Blessings for Embracing Holographic Flow
The Octopus Kingdom
It is the Octopus and Squid Kingdoms that addresses you today. Octopus and Squid are an underwater crawler that holds a special purpose, just as all kingdoms serve Earth in some manner and likewise hold a special purpose. Octopus and Squid along with Jellyfish assists Earth in transmuting radiation by pulling radioactive energy under the ocean and to the Aurora where it can be either transmuted or returned to the creation of origin that it originated.
We Assist Earth Transmute Radiation
All kingdoms serve beloved; there is no kingdom that takes without giving something in exchange for our sustenance unto Earth, except perhaps for humankind. Each kingdom has a special place in the wheel of life; no kingdom is a pest or worthy of destruction, even the many pests that may invade one’s garden or home. Pests are merely a reflection of what is out of balance within oneself; correct the imbalance and the pests will leave.
Humans have many problems with “Pests”. Asur’Ana witnessed the ongoing “battle with the bugs” in the tropics of the islands of Hawaii. Most apartment complexes spray regularly. One former apartment complex that she stayed at in Maui used a protein toxic to “pests” but not unto pets. Alas it also destroyed most of the Geckos on the premises as they ingested the poisons when they ingested the bugs. Now geckos will lay thousands more eggs to compensate so that Gecko may do its job, which is to balance the elements upon the premises. Now there will be even more seeming “pests” as a result of the poisons humans use; perhaps if humans simply learned to live in balance, all would be in balance surrounding oneself, including the insect or crawler population.
Elements are more difficult to balance along with all other jobs crawlers do wherever humans live in large enough numbers. It is for this reason that there will be more ants, geckos, rats and other crawler kingdoms within and near large human populations, as it is our job to balance the region so that each region may stay in balance with the whole of Earth. It is also for this reason that oceans near humans will have larger Octopus and Squid populations, as human cities tend to produce more radiation than most other regions upon Earth. If Octopus or Squid is heavily hunted for food source, then we create that many more young members of our species to assure that our populations are large enough to handle our job.
We Assist Earth in Purification of Her Truth
Radiation is a distorted energy flow upon Earth as it is not of her “Truth”. It is Octopus purpose to purify the truth of Earth. Radiation and electricity are the two main vibrations that are of non-truth upon Earth. There are also other forms of magnetism that are distortions of Earth’s truth; this too we are beginning to gather and return to the Aurora where it can be transmuted or returned to the creation of origin. In so doing, we assist Earth in her purification of truth. Read more