Progeny of Doubt
Transcending the Origins of Uncertainty
I am the fulfilled of the fulfilled
Opening unto the chalice
To drink of the Divine
Of a Love that caresses
Meandering so softly
Within the heart of myself
In the freedom
To ignite the Divine
In a state of metamorphosis
Rebirth and growth
In a union within
Of synergy of Self
Truth and Peace Synergize Self
Doubt is an internal state of the fabric of non-self. Non-self is a state of a loss of the resources of the self of the self within that accolades a journey of a destiny divine. Divine destiny is an accolade of self-realization. Self-realization is the achievement of archetypal agreements to understand, forgive, dream the dreams of the life, and foray for the impossible in a journey of the sublime. In the sublime journey, doubt recedes and truth unfolds.
Truth synergizes dreams in unison with a foray of synergy of self. Self synergizes with spirit into beautiful accolades of sincerity of peace. Peace accolades a dream for a life that fulfills upon truth. Truth and peace are intricately intertwined in the happenstance of circumstance. Peace is required for self to realize itself in the spiritual foray. Spirituality is not to be confused with religion which is a sequence of happenstance founded upon dogma.
Dogma is a reflection of non-realization of self. Realization of self causes accolades of thoughts that repose. The repose of non-realization leads spiritual aspirants astray who seek outward rather than inward to realize self. Self-realization is an inner journey into the unknown of the labyrinths of thoughts at cause of the life. Thoughts that synergize cause dreams of beauty. Thoughts that dis-synergize cause dreams of disarray that are sometimes difficult to experience.
Doubt and Dysfunction of Self
Thoughts that lead to dis-array can be transformed through realization. Realization of the thoughts at cause of the dis-array will distinguish the patterns within that lead to systems of dysfunction of self. Systems of dysfunction lead to inner states that include doubt, lack, hopelessness, powerlessness, non-truth and non-love. Doubt is an intrinsic force that freezes self in its recognition of patterns at cause of its lack of realization.
Dysfunction of self is an accolade of dream prevalent in the human foray. Dysfunction is really a lack of self-fulfillment. Self requires systems to realize its difficult patterns at cause of dysfunction. When systems freeze, doubt ensues leading to failure to acknowledge the patterns suffered from in the sad life dream. As resources of self are applied, the system functions and self accolades its presence into the dream to cause a healing of the happenstance of strife.
Healing the happenstance of strife is a mutually beneficial state between body, mind and spirit. Self-realization is an act of synergizing body, mind and spirit into hope of synergized dream. Synergized dream accolades a resounding repose of happenstance that fosters a forensic action in the nervous system. The nervous system is designed to hear and perceive self to discern. If the nervous system fails to hear or perceive self of the self within, doubt along with a myriad of emotions are experienced.
Nervous System Healing and Mindset Purification
Healing the nervous system requires substances to allow for the repair. Most food resources today fail to meet the requirements of nervous system renewal leading to difficult states to be experienced in middle to old age. Some who are young fail to receive the nutrients in their youth required to sustain the mindset and suffer early on from parallel happenstance.
Nervous system patterns are impacted by many circumstances. Life in the toxic mayhem of the city is an assured means of experiencing the failure of mindset over time. Life in the country is better but if dis-synergized offers little hope. Life in the pristine systems of Earth are best for anyone desiring to sustain mindset within the spiritual journey of life.
Doubt is a forensic system of failure of the mindset. The failure of mindset splits waves into actions that disarray the mindset. Disarray of mindset is an accolade of dis-achievement over light wave synergy of self. Light wave synergy of self is a realization over self that causes the mindset to purify into accolades of achievement of functional thoughts. Functional thoughts cause dreams to arrange in beautiful forays of synergized moments through time.
Joy and Ecstasy in Achieving the Love of the Love Within
Synergized moments through time cause the experience of the love of the love within. The love of the love within accolades its synergy into the happenstance causing joy to ecstatic expressions of dream. Ecstatic expressions accolade synergy unto those nearby or gathered in the group for spiritual cause. Ecstasy is a light wave mindset that allows for a deep state of synergy leading to the experience of the oneness of all that is.
Doubt is surmounted in the tantric sway synergizing self and soul into a repose of knowing the direction of the life. The love of the love within ignites in the chalice of the divine of the heart causing the motions required to perceive and know the best direction of self. Achieving the love of the love within and the union of the chalice divine requires a heart opening in the achievement of self-realization. The following stories are illustrations of the patterns of doubt at play in relationship today.
The Darling of Insincerity
There was a beautiful woman named Eliana that worked hard all of her life to earn what she required to subsist. She worked the corporate ladder to a point of directing her own department. The work consumed her interest beyond relationship possibilities. Relationship was something that was on the half shell or less important than the career.
A beautiful man Oscar fell in love with Eliana. Oscar was not as gifted at manifestation and has less than her. Oscar moved in and tried to compensate with loving gestures of kindness other than what money can buy. At first the gestures were received in kindness and appreciation. Over time the bitterness set in and Eliana felt unhappy that she was providing for the two. She felt that Oscar should be working more. Alas Oscar was unable to find a job that suited him and that enjoyed in the dance.
Eliana failed to see how much Oscar filled a void in her life. Soon the lack of appreciation and ongoing arguments over his lack of contribution wore hard upon Oscar’s heart. He soon found himself in a love affair on the half shell that Eliana was unaware of. The new partner was far kinder and appreciative and soon Oscar made a choice to leave Eliana for his new catch. Many times, he had proposed to Eliana but she failed to accept the marriage due to her own doubt about his capacity to provide. Oscar left Eliana, and soon she sadly found herself grieving the loss, causing her sleepless nights and much internal pondering about why the relationship ended.
Over time, Eliana had failed to take the time necessary to cause her union to retain its bond. In sincere soul searching, Eliana recognized that money was not the real object of life; and that love was far more important. She reasserted herself into the dating scene and drew to herself someone new who much like Oscar was a starving artisan. She allowed this union in the greater understanding that love is the purpose of relationship and not monetary gain. As a result, Eliana eventually overcame her doubts and married her new man, Legend.
Eliana and Legend had a beautiful child. Legend remained at home tending to his beautiful son. Eliana learned to appreciate the roles that they chose in the recognition that a commitment to having a child was a large responsibility. In having one who was willing to take the time to love and raise the child, there grew to be a beautiful synergy of union within the family.
Many years passed and the union between Eliana and Legend waned. Life revolved around work and child rearing and little else. As their son matured, Legend took to enjoying an affair or two on the side. Soon he discovered another more available unto him in an emotional sense and departed the union. Once again Eliana was faced with a loss that hurt.
The Debutante
Saige was a young debutante that was a beauty to behold. Many were jealous of all the attention that the young men paid unto her. She had dates and dates and more dates; and gifts and gifts and more gifts and was excellent at synergizing her life. Her parents could barely keep up with the financial burden of their daughter; but they sacrificed within themselves so that she could fulfill upon the dream of the debutante.
Following graduation, Saige went off to college and soon became pregnant, marrying early and departing from her studies. Life went from glamorous to difficult as she found it odd to be at home with a young child; and missed all the attention that the world of dating had provided. She doubted greatly her life choices and wished she could change them; but felt obligated due to circumstance to remain in the union.
Saige’s spouse barely provided in the early years; but later climbed the corporate ladder allowing Saige a better life. The child matured and Saige became the center of attention at the country club. There she could once again play the role of debutante. Her spouse on the other hand felt unloved and uncared for, and busied himself in his extra marital affairs and corporate challenges, which took him on the road recurrently.
Saige went on to have ongoing disputes with her teenage daughter who felt unloved due to her mother’s lack of care for anyone other than herself. In time the daughter committed suicide, and this left Saige not only deflated, but embarrassed in her social circles. Although others reached out in sympathy and support, Saige fragmented in the dance and became suddenly agoraphobic and unable to leave the premises.
Saige sought counseling but little resolved the circumstance until she began to face her own doubts and fears. The doubts and fears had escalated so greatly that now Saige was terrified to do much of anything. Her husband departed for a much longed for beloved that he had been seeing for some time. Saige fell into deep despondency over life as her spouse departed. Although well provided for, Saige lived her life in continued doubt and fear.
Waves, Prose and Healing
Forensic action is an accolade of existence that either sustains life or extinguishes self and spirit. Forensic motions occur at vital points in the life experience. Death, disease, loss of friendship or partnership, or work happenstance will create a forensic reaction. Forensics are associated with the nervous system repose within itself. If the nervous system enters a state of shock, it will repose a systematic error within self of the self within.
Systematic errors of the self of the self within lead to a retraction of the foray of the dream of life. Those who suffer from major life change may discover that they have entered a time of forensic shock that causes the experience of existence to retract. Retraction of dream leads to momentous occasions of internal reflection of the nature of existence. For some, the reaction is so severe that there is little recovery through the end of life. In particular this can be so for the death of a spouse in the later years that then accolades the remaining partner into a shock that is never recovered from.
For those who are young, forensic shock can be recovered from. Often the recovery period lasts one to several years for a complete reconstruction of self. The self of the self within is shattered in a large forensic shock in major life change. The greater the shattering of self in the shock, the longer the rebuild requires in order for the self to restore its capacity to cast the dreams of the life.
Forensic shock is common place in current human mindset. Shock sometimes rolls over other relations other than those close to the mindset of the one who departs. Those taking on the shock of another may follow a parallel life response and retreat until the damaged self heals. Some never recover if the shock is severe enough or they are incapable of realizing self.
Self-realization is an attribute of those with archeological nature of introspection and understanding of karmic archives of the inheritance. Those without the capabilities of self-realization often fail to rendition out of the systematic failure of self following a large forensic shock. Those who are capable of self-healing will recover in time and often rebuild in a new direction and life happenstance that may not have been viable prior.
Major life change is an accolade of self-achievement if realized through. Often life happenstance of major change accolades a sincere motion of self-realization amongst the spiritually adroit. Major life change often leaves those who are shocked in forensic happenstance in major doubt of self. The doubt can accolade a time of feeling abandoned, feeling inadequate, feeling unloved, feeling unprepared, and sometimes alters the dream enough to lead to destitute experiences in physicality.
Self-realization will allow those willing to explore the karmic consequences of the inheritance forward and into a new tomorrow. The forgiveness leads to greater adroit understanding of the dynamics of happenstance and the karmic retribution of self. Karmic retribution is a settlement of action of difficult happenstance. As the karma is settled, the dream accolades into a shift in which the happenstance benefits the self that forgives. As self forgives, a new dream and new tomorrow emerges due to restored synergy of self.
Forensic shock deeply dis-synergizes the self of the self within. In the dis-synergy, dreams are lost or minimized until the self is repaired within the happenstance. Self repairs in four octaves of existence and then the dreams shift and spiral down into the foray of the physical. Self that is aware is always releasing patterns through forgiveness and accolading another day of achievement of itself in the mindset that is to be fostered through rebirth and realization.
Mastery over self is an accolade of development of the precept and theory of love, union, honor, beauty and fulfillment. Fulfillment is a state embraced as self realizes. Self realizes in cascades of cadences of sound that accolade down the dimensions leading to understanding and adroit pursuit of forgiveness over karmic happenstance. Karma is a delusion. Karma continues to foray for dreams of dissatisfaction until understood and forgiven after which the life is sustained founded upon dharmic happenstance.
Dharma is a state associated with prose dreaming. Prose dreaming is an accolade of self that chooses to beautify itself in the life. Beautification of life involves love and the recognition of the divine within. The self is a divine attribute of the archetypal structure of the inheritance. Divinity is a state of being in which love flows from the chalice of the divine within, mesmerizing and inspiring self and others, in the achievement of divine expression.
Divine expression is beyond doubt. Doubt is an experience that is non-divine in expression. Non-divine expressions encompass many precepts and theories of existence that accolade dis-achievement of self in the action of realization. Realization acknowledges the divinity within all existences including the self of the self within. In recognizing the divinity of within, one moves beyond the dance of doubt.
I am the fulfilled of the fulfilled
Opening unto the chalice
To drink of the Divine
Of a Love that caresses
Meandering so softly
Within the heart of myself
In the freedom
To ignite the Divine
In a state of metamorphosis
Rebirth and growth
In a union within
Of synergy of Self
Helpful Link to Support Transfusion
Light Wave Art & Glossary
For Per, the Love of My Life.
My dream became a reality because of your unconditional love.
Creational © 2020, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth
This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and that are useful to your spiritual evolution, and let go of the rest.
The Ascension Insights series and related books offer information on consensus ascension. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. These books disseminate information on having a complete ascension with the potential of taking the body with you.
The Light Wave series offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.
Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.
Asur’Ana. Light Wave 4: Divine Partnership. Aligning With Earth, 2020. Digital.