Image of a rainbow synthesis altar. Building A Synthesis Altar

2. Building A Synthesis Altar


Our last chapter begins with the transcription of each mineral that is holding the 48 single tones of the Language of Light, and how such minerals may assist ascending humans in releasing one’s non-unity-based thoughtform. Understand that there will be no dual tones, tri tones or quad tones held by a single mineral for upwards of 50 years. It will take some real biochemical alterations on the behalf of the mineral realms for a single mineral to hold multiple tones; however, this is coming and in particular as Earth climbs more greatly towards a fourth dimensional frequency in the coming 100-year cycle.


Synthesis Altar


The mineral kingdoms would like to speak a little about creating synthesis altars for those of you who are ascending. A synthesis altar has been created by Asur’Ana over the past several years of her ascent and teaching endeavors. Her altar is by and large only a few minerals and small enough to travel in one small bag around the world. Her altar anchors a rainbow of tones generated by the mineral kingdom that now reaches over 1,000 miles in radius, supporting the anchoring of space necessary for healing and karmic release.


A part of the reason that Asur’Ana’s particular altar moves so much chi is that the minerals have ascended along with her in her own evolutionary journey. Many of her pieces hold genetic materials of 30,000 segments or higher. Yet others are still bridging to full consciousness. Ascending minerals are more potent than others that have not ascended so far at moving chi. [One strand of DNA contains 3,000 segments of information. 12 DNA-(full tube) strands contain 36,000 segments.]


As an ascending being, one can also bring minerals into one’s presence, and augment one’s ascent. This is done as a conscious agreement between the mineral kingdoms and one’s own soul, oversoul and source. As the agreements occur, most minerals will parallel one’s own level of evolution. Minerals will not push beyond oneself in evolution, as one is actually holding space for a more rapid pace of ascent that would not occur if no agreements were present with our kingdom, and in the density of human thoughtform.


Most minerals nearing the core of Earth are verging upon 25,000 segments of DNA of their own volition. The core is hotter and higher in vibration, and therefore there is ample chi to ascend so rapidly. For minerals near the surface of the Earth, the ascent is moving much more slowly. Furthermore, those humans who own mines often obstruct any ascension at all of the minerals they obtain due to the electrical ownership signatures that are implanted within them through the unconscious ownership patterns of the human species. Understand that as a human that collects minerals, you too may have stamped your ownership upon your pieces, again which will not allow for their ascent. (Please see Ascension Insights, Volume 3 Chapter 13 “Transcending Ownership and Possession” for more information.) Read more