The Ancient Ones Intend to Ascend
Through our ancestors
Who are you in present time
May we work together to
Accomplish this goal
Learning all the lessons that this
Experience upon Earth
Has to offer and teach
May we learn the lessons in full
Allowing for a completion of the pain
And suffering we have caused
Giving birth to a new day of unity
And a return journey Home
Unto the Tao
The Ancient Ones
Mother Earth wishes to make some suggestions of how one can work with one’s ancient red ancestors to foster healing of oneself through ascension and healing of the land upon which one resides. All humans are associated with a gigantic tapestry of ancestry that is holographic in nature and comprises the records of billions and billions of lives. Such lifetimes go back in time to the original seeding about 300,000 years ago; additional ancestries and lineages were added as the Grand Masters were seeded 200,000 years ago, and with the arrival of the Pleiadian Anu family about 180,000 years ago.
Each human born in present time with 2 segments of DNA chooses 25 lineages from one’s mother or father. For those that are choosing to ascend in this lifetime, one’s inheritance determines one’s fate in terms of how far one may or may not ascend. At this time, all humans may ascend in biology to roughly 1,800 segments of DNA and a crystalline form. Those perusing deeper spiritual goals and evolutionary pathway to Bodhisattva and beyond must have Grand Master inheritance in one of these 25 lineages, or one can go no further. Why is this so? Ascending any further requires the biological ability to transmute DNA into a more ancient biochemistry, and if one has not such innate knowledge, then one simply has not the capacity to ascend any further.
The Nature of False Ascensions
There have been many forms of “false ascension” in human history. A false ascension occurs as the biology fails to ascend in genetic materials to create a fourth dimensional form, and the light body ascends nonetheless. The outcome of this is that the form combusts from internal fission as the light body attempts to ascend into a fourth dimensional reality. Alas, this does not work, and nuclear warfare along with many forms of disease has been the result due to the scarring of the form in such attempts of false ascension. As a result of this, Earth has outlawed false ascension altogether, and will prohibit the construction of a light body beyond 3 to 8 segments of initiation over and beyond what the physical has mastered in biological ascension. Read more