Image of a woman with her back turned standing in a field of sunshiny sunflowers. Live In Joy

21. Live In Joy


Joy is perhaps the greatest gift of the choice to evolve for any species. Evolution or ascension brings forth greater and greater joy in the life expression of any species. Such joy is an internal and external state of being.


There are many musical artists in human form that have been tuning into the dance of sound behind the molecular rotation in all living things upon Earth. One such artist is known as Enya. One will notice that the music of such artists has become increasingly joyful over time and far less mournful. The release of the grief upon Earth is creating a joyful dance. Such musicians are tuning into the new sound of joy that is permeating the molecular structure of Earth. Humans, in choosing to ascend, may join the dance of joy and leave the grief behind just as all other kingdoms are.


Authentic Joy Is an Internal State of Being


In the human dance, joy has been existent only in the moments perhaps of triumph when some creation within the life dance fulfilled upon one’s dreams. Therefore, those moments of seeing one’s dream come to fruition, whether it is in graduating from college, obtaining the job that one desires, getting married, having a child, or watching one’s offspring do the same, such moments bring humans joy. However, joy has become associated with success. What this means is that the human dance precludes those whom seemingly fail at manifesting one or more of their dreams from the dance of joy.


How many times have you sat in suffering because your dream failed? The job didn’t pan out or laid you off, or you didn’t qualify for the home loan, or the boyfriend/girlfriend ended the relationship, or the marriage ended in divorce. One then sits in non-joy because joy is associated with dreams succeeding, not failing. We would like to point out that joy has nothing to do with success or life manifestations. Joy is an internal state of being that comes from divine union between body, soul and form in a dance with God Goddess/All That Is. This is authentic joy. Success from our perspective is a form of inauthentic joy based upon “triumph”.


We would like to point out that ascension brings about change. The loss of job, spouse, friend, lover, house, car, or child, is the result of completion of karma. Karmic contracts and bonds come from unfinished business of one’s prior ancestors. Each human is related to millions of ancestors, and as a result, there is often a lot of unfinished business, particularly amongst those ancestors incarnate in the past 16,000 years. The life span of the human species has been so compromised over the last 16,000 years that most incarnations never completed upon the karma incurred, leaving many contracts to be fulfilled upon at a later time. Read more