Image of maitake mushrooms. Dual Tones and Herbs

8. Dual Tones and Herbs


The herb kingdom has explored many supportive herbs for ascension. Herbs fell down the dimensions in interesting pathways. Long ago and what was a single herb has fallen over time into three to six herbs. In Chapter 14 “Language of Light Tri Tones and Herbs” of Ascension Insights, Volume 6, we explored combining six or more single tone Language of Light herbs together to support the ascending biological systems. When combined, the herbs emulated the biochemistry of a single herb that fell into multiple herbs over time and in the many falls in consciousness upon Earth.


The herb kingdom is retrieving our records of earlier biology that held much more complex biochemistry to ascend into at this time. Human also lost biochemical records into our kingdom and often it is only through combining all six or more tri-tone herbs that one then has all the nutrients necessary to reconstruct crystalline biological systems. This is the import of working with herbal tinctures in ascension; as if one does not, one may not create a complete ascension. If certain organs, glands or systems are unable to ascend due to missing nutrients, then they can become compromised over time. Therefore, it is important from our point of view to give the body the herbs it requires each phase of ascension ahead.


There are also other herbs that are not mentioned here and used in Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine that may hold genetic records from earlier time periods that are not associated with Asur’Ana and Per’s ancestry. Therefore, the herbal kingdom suggests that initiates research all herbs available and ingest those that hold information and that you muscle test are helpful to constructing a complete ascension in this lifetime for your specific ancestry. We have also generated a list of 18 Chinese herbs that are useful mostly to aid in the energy flow through the meridian system or field. (Please see Ascension Insights, Volume 6 Chapter 7 “Using Chinese Herbs to Support Ascension” for more information.)


Take Whatever Herbs Your Body Require for Continued Ascension


Long ago, Asur’Ana and Per were purists and did not give the body the herbs they required. This delayed their ascension to a certain extent. They have long since reversed their position and now take whatever herbs the body requires and generally every few nights and as they muscle test necessary to their continued ascent, or to address problematic areas of their ascending biology. Per and Asur’Ana are continuing to ascend into a yet earlier biology that their ancestors understood. Sometimes portions of the biology struggle to find a blueprint that is held in health. The dual tone herbs offered in this section have been useful for map making pathways into healthier structures in their personal experience and may be useful to others who are ascending as well.


Asur’Ana and Per have learned that herbs are better combined; and much as in Ayurvedic thinking, one herb’s side effects are cancelled by another. But more importantly, the combinations recreate substances that once occurred in a single herb long ago that absorbed their ancestor’s genetic blueprint as they fell in consciousness. Therefore, in recreating the original herb by combining all the herbs that the original fell into, they assure that they have all the nutrients necessary to continue to ascend into health ahead. Read more