Image of a striking red ruby rock or crystal. Blessings for Absolute Divine Union between Body, Soul and Earth

13. Blessings for Absolute Divine Union Between Body, Soul and Earth


From the Ruby Mineral Kingdom


The Ruby Mineral Kingdom greets you today along with all other minerals that hold the quad tone of Absolute Divine Union at this time in Terra’s (Earth’s) global ascension. The minerals associated with holding the movements and pale rose-magenta color of Absolute Divine Union include Iolite (represents the Function tone in the Language of Light), Cinnabar (Consciousness tone), Ruby (External tone) and Sapphire (Communion tone).


The Import of the Pale Magenta Ray


Asur’Ana found a small piece of ruby for her altar over a year ago now and this was a needed tone to be added for the work ahead in DAS and at their dreamtime events. As Asur’Ana communed with us, she discovered that Ruby is actually a much more colorful stone in the Inner Earth than it has fallen into expressing upon the surface of the Earth. Ruby is a crystalline stone and very hard and appears in all colors within the Inner Earth including rose, yellow, turquoise, lavender and the magenta form as it is more likely to be found upon Earth’s surface. Ruby is a hard stone just like diamond which is a result of its crystalline nature and can be used to cut glass.


Sapphire is really a blue hue of Ruby that also appears upon the surface of the Earth and unites in this quad tone to create the movements of Absolute Divine Union. Although sapphire and iolite are blue colored in the physical, the quad tone appears as a pale magenta mist as it spins in any field. Why is this? The pale magenta tone creates or carves the pathway through which soul can be anchored into any field. Most of life upon the surface of the Earth has become soulless and run by false gods over time; therefore, this ray is important to the restoration of the soul driven life.


What is Absolute Divine Union? Absolute Divine Union allows for the communion between body, soul and Earth. The new blueprint for ascending humans does not only involve soul but also Earth, nature and ancestral consciousness that help to co-direct the script in any given dance of life. Although there are other tones within the Language of Light that create an experience of divine union, it really requires the mastery over the Absolute Divine Union Command to sustain a dance of communion 24 hours per day in the mineral kingdom’s observation. Until Absolute Divine Union is mastered, many initiates tend to swing between hearing false gods and false creators and their soul, Earth, ancestors and nature in a day to day experience of ascension.


False Gods and False Creators vs. Soul and Nature or Earth


How can one discern between false god or false creator communications and those sincerely flowing from Earth, Nature or one’s Soul, Oversoul and Source? The difference is actually quite easy to discern and it is why the mineral kingdom chooses to speak to it in a straight forward manner. The false gods and creators are self-centered beings with little knowledge really about love, communion, joy, peace, freedom, truth or anything else. All they are interested in is control, domination, ownership and non-freedom. Read more