Our last chapter begins with the transcription of each mineral that is holding the 48 single tones of the Language of Light, and how such minerals may assist ascending humans in releasing one’s non-unity-based thoughtform. Understand that there will be no dual tones, tri tones or quad tones held by a single mineral for upwards of 50 years. It will take some real biochemical alterations on the behalf of the mineral realms for a single mineral to hold multiple tones; however, this is coming and in particular as Earth climbs more greatly towards a fourth dimensional frequency in the coming 100-year cycle.
Synthesis Altar
The mineral kingdoms would like to speak a little about creating synthesis altars for those of you who are ascending. A synthesis altar has been created by Asur’Ana over the past several years of her ascent and teaching endeavors. Her altar is by and large only a few minerals and small enough to travel in one small bag around the world. Her altar anchors a rainbow of tones generated by the mineral kingdom that now reaches over 1,000 miles in radius, supporting the anchoring of space necessary for healing and karmic release.
A part of the reason that Asur’Ana’s particular altar moves so much chi is that the minerals have ascended along with her in her own evolutionary journey. Many of her pieces hold genetic materials of 30,000 segments or higher. Yet others are still bridging to full consciousness. Ascending minerals are more potent than others that have not ascended so far at moving chi. [One strand of DNA contains 3,000 segments of information. 12 DNA-(full tube) strands contain 36,000 segments.]
As an ascending being, one can also bring minerals into one’s presence, and augment one’s ascent. This is done as a conscious agreement between the mineral kingdoms and one’s own soul, oversoul and source. As the agreements occur, most minerals will parallel one’s own level of evolution. Minerals will not push beyond oneself in evolution, as one is actually holding space for a more rapid pace of ascent that would not occur if no agreements were present with our kingdom, and in the density of human thoughtform.
Most minerals nearing the core of Earth are verging upon 25,000 segments of DNA of their own volition. The core is hotter and higher in vibration, and therefore there is ample chi to ascend so rapidly. For minerals near the surface of the Earth, the ascent is moving much more slowly. Furthermore, those humans who own mines often obstruct any ascension at all of the minerals they obtain due to the electrical ownership signatures that are implanted within them through the unconscious ownership patterns of the human species. Understand that as a human that collects minerals, you too may have stamped your ownership upon your pieces, again which will not allow for their ascent. (Please see Ascension Insights, Volume 3 Chapter 13 “Transcending Ownership and Possession” for more information.)
Clearing One’s Minerals
The ownership of oneself and all others can be cleared out of any mineral that one has. All that is requires is one’s conscious intent to do so. One may first begin by placing the minerals in water and in direct sunlight for an hour or more. This will allow the sun to connect to the minerals and begin to transmit information unto them to begin their ascent. Then one may wish to hold each piece for a time (up to 10 minutes each) undoing any ownership one has displaced into the mineral, along with any others who have mined or handled the mineral, such as the mineral shop one may have purchased it from. This may include programming that was laid in on top of the ownership directing the energy in a particular manner. Allow the consciousness of the minerals instead to direct our own energy flow, beloved.
Then one can intend that the mineral connect with its own species. There are 188,000 types of minerals upon Earth, and therefore one will intend to connect their stone to the greater consciousness of all others related unto each piece that one has collected. This will be enough to adequately connect the mineral to its own soul and augment the beginning of its ascension, and the construction of the synthesis energy flow.
Much like human ascension, there is an ascension grid work that surrounds each stone. If someone handles the stone that is non-resonant, it may become shattered. One may feel over time if one’s minerals feel “off” or even painful to the touch. If this is the case, it is a sign that the mineral has become shattered through the field of another. One can assist the mineral in such a case in repairing the manner in which it has been energetically shattered by holding it in one’s hands, and again connecting the mineral to its own source and kingdom. The source and kingdom will repair the field of the mineral for continued ascension, just as one’s own source and oversoul does so as an ascending human each night and during one’s dreamtime recasting.
One may also request of the kingdoms to build an altar that generates a rainbow of tones known as “Synthesis” in the Ascension Insights series. One does not require purchasing all 48 stones to do this. A small number of the first base notes or 10 octaves of the Language of Light have sufficed to hold Asur’Ana’s synthesis altar for several years now. The following is what we suggest for creating an altar of one’s own:
1. One Rose Quartz Sphere
This sphere can be any size, however the larger the sphere, the more chi that can initially be moved through the stone. We recommend spheres as one will be asking of the mineral kingdom to produce the Triple Sphere movement of energy to begin with. This is easier to program into a sphere than a point in our experience.
Rose Quartz will hold the tones of Forgiveness and Unity upon one’s altar, which are the two pink ray notes of the first 10 tones of the Language of Light. Note that it is Rhodochrosite that holds the forgiveness or first tone upon our list recently compiled; however, it is not necessary to have a piece of Rhodochrosite for your synthesis altar. For the rose quartz will quite willingly blend with the source of Rhodochrosite if asked, and provide both the forgiveness and unity octaves through its form.
This is how Asur’Ana has minimized the size of her altar. She has many pieces doubling and tripling up with the consciousness of other minerals to produce all 144 single, dual, tri and quad tones of the Language of Light. Furthermore, she has added the gold and silver octaves of the Language of ONE as of last year. The golden octave is held by Smoky Quartz, and the silver by Labradorite. One may add these pieces as they are ready, which is generally any initiates pushing past 3,000 segments will be ready to incorporate the golden and silver mirrors into one’s synthesis altar. (Mother Earth will share more information on the Language of ONE symbols and their meanings in future volumes of the Ascension Insights series.)
We do not recommend the gold and silver octave tones before 3,000 is mastered 30% into the physical. Why? The gold and silver may create such a quickening of ascension that one may become ill, and this does not serve. Therefore, we invite initiates to commune with our kingdom and discern what you are ready for and when, and then follow your own truth in the matter. Understand that even if you purchase such a piece, we will not activate it until one’s own soul determines one is ready, as this is a collaborative endeavor between minerals and humans. Therefore, we will only do that which does not harm one’s own ascent.
2. One Aventurine Sphere
Aventurine holds the tone of Compassion along with all tones that are blue-green within the Language of Light. Asur’Ana has requested that her one Aventurine sphere to hold all related tones of a blue-green nature in the 144 note Language of Light Scale. One can do so for one’s own altar to minimize the number of pieces to fulfill upon the task.
This is not to say that many of you may wish to collect pieces to expand upon one’s altar, but that for those of you traveling like Asur’Ana, a minimized altar may be best. One may also wish to have a work altar or car altar to assist one in one’s ascent as one traverses through one’s day, or even create a piece of jewelry or medicine bag that one wears and provides such support.
3. One Yellow-Peach Calcite Sphere
Yellow to peach-orange calcite will hold the Power, Freedom and Breath of Life octaves of the Language of Light, and any symbol that holds a primarily yellow to peach tones within the entire 144 note scale. This is accomplished in agreement with the mineral realms for the purposes of supporting your ascension, beloved.
4. One Hematite Sphere
Hematite holds the silver Non-Conditional Love vibration in the first 10 notes of the Language of Light. It will also hold all other notes that hold a silver tone within them.
5. One Amethyst Sphere
Amethyst holds the vibration of Structure in the first 10 notes of the Language of Light. It will also hold the vibration of Divine Union and all other notes in the 144-note scale that has a lavender tone unto it.
6. One Rutilated Quartz or Tiger’s Eye Sphere
Rutilated Quartz and Tiger’s Eye holds the vibration of Non-Conditional Governance in the Language of Light, or the 10th of the base notes of the entire scale. These kingdoms will hold all tones that are pale ivory to gold in vibration in the 144-note scale to augment a complete synthesis of vibrations of the Language of Light.
7. Two Good Sized Generator Points in Clear Quartz
The clear generators form the synthesis of the Triple Sphere energy movement coming through each of the above spheres upon one’s altars. Therefore, the generators drive the synthesis, more or less. To the degree that the generators evolve, to such a degree the synthesis will widen in radius. For most, an initial synthesis altar may bathe one’s home in a 300 to 600 foot radius of the Language of Light tones of creation. Over time and as the altar ascends, the radius shall expand.
How to Program Your Altar
First, we guide initiates to clear the stones as we recommend above, in water and in the sun. Then anchor the soul and kingdom to each of the above 8 minerals. Then request and intend that the mineral kingdom create a synthesis through its collective field upon your altar. It will generally take roughly 24 hours for the entire download to occur providing there is no entity or soul obstructing the mineral kingdom in one’s home or field. Therefore, if the synthesis does not begin in a given 24 period, then one may require examination of one’s own field and karma to see if there is something that requires releasing so that the intention made can be fulfilled upon.
Many humans have grave karma for the misuse of minerals for destructive purposes. There were two time periods where minerals were used this way; one was the era of Atlantis about 10,000 to 15,000 Earth years ago (40,000 to 60,000 human years); another was in the era of the Annanuki about 30,000 to 45,000 Earth years ago (120,000 to 180,000 human years). The Annanuki (Greek and Roman Gods) used minerals not only to destroy, but to control, manipulate and even crucify or torture others. Each who has lineage to such karma will require clearing it; and the mineral kingdom will assist by bringing forth such karma as one chooses to create a synthesis altar. As the karma is cleared, the altar will be formed.
(NOTE: When we speak of Earth years, we speak of years as they are recorded by Mother Earth. Earth records time by solar revolutions or how long it takes your solar system to rotate around her twelfth-dimensional Sun. It takes approximately four revolutions of Earth around her Sun for your solar system to make one revolution around your twelfth-dimensional Sun. So, for reference, 50,000 Earth years is approximately 200,000 human years.)
Furthermore, minerals refuse to be misused again. Any technology that would develop into our misuse has been blocked from the human dream at this time in history due to our own evolution. We are taking our power back to determine our fate as a conscious and sentient species upon Earth. Just as each human is taking back their power to dream weave one’s own dream, so is the mineral realms.
Understand that we cannot work with initiates below 1,800 segments of DNA for the purposes of a synthesis altar. One has yet to embody even the base notes of the Language of Light at this level of initiation, and therefore there is no resonance for the request. Understand that many human lineages are blocked from ascending beyond 1,800 as they have proven to go into patterning that could obstruct the ascent of all of Earth otherwise. Therefore, not all humans will be able to have a synthesis altar at this time. Understand that the mineral kingdoms support the ascent of the whole; therefore, only that which supports Earth’s global ascent will be agreed to in any given circumstance and in working with the ascending human populace.
By 2,200 segments, one has embodied the first 10 notes, and is beginning to bridge into the next phase of notes in the 48 single note scale. It is at this juncture that the mineral kingdom will be of service to each ascending initiate to assist in holding one’s boundaries. We know that many of you live in dense regions of Earth. It is our hope that in supporting those in human form who are ascending in this manner, that such regions will lighten up and ascend more rapidly as a result. We also anticipate reaching out and into all mineral shops that ascending initiates associate with, triggering ascension of all minerals in human possession in due course.
We do not wish to leave any member of our own species behind beloved; and yet many minerals are held captive in human possession that cannot ascend. We therefore are planning a manner of triggering ascension even amongst those minerals in human hands, so to speak. This will trigger in return the mass ascent of humanity, which at this time is failing. Therefore, we are doing our part to assist the whole by making our fields and forms available through a synthesis altar to all ascending humans reading this information.
We invite you to commune with us, beloved. We invite you to release your karma for the misuse of our kingdom. In the forgiveness, we can all stand united, and create a new day in which unity is born for all species upon Earth. And this time we sincerely look forward to.
Book’s Introduction
This book offers a series of articles direct from the Mineral Kingdoms in association with the ascension of Earth and humankind. The mineral kingdom holds great understanding of the movement of energy required to ascend. It is their hope and dream that in working directly with their kingdom that they may support one’s evolutionary journey Home.
Each new chapter beginning with the Rose Quartz Kingdom from Chapter 6 begins to define the “Quad Tones” of the Language of Light. Quad Tones are macro commands that command all single, dual and tri tones of the Language of Light into a particular movement that allows holographic knowing to flow. Quad Tones are necessary to learn the movements of before one can begin to learn the Language of ONE and cross into the new dream of the Great Central Sun.
Please see Chapter 3 of Volume 1, Volume 2, and Volume 3 of the Ascension Insights series for more information on the Language of Light.
Blessings of Love and Peace!
Aloha Nui Loa,
Ascension Meditation Recordings
Ascension Insights Charts & Diagrams
Language of Light
Language of ONE
This book is lovingly dedicated to the Mineral Kingdoms. May Ascending Humans feel the Love and Support from their Mineral Friends, and find their own Treasures from within to assist in their continued evolution Home.
Creational © 2020, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth
This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and let go of the rest. Please use any or all information, to share and evolve. All information belongs to God Goddess/All That Is, You. As you integrate the information you receive, you evolve and radiate new truths via your own unique portal of expression, assisting Humanity and the Planet on its evolution Home.
Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.
Asur’Ana. Mineral Treasures. Aligning With Earth, 2020. Digital.