Twin and counterpart theory is a lore of union in relationship happenstance. Relationships of long ago were a precept and theory of twins and counterparts of equivalent archetypal systems of self. Self is a formation that is archetypal in nature and derived in the field as consciousness. Consciousness is awareness that is astute and driven by formulas of realization through forgiveness and compassion in a spiritual foray of dream. Relationship was once held as a high-status level of mastery between two who were twin lore in nature.
Counterpart theory was not perceived as a high level of mastery through realization but associated with stability of family relations in civilization. Counterparts sustained a happenstance of peace and synergy of the tribe or clan. Counterpart union was once the predominant theory of relationship between male-female, male-male or female-female unions as well as family life. As counterpart theory befell a loss of consciousness, the overall fabric of the human civilization dis-synergized into states of dysfunctional union and family life.
Twins Fall Leads to Loss of Divine Union
Twin theory of union also befalls a loss in consciousness. The fall of the twins is possibly the greatest travesty of all in human records to date. As twins fell, one massacred the other in tantric foray of dis-synergy leading to the paradigm of destruction in the act of union and love. Divine union has been a difficult foray of dream happenstance for twin accolades of self since. The theory of twins can heal but shall require those willing to walk the journey of twin union to sanctify into a new foray of hope into the archetypal sequences of dreams.
The purpose of the Divine Relationship Studies presented in this book is to explore twin and counterpart theory in an exposé of essays in adroit expression of self-realization terminology. Twin and counterparts are fostered through union of the self of the self within. As consciousness between the two merges, a union divine is experienced. Divine union is a sacred fabric of the divine accolades of achievement of self in relationship.
Counterparts and twins adventure together in the marketplace of the human dream. Counterparts and twins are generation based but associated if archetypal nature in postulations that parallel. There are many levels of twins that are opposite and same gender in nature. Cross generation twins accolade dreams that aid one another in many precepts of life. Twins co-dream in derivations of cycles of evolutionary fulfillment associated with dragon dreaming. (Please see Dragon Dreaming Archives in this book for more information.) Read more