Image of a red and black lady bug on a yellow flower. The Little Ladybug

18. The Little Ladybug


Blessings for Full Consciousness


The Ladybug and Beetle Kingdom


It is the Lady Bug and Beetle Kingdoms that address you today. Ladybug is a member of the Beetle Kingdom, although most find us smaller and perhaps more “adorable” in appearance with our red wings and black poke-a-dots. The Beetle Kingdom has a specific role upon Earth that is vital to global consciousness as we hold the frequency of spiritual awareness and knowledge. It is perhaps for this reason that the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt recognized our kingdom as a spiritual symbol.


Spiritual Awareness and Knowledge


Spiritual knowledge can be equated to consciousness or awareness. Over time, consciousness and awareness has declined so drastically upon the physical plane that there is little recall of the spiritual purpose of any species, including humans, whales and dolphins that are purported to be “fully conscious” in nature. In the original blueprint for your Creation, humans, dolphins and whales were the keepers of consciousness; over time, humans in particular dropped so low in vibration that they ceased to hold consciousness from the perspective of the Beetle Kingdom.


What is consciousness? Consciousness is the ability to be aware within the physical form or vessel of one’s life and spiritual purpose; it is further the ability to direct the physical in genetic changes or modifications inherent in the act of ascension. Ascension has always been about biological modifications towards non-physicality. Real ascension is about the merger of the soul and physicality in a blaze of light following which the physical form retracts off the physical plane. This is the real “homecoming” that ascension makes possible, a return to the nonphysical for all physical form.


Ascension and Homecoming


In our perception, humans desire ascension for many reasons. For most, there is an innate knowing that one is “not at home”, and there is a desire to return “home”, wherever home may be. A part of the reason that most humans feel so not at home is the simple truth that one’s inheritance and DNA originate from other galaxies. One’s home therefore is light-years away, and one may not be able to return there even as consciousness until the karma has been released that has retained one upon Earth. The gift of this end of cycle time period is that all consciousness that originated elsewhere in creation will return home, as it cannot carry forward into this Great Central Sun if it did not originate therein.


Beetle therefore perceives that there will be much homecoming in the coming quarter century for the human, whale and dolphin species along with many other kingdoms upon Earth, for each shall retract and return to their creation of origin. For those remaining with Earth in this journey into the Great Central Sun, the homecoming will not only be in the entry into her dream, but in the merger of physical with the nonphysical about 8,000 Earth years (32,000 human years) into the future. This shall be the real homecoming in which all that is physical concludes its experience and merges with soul again; and then and only then can the return journey Home to the Tao may begin.


Consciousness can be equated to understanding that one is God Goddess in form. God Goddess commands one’s reality through intention. If the intent is to ascend, then God Goddess commands the DNA in the physical to begin their process of transmutation towards a nonphysical state of being. Outside of an ascension cycle, God Goddess commands the DNA to retain its health, vibration and existence without end in the physical. Within the Great Central Sun, fully conscious species do not die; they live until they choose to ascend, and they can live as long as they so choose to experience their physical existence.


The Desire for Immortality and Gold Extraction from Earth


Perhaps this is where the desire for immortality comes from, from the perspective of the Beetle Kingdom; a remembrance from long ago when immortality was simply a way of life for the human species, along with dolphin and whale form. Therefore, the desire for immortality is not necessarily wrong; however, in the domain outside of the Great Central Sun, there is not enough life force for any species to live forever. Choosing immortality therefore causes all other species to go extinct, and this is what the Pleiadian Family of Anu caused in their life extension practices; they caused the extinction cycle of Earth.


The Anu came to mine gold for the Pleiades, which was also going extinct as a solar system. We see that the Pleiades was also going extinct due to life extension practices of the spiritual elite within the human species in their creation; Beetle suspects that this is so given their need for gold. Why is gold so important? The golden vibration transmutes anti-matter. Life extension requires the transmutation of anti-matter, as it is anti-matter flowing throughout each universe that ultimately tears holes at the energy field of all living things leading to aging, disease and death. If the spiritual elite of the Pleiades were taking too much of the golden vibrations for their own purposes of life extension, then it would deplete the golden tones of creation enough to cause the rest of their galaxy to be spun into an extinction cycle.


One solution to this dilemma is to extract gold from another creation which is what they did upon Earth; alas this creates great karma as now one has spun another creation into extinction if enough gold is taken. The best solution therefore to this dilemma is to share in the resources that one has until a return cycle into one’s own Great Central Sun ends the dance with death, as there is no anti-matter inside of the Dream of the Sun. Furthermore, the Great Central Sun exudes golden tones of creation to such a degree that lack of chi is a non-reality; there is enough chi for all inside of each Sun to sustain the dream of immortality along with to ascend and go Home.


As the Pleiadian Anu removed enough gold from Earth and transported it back to their home galaxy, they stripped her of the very vibrations necessary to their own life extension. Perhaps this is why the extinction cycle has been so great following the death of the Anu. The extinction cycle was compounded by the loss of the golden octave through the Anu themselves and also the sending of the mineral of gold unto the Pleiades. All told, Earth estimates that over 40% of her gold as a mineral was removed over a 10,000-year period (human years) leading to such a rapid decline in vibration that she has yet to recover.


The loss of the ice shields that once were suspended around Earth in her atmosphere was directly due to a loss of gold and other minerals to hold them in place; this complicated the biosphere of Earth. Not only did the breaking of the ice shields create what is known as the “Great Floods” which formed your oceans, but also the radiation or antimatter that the ice shields gathered now permeated Earth’s surface. This radiation or antimatter was so severe from solar and universal sources that it caused the DNA of all life forms to fray following the great floods, leading to a fall in consciousness. This also affected the family of Anu who went insane over time without such protection to a point of warring one another to extinction and in a nuclear annihilation.


Restoration of Consciousness and Generational Ascension


A restoration of consciousness was attempted in many time periods thereafter. Restoration was attempted through Inner Earth human, whale and dolphin ascensions; and later surface Earth humans also attempted to ascend and restore consciousness upon Earth. Consciousness equates to vibration; each group of ascending initiates attempted to raise the vibration of Earth to restore her consciousness. For a time, some of such attempts succeeded. Up through 18,000 Earth years ago (72,000 human years), Earth was beginning to recover and was upon an upward swing of upward momentum of frequency.


Then a group of red humans with large heads known as the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt also attempted to ascend. Alas such humans fell into the same life extension practices of the Anu themselves, and ended up causing another fall in consciousness rather than reparation of consciousness. This is the karma of the Pharaohs of (also known as the Era of the Mahavishnu); these large headed humans caused another fall in consciousness so great that the DNA for their extended craniums was all but lost upon the surface of the Earth.


Let us suffice to say that Earth understands much about lost consciousness, as this has been her ongoing experience since she left the Great Central Sun about 24 million years ago (96 million human years). Losing consciousness is painful; lost consciousness leads to DNA that fails to recall what it should do, which in turn leads to disease, deformity, a shortened lifespan for all kingdoms; along with the death, rebirth and reincarnation cycles. For fully conscious species, the loss of consciousness leads to warfare, competition, abuse, torture and other hateful displays of behavior towards one another.


Nature mimics such behavior in hunting patterns where flesh is torn apart of one species to sustain the existence of another. All patterns in the natural world mimic the behavior of the fully conscious species. As each fully conscious species restores their thoughtform and DNA to its original form of harmlessness and non-conditional love, abusive behavior along with disease shall cease to exist, not only for humans, dolphins and whales, but all plant, animal and mineral species as well.


One may see in this why generational human, whale and dolphin ascension is a necessity. Not only is a restoration of the crystalline form necessary to attaining a state of world peace and peace amongst all species, but the larger cranium that allows for greater understanding and consciousness must be ascended into on the part of humans, dolphins and whales alike. This cannot be done in a single lifetime or even a few generations; it is estimated that it will take 7 to 10 generations to restore the original cranium to the human species that the ancient Grand Masters knew. Therefore, ascension at this time in history is a gradual process that will take many generations to accomplish.


Insects Support the Biosphere of Earth


One may wonder where insects fall in association with the kingdoms of Earth? Asur’Ana has called us “little crawlers”, and indeed this is a good description of our kingdom. All insects have the role of supporting the biosphere of Earth. Some turn and aerate the soil such as worms and ants; some move the energy in the air such as dragonfly and bees; some move the water element such as snails, mussels and clams; and yet others move the fire element such as gecko or lizard. Consciousness is associated with fire, and therefore Beetle is responsible for assisting with the fire element upon Earth along with the consciousness of the whole.


Consciousness of Earth


Consciousness upon Earth is varied; there are a total of 1 million four hundred thousand species upon Earth (give or take a few hundred). The unification of the consciousness of all 1 million plus species is the consciousness of Earth. The consciousness of Earth is not necessarily uniform as a result of the divergent nature of all the species contributing unto her persona. Much like humans who have different personality expressions in association with variant aspects to their life dance, Earth also has a variety of personalities associated with her consciousness.


Some parts of the consciousness of Earth are more conducive to ascension than others; just as one may have variant parts of self, conscious, unconscious and parallel life based; some parts of self may choose to ascend while other parts do not. This is also the same with Earth. Asur’Ana has long learned to only attune unto and call upon those parts of Earth’s persona that choose to ascend. Interestingly enough, such ascending persona of Earth is much like Asur’Ana herself; persistent, determined, and willing to take a stand against great odds. Perhaps this is the persona that succeeds given the density that Earth has fallen into, and this is why this part of Earth is called for in the choice of all kingdoms to ascend to fulfill upon the task.


As an ascending being oneself, one may therefore be choosy about the part of Earth that one calls upon, or the kingdoms one beckons for assistance in one’s journey. One can intend that all communications with Nature and Earth serve one’s choice to evolve and ascend in this lifetime. In so doing, one will receive the best support that one can, given one’s spiritual choices.


Restoration of Consciousness in One’s Journey


Asur’Ana has had many experiences with ladybugs over time. As a child, she enjoyed capturing ladybugs and bringing them home from the schoolyard. In the summer, thousands of ladybugs would appear and land upon the lawn of the schoolyard. Asur’Ana found them adorable and so she brought them home in her cup or tin can, watched them for a couple of hours, before setting them free in her own backyard, never to see them again.


Ladybug represents consciousness. Later in life and after relocating unto the Hawaiian Islands, Asur’Ana found an abundance of ladybugs. Often, they would get caught in the water of the swimming pool in her apartment complex. She would rescue us if we were still alive. Ladybug represented a restoration of consciousness in Asur’Ana’s journey at the time.


Not all islands host ladybugs or beetles. The Big Island does not host our species. Kauai does however and as Asur’Ana relocated unto this island many years ago, we again participated in her life journey. Now that she lives in Norway, ladybugs are present to participate in both of Per and Asur’Ana’s life. All species enjoy watching ascending humans and contributing our blessings and insights as we can.


Asur’Ana calls upon whatever kingdoms appear to her in any given day for advice and an exchange of love and blessings. Each kingdom whether it be the birds, the bees, the geckos or the dragonflies, have something to say, something to share, and something to offer her for her continued journey. This is what consciousness is, an ability to communicate, support and understand one another’s journey together upon Earth in the physical and nonphysical. Call upon our kingdom in your choice to return to full consciousness.


Ascension Meditation Recordings


Ascension Insights Charts & Diagrams


Language of Light


Language of ONE



This book is lovingly dedicated to the Little Creatures that have crossed the Path of Ascending Humans. May their Gifts and Blessings support One’s continued evolution Home.



Creational © 2021, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth


This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and let go of the rest. Please use any or all information, to share and evolve. All information belongs to God Goddess/All That Is, You. As you integrate the information you receive, you evolve and radiate new truths via your own unique portal of expression, assisting Humanity and the Planet on its evolution Home.



Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.




Asur’Ana. Mysteries of the Little Creatures. Aligning With Earth, 2021. Digital.

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