Image of a spiraling wave in the cosmos. The Dance Between Archetypes (Part 2)

Chapter 3: The Dance Between Archetypes (Part 2)


The Red Nations History


The red nations’ peoples were eighteen nations of humans incubated in a laboratory by Sirian scientists to gain an understanding of what types of DNA packages would thrive upon Earth. They were seeded upon Earth 75,000 Earth years (300,000 human years) ago and 225,000 Earth years (900,000 human years) after the creation of the ice shields. Of the eighteen nations of humans, only seven root races survived as they had the right genealogy and energy flow for Earth’s biosphere. The scientists returned many times over a 100,000-human year period to monitor the tribes, returning to where they had been originally seeded; most did not migrate far from their original region of seeding over time.


There was something wrong however with the eleven root races that did go extinct. These races appeared to have run electrical or mer-ka-ba geometry. Over time this flow was so non-resonant with the land that the harm returned caused plagues and all of such tribal members went extinct. Tribes were seeded in regions so far apart and deliberately upon the part of the scientists so that they would not migrate and find one another and interbreed. This allowed a pure understanding of what energy flow worked with Earth and what did not along with DNA associated in human form for the Sirian scientists.


Regardless of the scientific stance upon the issue, the fact that there was mer-ka-ba energy flow in human form recorded upon the grids of Earth caused another human race of parallel energy flow known as the Pleiadian Annanuki to be drawn to Earth again into the future. It is also a great truth that when the Grand Masters with the large craniums were seeded upon Earth 25,000 Earth years (100,000 human years) later, that they attempted to ascend some of the red nations peoples. In the ascent, the mer-ka-ba energy flow was recreated and inflated to global proportions. This in turn called the Anu to Earth at a later time period as they matched the global energy signature of the mer-ka-ba.


The Anu came with particular goals in mind for harvesting Earth’s resources and life extension primarily. The red nations peoples by and large avoided the Anu and stayed out of their way. Merduk abducted many of the red nations peoples (175 over time) and had access to each of the seven holograms associated with the Native American root race. The Native American root race was the primary root race living nearby the Anu.


Merduk experimented upon these humans in his laboratory and utilized their DNA in the manufacturing of the Anu slaves. This caused a holographic fall for the Native American root race. The fall of the Native American root race did not directly affect other lineages associated with Tibetan, Inuit (Mongolian), South American Indian, Aboriginal (Australian), African, Polynesian, or Laplanders (Sami) root races at this time. Read more

Image of the profile of a face in silhouette with rainbow color waves. Human Archetypes And Archetypal Nature

Chapter 1: Human Archetypes And Archetypal Nature


The History of Change in Archetypes and Holograms


The first area of focus is upon archetypal nature. All humans follow a script whether they exist in a Reptilian or Pleiadian or Sirian dream. Scripts and holographic planes merged during the era of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt about 15,000-18,000 Earth years ago (60,000-72,000 human years). Therefore, one will find all scripts in all dreams, whereas this was not so prior to this time in history.


Up until the Pharaohs, Sirian archetypes occurred in the Sirian and Reptilian dreams, and Pleiadian Archetypes in the Pleiadian dream. The Pharaohs being Annanuki and Sirian in lineage were the first to cross over blending the Sirian archetypes with Pleiadian archetypes. As they ascended far enough to alter global thoughtform, suddenly all holographic planes merged causing all archetypal natures to prevail in all dreams of both Sirian and Pleiadian nature.


It was due to this shift that humans from different dreams moved to other continents in the era of Atlantis. Up until this time, moving from one continent to another was not feasible due to a lack of technology. All technology was lost following the nuclear holocaust of the Anu; and the technology was a part of only the Pleiadian dream. Therefore, up until the Pharaohs, the possibility of those in the Sirian or Reptilian dream having technology, as you know it today was not possible. It was only as the holographic planes converged that a dream for the Pleiadian technology became a part of the Sirian and Reptilian dreams. This occurred following the era of the Pharaohs.


The era of Atlantis that followed the decline of the Pharaohs brought this possibility of technology to physicality. Much as in the current cycle underway worldwide within the human dream, the Atlantean civilization developed radioactive devices that parallel the devices utilized today by the Inner Earth peoples; these devices allowed for travel due to their ability to cancel gravity. Much like the aircraft today that shuttle humans from one continent to another, craft that was anti-gravity in technology prevailed in the era of Atlantis, allowing humans to travel the globe for the first time in human history. During the era of the Anu, such travel was limited to the Anu themselves or their preferred slaves, or to transport slaves destined to die to the concentration camps.


As humans moved about upon continents, dreams converged from different creations as well as lineages due to the interbreeding between those of different inheritance. As dreams converged, the human dream became a bit of a tangled mess. Upon a personal level, those who were half Anu and half Reptilian often did not know what dream that they belonged unto, and this leads to feelings of great unworthiness. Hence the thoughtform of “half breed” that occurred in those ancestors who blended between extensively different tapestries of ancestry. Read more