From the Ruby Mineral Kingdom
The Ruby Mineral Kingdom greets you today along with all other minerals that hold the quad tone of Absolute Divine Union at this time in Terra’s (Earth’s) global ascension. The minerals associated with holding the movements and pale rose-magenta color of Absolute Divine Union include Iolite (represents the Function tone in the Language of Light), Cinnabar (Consciousness tone), Ruby (External tone) and Sapphire (Communion tone).
The Import of the Pale Magenta Ray
Asur’Ana found a small piece of ruby for her altar over a year ago now and this was a needed tone to be added for the work ahead in DAS and at their dreamtime events. As Asur’Ana communed with us, she discovered that Ruby is actually a much more colorful stone in the Inner Earth than it has fallen into expressing upon the surface of the Earth. Ruby is a crystalline stone and very hard and appears in all colors within the Inner Earth including rose, yellow, turquoise, lavender and the magenta form as it is more likely to be found upon Earth’s surface. Ruby is a hard stone just like diamond which is a result of its crystalline nature and can be used to cut glass.
Sapphire is really a blue hue of Ruby that also appears upon the surface of the Earth and unites in this quad tone to create the movements of Absolute Divine Union. Although sapphire and iolite are blue colored in the physical, the quad tone appears as a pale magenta mist as it spins in any field. Why is this? The pale magenta tone creates or carves the pathway through which soul can be anchored into any field. Most of life upon the surface of the Earth has become soulless and run by false gods over time; therefore, this ray is important to the restoration of the soul driven life.
What is Absolute Divine Union? Absolute Divine Union allows for the communion between body, soul and Earth. The new blueprint for ascending humans does not only involve soul but also Earth, nature and ancestral consciousness that help to co-direct the script in any given dance of life. Although there are other tones within the Language of Light that create an experience of divine union, it really requires the mastery over the Absolute Divine Union Command to sustain a dance of communion 24 hours per day in the mineral kingdom’s observation. Until Absolute Divine Union is mastered, many initiates tend to swing between hearing false gods and false creators and their soul, Earth, ancestors and nature in a day to day experience of ascension.
False Gods and False Creators vs. Soul and Nature or Earth
How can one discern between false god or false creator communications and those sincerely flowing from Earth, Nature or one’s Soul, Oversoul and Source? The difference is actually quite easy to discern and it is why the mineral kingdom chooses to speak to it in a straight forward manner. The false gods and creators are self-centered beings with little knowledge really about love, communion, joy, peace, freedom, truth or anything else. All they are interested in is control, domination, ownership and non-freedom.
They rely upon the judgment and fear that humanity has fallen into to retain the control and ownership over ascending humans. Therefore, the communications from such forces are often fear based, judgmental, and finger pointing at others or self. Sincere communication from soul, nature or Earth will point out the lessons one is learning and the karma to be cleared along with finding a compassionate and nonjudgmental point of reference for the circumstance.
How do the false gods work? These forces may begin as tiny pods within the space between of any given field. As the pods puff up and up and up, consciousness that is biological asserts itself in an expanded space between of darkness. Most humans today are surrounded by engorged space between and have little life force emanating from them. The lack of life force contributes to a short lifespan of under 80 years in most cases, as the body ages or becomes diseased over time and due to lack of chi. The false gods or false creators consume the chi as they express upon the physical plane through human physicality and underlie why humans age so rapidly.
How and why did this come to be so? Humans lost most contact with soul following the fall of Atlantis about 10,000 Earth years ago (40,000 years as humans measure time). The human body went into fear without the presence of soul and in a sense inflated its own body level knowing to guide itself in the dance of life. Out of the space between the molecules, a consciousness puffed itself up due to missing soul. Now this is not a new pattern; records reveal that as Terra (Earth) left the Great Central Sun, that soul did not exit with her but remained in the dream left behind, and as a result everything upon her ended up soulless. The bodies of all living things went into fear; and as such inflated their own body level knowing to help drive existence forward.
Mother Earth has called these forces false gods as they are only body level knowing inflated and do not understand the entire picture; and often wish to be worshipped as if they were god when all living things are god goddess in form. The false body level gods also interconnect with a vast web of what Earth has called “false creators” that are generally from other creations and have little interest in ascending home or aiding humans in such a goal. Therefore, a state of non-communion that involves false gods and false creators is not useful unto ascending humans and will lead to misguidance and detours upon one’s path if left unattended unto.
How does one deal with the overinflated space between and the false gods and false creators that vie to run one’s life? The easiest manner to handle this problematic pattern is simply to intend to collapse the space between and in particular that which surrounds the etheric body, sits between the subtle bodies along with the region between the dream time self, light body and subtle bodies. As the space between is deflated to 18% or less, then there is little room for the false gods or false creators to assert themselves over one’s life. Another good intention is to puff up the space without or positive energy flow and spin up the field more greatly as it is positive movements that are required for soul, Earth, nature or the ancestors to enter the dance of one’s field.
The Absolute Freedom Command spoken unto by the Citrine Mineral Kingdom aids ascending humans in retaining their space between more fully collapsed and so we guide initiates to this information and to mastery over this quad tone which will then set the stage for soul to be sustained in the Absolute Divine Union command. All quad tones are commands that build upon one another and invoke a particular energy movement throughout one’s field that sustains and supports the continued ascent.
All that is required is mastery over the 48 single tones of the Language of Light and then one can combine them in any group or algorithm that serves one’s field rotation. Quad tones are a four note algorithm that sustains a particular flow and thoughtform for the purposes of continued expanse of field through ascension. (Please see Chapter 12 “Blessings for Non-Attachment and the Pale Yellow Ray of Freedom” for more information.)
New Souls from Earth
Over time and in observation of ascending humans, many souls and soul groups entered the dance under the guidance of Earth. Some brought through successful ascension for a time; but as the success faded the soul groups were removed as they were no longer supportive. Earth has chosen over time to cease to anchor other soul groups offering their support and instead cast her own souls due to recovering information on how to do so from her Tao within.
The Tao is a part of self that remained behind and is awaiting one’s return Home. The Tao within is a part of every hologram but had somehow been forgotten and separated off in communication. Over time, Asur’Ana discovered her Tao within and this led to the discovery of Earth’s Tao within her own consensus hologram. This force which nature calls “Infinite Wisdom” is now guiding Terra and ascending humans, whales and dolphins through the shifts necessary to return into the Great Central Sun Dream; and then shall carry on in guiding all of us to return Home to where we were spawned.
Having the information of the Tao to draw upon is perhaps the single most significant shift that has occurred for Terra and each ascending sentient species upon her, including the mineral kingdom. This information is orchestrating a new direction upon Earth that shall carry us into a new dream and earlier than anticipated. That which is helping to anchor the new dream into the ascending members of the human species are related to the new souls Terra has cast. These souls are cast with a blueprint to help in the ascending movement of field, recasting of grid work, recasting of chakras, subtle bodies, light body along with sexual energy flow, digestive system and dream. It is as one is continuously recast every week or so that the field holds together and also is prepared for expansion.
During an expansion known as an initiation, special souls descend to recast the field for a larger size and more expanded and rapid field rotation. Initiations amongst ascending humans last anywhere from 24 to 48 hours, and will often leave one feeling exceptional as they occur. The expansion releases the remainder of the fear-based patterns one is transcending, and the newfound freedom of the movement of one’s field is lovely to experience. Initiations occur several times per year for most ascending humans, or more frequently for those mastering above Bodhisattva level at this time.
About Ascension Initiations
Initiations are often taken in conjunction with global expansions or Terra’s initiations. Global expansions occur four times per year: in January, April, July and October. Often Asur’Ana and Per host dreamtime events as Terra is taking her global expansion and the group gathered aids her in this goal. However, even if events do not correlate in exact timing, there is no time and space really and so those at any dream time event can expand with Terra nonetheless. The special souls descend and help the field to expand along with Terra.
In order to be prepared for an expansion, one must have cleared a certain level of patterning to allow the field to spin up freely. Many of the meditation exercises in the Ascension Insights series are designed by Mother Earth to support those choosing to consciously ascend in learning how to spin up the field enough that four initiations can be taken in any calendar year. Those attending Asur’Ana and Per’s dreamtime events are even more supported by the group that is also taking initiations simultaneously and as they gather. However, each must prepare prior to the events for the shift, and often these are the most difficult times for those studying with Per and Asur’Ana. This is because whatever gets in the way of the choice to expand or ascend together comes up to be cleared in such moments.
The simple intent to rise up to the choice to expand will help initiates transcend whatever patterning is internal and blocks such a possibility. Also requesting that your ancestors research the karma associated in dream time and prior to falling asleep each night is useful so that one can work upon what tethers patterns into one’s field that would prevent an initiation taken. Mostly patterns are tethered into one’s field through programming that is genetic, ancestral and inner family based. As the pattern clears out of the inner family and in the release of traumatic childhood, teenage or young adult experiences, it also clears out of the ancestors associated and the DNA. As all three levels are cleared, then the associated pattern releases in full and the field frees up to spin more greatly thereafter, leading to the capacity to take an initiation ahead.
Creating A Complete Ascension
Mother Earth have brought through two workbooks to help initiates create a complete ascension. In the mineral kingdom’s point of view, it is the failure to address one of the three above parts of any pattern that leads to a partial release of any fear based thoughtform or group of thoughtforms.
If one does not address the childhood traumas and process them in full, associated patterns cannot release in full. If one fails to address the ancestral trauma that is related, then the associated pattern also cannot release in full. If one fails to release the patterns as it is hooked into the DNA and cellular structure, then also the pattern cannot fully release. Therefore, taking the time to address all three levels of how each fear based thoughtform is recorded within one’s field will help each ascending human to construct a full and complete ascension in this lifetime. (Please refer to Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension Workbook 1 and Workbook 2.)
It is often fear based thoughtform that most gets in the way of sustaining a state of communion between body, soul and Earth. It is a state of fear that one’s ancient ancestors went into who left the Great Central Sun with Terra. So, fear-based patterns go all the way back in time to when one’s multidimensional ancestors departed the Great Central Sun, and have continued to play out in the human dream ever since.
Releasing fear-based patterning does not require ascending up the dimensions however, as they have played out in parallel upon each dimension humans have resided upon. This is where the Absolute Forgiveness Command is so useful and this is the first quad note in the Language of Light. The Absolute Forgiveness command allows the multidimensional karma that parallels any fear-based pattern that one is releasing to be also forgiven. In so being, one can complete with all fear-based patterns experienced throughout one’s inheritance. (Please see Chapter 6 “Blessings for Absolute Forgiveness and Receiving the Pink Ray of Love” for more information.)
Often times when initiates go into fear or any other negative emotion, it is the result of a series of fear-based programming that has been triggered due to a karmic encounter. One then ventures out into a fragmented piece of oneself from earlier in this lifetime and then re-experiences the trauma in present time. The fragmented piece of self holds a record of the emotions and trauma from the associated time in one’s life and as the program engages. It is for this reason that when such patterns are triggered, one may feel the emotions from childhood, such as feeling really small and insignificant, or not powerful enough to succeed in the moment, or any of thousands of emotions one may have experienced through time.
The emotional charge is recorded in beads of cause and effect that are laced through one’s energy field appearing much as a necklace. For those who are clairvoyant, one can read each bead and discover a record of each childhood, teenage or young adult incidents that are related in emotional charge along with ancestral experiences that parallel.
As the beads are erased enough, the necklace falls apart and is spun off by the rotation of one’s field; and then one will process the emotions from the earlier time in one’s life and integrate the fragmented pieces of oneself simultaneously. As the fragmentation is integrated, psychic machinery related to the program can then be spun off and new Language of Light movements and thoughtform integrated in its place. This is how one leaves behind fear based thoughtform and integrates the unity based thoughtform associated with the Language of Light.
Generally speaking, it is the retrieval of the fragmented pieces of self that then are woven into one’s field through the act of recasting on the part of Earth’s souls; and it is as one has gathered back enough of oneself that one can expand enough to master another initiation ahead. Therefore, ascension is about a continuous choice to gather back the fragmented and unconscious parts of self that shattered in this lifetime along within one’s ancestral lifetimes.
There are always parallels between fracturing this life and one’s ancestors as one constructed oneself from the same genetic blueprint. Therefore, as one self heals through ascension, so do one’s ancestors self-heal. Asur’Ana has begun to bring through many ancestral messages in support of ascension and the mineral kingdom suggests that initiates explore these materials also as they often provide an easy to understand explanation of many attributes of ascension.
About Sustaining A State of Communion
Most humans enter the world in a state of communion between body, soul and Earth. There also is often a load of love that pours through from the child and nature unto the parents due to the sustained communion of their little field. The communion generally only occurs before the age of two. The love expressed amongst those under the age of two can be very healing for the parents who may even open their hearts much as many ascending humans have experienced with their sons or daughters. After age two, the programming from the ancestral lineages begins to spin or run and this then puts the child in certain level of fear; and out of fear they begin to lose their communion. Over time and generally by about the age of seven in the Mineral Kingdoms’ observation, all communion has been lost in most children.
Moving back into a continuous flow of communion therefore requires transmuting enough of the patterns that were constructed from ages two through seven in one’s childhood. As enough of the programming and patterns are transmuted, then sustaining a state of communion day to day is much easier. However even for those who have mastered this, there are still those karmic incidents that surface that may throw one’s field out of balance thereby obstructing the communion one generally feels. So, restoring communion may be an ongoing focus regardless of what one has mastered to date in one’s personal ascension.
Often those destined to ascend had a special relationship with one or more kingdom in one’s childhood. It was this kingdom that one communed with or allowed for a bridge between oneself and one’s field and the natural world. Asur’Ana was supported by the eagle kingdom and had a love of eagles and all birds her entire childhood and into her teenage years; however, she lost the communion at age eight and fell into deep fear thereafter. Per was supported by the Tiger Kingdom up through age seven but was less sensitive and so did not experience the extreme fears of Asur’Ana’s childhood.
Each may wish to go back in time and in meditation to the age of two and see what kingdom sustained one’s communion early on. There is a book in the Ascension Insights series that Asur’Ana has brought through from the kingdoms that have vied to support human ascension over the past 50 years or more of incoming births. Each kingdom is also related to the new astrology for ascending humans as they are holding the gate individually and collectively for a new era to be born in human civilization.
It is for this reason that those ascending may have special agreements with nature from early childhood; and perhaps such agreements were lost over time. Through intention, one can choose to reinstate all agreements with nature to support one’s field and ascension ahead in the NOW. In so being, one will begin to reconstruct the communion one entered the world within in this lifetime. (Please refer to Gifts from the Animal Kingdoms for more information on the Nature Kingdoms that are supporting ascension.)
About Fantasy Realities
What is it that is constructed to replace the communion one lost between age two and seven or eight? As one lost the natural world dream to sit within, one constructed fantasy realities. The fantasy realities are mechanical dreams that were constructed generally in childhood or teenage or young adult years that help to desensitize oneself to the pain that one went into as the fear-based programming in one’s inheritance engaged. Although the fantasies can put one out of fear, they also generally disengage the field from Mother Earth and an ungrounded state of being is the end result; and such dreams also generally do not spin the field as it requires being sustained in ascension. The net result is that one may feel extremely tired after a few hours of sitting in a fantasy based mechanical dream.
There are two solutions that ascending humans have map made to this circumstance. The first is to remember to breathe in and out deeply as one feels tired from sitting in a fantasy level dream. As one breathes in and out or takes a walk, one remembers to commune and moves back into the natural world dream; and then the field will begin to spin again. It is the breath of life that will trigger the sexual energy to move and the chakras to spin; and as they spin up enough one will feel energized again. The other solution is to intend to create a fantasy reality that spins one’s field and sustains a state of grounding unto the core of Earth; and erase all others. For some this is a good beginning point in dealing with all fantasy realities as one will at least remain grounded and energized ahead.
Fantasy realities involve a lot of entities that Asur’Ana calls “personality”. Personality is really constructed of fractured bits of soul or other nonphysical forces and has chosen to dance with the human dream in its limitation of fantasies. The fractured nature of fantasies attracts fractured entities into the exchange; and such entities know very little and therefore sustain a state of fear and non-knowing in the dance of life.
As the fantasy realities are transmuted, it carves the space through which one can begin to hear soul, the ancestors, the nature kingdoms and Earth speak through as one’s inner guidance, and also to express in the dance of life. This also is what an ongoing state of communion fosters, the clear expression of one’s ancestors, nature and Earth in one’s day to day life. One can equate this to a soul driven life; however, it is more than this really; one becomes consensus driven in which one learns to participate in and serve the ascent of the whole.
Asur’Ana and Per have each become what we would call a “pure channel”; or one whose ego and negative ego has completely been disbanded and this allows Earth, nature, soul, and ancestors to clearly express without conflicting thoughts from either of their consciousness. Becoming a clear channel is not difficult and many studying with Asur’Ana and Per in DAS are also mastering such a state. The gift of becoming the clear channel is that one also then receives clear guidance for the next steps upon one’s path.
Sustaining a state of communion also allows for the ongoing internal guidance of the Tao within. The Tao within can only express itself as one learns to step aside and allow the wisdom of one’s holographic nature to pour through, which is what the Tao expresses. This is what we as the mineral kingdoms are working upon in collaboration with Earth; to create new tones in the Language of ONE that fosters the guidance of the Tao to become crystal clear for Terra. As the guidance becomes clear, we will all know exactly what needs to transpire next to foster the continued ascent of the whole.
The tones of the Tao are also being offered unto Terra a little at a time and through the expansion of the Language of ONE. As the Language of ONE expands, missing keys and tones of the love of the Tao are added; and the love is penetrating many regions of Earth that require self-healing to ascend. The love is also touching upon the human consciousness now to foster a new dream to be born in which a state of unity can be restored. It is the love that has been so vastly missing from this forgotten place lost in time and space and form. As the love is restored, all will remember and all will go Home to where we were spawned.
The Purpose of Soul
Where does soul fit into all of this? Soul and Oversoul manage the changing DNA and recasting of one’s field. The oversoul has a plane of reality that sits just above one’s dreamtime light body and oversees the genetic restoration unto the crystalline biology. Ancestors research the lineages holding the best possible DNA to ascend into, and soul then administers the DNA layer by layer into one’s ascension grid work. The angels associated with one’s oversoul then recast the grid work of the etheric body with the new genetic information. The angels also repair any tattered or torn parts of the field so that the energy may spin smoothly enough for continued ascension.
The current human dance and the nature of mechanical dreams is very abusive upon ascending energy fields. As one engages in a fantasy dream, it often puffs up the space between squashing the chakras smaller and smaller in size; as the machinery is box like and the ascending field round. Often the fantasies tear holes in the chakras or subtle bodies leading to the need to have them repaired. This is the purpose of recasting during dream time and while resting. As the consciousness rests in sleep, there are no fantasies engaged and the field is easier to repair or reweave. Over time and as all fantasies are transcended, the field is less subject to the fracturing from within and of this nature.
There are also patterns that occur in the human dream that are abusive to ascending human fields. Most of these patterns involve angular geometries and dreams that were anchored by the Anu from the Pleiades. The Pleiades is an electrical creation that hosts a more angular shape of geometry and the sharp points tend to cut into the round and magnetic rotation of those ascending into such a rotation. It is the purpose of soul and the angels that they oversee ascension to help reweave the field as it becomes too damaged due to daily exchanges with other humans. This too is done in the night and while asleep and as long as one remains connected to one’s oversoul.
Holding Space for Reaching Your Oversoul
A large problem that the mineral kingdom observes is that initiates lose their connection to their Oversoul and then the recasting does not occur as needed; and then over time one slides backwards in vibration and become sick with the flu or a bad cold. We have agreed as a result as a kingdom to help ascending humans reconnect with your oversoul if requested. Sometimes minerals in human possession become corrupt, and so it is not your personal mineral altar that we are suggesting that can fulfill upon this task.
We guide you to go out into nature or by the sea and then request of our kingdom that is in the rocks or salts to aid you. Asur’Ana has often walked by the beaches of Hawaii when she was living there, and now by the beaches of Nordland after relocating to Norway, if she goes into bad distortion and the salt helps her reconnect so that she can find her way through the difficult karmic patterning she has hit. This can be so for each ascending human that takes the time to go into nature.
Understand that the natural world dream has light and dark attributes remaining in it at this time. The darker natural world dreams will not feel good to ascending fields. So, we invite you to find those places that host a lovely light natural world dream and feel good to you, and it is here that we can aid you the most. Then you can intend to work with us to alter the darker natural world dreams you have experienced elsewhere, sending them for recasting so that Earth too may recover her own unconscious.
It is often Earth’s unconscious that rests in dark natural world dreams. Asur’Ana has learned to simply roll these up and send them to the Sun for recasting; and then request of Earth to reweave a new dream for the region associated. So can any ascending human help Earth in parallel. The more that ascending humans offer assistance unto Earth; the more that Earth will offer assistance to your personal ascension. This is sincerely collaboration in action from the mineral kingdoms’ point of view.
Soul can often become corrupt and non-supportive of one’s ascension. As one goes into Nature and upon request, we will help to remove corrupt souls or angels and replace them with new ones cast by Earth. Sometimes it is easier to clear one’s entire field when working with another kingdom that has global presence; and this is so for the mineral kingdom. Corrupt souls still linger in the human dream and are generally from foreign creations that do not understand ascension into the magnetic Language of Light patterns here upon Earth. Corrupt souls are returned to their creation of origin through our field where they too will be able to ascend into their Great Central Sun dream of origin, as they resonate. In this manner everything will find its way home in due course.
We invite ascending humans to intend to master an ongoing state of communion between body, soul and Earth. We invite ascending humans to intend to channel only the Earth, nature, the ancestors or one’s soul at all times; and find your way to a new dance of inner guidance that is supportive of your path. Many who develop a pure level of inner guidance will also quite naturally assist others in finding their way too; and so, the more that can accomplish this task, the greater the wisdom that will begin to flow through the human species at large. After all this is what the awakening of the human species is all about.
In time, all ascending children will be born with a pure level of guidance ahead, and this is coming quite rapidly now and with the emergence of the “children of compassion” who will be born at Bodhisattva level genetics and vibration in the years ahead. 200,000 children of compassion were anticipated to be born to ascending adults all over the world in 2018. All told, one million of these births are anticipated to be born through 2027. These little ones will not have the personality of other children and will quite naturally channel the ancestors, Earth and nature as a result. Their wisdom will be beacons of light for their parents and relations through some possibly difficult times of cleansing ahead.
Ascension Meditation Recordings
Ascension Insights Charts & Diagrams
Language of Light
Language of ONE
This book is lovingly dedicated to the Mineral Kingdoms. May Ascending Humans feel the Love and Support from their Mineral Friends, and find their own Treasures from within to assist in their continued evolution Home.
Creational © 2020, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth
This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and let go of the rest. Please use any or all information, to share and evolve. All information belongs to God Goddess/All That Is, You. As you integrate the information you receive, you evolve and radiate new truths via your own unique portal of expression, assisting Humanity and the Planet on its evolution Home.
Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.
Asur’Ana. Mineral Treasures. Aligning With Earth, 2020. Digital.