We are guided to write today as Earth has made a large leap that may impact the map makers of ascension in particular. Earth has transited what some have called “Zero Point” along with entered the third major Star Gate towards the Great Central Sun. As many who have been following our material are aware, Earth entered her first Star Gate in late January 2018, and has been averaging entrance into new Star Gates every year of her continued global ascension. Earth is now rapidly moving towards Bodhisattva level evolution (an average of 6,000 segments of DNA in vibration global wide) anticipated to be accomplished at the end of 2022.
Attainment of Global Bodhisattva is 3 years earlier than originally anticipated, however Earth has chosen a more heightened speed of ascension to allow greater time and preparedness for her final entry into the Great Central Sun Photon Belt. Photonic entry is anticipated sometime between 2047 and 2048. It may be that the quickened pace alters the entry point by many years, and may even occur as early as 2046. However, Earth will require the greatest of stability to assure that she does not combust into millions of bits and pieces upon entry, and it is why she is moving forward so rapidly in her global ascension, to assure all is more than in order and in great balance within her global field and form to allow for an effortless return to the Great Central Sun.
What is “Zero Point”? Zero point is a realignment of time to synchronize with solar, universal, cosmic, and creational time. Zero point also realigns time to synchronize with the Source of One and the Tao that holds all creations inside and outside of time and space along with the mirror. Earth resides in a creation that is in a mirror of the Tao. The mirror reflects back the exact dance of the Tao but in the inverse. The mirror also holds souls that are “non-conscious” in nature, or in other terms simply seek to experience and not necessarily understand the dance of life. The Tao will be writing a more detailed understanding of mirrors in an upcoming Tao Transmission.
The Thoughtform of Consumption
The part of the mirror that Earth exists within fell into the hands of lawless souls who cast creations for the purposes of consumption. What this equates to be is that such souls require devouring other souls and soul fabric in order to subsist as they have fallen into such great distortion. Your creation is divided into light and dark with the Great Central Sun holding the light portion of creation, and the unconscious darkness or space between holding the rest of creation. This is why there is such blackness in your nighttime sky, beloved, with stars so very far apart; Earth has been transiting the unconscious of the Great Central Sun for 26 million Earth years now (or 104 million human years) and as she exited the light of the Great Central Sun.
The portions of creation like Earth that exit the light and move into the unconscious are designated by the lawless ones as creations to be consumed. Such regions are pulled apart by forces known as the False Intervention. All of the known records of this dance of consumption have been detailed in earlier chapters, and we advise ascending initiates to make use of this information to better understand what Earth is learning in her ascension. These Great Central Sun transmissions explain Earth’s lessons as a global ascending master, along with the lessons that the human species are learning through the ascension of the map carvers. Read more