow is “I determine the truth of others. I provide a foundation for others to stand upon.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend unconditional acceptance in the dance of life. I intend to become the dreamer and the dream.”
Under stimulation of the bone marrow leads to a lack of production of red blood cells. The lack of blood cells can limit the blood’s capacity to provide nutrients or move waste to and from crystalline cells. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the bone marrow is “I do not know who I am. I allow others to determine my purpose.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to embody my soul’s purpose. I intend to become my truth in action.”
Over stimulation of the thyroid gland leads to an overproduction of thyroid hormones which creates one who is thin and has a lot of energy and may be overly outer focused. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the thyroid gland is “I need to be busy to divert the boredom. I run from myself.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to balance the inner and outer focus in the dance of life. I intend to open to my unconscious for the purposes of transcendence and ascension.”
Under stimulation of the thyroid gland leads to a lack of enough thyroid hormone for good cellular metabolism. The end result may be a heavier human that tends to be lethargic or tired all the time but gifted at attuning to dreamtime and the unconscious. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the thyroid gland is “I prefer dreamtime to reality. I prefer sleep to being awake. Dreamtime is the safer place to be.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to consciously dream and open to the unconscious while awake. I intend to balance waking time with dreamtime.”
Adrenal Glands
Over stimulation of the adrenal glands leads to an overproduction of adrenal hormones which creates one who is nervous much of the time. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the adrenal glands is “I am not comfortable with myself. I am not comfortable in my own skin.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend unconditional acceptance of myself in the dance of life. I intend to embody my truth in action.”
Under stimulation of the adrenal glands leads to a lack of enough adrenal hormone for retention of consciousness over the course of the day, and leads to feeling tired or lethargic. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the adrenal gland is “I am exhausted and burnt out.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to retrieve my power and life force and learn to run the red and orange ray. I intend stealth in the dance of life.”
Over stimulation of the pancreas leads to an overproduction of insulin which tends to overfeed cells leading to low blood sugar if one does not eat enough over the course of the day. The over stimulation can also lead to cancer or hardening of the pancreas over time. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the pancreas is “I consume the sweet dreams of others. I give my dark dreams away.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to become the dreamer and the dream this lifetime.”
Under stimulation of the pancreas leads to a lack of enough insulin hormone to adequately feed the cells leading to diabetes over time. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the pancreas is “I give my sweet dreams away. I take on the dark dream of others.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to retain my sweet dreams. I intend to become the dreamer and the dream.”
Digestive System
Over stimulation of the esophagus leads to the experience of heart burn. Over stimulation can cause cancer of the esophagus over time. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the esophagus is “I swallow the anger of others.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend honest communication between all parties. I intend to speak my truth in the dance of life.”
Under stimulation of the esophagus leads to recurrent sore throats due to the lack of chi to the region. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the esophagus is “I fail to speak my truth; I withhold what I think.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend honest communication in the dance of life.”
Over stimulation of the stomach leads to over production of the digestive enzymes which can then cause problems such as stomach ulcers or cancer of the stomach. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the stomach is “I take on the pain and shame of others. I digest the spiritual lessons of others.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to only digest my own spiritual lessons in the dance of life.”
Under stimulation of the stomach leads to difficulty digesting one’s meals as not enough digestive enzymes are produced and the stomach tends to run cold. This can lead to fermentation and gas along with constipation. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the stomach is “I reject my spiritual lessons. I do not choose to assimilate my lessons in the dance of life.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to embrace all my spiritual lessons and forgive all associated karma in ascension.”
Gall Bladder
Over stimulation of the gall bladder leads to over production of certain digestive enzymes mainly related to assimilation of fats. Over time this may lead to stones or hardened masses in the ducts of the gall bladder causing pain. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the gall bladder is “I consume others in the dance of life. I take the life force of others to sustain myself.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to transcend consumption. I intend to become vegetarian this lifetime.”
Under stimulation of the gall bladder leads to under production of bile and other digestive enzymes causing foods to ferment in the intestines instead of break down properly. This can lead to gas and constipation. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the gall bladder is “I am consumed in the dance of life. I give life force to others to sustain themselves.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to transcend the need to be consumed by others. I intend enough chi to subsist and ascend.”
Waste Management
Over stimulation of the intestines leads to a tendency to have bouts of diarrhea or loose stools recurrently. If the wastes do not remain in the intestines long enough, it may lead to lack of absorption of enough nutrients leading to malnutrition. Over stimulation can also lead to cancer of the bowels or tumors in the region over time. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the intestines is “I move or change frequently. I easily become bored if circumstances do not change.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to allow change only with karmic completion in each circumstance in the dance of life.”
Under stimulation of the intestines leads to an inactive bowel that may be prone to constipation. If the wastes do not move regularly enough, then toxins can build up as they fail to be released from the form leading to an overly toxic system. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the intestines is “I hold on and do not change in ease. I tend to like things to remain the same.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to embrace change as it occurs due to the karmic completion associated with ascension.”
Over stimulation of the kidneys leads to a tendency to frequently urinate leading to dehydration of the cellular structure. Over time, over stimulation can lead to kidney stones or hardening of the kidneys or kidney disease. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the kidneys is “I am in fear of others and life. I allow others to control me. I am ungrounded and unsafe.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to ground deeply into the Aurora of Mother Earth so that my body feels safe. I intend to take my power back to each I have given it unto and stand in my authentic truth.”
Under stimulation of the kidneys leads to a tendency to hold on to fluids leading to bloating and water retention in the body. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the kidneys is “I am in fear of myself. I fear that I am inadequate to fulfill upon my purpose.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to become my ascending purpose in this lifetime. I intend to embody my ascending truth in action.”
Over stimulation of the bladder leads to hardening of this region and a leaky bladder with old age. Over stimulation can also lead to cancer or tumors in this region as well. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the bladder is “I give away everything. I sacrifice what I need for others.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend balanced giving and receiving in the dance of life. I intend to complete with patterns of self-sacrifice.”
Under stimulation of the bladder leads to deterioration that can also be related to frequent bladder infections. Over time the bladder may also leak due to inability to hold the fluid properly. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the bladder is “I purchase and hoard many objects. I surround myself with many possessions to feel safe.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to fill myself from within and in the communion with body, soul and Earth to learn to feel safe. I intend to let go of those things that prevent my ascension “home”.”
Over stimulation of the liver leads to hardening of this region and cancer over time. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the liver is “I create many fantasies that others attune unto and enjoy. I am a good entertainer.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend communion with body, soul and Earth in the dance of life.”
Under stimulation of the liver leads to deterioration that can lead to infections such as hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver over time. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the liver is “I do not like the reality of my life. I choose to escape through alcohol or drugs or other fantasy realities of choice.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to learn to live in communion and with an open heart, and embrace life for the spiritual lessons that it has to offer.”
Regeneration System
Thymus Gland
Over stimulation of the thymus gland can lead to excessive production of the hormones that this gland produces, which may lead to regeneration in some regions but failed regeneration in other regions of the biology, which can lead to disease over time. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the thymus gland is “I must live life to the fullest even if it burns me out.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend balance in the dance of life. I intend to balance the need to rest with daily activities.”
Under stimulation of the thymus gland leads to a lack of enough stimulation to cause the crystalline blueprint to be embraced in ascension. If this occurs, the master hormones that manage the ascent of the body will also fail to be produced leading to failed or incomplete ascension. Those of this nature in ascension often schism or skip over genetic encoding and spiritual lessons due to lack of focus. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the thymus gland is “I am not thorough. I do not complete any project to the end.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend a complete ascension in this lifetime. I intend to learn each spiritual lesson that needs to be understood to forgive my karma in full.”
Regeneration Glands
(develops by 3,000 segments in the testes in men and labia minora in women)
Over stimulation of the regeneration glands can lead to excessive production of the hormones associated, which may lead to uneven regeneration in certain regions of the biology, which can lead to disease over time. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the regeneration glands is “I am larger than life, I am on top.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend unity and equality in the dance of life.”
Under stimulation of the regeneration glands leads to a lack of enough hormones to regenerate all parts of the biology also leading to disease over time. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the regeneration glands is “I am not enough; I am not worthy.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I am that I am. I intend my truth in action and my life purpose as an ascending human.”
Reproductive System
Over stimulation of the uterus can lead to growths such as polyps over time along with uterus cancer. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the uterus is “I give birth to life for others. I sustain the projects of others.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to only create dreams for myself. I intend to become the dreamer and the dream.”
Under stimulation of the uterus leads to degeneration of the womb which may lead to early menopause. Sometimes the uterus falls following birth for those that receive too little stimulation leading to its removal through surgery. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the uterus is “I do not enjoy sex, I am not sexual, I do not have orgasms.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend the development of my sexual energy flow in support of my ascension.”
Over stimulation of the ovaries can lead excessive production of eggs each month which can lead to fraternal twins or triplets upon conception. Over stimulation will also produce excessive female hormones leading to greater swings in moods with PMS. Over time ovarian cancer can develop due to over stimulation. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the ovaries is “I perceive myself as better than others. I am more beautiful, more entertaining, more more more.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend unity, honor, integrity and non-conditional love in the dance of life.”
Under stimulation of the ovaries leads to degeneration of the female hormones and can lead to ovarian cysts as eggs fail to fully ripen each month. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the ovaries is “I cannot give birth to life. My projects and dreams do not come to fruition.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to become the dreamer and the dream.”
Over stimulation of the breasts can lead to breast cancer or tumors over time. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the breasts is “I give my heart away. I love but am not loved in return. I am rejected.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend non-conditional love in the dance of life. I intend to learn to commune with soul, Earth and nature and feel loved from within. I intend the return of the inner beloved.”
Under stimulation of the breasts leads to degeneration of the mammary glands which may cause difficulty in breast feeding. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the breasts is “There is never enough love. I am deprived of love.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend non-conditional love in the dance of life. I intend to learn to commune with Soul, Earth and Nature and feel loved from within. I intend the return of the inner beloved.”
Over stimulation of the prostate can lead to cancer or tumors in this region over time. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the prostate is “I give my sexual energy away. I use my sexual energy to create life and sustain projects for others.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to develop a sovereign sexual energy flow that sustains my ascension.”
Under stimulation of the prostate leads to degeneration of the gland which may lead to difficulty with urination over time. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the prostate is “I am not sexual. I have difficulty getting an erection. I have difficulty ejaculating.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to develop a sovereign sexual energy flow that sustains my ascension.”
Respiratory System
Over stimulation of the lungs can lead to lung cancer over time. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the lungs is “I give my breath of life to others; I create for others.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to learn to circular breathe in this lifetime. I intend to embrace the breath of life in support of my ascension Home. I intend to become the dreamer and the dream.”
Under stimulation of the lungs leads to degeneration of the bronchial channels which can lead to bouts of bronchitis or asthma over time. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the lungs is “I do not breathe or shallow breathe to avoid the pain that I am in.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to ground fully into my body and to Mother Earth. I intend to release the pain through the transmutative process of ascension.”
Over stimulation of the diaphragm can lead to cancer in this region over time. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the diaphragm is “I must produce enough to support others. I must be the bread winner.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend balanced giving and receiving in the dance of life.”
Under stimulation of the diaphragm can lead to an inability to develop the crystalline diaphragm and “Buddha belly” in ascension. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the diaphragm is “I do not want to get fat. I like my body as it is. I resist the growth of the body associated with ascension.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to allow all the physical changes necessary to my evolutionary journey home. I intend to allow myself to eat all that I need to provide the necessary nutrients to my ascending biology.”
Skeletal Structure
Over stimulation of the cranium leads to those who seek to understand thoughtform beyond the level of truth projected through the collective human consensus. Those of this nature may also seek a spiritual path and ascend. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the cranium is “I seek a higher purpose.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to ascend and develop the cranium to receive the Language of Light and Language of ONE thoughtform.”
Under stimulation of the cranium leads to lack of an ability to understand spiritual concepts. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the cranium is “I am confused and lost. I cannot find my way. I seek a savior or guru to guide me.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to become God Goddess in form. I intend to discern my own truth and path.”
Over stimulation of the joints can lead to inflammation over time and the symptoms of arthritis or gout. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the joints is “I am rigid and prefer not to change.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to embrace all the necessary changes that completion of karma creates in ascension.”
Under stimulation of the joints leads to other forms of arthritis that are related to deterioration of the region. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the joints is “I feel disconnected. I do not feel connected to Earth or to my soul.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to learn to commune with body, soul and Earth.”
Spinal Column
Over stimulation of the spinal column can cause epileptic seizures. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the spinal column is “I am overwhelmed by life. I leave my body to such a degree that anything and everything can enter my field and form.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to learn to ground fully into my body and to the core Mother Earth. I intend to take responsibility for the physical vessel that I have created.”
Under stimulation of the spinal column leads to deterioration of the spine which can cause back pain and “slipped disks” over time. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the spinal column is “I am rigid in my beliefs. I believe that I know the truth.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to allow my thoughtform to evolve through ascension. I intend to master the Language of Light to the degree I can in this lifetime and release all fear-based beliefs.”
Teeth and Jaw
Over stimulation of the teeth and jaw can cause tension that leads to grinding the teeth at night. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the teeth and jaw is “I must keep my truth to myself. I watch but do not say anything.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to embody my ascending truth in action. I intend to speak my truth and stand in my power in the dance of life.”
Under stimulation of the teeth and jaw leads to deterioration of the region and can cause excessive cavities or the loss of all teeth over time and the choice to wear dentures. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the teeth and jaw is “I am in fear of speaking my truth. I tell others what they wish to hear.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to embody my ascending truth in action. I intend to speak my truth and stand in my power in the dance of life.”
Sensory Perception
Over stimulation of the eyes leads to flat eyes and a far-sighted state of being due to too much stimulation of the muscles that surround the eyes. Over time over stimulation can harden the eyes leading to the development of cataracts. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the eyes is “I do not wish to see the details. I prefer the big picture.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to see the details along with the larger picture so that each layer of patterns and thoughtform can be transmuted in ascension.”
Under stimulation of the eyes leads to eyes that are too round as the muscles do not receive enough stimulation. This leads to a state of near sightedness. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the eyes is “I become lost in the details and miss the larger picture in the dance of life.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to perceive the larger picture so that the spiritual lessons can be better understood for the purposes of forgiveness of my karma in ascension.”
Over stimulation of the ears leads to hearing sounds that may be nonphysical but in the physical, such as ringing in the ears. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the ears is “I want to hear everything. I do not wish to miss anything.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to only hear that which resonates with my ascending truth in action and my purpose in the dance of life.”
Under stimulation of the ears will lead to deterioration over time and becoming hard of hearing in old age. Sometimes the ears will also develop infections due to yeast or other bacteria that grow in the region. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the ears is “I do not want to hear what I do not believe in.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to hear all that I need to understand so that I can learn my spiritual lessons this lifetime.”
Over stimulation of the nose leads to smelling nonphysical odors in the physical. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the nose is “I want to smell everything.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to smell what I need to smell so that the taste of my food can be beautiful. I intend to release those entities that smell bad and embrace those that smell sweet.”
Under stimulation of the nose leads to one who may not smell at all and do not taste their food much. “I do not want to smell the deterioration and death around me.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to transmute the decay so that the smell and taste becomes sweet and pleasant to experience. I intend to taste and enjoy my food that I eat to nurture my ascending body.”
Over stimulation of the skin leads to one who is very sensitive to the touch. Over stimulation can also create acne or breakouts upon the skin such as psoriasis. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the skin is “I want to feel everything.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to feel only what I need to feel in order to ascend before the energetic stuck points manifest as physical disease.”
Under stimulation of the skin leads to one who may not feel the energetic stuck points enough in ascension to clear them before manifesting a physical ailment. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the skin is “I do not want to feel as it is too painful.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to feel what I need to feel in order to ascend before the energetic stuck points manifest as physical disease.”
Scalp and Hair
Over stimulation of the scalp leads to baldness over time. The thoughtform behind over stimulation of the scalp is “I want to know everything.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to know only what I require knowing in order to learn my spiritual lessons and forgive my karma and ascend in this lifetime.”
Under stimulation of the scalp leads to loss of hair color over time. The thoughtform behind under stimulation of the skin is “I do not want to know too much. I will get into trouble if I know too much.” The Language of Light thoughtform useful for transmutation is “I intend to know what I require knowing in order to learn my spiritual lessons and forgive my karma and ascend this lifetime.”
We hope you have enjoyed our journey through physical ailment and thoughtform or algorithms for disease. The important part in it all is to remember that the physical patterning associated with over or under stimulation in any part of the nervous system can be edited and changed through ascension in order to minimize hot or cold spots throughout the body. This we will focus upon in the worksheet section of this chapter.
You may also notice in reading the above information that you resonate with many of the thoughtforms that are associated with particular over or under stimulation. It is these thoughtforms that cause cold or hot spots in the energetic dynamics of ascending fields. Intending to transmute the thoughtforms and integrate the Language of Light in their place will have the effect of evening out and balancing out the temperature and field rotation. The more balanced the field rotation, the easier it is to expand the field each initiation to be taken ahead. We hope you have found this information of use upon your continued journey of ascension.
Please click here for Chapter 4 Worksheets
Ascension Meditation Recordings
Ascension Insights Charts & Diagrams
Language of Light
Language of ONE
This workbook is lovingly dedicated unto each who is willing to go within and look honestly at the patterns playing out in one’s dance of life. In choosing to understand the unconscious and choosing to forgive, one can choose to reprogram oneself into unity-based thoughtform so that a new life of integrity, honor and peace can be born.
Love and Namaste,
Mother Earth
Creational © 2022, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth
This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and let go of the rest. Please use any or all information, to share and evolve. All information belongs to God Goddess/All That Is, You. As you integrate the information you receive, you evolve and radiate new truths via your own unique portal of expression, assisting Humanity and the Planet on its evolution Home.
Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.
Asur’Ana. Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension: Workbook 2. Aligning With Earth, 2022. Digital.