Image of abundance of a variety of fruits and vegetables. Abundance Blessings From The Tao

13. Abundance Blessings From The Tao


Time has been traveling rapidly this year. This shall continue as time compresses and compresses until Earth and all upon her enter a state of no time in which past, present and future converge. As this occurs, all things become possible within one’s dream and abundance shall reign. How long until this is so? Ah, it shall take following entry into the photonic dream for all of Earth, however this is coming more rapidly than most realize, as you are about 27 years as humans count them from entry. For Earth, who counts years in solar rotations around the 12th dimensional Sun of four years at a time, you are less than 7 planetary years from entry, and there is much to do in preparation to assure a smooth transition of forces and governance.


Jurisdiction of the Great Central Sun


The transition of governance has to do with Great Central Sun counsels that shall oversee jurisdiction upon Earth in relatively short order. In due course, all souls that resonate not with the Sun’s counsels shall be removed and returned onto the next phases of their particular spiritual journey. This is what the turning of creation or times of cleansing is all about, to return those souls that did not originate inside this Great Central Sun to their Sun and region of domain of origin, and to gather those that did so that they may return Home. This is also so for genetic materials from foreign Suns and creations; all must be returned unto where it came, and all must be gathered up that was lost that originated upon Earth and your solar system.


At this time, the Aurora along with the Inner Earth, the volcanoes, mountaintops and the oceans 500 miles from shores inhabited by humankind have moved under the jurisdiction of the Great Central Sun and have entered a new dream, a photonic dream. These regions of domain in essence have passed through the Photon Belt already. Earth is so close at this time to the Photon Belt that parts of herself that resonate with a fourth dimensional dream are already crossing.


A photonic dream is primarily fourth dimensional. Some species are crossing that are ready which include all fourth dimensional humans, some third dimensional Inner Earth and surface Earth humans that are ascending into soul infusion at this time, and a few whales and dolphins at parallel levels of evolution, along with the Manatee and Panda Kingdoms that live in a wild state. All other species shall cross in the coming 27 years or perish in the coming times of cleansing. Perishing is not an end; it is a retraction of those genetics and consciousness that are non-resonant with a photonic dream for a return journey to one’s creation of origin.


Retracting from Physicality


Alas many non-ascending humans are going to retract from physicality in these coming times of cleansing as are certain strains within the nature kingdoms. Farm animals are becoming ill beginning to die off now that have no soul to ensoul them. Already thousands and thousands of chickens have been destroyed in many countries due to “bird flu”, a disease that can be passed onto humans. Mad cow disease has also spread worldwide. Bird Flu and Mad Cow Disease are two of 36 diseases already prevalent in farm fowl and animals that are lethal. Read more