Image of a serene lake in Oregon. The Oneness Paradigm of Self Sustainability

10. The Oneness Paradigm of Self Sustainability


We are at our end of year in the human calendar timeframe. It is therefore the Heart of the Tao’s desire to provide insights into the year behind and also into the direction ahead for the ascending map makers and followers alike. This has been a monumental year of vast change in direction for Terra (Mother Earth consciousness). The change in directions has occurred as her ascension would have failed otherwise.


Last year and although we have spoken little unto this truth, Terra was vastly shattered in multidimensional blows in early November. The blows arose out of combustions that were occurring in the Inner Earth amongst some who had created a vastly false ascension, and as such arose in vibration and sound without creating a fourth dimensional body to ascend into.


The fission from combustion is not unlike exploding a nuclear bomb. As such and for Terra’s energy field, it was as if a nuclear bomb had been detonated; but not in a vibration that affects most in physicality upon the surface of the Earth. The combustion did affect Asur’Ana and Per however, and Asur’Ana nearly died of strokes and Per of a heart attack. They chose to pull through along with Terra; and to move in another direction as obviously something was very misguided about the path that they were headed to have manifested such a difficult experience.


Releasing Fission Karma


What had been failed to be addressed was fission karma. Therefore Asur’Ana, Per, Terra, and our Dreamtime Ascension School (DAS) along with the ascending dolphin and whale map carvers chose to make fission karma their focus for 2025. All karma was to be compiled for fission.


The whales and dolphins wrote a beautiful essay about the nature of fission karma and how false ascension destroys the possibility of life and ascension of the whole. In terms of global ascension and upon successful release of fission karma in 2025, there will no longer be any fission-based threads to cause either nuclear annihilation or another false ascension leading to combustion amongst the Inner Earth humans or dolphins and whales. (Please see Holographic Record Keepers Chapter 13 “Giving Birth to Peace and Forgiving Fission Thoughtform” for more information on the nature of false ascension.) Read more