Introducing the Tales of Sampson, Daylya and Gaylya
The Source or Tao of Shaktar is choosing to write about the karma that has aspired to be driven to relinquishment in the tales of another set of difficult humans that were incarnate at the time that the Family of Anu were alive. The characters precede an era of the pharaohs who mimicked their notions, potions and ckantons in a derived life of tantric sexuality leading to the hardship of humankind. The story of Sampson, Daylya and Gaylya is really not new but had been surreptitiously erased from our archives of karma due to unforeseen circumstance with Anu archetypes until now.
We refer you to Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension: Workbook archives for the entire story of archetypal karma explored. Chapters 1 and 3 in Workbook 1 will tell the unfolding tales over time and offer the spiritual lessons associated. The tales mapped were presented in the workbooks with Mother Earth consciousness to allow humans to understand, digest and forgive their ancestral history. This archive offers up yet additional insights to forgive amongst those persevering in their life script in the fostering of ascension.
The era of the Anu and their extended family was in the 4th Dimension; it was an era of light and not the density that we know at this time. The era culminated in a nuclear blast from which Earth is gradually and slowly recovering in her ascension. Few humans will live to ascend to the 5th Dimension with Earth. Humans choosing to transfuse Home to All That Is, the Source or the Tao can foster this ahead in evolutionary sequences that shall unfold due to those mapping light wave mindset ascension now. Transfusion requires light wave mindset to foster as a means of transferring physical consciousness into the nonphysical so that it is not lost completely in death.
Rosetti’s Spiritual Purpose
Gaylya was the son of Rosetti (also known as Vestivia in Anu name). Rosetti had two children, a daughter Rosaletti (Vestuvia in Anu name) who was the child of her husband Apollo. Later Rosetti divorced and returned to a red nation tantric community where she met her twin and gave birth to her son Gaylya. Gaylya was a favored grandson of Innana who helped to raise him after Rosetti perished. Rosetti died as Gaylya turned age 16. The loss of her life was the result of being transfused over into the darkness of Athena which she absorbed upon death experiencing hell and demonic circumstance. Heaven and hell are concepts of theta mindset that are a result in a fall in consciousness of the human kingdom.
Rosetti had a spiritual purpose that was important to the overall configuration of Earth’s future. She was born with 1/3 Athena lineages. The lineages were to transfuse the Anu karma in her lifetime. The Anu rendered her mother Petulia who passed following Rosetti’s birth. Petulia also absorbed the hatred and darkness of the Anu dying into a hell cauldron of demons through the ancestral configuration of her daughter. The configuration of Rosetti is not necessarily the one planned upon in the archives of the human archetypal scripts and may have been invaded by Athena to alter the inheritance. Read more