Mastery Sequences of the Two
Binary Encoding and Partnership
Binary encoding has a special union lore of the two. There are four sequences of union lore leading to transfusion lore of self. Binary sequences of union begin at an 8-8 level of self. 8-8 union lore is Figure-8 or infinity systems of self. Infinity systems of self cause a recurrent inoculation of the concept of the infinite truth of union of the two. Unions of the 8-8 are sublime and subject to dejection through a system of self that breaks the infinity of the two. Condrian lore humans tend to break the system of infinite union of those in 8-8 binary encoding and blessed with a union of the two. Re-numeration to the 10-10 will suffice to carry the two into another union lore beyond dejection and into the sustenance of the partnership at another level of consensus ascension of self.
Unity of the Two
The 10-10 level of partnership is an adroit equation of self fulfilling upon itself in unity of the two. Unity of the two is a binary sequence of 10-10 that adjusts the poles such that others are diminished in their union of any encoding beneath. The 10-10 union flourishes as others in 8-8, 6-6 or 4-4 encoding are diminished. Unions in polarity often reverse polarity ending the partnership through time. Those in 10-10 unions are subject to dejection over time as a result. If a couple in 10-10 ascends into 11-11 encoding, they endure the dejection finding their way to another partnership lore of unity of all or wholeness of self.
Unity of all fails to diminish the unions of others in any other binary encoding beneath or above. The union moves into a system of equality of partnership that fosters another level of mastery of the two within and without if mastered by each. Those in partnerships of the 11-11 are sublime in their capacity to care for one another and others in the dance of life. 11-11 partnerships are often twin afflicted and not necessarily counterpart oriented unless intended within. Some are born with an intention to formulate an 11-11 counterpart lore union of the sublime and are unique in this time period if fostered. Some in 11-11 mastery choose to ascend together into 12-12 level partnerships of an ordering of compassion of the two.
Fusion of the Two
The 12-12 partnership is sometimes a misfit of self. Sometimes one can re-numerate from an 11-11 into a 12-12 and the other cannot. As one adventures into the 12-12 and the other fails, the other becomes ill or departs the union in free will choice of self. Departures are frequent if the re-numeration cannot unfold for each. If partnerships remain in a non-sequence of binary coding that fails to match, the union separates through death. Death of one in an 11-11 sequence with one of a 12-12 is common in eras of light synthesis. Grief is common with the one that remains but develops further through forgiveness and compassion of self.
Sometimes two in 12-12 encoding adventures into the next level of divine action of compassion together. 12-12 partnership is superlative and fosters fusion of the two. Fusion of the two is a light synthesis partnership that is sublime to divine to experience. Divine partnership begins at a 12-12 inauguration of light motion. Divine partnership can be twin or counterpart oriented. Divine partnership is an oscillation of hope, purification, care and devoid of negation of self. Divine partners support one another in all apothecaries of life. Divine partnership is mastered only as the two choose for one another above all else. Read more