We, the Order of Dari, along with Mother Earth, would like to discuss at length the issues of ownership and possession. Ownership and possession were not a part of the human dance as the human species was seeded upon Earth about 200,000 years ago. Nor was the ownership by souls over Earth a part of the dance of the ensouling factor of Earth.
Where did ownership originate? To understand the paradigm of ownership one will need to discern between magnetic energy and radioactive and electrical energies. For ownership is a radioactive thoughtform. Humans, as they were seeded upon Earth, were magnetic only, so one may deem ownership as the result of a distortion with radioactive frequencies at cause.
We have already discussed at length the discord caused through the added electrical frequencies to the human genetic structure. We do not wish to repeat what has already been written elsewhere, and advise our readership to read all of the material as it has been brought forth through our translator in the sequence that it was written. For the information not only builds upon itself in knowledge, but also in frequency.
Whereas electrical energy is in the form of a straight line which can pierce holes in the rotational energy that is magnetic only, radioactive energy slows down magnetic energy. As such, if the rotation of a magnetic system is slowed enough, it will begin to wobble, or become impaired. If the wobble is great enough, the rotation will drop in frequency. If the human form is based upon a certain frequency and rotation that is magnetic, and is bombarded with radioactive frequencies, the magnetic rotation will slow and over time create a drop in consciousness or frequency for the human species. If the energy slows enough, the energy will cease to move altogether. And this is what pain is, energy that has ceased to rotate, vibrate or move.
Restoration of Truth in Ascension
Long ago, another planet within your solar system known as Maldek was destroyed by nuclear weaponry. Recent revelations from Earth’s own ascension clearly show that Maldek was shattered as the result of Pleiadian and Sirian forces in retaliation for the bombing of Sirius B. Sirius B, in the bombing raid by Andromedan forces, became a water planet not unlike Earth due to the shattering of the protective ice shields that surround her. Following such attacks, which were veiled to be the result of humans upon Maldek, Maldek was destroyed in counterattack. Not until the ascension of Sirius B was the truth revealed in the process of the Sirian ascension. Read more