Blessings for Ascending Movement of Energy Field
The Chipmunk, Ferret and Prairie Dog Species
It is the Chipmunk, Ferret and Prairie Dog Species that greets you today. One may not think of us as a “little crawler”, and yet we are other small kingdoms that hold a special function upon Earth and therefore are associated. Our species focuses upon the “underground currents” of energy flow that move through Earth and report what we see to the global consciousness so that any anomalies may be focused upon and repaired. Such a focus has become increasingly important the further that Earth ascends towards the entry into the Great Central Sun.
Holographic Grid Work
Underground, energy moves through what are known as ley lines of energetic grid work that is not just horizontal or vertical, but third dimensional in nature. At this time, the grid work is also undergoing a shift and becoming holographic. Holographic grid work moves or rotates rather than being stagnant and simply conducting energy from one place unto another. At this time, the grid work 20 miles (32 km) above the Aurora has become holographic and moves; in due course, all grid work upon Earth will parallel.
The energy through Earth’s grids moves in a rotational manner through the horizontal grids from east to west or counterclockwise around the globe. The energy pulses so rapidly that an entire rotation of energy is accomplished in less than 30 minutes every hour of every day. In parallel manner, the Aurora or sun in Earth’s core rotates counterclockwise, one rotation every 11 minutes. The rotation of the Aurora will continue to increase the further that Earth ascends.
There are also vertical ley lines through which the energy moves from north to south continuously underground. The vertical grids are filled with energy as fed by the solar kundalini that originates with the sun. The solar kundalini enters Earth’s crown at the North Pole and then flows south through all vertical ley lines and exits the South Pole where it flows in a return movement back to the sun. The energy pulses from North Pole to South Pole in less than 28 minutes around the clock.
Assist Earth in the Movement of Energy
Our species reports hiccups and disturbances anywhere in the underground energetic movement within Earth’s grid system. Generally speaking, there is little problem with the energy movement through Earth’s grids upwards of 20 miles (32 km) from the surface of the Earth. There are massive problems in all regions heavily lived upon by humans upon the surface of Earth, especially surrounding the cities. No energy generally moves through the grids underlying the cities, and sometimes for upwards of 50 miles (80 km) underground. This causes great pain unto Earth’s global body.
Humans who are ascending and conscious of this process may choose to assist in the movement of the energy of the grids surrounding where one lives. This eases Earth’s pain and allows one to contribute in global service to Earth’s choice to ascend. All that is required is the intention to assist, and Earth will move the energy through one’s field to augment the ongoing movement of chi through the underground grids surrounding one’s home and up to a 100-mile radius surrounding oneself. The more humans that choose to contribute in any given region, the easier the movement will become for all.
This contribution will have benefits for one’s own ascension as well. It is difficult to ascend upwards in vibration without ongoing movement of energy. As the energy moves beneath the ground, then one’s ability to ground and release the density into one’s own larger chakras also becomes easier. Ascending humans are continuously releasing density and disunity based thoughtform; as the old information releases along with any associated patterns, entities, machines or former grid work, it must have a pathway down the grounding to be transmuted by one’s own larger chakra system surrounding Earth’s Aurora.
Genetic and Ascension Grid Work
Ascending humans who have embodied 1,024 segments of DNA or more have a global sized energy field. This may be confusing and Chipmunk would like to explain in detail the layers of one’s own ascending energy. One has an etheric body, which is an energetic duplicate of one’s form. For every cell that one has in the physical, there is an etheric cellular structure that is also associated. In ascension, first the etheric cell is modified to a new genetic blueprint that is known as the crystalline form, and then the physical goes through a parallel process of transmutation.
Outside of the etheric skin sits two layers of grid work; one is the genetic grid work, which sits closest to the skin. This holds the current genetic information that one’s etheric cellular structure along with physicality is created from. Outside of this is a second set of grid work that is known as the “ascension grid work”. The ascension grid work allows for genetic modifications that one is gathering from one’s ancestry to be added to this template. As new genetic additions are made, it takes only one to three days for the new information to step into the genetic grid work, after which it is relayed down pathways known as one’s own ley lines of grid work to the associated etheric cells.
Ley lines of etheric grid work are composed of molecules that line up in a horizontal or vertical pathway. Molecules rotate along each ley line, and as they rotate, they create a centrifugal force through which information is pulled down the pathway to the interior of the etheric body. As the new information reaches the etheric cells from the ascension grid work, they begin to modify themselves, bringing in the necessary attributes to reconstruct themselves founded upon the new encoding.
Ascension Is A Biological Feat
Etheric cells transmute much more rapidly than physical cells; generally speaking, etheric cells modify themselves in anywhere from one to six hours following the receipt of new encoding; however, it may take days if not weeks or more to modify the physical in parallel. Why is this so? Well, one problem may be that the necessary nutrients are not available to modify the cells to the new crystalline template.
It is for this reason that Asur’Ana has offered up dietary suggestions for those intending to ascend. If one is a vegetarian, then one can eat a load of cholesterol in the form of cheese and eggs along with dairy products. If one is a vegan, then one can consume avocados, coconut milk and nuts. The reason being that the crystalline cell is coated in a form of fat that resembles cholesterol that holds a higher vibration; and this is one of the main modifications that ascension brings forth in the early journey to 1,800 segments of DNA.
Another problem may be an inability to transfer nutrients to a particular region due to lack of circulation. One way to augment increased circulation to all parts of the form is to exercise each day, allowing the heightened blood pressure to press the circulation into regions that might not be accessed without physical exertion. We do not advise heavy exercise such as weight lifting or even running, as running can damage the bones in the feet and knees, and weight lifting can tear the muscles. Instead, we suggest gentle forms of exertion such as walking, bike riding, hiking and swimming, or cross country skiing or snowshoeing in the winter.
Ascension is a biological feat; modifying only the etheric does not allow for a complete ascension. Furthermore, modifying only the etheric without bringing the ascent into the physical causes one to cease to ascend at some point, as the physical alterations are necessary to the holding of a new vibratory bandwidth. If the body cannot hold the new frequency, then there is not enough chi ultimately to ascend beyond a certain point, and so ascension ceases at such a juncture.
Therefore, Asur’Ana and Per suggest a balanced diet with some fresh foods in the form of salad and fruit each day, and some cooked foods, along with plenty of avocados, coconut milk and nuts for those who are vegans; and butter, cheese, eggs and milk products for those who are vegetarians; for the fat necessary to develop the crystalline form. It is also this type of fat that allows one to hold a higher frequency of thoughtform through ascension, and master the unity principles in relation to all others and all kingdoms.
7 to 12 Chakra Centers
Beyond the ascension grid work, there is a chakra system that surrounds the etheric body. This includes 7 to 12 chakra centers depending upon level of evolution, plus 7 chakras under the feet that comprise one’s grounding unto the Aurora; and 80 to 144 chakras above one’s head that connect one to one’s Soul, Oversoul and Source. These chakras spin counterclockwise (to the left) if one is female and clockwise (to the right) if one is male for proper polarization of energy.
Proper polarization causes the chi to move down the field, grounding soul into form. Proper polarization also causes the new information from one’s oversoul and source to come down the chakras above one’s head entering the field to be distributed to the ascension grid work. Proper polarization also allows for a solid grounding downwards of that which one is releasing so that one’s larger chakras in the Aurora can transmute that which one’s smaller chakras fail to near the etheric body.
Regenerative Chakra System
In addition to the 7 to 12 chakras that surround the etheric body is a regenerative chakra system that sits outside of the skin and above the ascension grid work. As the larger chakras spin, the regeneration chakras also spin, much like the gears of a clock. There are eight regeneration chakras that develop for those that have mastered 1,800 segments in the ascent, four that are upper body and four that are lower body in location. By 3,000 segments, the regeneration system develops into an intricate system of 72 chakras that surrounds the etheric skin.
As the regeneration chakras spin, energy is pushed along the etheric skin to regenerate the exterior of the form along with transfer information into the interior of the grid work. Some of this chi is pulled into the ascension grid work and genetic grid work to allow the new genetic information to step into the etheric body. It is the spin of the molecules along each ley line of grid work that pushes some of the chi and new information from the regeneration chakras down the ley lines of the grid work. This energizes the etheric cells of the etheric body and provides those cells in need of a new template the necessary information to convert to the crystalline form.
It is as the etheric cells are energized that the physical cellular structure is charged with enough chi to regenerate. Ascension brings about the movement from a biological system that dies every 7 years and with cells that must be replaced to a cellular structure that regenerates continuously instead; a much more efficient type of cellular structure in Chipmunk’s estimation, and a structure that need not age or die, but can continue to ascend.
Just as Earth’s chi rotates through the horizontal ley lines in a circular manner, one’s chi as generated from the regeneration chakras rotates through one’s own horizontal ley lines or molecules of the etheric body. The rotation of chi through the horizontal ley lines of the grid work is ongoing as long as the regeneration chakras are spinning. This rotation is opposite the spin of the chakras; or in other terms if one is female, the chakras spin counterclockwise (to the left) and the horizontal movement of chi through the grid work flows clockwise (to the right). If one is male, the chakras spin clockwise (to the right) and the movement of the chi through the horizontal grid work flows counterclockwise (to the left). This retains balance in the field.
The Kundalini Energy System
There are also vertical ley lines throughout the etheric body. These ley lines are charged with chi through the movement of energy from the Kundalini energy system. For land-based creatures, which include humans, the kundalini moves up the feet and then through the torso and out the head energizing all vertical ley lines and meridians within the etheric body.
The meridians are larger channels of vertical energy flow that are made up of six to eighteen molecules tightly compressed together. These channels conduct the kundalini up into the major organs, glands and systems of the etheric body to assure that there is enough chi to regenerate each part of the form. Where meridians intersect are a series of tiny chakras, 1800 in total by 1800 segments of DNA. These chakras direct the energy up the meridians to whatever system or gland that the meridian feeds.
There are three main kundalini channels, the largest of which moves the energy up the core of the spine and is made up of 2,000 or more molecules tightly pressed together by 1,800 DNA segments, which creates a large tube in which energy may flow. There are also two smaller channels of 1,000 or more molecules tightly pressed together; these direct energy through the legs and up either side of the torso along with down the arms and out the hands. The kundalini movement creates a core of fire that is much like the Aurora unto Earth; it is one’s own Aurora which fosters one’s own continued ascension; the further that the channels widen to allow for a greater increase of energy flow, the higher a vibration one can hold.
By 3,000 segments, the spinal kundalini channel expands to hold 18,000 molecules tightly compressed together and the side channels expands to hold 9,000 molecules each; a much more fluid movement of chi may then push through one’s internal kundalini thereafter. The more chi one can move through the grid work, the higher the vibration one can hold. Furthermore, some of the fire from one’s kundalini is also pulled down the horizontal ley lines of the grid work through the rotation of the molecules therein. This fosters the ability to regenerate rather than replace dying cells in most parts of the body as 3,000 segments is embodied.
The exterior kundalini, which leaps off the etheric skin, also assists in the movement of the regeneration chakras and larger chakras that surround the etheric body. The exterior kundalini is comprised of over 80,000 molecules that are compressed together just upon the surface of the skin; through intention or as one burns off karma, this region fills with fire that may leap from the skin up to 8 feet from the form at 1,800 segments. By 3,000 DNA segments, the exterior kundalini expands to host 320,000 molecules and as it flares, can leap up to 80 feet from the form. The exterior kundalini is an excellent tool to hold one’s boundaries as one enters the density of the shopping malls or cities, and may cause one to break out into a dripping sweat as it moves.
One can see that it is therefore important for ascending humans to develop a strong kundalini energy flow, as it is through this that one will continue to create enough chi internal to the field to continue to regenerate the cellular structure and to continue to ascend. Lack of development of the kundalini is a sign that one is not ascending in the physical; without biological changes to the crystalline form, there is not enough chi internal to the biology to allow for a surging movement of the fire element through the kundalini channels.
The Subtle Bodies
Beyond the 7 to 12 larger chakras are the subtle bodies, of which there are four, a mental, emotional, intuitive and creative body. The subtle bodies develop in full by initiation 3,000. Prior to this time, one will tend to have two or three of the four; and can focus upon retrieving the information necessary to have all four bodies surrounding the field. The subtle bodies spin in the same direction as the chakras, counterclockwise for the feminine gender and clockwise for the male gender.
Much like the gears of the clock, as the subtle bodies spin around the etheric body, they contribute to the spin of the 7 to 12 larger chakras that lie beneath them, which then contributes to the spin of the regeneration chakras, which regenerates the form and allows for continued ascension. If any part of the field fails to spin, then portions of the form fail to be regenerated or ascended.
If the subtle bodies stop, the larger chakras will also cease to flow, and then the regeneration chakras will stop, and one’s ascension will also stop. Keep the field spinning, and one’s ascension will come forth each day, week, month and year into the future. It is for this reason that Asur’Ana has channeled or translated meditations for conscious focus of energy flow to support those who are choosing to ascend at this time in history.
New Consensus for Ascension
Most humans exist in fantasy realities. Over time, humanity has developed electrical dreamtime planes that most attune unto as one works, watches television, attunes to the media, is entertained, eats at a restaurant, goes into the shopping mall or visits a theme park. These realities will feel less and less resonant the further that one ascends, to a point that one may feel quite ill after a few hours at the shopping mall. Why is this so? All chakras cease to spin when one enters a fantasy reality, as there is no provision in the fantasy dream for the movement of one’s field.
Over time, ascending humans construct a new dream to exist within that allows for the ongoing movement of energy necessary to sustain one’s ascending vibration and continue to move upwards in vibration. This dream is known as the “New Consensus for Ascension”. As ascending humans attune to this dream, then one’s field will rotate which will make one feel better. One will also find support in going into the country or wilderness, as nature’s dream parallels the new consensus and allows for an ongoing movement of energy necessary to ascend. It may be for this reason that ascending initiates will choose to leave the density of the cities and suburbs over time and find a peaceful place to live in the country.
The Light Body
Beyond the subtle bodies is a light body that one utilizes for dreamtime travel and work with the healing temples for ascension. One may consider this part of self “unconscious”. In dreamtime, one utilizes this body to work upon understanding the records released through one’s own ascension along with releasing and forgiving the karma necessary to one’s continued ascent. The light body can travel to the temples for ascension each night which are in the Aurora, or one may call the temples into one’s home at night for healing, as the etheric does not experience time and space.
Parallel Selves and Parallel Lives
Beyond the light body is a series of parallel selves known as parallel lives. These are integrated a little at a time as one continues to ascend into the vibrational bandwidths that they exist within, uniting that which was a separated part of self into the wholeness of who one is becoming. One may become aware of the parallel life selves in their dreams; if one has a dream where one lives someplace else and has another preoccupation or life and relationships, this is generally the next parallel life one is working upon integrating. One experiences all parallel lives in dreamtime, and always has. Through ascension, one may integrate these fragmented pieces of self, and in so doing, retrieve the information, gifts and talents that had splintered off through ascension.
The Body Double and Ascension to the Fourth Dimension
Beyond all the parallel selves is one’s body double. The body double exists in a reality that is beyond duality and experiences no pain or suffering. It is the as the body double and physical body merge that one ascends to the fourth dimension. Beyond the body double are the larger global chakras that spin and suspend one’s global auric field. One can see that one is far more immense than one thinks. Once long ago all of these separated off parts of self existed in a single vessel that was fourth dimensional. The journey of ascension allows for all of these separated off parts of self to begin to reunite again, gradually and over time; a long journey that will lead to a fourth dimensional existence that will be experienced by one’s future ancestors about 300 years into the future of continued global ascension.
Moving One’s Energy Consciously
Ascension brings about the possibility of learning to move one’s energy consciously. Humans were once cognoscente of how to focus the energy flow for the maintenance of one’s health and well-being. (Please see the “Synthesis Meditation” in Chapter 11 of Ascension Insights, Volume 1 and the “Elements Meditation” in Chapter 13 of Ascension Insights, Volume 4 for more information.)
The Grand Master humans with the large heads in particular that were seeded upon Earth about 50,000 Earth years ago (200,000 human years) from Sirius understood the energetic dynamics of their own fields. They sought to work with the energy of Earth to support her global field. Alas, there was a language barrier and these humans did not understand Earth, nor did Earth understand these humans. The end result is that they were shattered by dark forces that stripped them of their knowledge within 800 years of life upon Earth.
The knowledge that these masters had is coming to be understood at this time due to more advanced human ascension. Earth now understands the great gift that the Grand Masters came to share that may have allowed her to avoid the past 200,000 human years of falls in consciousness had they understood one another. A sad tale, but it is never too late to learn, grow and understand. In this time of illumination in which all is coming to be known and all is being remembered, there is an opportunity to understand what one failed to understand long ago. In so being there is an opportunity for forgiveness, and then through forgiveness the reparation of all that has been lost over time, as the slates of karma are wiped clean allowing a new day to be born.
Per and Asur’Ana have learned to consciously move their energy each day. Any time that they feel tired or out of balance, they stop and take the time to focus and through such focus, redirect the field in the proper movement for health and continued ascension. One’s field, if properly spinning will spin off the density and patterning one must transmute each day of ascension.
So, may each learn to move one’s energy consciously, and this is a necessary understanding for those with the goal of ascension in this lifetime. For without this, one may ascend for a time, have a karmic encounter, and then lose all that one has gained through such a dance. In the choice to focus and repair the field and move the energy in a manner that is conducive to ascension, one releases the karma allowing for a more rapid recovery. In so doing, one will be less likely to lose vibration and can continue to ascend.
Great Central Sun and The Tao Will Provide All Information for Ascension
Earth much like humanity had forgotten over time how to spin her energy for health and ascension. Such information had been confiscated long before humanity was seeded upon Earth. Such information was taken to assist another creation in ascending. In the current existence that Earth has known in between the boundaries of the Great Central Suns, so much has been lost that creations strip one another in an attempt to hold their vibration and not slip further into density or matter. Earth has a propensity to give of her information to “save” other creations, and this is how she has lost so much over time.
Now in this time of illumination it is better understood that information need not be taken for any creation to ascend; it is further understood that the Great Central Sun and Tao will provide all information necessary to such a task if one asks. One must be able however to speak in a language that the Great Central Sun understands, and this is how and why the Language of Light developed. The Language of Light is a bridge language that the Great Central Sun understands. In the understanding, anything that Earth has requested has been provided, and through the knowledge offered, Earth is fostering a more rapid pace of ascension than ever at this time.
Earth’s more rapid pace of ascension is increasing global warming, a concern to many human scientists. However, if one is ascending with Earth, one is also heating up from the inside out as well, as this is what the movement of kundalini, chakras and subtle bodies will cause; it will cause one to heat up and sometimes to a dripping sweat as the kundalini surges to clear karma or clear the land surrounding one’s home. One may even have night sweats in which one does not require many blankets, even in the cold of winter. As one’s pace of heating up within matches Earth’s global warming, one will survive, as one is ascending along with Earth, and therefore there is nothing to be concerned about surrounding this business of global warming. All is as it should be.
Understanding One’ Grid Work, Grounding and Energy Flow
Chipmunk, Ferret and Prairie Dog or Ground Hog are all associated with a group of kingdoms that watch the grid work of Earth and its energy flow day and night. There are also underwater kingdoms that assist us, including lobster, crab and shrimp. Alas, many larger members of the crab kingdoms are being hunted to near extinction in the icy waters off the Arctic Circle due to human consumption. It is interesting to note that although this is so, there are also thousands of shrimp farms that have been created in recent years due to humanity’s love of eating shrimp. The shrimp farms help to make up for the loss of the crab kingdom in our experience.
Perhaps in the digestion of crustaceans, one is remembering how to move one’s own energy through one’s own grid work; or so Asur’Ana now understands. Before she became a devoted vegetarian and then later on a vegan, her favorite flesh was shrimp, crab and lobster, which also hosts loads of cholesterol and other fats necessary to ascension. Call upon our kingdoms to understand the energy flow within one’s grid work and kundalini. In so doing, one will create a current of ascension in one’s own field, and then flow with the current ever upwards in vibration.
Asur’Ana and Per have had many experiences with Chipmunks, Ferrets and Prairie Dogs. Chipmunks and Prairie Dogs abound in the Rocky Mountains that Asur’Ana and Per frequent each year for global karmic release service to Earth. Asur’Ana has noticed that there is less fear upon the part of all species in the National Parks, as hunting of animals is banned. As such, the animals know this, and step out to greet humanity, as there is no fear of being destroyed. This is so for Chipmunks and Prairie Dogs, who come out to play with humans, sometimes taking of one’s leftovers in the campgrounds and parklands. Our message to Per and Asur’Ana is generally about problems or difficulties with their grid work or anchoring for their dreamtime events.
Ferrets heavily populate the Big Island of Hawaii. These gentle creatures were imported to hunt rats; alas rats are nocturnal hunters and ferrets are day hunters, and so the two do not cross paths. Ferrets families have often lived in the grounds beneath Asur’Ana’s apartments on the islands, frolicking playfully together. This has been a mirror of the joy that she has been ascending into in recent years. Often if there is a problem with her grounding, Asur’Ana will solicit the advice of Ferret, who will share with her what we see “underground” that may be afflicting her ability to connect to the Aurora of Mother Earth.
Call upon our kingdom for a better understanding of one’s own grounding and energy flow through the grid work of the form. Call upon us to develop a strong kundalini to support one’s continued ascent.
Digestive System in PDF
Energy Field of Bodhisattva in PDF
Kundalini and Sexual Energy Movement in PDF
Field Rotation in PDF
Parallel Lives in PDF
Ascension Meditation Recordings
Ascension Insights Charts & Diagrams
Language of Light
Language of ONE
This book is lovingly dedicated to the Little Creatures that have crossed the Path of Ascending Humans. May their Gifts and Blessings support One’s continued evolution Home.
Creational © 2021, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth
This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and let go of the rest. Please use any or all information, to share and evolve. All information belongs to God Goddess/All That Is, You. As you integrate the information you receive, you evolve and radiate new truths via your own unique portal of expression, assisting Humanity and the Planet on its evolution Home.
Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.
Asur’Ana. Mysteries of the Little Creatures. Aligning With Earth, 2021. Digital.