Image of a mystical sunset at a beach. Mastering the Light of You #1

Mastering the Light of You #1


The Nature of Light


The light

Is a gift of life

That is always present

To revive and renew

The body mind and soul

In an ageless tomorrow

Of abundant dreams

Of a truth of all that is

And all that has ever been

That the light has never dimmed

Unless the mind

Believes it so

Believe it not

And arise and shine

In the light of you

Renew and revitalize

Finding the truth

Of your youth

In the self of you


Mindset of You and Light


The mindset of you fosters the thought-stream of the humanness of yourself. The mindset of you is a fostering of synapses and a biochemical structure of life form. Life form is ethereal while the physical appears less so although in reality the physical is only light. Light is witnessed in the molecules and atoms of you. The molecules and atoms are the light of you as a physical structure. Where the light is dim, disease or infection may lie in the physical. Where the light is bright, health is sustainable. When the light is too bright, there may be another condition such as inflammation in the physical.


The mind has light quotients too. Where the mind is dim, you are depressed, grievous or suicidal in an emotional context within. Where the mind is just right in light, you are well and sit in peace with yourself and your life unfolding. Where the mind is too bright and spikes, you are anxious, or angry or feel insane to deranged within and possibly in your actions in life. The mind spikes due to over wattage of light. The mind dims due to under-wattage of light. The mind is best when the right wattage of light is present for balanced mindset function in your head.


What causes the mind to dim? In the recesses of your life, you have thought consistently about death as a future and possibly an escape out of your own misery at the end of your lifespan. The more that you have focused upon death, the dimmer the light grows in your mindset. What focuses foster death thought-stream? You do not have to adventure too far out into the media bandwidths of local or global news to witness death thought-stream in action.


Attuning to the news is one means of dimming your mind through time. The violence in the television along with big screen movies each fosters thought-stream of death when violence is associated and dims the mind through time. The anti-depressant medical marketplace of drugs is at an all-time high due to dim minds focused upon the media hype of today. Cease to participate in the media hype of death, natural world violence and accidents, and your depression may lift as the wattage of light increases in your mind.


Increasing the Mind’s Wattage


Some media focuses do increase the wattage of the mind for a time. If the focus is positive, allowing an uplifting emotional feeling within, the mind increases its light quotients for a time. Any positive focus increases the light of the mind. Any negative focus also dims the mind. The more negative focuses you foster, the dimmer the mind grows ahead.


The more positive focuses you choose for increases the wattage of the mind leading to not only a state of non-depression, but causes clearer light to unfold and blossom above the cortex. The clearer the light unfolding above the cortex, the more beautiful or positive the experiences of life grow to be with most others. Positive thoughts foster algorithms of light motion that call positive experiences towards you. Negative thoughts foster the opposite as the algorithms abate light motion of field triggering darker experiences to be caused.


Death is a non-light stanza of existence. The molecules cease to rotate in death. Life is a light stanza of truth. Light fosters the molecules to brighten and enliven, triggering life to unfold and carry on ahead. Live in enough light and you find your truth in your mind. Live in too little light or too much light and you will exist in a stanza of non-truth. Truth is subjective but for some upon the spiritual path, living in the truth of you is a fostering of care for you and care for each and care for the whole. Truth is not the same for each human incarnate, but while in the truth, generally you feel well within, regardless of the thought stream that prevails through the mind. Non-truth can be defined as the flavor of feeling unwell within.


Right Light Quotient of the Mind


There is a light quotient that is right to foster truth within your mind. Those with the right light quotient in the mind are happy and peaceful about most life circumstances through time due to existing in their truth. Those with dim light quotients are generally unhappy, if not bitter or resentful in life, due to feeling cheated out of what they conceived of as their truth to have or experience or required to foster their true path. Those with too much light often exacerbate in unwellness in relation to recurrent emotional strife in the life that leads to unhappiness through time.


Some reverse from the right light into dim light or bright light growing from happy to unhappy, experiencing both the truth and non-truth quagmires of existence through time. Some flux between dim light and bright light alternating between depression and anxiety along with emotional dramas with some that they fester with. Some grow from bright light into the right light, releasing the requirement to foster drama and find peace within and with most others. Some grow from dim light into the right light, leading the depression behind for brighter days ahead and within.


Some begin the life with dim light in the mind and expand through school budding into right mind in early adulthood. Some dim in their minds in middle age in what is commonly known as a “middle age crisis” where one suddenly feels unwell and not in their truth until a major life change unfolds. Some dim so extensively in their minds later in life that they suffer from Alzheimer’s where they have no memory of themselves or anyone else left. What causes the mind or body to dim its light? The belief in aging is a factor that causes dimming of light thresholds within the mind or biology over time leading to a stanza of non-truth experienced within at some point in the life.


Aging, Diet and Region of Origin


Aging is a conception that you must dim in the mind and body through time rather than retain your right light quotient and health and happiness within forever. The beliefs in aging are a global phenomenon of collective human awareness and also subversive in this time period. Although you may personally believe in non-aging, the actions of the mass thresholds of force of awareness will placate your desire to renew and revive after age sixty.


Others around you dim your light for you due to their beliefs that you must age. If your light fails to dim in later age, your biology will renew instead of aging or growing to be diseased. If you choose to, you can brighten the light of the mind and biology through free will choice and cease to age anyway, but most do not know to focus upon this with their minds. Light motions towards you through focus of your mind.


Diet does play a role in the light quotient sustained by the body and mind through time. Some food resources contribute unto the dimming of the molecules of the cortex of the brain. Heavy metals, petrochemicals and plastics cause a toxic overload that triggers the mind to dim through time leading to depression or suicidal tendencies or erratic behavior. Sugars and excessive carbohydrates or empty foods foster the mind to grow to be too bright and triggers anxiety or fear to anger or insane behavior through time.


Region of origin also plays a role as some places are so dim, they trigger the overall light quotients to dim through time which leads to a dim mind that is depressed for many. Yet other regions are filled with the wrong light quotients leading to too bright a light for most causing the mind to spark into its unpalatable thought-stream that is non-peace oriented. People in bright light regions tend to be fussy, irritable and obnoxious sometimes in their behavior towards one another due to over stimulus of the cortex.


Finding Your Right Mind Light Quotient


The right mind requires the right light quotient to foster a wave motion in the cortex that blossoms in succinct notions of truth within. Succinct motions of waves that blossom in the cortex of the mind fosters peaceful focuses and endeavors through time. All self-judgment and inner hatred are the result of a dim mind light quotient. Brighten the mind and allow internal judgment to fade within. Outer hatred and judgment about others are all the result of an overly bright mind flux. Find your right mind light quotient and the external dislikes may also fade in your life experience.


Light catches upon the infrastructure of the molecules as it radiates from the planet. There are many regions in nature that flower in light. Those living in light motion regions need to find their right light quotient for the body, mind and spirit. The right light quotient will lead to inner peace, expressions of truth and dreams that align beautifully through time. Adjusting the light within is a mind focus in any given day of the blossoming journey of the unfolding light gates opening upon the planet at this time. There are also regions in which the light is very dim. You can find your right light quotient in dim regions through the focus to do so with your mind each day of your life ahead.


Wherever humankind constructs dwellings, in more cases than not, the light dims. You then dwell in less light and then dim as a result of your own construction techniques only to age more rapidly in your own home. Some have learned to create housing that motions light in earth ship or straw bale statures of building and age less rapidly as a result. Some learn to motion light within on their own and fare better in human dwellings than others due to their own beliefs and age less rapidly too. Some learn to motion light evenly in the mind and body through time and cease to age altogether regardless of where they live and foster an ageless body and timeless mind of a Yogi status of existence. Those of Yogi thresholds of light know that they are a Yogi within even if not exonerated by others.


Changing the DNA for Sustainable Light Motions


Some DNA motions light more succinctly than others. Some newborns hold such ill genetic threads that the light motions non-succinctly enough to give birth to childhood disease. Some are born with sustainable light wave DNA and fare well through childhood only to dim in teenage years leading to disease in early adulthood. Some are born with sustainable light motion DNA that takes flight in teenage years leading to a life of disease-free systems of existence into middle age. The concept of the requirement to dim by middle age then triggers disease to formulate into the retirement years. Some foster light wave DNA that can continue to recreate itself in sustainable light motions into old age or beyond if you know you are a Yogi within.


If you find yourself dimming in the light of your mind or any part of the body, you can change the DNA into threads that motion more light through freewill choice and focus of the mind. Most do not believe that DNA can be changed and re-threaded into the physical structure and so do not foster such a shift within. Those motioning enough light often do create genetic changes through time if the subconscious believes it is possible.


Many may be beginning to transfuse due to subconscious agreements to do so. Although this may foster renewing into your youth through new and succinct DNA threads, the point of motioning light is to self-realize. Self-realization requires an understanding of what transfusion is, how it motions, what it causes, how it transforms the physical, and how it transmutes the mind into divine revelations about life. Transfusion is not for generic living but for spiritual mastery of the light of you.


Mindset Expansion and Enlightenment


Mastering the light of you triggers the mind to expand. As the mind expands, new concepts of awareness unfold within. Expanding mindset can cause a state of bliss to unfold within. Mastering a state of bliss may not accord with other notions of life such as the requirement to go to work and make a living to pay the rent. The current stanza of having to work for every morsel received is a very debilitating environment to attempt to self-realize into bliss within.


The mind of bliss must go into the work mindset and then dim into distortion that causes a warble within and out of the bliss of you. If you suffer from the non-bliss of the workplace of you, increase the light of the mind and you may regroup into peaceful notions in the midst of others caught in anxiety or despair. Motion more light into the workplace, and others may enter a state of bliss with you. Maybe the work will be done and maybe not, but people may be happier together as a result.


Light as it envelopes people can trigger blissful reactions for a time while in the presence of one or more who are developed into a state of enlightenment. What is enlightenment? The enlightened mind can flower its light into one hundred and forty-four concepts of the divine in the cortex. In the midst of many others, the flowering of the mind triggers others to motion into blissful and peaceful states within and together.


Those who grow to be enlightened may be desirable company due to the blissful, happy and caring states fostered in your midst. The problem is that to the degree the bliss may be experienced next to an enlightened human, to the same degree the mind may warble the day to follow and sometimes to an extreme of a very festered state of being. If this occurs for you, increase the light of your mind and un-fester yourself due to your own focus and grow to be merry again in your life.


Diet and the Light Wave Mindset


Children are very sensitive to the light in their minds. Many children suffer from very bright light quotients in the cortex and fester in naughty behavior or the incapacity to sit still. Diet can play a role in over stimulating the cortex if too much sugar is consumed and not enough protein. Increase the protein levels and the children’s mind may balance out into peaceful behavior that can focus upon their studies. The light of the mind of children can also be diminished in the focus of the parent or teacher to allow the behavior to calm down. Light wave mindset requires high protein levels to stay in balance in all age ranges. Consume more protein from nuts, legumes and tofu resources and your mind may feel less anxious or depressed day to day.


Why not consume meat or fowl in your life? Meat and fowl dim the light of the body and the mind due to the death notions associated with slaughter. Some foods foster light and many foods dim the light of you. Most packaged foods dim the light of you. Nuts, legumes along with fresh, organic and raw to lightly steamed, roasted or wok fried organic vegetables and tofu increase the light of you. On the other hand, the bowl of rice, bread, pasta or noodles eaten with the meal decreases the light enough possibly to cancel the benefit to the light of your body and mind. Cease to consume the carbohydrates and the light will increase overall within. Increasing light renews the biology leading to an ageless timeless mindset ahead.


Why eat organic? There is more light in organic than not. Why is this so? People choose to put more light into organic farms than other farming dreams. Eat organic and you will blossom into more light through time. Milk products including eggs, cheese and yogurt decrease the light of the blood even if organic. Decreasing light in the blood leads to many diseases along with a warble of the mind into depression. Soy milk, soy yogurt and tofu increase the light of the blood and mind. Almond, hazelnut and coconut milks or other nut milks balance the light of the blood and mind. Quinoa and other ancient grains foster light into the tissues of the cells. Raw fresh vegetable and fruit juices foster the right light quotient to be present in the mind if consumed daily.


Yogi Status DNA


Through freewill choice, you can choose to motion as a Yogi with an ageless timeless stature of existence drawing Yogi status DNA into your light wave biology and mindset. What does the Yogi know that you do not if you already have modified your DNA for sustainable health in your life and balanced your light quotients within? The Yogi knows how to alter the conceptions of himself or herself enough to not choose to age and applies light always that fails to dim ever through time. The light renews and revives the cells always and forever in the Yogi thought-stream of beliefs that remain from ancient times of longevity long come and gone upon Earth.


The collective thought-stream of humanity believes that some must receive dim life dreams and others medium life dreams and yet others bright life dreams. The dim dreams fester lives into poverty and suffering and sometimes murderous notions of ill fate through time. The medium dreams cause a middle-class stanza of existence that may be far from thrilling and sometimes boring but are more or less sustainable to experience. The bright light dreams cause a sensational dream to unfold that sometimes can be glamorous or abundant but also may be rich in its foundation of experience within and with others.


Most are unaware that they may fill their dreams with more light and receive a more joyous and sensational outcome of each experience each day, week, month or year to follow through focus. Brighten your dreams of life and enliven yourself into more joyous and momentous occasions through your own personal choice to do so and live a better and happier life from now on.


The dimness of you is also not the dimness of others unless you choose this to be so. Some like to brighten their light quotients and life dreams only to dim your own. The truth is that there is never a need to be in a dim light quotient or dream ever. Light is a constant stream that can be called unto you from anywhere upon Earth if the mind chooses to do so. There is no requirement therefore to dim another to grow to be bright as there is ample wattage always emanating from the Aurora of the planet and the Sun in your daytime skies.


All the rays of the heavens are always available unto you in each bandwidth of thought-stream you enter always and forever unless you believe otherwise. Choose to believe this not and allow all the light you need to cascade over you to renew, revitalize, love you and love each, and live beautiful dreams through time ahead.


Please grow to be the light of you.


In the love of the Baba,

Master Babaji


The Nature of Light


The light

Is a gift of life

That is always present

To revive and renew

The body mind and soul

In an ageless tomorrow

Of abundant dreams

Of a truth of all that is

And all that has ever been

That the light has never dimmed

Unless the mind

Believes it so

Believe it not

And arise and shine

In the light of you

Renew and revitalize

Finding the truth

Of your youth

In the self of you


Helpful Link to Support Transfusion


Light Wave Art & Glossary



For Mom. I love you.

To all Souls in fostering the Self of you into realization of the Divine. May all on Earth be filled with Love and Light in the Golden Age or the Age of Enlightenment about to be born.



Creational © 2022, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth


This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and that are useful to your spiritual evolution, and let go of the rest.


The Ascension Insights series and related books offer information on consensus ascension. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. These books disseminate information on having a complete ascension with the potential of taking the body with you.


The Light Wave series offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.



Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.




Asur’Ana. Light Wave 6: Mother Sun Dream and Star Seeds. Aligning With Earth, 2022. Digital.

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