The assemblage points
Are balanced
If they are positive in stature
To foster your life
In an understanding
Of self realization
Each motion moves you
Towards a position that serves
In the understanding
Of who you are
Now and through time
Light Wave Webinar #9 Introduction
The new human dreams stream requires knowing yourself to attract dreams that foster your truth in the dance of life. The assemblage point of knowing you is a very succinct motion that retains you in the center of your life stream.
From the center of your dream stream, you attract those experiences that resonate with your archetypal truth. If you are out of your center, then you may call to yourself dreams that are not of your truth and sometimes difficult to experience.
Dream Streaming in Your Truth
Dream stream is changing in all human jurisdictions upon Earth at this time. It is important to be aware of remaining in the center of your dream stream or you may catch the dream of another otherwise. Dream streaming in your truth is one focus that is useful at this time to motion you into your center point of knowing you.
Dream streaming truth requires that you know who you are within in association with your archetypal nature. Taking time to meditate and introspect upon knowing you each day is important at this time. As you meditate upon who you really are at this moment in your life, your assemblage point of knowing you will emerge for the day.
The assemblage point of knowing you causes certainty to arise about life changes or direction. The assemblage point of you knowing you fosters the dream stream to surround you so that you do not call another’s life experience into your dance.
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Transcript of Light Wave Webinar #9
Asur’Ana: Good morning from lovely Mesa Gold Canyon Arizona! How are all of you today?
Per: Good morning to everyone! We appreciate you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to listen to this pre-recorded webinar.
Asur’Ana: Here we are for assemblage point adjustment to know you in you rather than somebody else. That’s a very big problem for many people in a society of demons or whatever you want to call them that are creatures that basically flip people inside out. So first we’re going to talk about inside-out problems because there isn’t one of you in the observation of the Seed Mother Dao that doesn’t have an inside-out problem.
Inside-Out Problem
Some of you go inside out out into nature and say, “Oh great, today I’m going to be a swan, or I’m going to be a beehive, or I’m going to be a tree and wow I feel a lot better.” That was a common fostering in the ascension days too as people went inside out and sat with nature in a sway of sorts where they felt beautiful in the flowering of the lake, or the river, or the mountain or whatever it is; and that was really beautiful.
Then there are other problems that you can’t even begin to know about if you’re inside out in people because if you go inside out into the grocery store, well now, you feel like a bunch of things for sale which maybe doesn’t feel very good to the body. If you go inside out in the mall, now you’re one with Macy’s or Nordstrom’s in the US; or M & S or OVS or Stockmann in Europe; or whatever. And you go, well now, I feel like I’m all this merchandise and sometimes it can bloom and feel kind of pretty; and perhaps that feels better than who you are and sometimes it doesn’t.
Then there are places you go inside out that you really enjoy like the local place you eat wonderful amazing food that nurtures you, and suddenly you’re at one with the pizza or the salad or whatever that you’re eating the sushi. Perhaps that feels good for the moment because you’re not needing to be you because maybe you don’t like you or you don’t know yourself well enough to be in you. That’s going to be one of our points is that being inside out and through and into something else other than you is really not a very good idea; not just in relation to self-realization but in terms of your own light quotients and motions; because the light of the restaurant may not do your body well and the light at the mall may not do your body well.
The light of nature may or may not be good for your body. Most of you also go inside out at work; so you’re inside out and your boss, or your friend or your work mate that you kind of like and you’re there trying to figure them out rather than you. It’s an inside-out society where extrapolatedly, you’re more concerned about the reaction of something outside of yourself then your reaction of you in you.
How can you please the boss enough not to be fired? How can you please your mother, your father, your sister, your brother enough not to have them get angry and hit you and that starts in childhood doesn’t it sometimes, especially for those of you that grew up with volatile family members? How can you be positive and encourage people so they don’t blow up in your face? How can you be that healer that seeds intrinsically are of others without bending over sideways in order to please so that A.) they like you; B.) they want to be with you; C.) they want to pay you and continue with you as an employee; and D.) they want to remain with you as a spouse; or E.) they’re not going to go disinherit you as a parent or they’re not going to go throw you away and say, “Go be adopted by another family because we can’t stand you.”
Gaining Acceptance in an Imbalanced Oligarchy Society
So those are all fears that seeds carry is that in entering a world where you didn’t feel like you belonged, and the truth is you were supposed to be born perhaps three galaxies over and not here as a star seed. Yet somehow the seed ended up incarnating on Earth in an oligarchy society that may or may not have actually welcomed you into the dance of this life that you know. There are many reasons that this society is very imbalanced, and they originated in another galaxy and took their imbalances and blew them out of proportion here on Earth some too.
That’s just the way that it kind of is but you entered this world and often received a lot of subtle messages that you weren’t enough, needed to give more, needed to please, needed to be good for what they needed; and that their needs came first. It’s a society where the needs of everything else come first and you have to fit in to the needs of the corporation, or the family, or the friends or wherever else you may go on travel and traverse in this life of yours.
That doesn’t leave room for you because the you of you gets pressed out of the equation when you need to please; and go into somebody else to figure out what it is they need, in order to be well and stay with you, or keep you employed, or keep you in the family, or not criticize you, or judge you, or blame you or get on your back about something that you could simply change your position of assemblage point in a way that your behavior changes. And now suddenly they’re okay, and they leave you alone. This is a common assemblage point issue for seeds because you’re over there in assemblage points that make others well and stay in balance so that you can be okay in your life because they accept you. So it’s an acceptance issue.
For any of you self realizing, at some point, you’re going to get over the issues that you have within yourself that say, “I have to do or be something other than who I am to make another well enough to remain with me; when perhaps the truth is that they should go away. Or I need to find another job that’s better for me, or I need to move to another region that’s better for me or I need to let go of something that doesn’t really work with me in me knowing me.” The truth is there are many possibilities of dream always in the human infrastructure. So, you can change your assemblage point to be maybe in you and still be in agreement with the other party enough that peace is maintained.
And so, that’s the assemblage point system that the Seed Dao Mother is wanting to bring in because you do often bend over backwards to please other people. Sometimes you’ve been right into negative assemblage points so that they can stay positive, so that they can be better, so that you don’t get fired or you don’t get reamed out, or maybe yelled out or whatever it is that you’re in fear of in the nature of people who are less than aware. They’re much less aware than you, and you’re very gifted around people as star seeds primarily because you were able to assess it and make an adjustment within you that leads to harmony with others, and then everything is better.
Pull Yourself Out and Back into the Now
The negative side of that is often you have to go inside out and through and into somebody else to see where they’re at in order to adjust something in the dreams around you so that then everybody’s happy and everything works for you. Going inside out and through is not a good place to know you because then you’re in them and not you. Therefore, the first thing we’re going to suggest for each of you today is to pull yourself out of all the pathways where you go inside out and through into someone else now and through time. Going back to your parents and family and then each partner you’ve had; each marriage, each child, each work circumstance or region that you’ve lived or traveled.
Pull yourself back into the now, into the you of the you of the you, and bring yourself into a place of peace and well-being with you okay. In the system of assemblage points, there are a standard of positive and negative; and these humans in oligarchy non-seed status don’t know how not to polarize between positive and negative assemblage points. And the thing to witness and understand is that it’s their assemblage points that are polarized into positive and negative; and not yours.
Anchoring New Information for a Balanced Set of Assemblage Points
So it’s time to erase the assemblage points of the oligarchy society that you participate within in your life and your life stream and through time. We’re going to begin that process now so you can anchor new information that allows a balanced set of assemblage points to be brought in to live your life from this point forward from within. Now these assemblage points have a wheel of about 42 positions and they do have opposites; 42 is opposite with 22 or something like that. Whatever it is, they’re not really opposite from a positive and negative point of view but from a standpoint of knowing you. They give you a place to introspect over that allows you to look at how you toggle between two concepts to know yourself.
So we’ll take one and its opposite. One is you must know you and its opposite is how do I dance in the world with others? And so, those are the two positions that you introspect over to know yourself is that you know who are you in this matter; and what do you do to dance with others in this world around you. It’s not the negative of I know myself and then I don’t know myself okay; that’s the current reality assemblage point where most people may think they know themselves and play it against others who don’t know their position and were confused or don’t know where they’re going or what they should do in this life of theirs.
In this society, it’s about half and half; about half the people feel like they know who they are and what they’re doing in this world and the other half does not. The half that doesn’t really understand what to do except kind of like be a sheep and follow whatever’s next; so they do whatever they do forever even though it doesn’t bring them joy. They can’t leave the job, the wife, the circumstance to go do something else that may make them feel more positive about who they are and where they should go. The other half is more assertive and they change jobs and they go try to find something that makes them feel better.
That’s the society as it is and the not you position is not an assemblage point for seeds. It’s I am that I am, who I am, and I’m discovering myself; and then how do I dance in the world in the I am that I am with the people that I know, or the job that I have, or the wife or husband I am married to, or my gay partner or whoever I know in this circumstance in my life. That’s the two opposites and there’s two others we’re going to explore in here that have to do with knowing you and it’s two and three on the list with its opposites on the other side. Asur’Ana may never actually put together a chart for this because as you get going in the assemblage point webinars, you’ll kind of see how they work.
Assemblage Points Align Beautifully in Atlantean Airstream
We’re not going to try to repeat the past and there are many reasons for that in Asur’Ana and Per’s life; and in your continued mastery into light wave synergy and also self realization that we don’t want to do what we did before. It’s a major assemblage point change in both so that wherever they’ve been has to be given closure to because it shattered them too much and wherever they’re going has to be managed in a different way in a different context of Atlantean air stream. That’s where we’re going; and in Atlantean airstream assemblage points align very beautifully. In time, you will master Atlantean air stream and then you’ll be better.
In any reality, there is no time really and everything that’s ever been on Earth is still available. So the beautiful airstream of Atlantis and a time of humans that live together and sway and grace and beauty and joy that’s still available to you as long as you attune to it. The assemblage points that the Seed Mother Dao is bringing in are to allow you to like work on the issues that don’t let you be in Atlantean air stream and then maybe just maybe you’ll be a lot better in your life and have a lot more courage to go choose to do the things that really matter to you and not to somebody else.
Separate From Others to Know Yourself
So the second point is that the you of you is not somebody else, and whoever they are they need to go back into themselves. And so, the second assemblage point is I’m me and you’re you; and when I move into it, you move back into you so I can know me separate from you. This is important even in partnerships of twins or any kind of partnership because partners tend to go into each other and blend. Then neither one of them really know who they are, where they’re going; and it can lead to a lot of confusion in life especially if you’re trying to not just cohabitate but work together, because you’ll blend and then you get confused in what you’re trying to do.
Perhaps what you’re trying to do doesn’t work out because you can’t see your way through since you’re actually blended too much in both your work and your partnership. If that’s true, then you need to separate also in relation to every way that you know each other. So you separate in the you of you from each you work with and each that you dream with; at home if there are partners are not or roommates or however that works; children or family members that are older that you need to be you and they need to be they.
They need to go back into themselves and you need to draw yourself out of them because you know how it is okay. It’s Christmas and you got to deal with the mother-in-law and she’s the witch of the century. You don’t like her so you’re going to figure out how to have a fun holiday system by going inside out through and into her and figuring out the assemblage point you need to motion to make her quiet; perhaps she goes upstairs and go to bed early and everybody else will have a good time drinking gin or whatever it is that may happen.
So you’re inside out and in her to try to fix something because you don’t like the circumstance; and then of course what happens is a part of you gets left there, a part of her is now inside you and you’re not happy as you go home from that holiday experience at all, until finally you relay yourself back and send them back if you ever get to that at all. So that’s the way that you have learned to accommodate others, or understand others or work with them in a way; and all it does is lead to extreme stress within your biology. Extreme stress because in light motion in particular when you’re inside out and through, their position of motion is agitating to you; and the more people you go inside out and into, the more agitated and uncomfortable you will become until you simply want to run away from your life because it just doesn’t work.
The Four Cardinal Points
That doesn’t work either. The better position to take is say, “Okay I’m me and you’re you.” You relay yourself back in and let them go back into the self of themselves and then you become a little bit better in who you are in the center point of you. Now the opposite to this is who am I in the cardinal points of my life. There are four cardinal points and it’s not about mother father sister brother spouse child or anything like that. The four cardinal points are who am I to me; who am I to the region that I live; who am I to the occupation that I choose for; and who am I to my spiritual path; those are the four cardinal points.
And there’s something to pontificate over, I mean, who are you in this choice to self realize and how important is that to you to move forward with what we’re trying to do in these webinars or everything else that that may affect your life. Who are you to the region you live and is that really the right place to remain in balance in the light motions of field? Who are you to the job that you are choosing for or other occupation or preoccupation and is it really right for you? Or is it something that’s not really right that you need to let go off and change?
And then who are you to you in relation to your immediate circle of people that you associate with? Do they keep you in balance or do they throw you out of balance? If they throw you out of balance, perhaps you need to let go of them and find others that are more in attunement with the body and motion and everything of you. So that’s the opposite is I am that I am and you are that you are; we need to remain separate as who are you to all these cardinal points of your reality. And that’s a good thing to really think about at this time because perhaps in your seed systems it’s going to be a change for your lifeline.
Perhaps something is going to be given closure to and something new to be given birth to first within you because first you have to change it within you. Don’t try to leapfrog into a physical change ever without knowing you first in exactly where you belong in you because chances are if you try to change something before you’re centered in you, you’re going to create a disaster or motion in a direction that’s not really leading to more balance or motion towards the truth of you. It’s probably going to do the opposite because you’re confused in you alright.
Dreaming a Lifeline with Your Tao Truth
Now the third position that has to do with the assemblage point of knowing you is what you would call cause and effect okay. It’s fate and it’s in your lifeline and you all are here to dream a lifeline with your Tao. Your Dao organizes the lifeline and your Tao fosters it so that you motion in a direction that’s true to your Tao truths. If you get into a position where you’ve done something that’s outside of your Tao truth, now that the star seed system is open, there’s going to be a drive to push you towards your Tao truth of dream that somehow maybe went sideways in this last perhaps three or four years of transfusion.
It’s like that for many in the star seed system because somehow the Tao truth of life line that was supposed to be lived went sideways and something else maybe has been lived instead. If that’s true and you’re facing a major change, then you really need to know you from a standpoint of your Tao; and that’s this third position that this is your Tao truth of who you are meant to be in relation to your Tao. There are many Taos; there’s a Tao of birth; there’s a Tao father of the star seeds; there’s a Tao of your archaeology; there’s a Tao of your truth; there’s a Tao of peace. And the Tao of peace is a whole another association to say well what do you need to change within the Tao truth of you to remain at peace.
They all kind of interplay together so you can just think of them as Tao, but Tao is vast and knowledgeable in a giant fabric that sits in the backdrop of everything on Earth and every creation that’s ever been and ever will be. So Tao is an immense force. So who are you to Tao and who are you to your Tao truth; and are you living your Tao truth or have you gone sideways in your map in your past and done something that perhaps isn’t totally true to your Tao truth? If so, you’re probably facing a rendition or change to bring you forward in a direction that’s better for your truth to remain stable in who you are in the you of you.
And the opposite to that is not that you’re not in your Tao truth; that would be an oligarchy society system because most of them are Tao-less and so they’re never in the Tao truth to begin with. Therefore, it’s really like null and void to even think that they have a Tao truth in most cases and that’s very sad and I don’t know if it’ll ever change. But you’re a star seed to try to understand you in the backdrop of their reality too. So you’re not a not-Tao truth ever; so the opposite is who am I to the truth of each Tao in each person in this lifeline of mine because each person has a Tao or group of Taos that foster them and they have a Tao truth too.
And so, who are you and your Tao truth to the Tao truth of each in your life experience; and does it resonate; does it have parallels; or is it really a nonparallel where it’s time to separate lifelines and go different directions because the two Taos have other journeys ahead for the two people involved? That’s how it works in other societies where everybody’s Tao and Dao infused. Tao directs the life and Dao fosters the life, and they will create beginnings and middles and ends to experiences; whether they’re a creative project, or a partnership, or raising children or whatever it is that people may be involved with.
Living a Tao Directed Life
It’s all Tao directed and here in this world there’s a lot of non-Tao direction and it’s easy to go into non-Tao direction when you want something that maybe your Tao wouldn’t want to support you in. And out of that, you can go sideways and into a non-Tao path for a time. Now that the star seed system kicks in, your Tao is going to bring you into alignment with a life that he would really like to foster you whatever it may be.
Generally, Tao paths work out; non-Tao paths generally don’t for star seeds; they go haywire; it just doesn’t feel right. One affiliate has experiences like that. She left a customer service job that took her on the road and let her travel and went back into the family business. That was not her Tao’s truth. He wanted her to gravitate in another direction of sales so eventually he corrected the truth, and she went and got a real estate license and then went into real estate because he wanted her to experience sales for a while. It all worked out in the end anyway and it always does.
So don’t worry about it if you got off path and understand your Tao will bring you on path in the direction that you need to go in your life line and not you. There is a truth about your Tao truth that you need to surrender your will to your Tao to live the path that’s right for him and not be an ego or negative ego in what you choose for. Ego and negative ego aren’t you anyway alright; the you of the you stand beyond ego and negative ego. Ego is the part of you that surges forward separate from Tao, and negative ego is the part of you that worries about everything that doesn’t work. Maybe when you tried a non-Tao path it doesn’t work so you worry about everything.
Whatever it is, the you of you is not negative ego or ego systems and it really never was. That’s just a part of the current society that doesn’t have a Tao, so they surge between the ego and the negative ego and the interplay that that causes in positives and negatives to live their lives and dream their lives against each other in a way it doesn’t lead to unison or unity at all. Because the ego always wants to be on top and the negative ego on bottom and in it there is a power play and in that you can’t be in unity or unison at all.
Tao Driven Human
The ascension movement was an attempt to move people that were of the non-seeds into a system where they might be more in balance and in unity, and it was successful to a certain extent but not really useful in light wave motion. So that’s a whole other story of itself because the light starts to exaggerate the negative and positive again perhaps increasing it rather than balancing it out. Now for star seeds, as you go into an assemblage point of balanced opposites, then you’re better off and you won’t befall a surge of ego or negative ego within you and often it also comes as a result of being inside out into somebody else’s ego or somebody else’s negative ego.
So, you can look at it and say well if I feel very positive, I’m inside out in somebody’s ego perhaps and I’m not in the me of me. Or if you’re feeling very negative today or any day, are you inside out into somebody else’s negative ego and then why are you sitting there and feeling negative when you really just need to be at peace in the you of you? That’s another way to kind of assess where you are in any given point in any given day depending on how you feel okay. So the opposite of Tao truth is who you are in relation to the Tao of each. Well, if they don’t have a Tao, you would put them in a Tao-less category.
And so, who are you next to Tao-less people as a Tao driven human? That’s an odd question but they may be insecure or they’re in their negative ego or ego, and you can observe that and witness that and try to support them by perhaps giving them a positive stance in life. But you don’t have to be intertwined in their game of being on top or on bottom, meaning that if they want to rise up in their ego and pound their chest and say; I’m the gorilla of the year and you’re going to be under me because I’m going to criticize you or whatever it is that I’m going to say or do that makes you feel little. In the you of you, you would deflect that and maybe cause a statement that would actually deflate their position or bring it back to balance of some kind of equality.
That would be a stance for you being in you against a Tao-less person that goes into their ego is that you take a stand for what’s true for you; and in it their position of wanting to rise up and subordinate you simply deflates because you’re standing in your Tao truth. On the other hand, if there’s the negative ego person that’s always complaining about everything you can imagine, you and your Tao truth will simply assert whatever you need to assert to bring that to balance for you and perhaps for them too. So that is who you are in your Tao truth versus who somebody else is in the ego or negative ego nature of their position of having no Tao or Dao to direct their lives.
Forgiving Dysfunctional Cortex
In the current civilization, the genetics direct the life and that’s very sad because the genetics are very deformed and we’ll get into this a little bit more for those of you that are interested about non-seeds. This is something else to forgive and come to understand. Most of you as star seeds have a balanced cortex formation; your right and your left hemisphere are the same size; you were born with the ability to speak and be in your male side that knows yourself and can assert your truth and emote, and be in the feminine side and understands not only care and love and all the other emotions associated with human existence, but also how to love and sway.
That is not true for most non-seeds; only one out of ten on average have a balanced cortex of even proportions of right and left hemisphere. Those people you probably like and are gifted at healing others or counseling others or being balanced in themselves enough to command a world of bigger balance around them too. Nine out of ten either have an engorged right hemisphere in which they’re terribly emotional but have a hard time languaging things or have an engorged left hemisphere where they’re terribly mental and don’t feel much at all.
Generally, in partnership or families the opposites are attracted. So the emotional feminine ends up with the very mental masculine and they have such a different reference point of what reality is; they don’t understand each other at all and it creates conflict in partnership. It can also happen the other way around with a female with an engorged left hemisphere that is very mental and has a male that’s very emotional as a partner with an engorged right hemisphere and they don’t understand each other either; and then their children will tend to polarize in polarity. So it creates a conflictive family dynamic too.
Almost every human behavior you can point to a dysfunction in the way the cortex grew in this society. There isn’t one problematic behavioral pattern that isn’t related to a dysfunctional cortex in the current society, and in it you probably grew up in a family where your parents may or may not have had balanced cortexes in the first place. If one was very mental and another very emotional, you know what we’re talking about. Now for both Per and Asur’Ana, their fathers happened to have balanced cortexes. Their fathers may have been star seeds.
Interestingly and coincidentally, Asur’Ana’s mother as well as Per’s mother were tremendously engorged in their right cortex and extremely emotional and volatile almost to a point of near violence in their life at home. They and their father were forever trying to keep their mother sane because she was on the point of insanity many times in the way the cortex motion. That’s a very difficult thing to grow up in and if you had that kind of experience in your life with your family, it’s time to forgive it and understand that the cortexes are deformed in the society. Although Asur’Ana and Per’s childhood were difficult, they both love their mothers very very much and bless them for they raised the children the best they could.
They may have been deformed in the societies that they came from on their spacecraft eight hundred years ago, and they don’t have any kind of genetic system to repair it or grow it or change it apparently into what it might have been at another time and before it grew to be so deformed. The genetics tend to repeat and there’s no way to prevent that unless it can be surged in another direction of genetics from the archeology.
All of you have striven to rise into fire like DNA which is another level of DNA from the archeology, and the Seed Dao said that was a brilliant thing to do and may have actually triggered the star seed system to open, because fire like DNA is very balanced. It’s all seven rays and it’s very nurturing to the biology, and they’re working with each of you to bring in a full blueprint that’s related directly to your anthology at this time, and that will lead to more balanced assemblage points as well.
The You of You of You
We have a few other things to say to you today about knowing you in you. As you sit in the space where you analyze your life and you choose to forgive this person or that person or find compassion for this one or that one, that is a center point in which you may find the centrifugal force of you in you. So remember when you need to be seated in the you of you to go to that place where you strive to forgive, strive to understand, strive to find compassion about another that perhaps has tweaked you in one direction or another on this day or week or month of your life; and there is the you of you.
So go there now into the you of you where you sit in the position of finding your place to forgive and find compassion. Then from there, choose to separate sending back all others that are in the space of you and retrieving you out of each that you dance with day to day. Fill the you of you full of you and not someone else, or something else or some other place. Now if a part of you is out in nature in some place you like to walk or swim or dance because it feels beautiful for you, pull that back too and return nature to herself in this moment. And if you’re in some other place where you work, or where you shop, or where you dine or wherever it is that you traverse, pull yourself out of each place in each person that may be there too and fill in the you of you until it grows to be fully the fullness of yourself.
Now here you may begin to be able to witness where you’re fraginated okay because sometimes when you go into another, they break you off and keep you over there. That’s not good and you need to gather back the fraginated pieces of you in you, except that it’s broken off someplace else. So what you do in that case is you choose to dissipate the part of yourself that you left behind that fraginated off and then recreated in the you of you. Dissipating yourself when somebody has possessed a part of you is just the choice to do so because they have no right to keep a hold of something that really belongs to you.
That’s very important because you may find that as you scan your existence through time, you’re fraginated in as many as ten people, perhaps more. So whoever they are and after this is over, you may analyze who they are, dissipate the parts of you you’ve left behind in others and recreate all of you home in the you of you of you which resides in your heart space. The heart is the seat of self; it’s also the seat of your soul and we wish to bring in some understanding about soul and self and Dao and Tao and how it all works okay.
Soul anoints the self to realize itself, and soul guides it towards what it needs to look at within your life, within your experiences with others, within the things that are important to you and then it anoints you in a way that then you can understand who you are in everything that you’re here to do. Dao and Tao sit in the backdrop of your reality and guide you from the back room to foster your dreams, your direction and what you are to live in this life stream of yours. The self of you is the part that interacts as a human of who you are with Dao and Tao, soul and also others that parallel in your life path.
The Quagmires on the Path of Realization
We’re going to bring up another scene here with our photos. This is a scene from Iao Valley on Maui and there was a prose that came in through this valley about knowing yourself well enough to know who you are in this path of yours. The valley had a prose and it is that, “I am that you are not; you are that I am that I am; and be well in who you are and all that you’re here to do; and be well in the fostering of the realization of you beyond this plight of the night that you’re facing; and each must face ultimately in a path of realization.” That was their prose.
In this journey of realizing you, there are always obstacles that show up as quagmires of something that you need to understand that will foster a greater understanding of who you are in this life of yours. Sometimes the quagmires can be very painful such as in the loss of a partner, becoming sick, or it could be a change that you just know in your body you can’t continue on either in the marriage, or with the family, or in the business that you’ve been working for in something that you’ve done; and you just know this isn’t right for you anymore. And in that is a place where you will come to know yourself better when you are through with perhaps the change that you are facing than you ever knew it yourself before, and that’s the quagmires of life in this timeline of yours.
Everybody has a timeline of when they are to be where they are and sometimes your timeline takes you to places that you love; Asur’Ana loved Hawaii and Norway. Sometimes they take you to places you don’t care for at all. She didn’t care for Idaho much. She loves the Mesa and yet there’s things she would prefer about Norway or Hawaii that aren’t here either. And so, that is sometimes in the timeline of ourselves because there’s something about wherever you are that teaches you something about yourself that you need to learn within you before the next change unravels or shows up to drive you forward to wherever you’re going next.
Timelines are very Tao driven and they’ll take you from here to there and to regions and sometimes continental moves when it’s right for you to better know you. The quagmires of losses are often painful to surmount until you know yourself well enough to know that it’s the right choice for you to go in the direction that you’re going, and then it all makes sense and you come to peace again. That’s how you overcome the plight of the night and know yourself better because whatever choices you make when they are Tao driven, they will feel so intrinsically right in the body; and you might want to say the gut of you as well as the heart of you, that you know what you’re doing; what you’re supposed to in this lifeline of yours. And that is really truly how you know you in a certainty of yourself for each direction and change that you may make in this lifeline of yours.
Paint Your Reality with Rainbow Palette
We have another picture here for you today. This comes from another botanical garden that Asur’Ana visited on Maui with the lily pads. The message was to be in the straight and narrow not; be broad bandwidth because the you of you is a broad bandwidth objective of existence. What that means is the you of you has many concepts that it learns through time; and you learn to forgive and find compassion and find your direction and know who you are. Each seed has maybe over a hundred and forty-four concepts that define the you of you, and sometimes you lose parts of you of you and then you lose a concept or a group of concepts that define who you are in this life of yours.
As you regroup, you want to bring back all hundred and forty-four concepts that define the you of you within you as you dissipate the fragination that may have been trapped in the themselves of others so that you can be more centrifugally present with everything that you know or every concept that you can oscillate to carry forward in this life of yours. That was really the message of this little scene; it was a beautiful botanical scene of a lily garden. The you of you and a hundred and forty four concepts that define you are really related to a full spectrum color of rays meaning that like a rainbow plus all the different intricacies of shades; because each rainbow color goes from deep to pastel to invisible in the hundred and forty-four concepts that define the you of you.
So you need to have a rainbow palette but it’s not just a single tone or ray color. They range much like a scale from dark to light to invisible in each color range. Sometimes people have an aptitude of losing certain colors out of their rainbow of what’s you of you more readily than others, so you may want to examine do you tend to lose the green ray and we’ll explain this. If so, you’re trying to harmonize others so that they’re more peaceful; or are you losing a blue ray a lot in which case you’re wanting people to know themselves better; or do you lose the orange ray to others and in that you lose your passion for life and what it is you’re trying to do or accomplish.
Or do you lose the yellow ray in which you lose your creativity into others; or do you lose the lavender ray which is about your spiritual truth you’re giving to others, a truth of spirituality that perhaps isn’t really so for them; or are you losing the purple ray which is about a sentiment of living a life of yours and not somebody else’s. So when you lose a purple ray, sometimes you can get off your path and end up living for a time somebody else’s journey.
As you examine which rays you tend to lose, you’ll focus on regrouping them to be thorough within the you of you; and then you’ll come to understand what it is you try to give to others to make them more complementary unto you in the life dream and dance with other people. As you cease to do that, you’ll learn to foster the shift that you need to in another way by applying rays of light into the dream at work or at home or wherever you may have associate with people, instead of losing the rays in the you of you by forfeiting it to others, you see.
You don’t need to give these rays through the you of you is our point; you can paint your reality in a full-spectrum ray color and fill people in with the rays that they need to be more balanced. You don’t need to sacrifice the you of you for them to be okay in your life or with you and that’s really our main point here today.
Coming to Balance with Full-Spectrum Rays
Okay we have another photo coming up here. This was from a botanical garden in Australia and these are African flowers, tender flowers and they were so pretty Asur’Ana had to stop and take a picture. The flowers said to her, “Will you stand straight in a prose we’re going relay you?” So this was the prose, “As you are the tundra of yourself and not anyone else; and although you love nature, you’re not needing to share the space that you call the love of Earth with all others; or if you do, then you lose a part of yourself that you may never recover; it’ll be a difficult transition from one place to another if you don’t gather all of yourself up.”
So the point of this particular set of flowers is that we do tend to share ourselves with nature but then so do other people share themselves with nature. And then you may find you put a part of yourself in the lake and then all others that put parts of themselves in the lake grab on to you. Now they have a part of you and you’re not with the lake anymore; you don’t feel more peaceful and suddenly you’ve lost another chunk of yourself. So the point is when you go into nature as the you of you, and you push yourself out there that if you leave a part of yourself behind, others may possess it that you may or may not even know.
And so, not only do you need to pull the self of you of you out of nature but you need to pull it back from many others that may have glommed onto it that you were unaware of and dissipate that too. Nature is a beautiful motion in some places and less so in others and she strives to generate all seven rays in every movement in her tundra; and the motions of the tundra tend to be a dominant ray.
Here in Australia, it was the green ray that’s heavy in the eucalyptus trees and gum trees that dominate in the Blue Mountains. Near the ocean, it’s heavy in the blue ray; in the desert often it’s heavy in the orange and pink ray; and in the mountainscape often it’s very heavy in the white ray. Wherever you are, being with nature means you have a tendency to have more of that ray than perhaps you really need. If it’s the lake, you may have too much blue ray; if it’s a valley, too much green; if it’s a mountain, too much white; and if it’s the desert, too much pink.
So in you, you need to come to balance with how you share the light rays with nature wherever you’re living to be full spectrum. That’s just something for you to be aware of and say, “Okay I need all seven rays and not just green, blue, white or pink”; and then see if you don’t feel better in this light wave motion of your body. If you’re too much of a particular color, you’re not going to feel well. We’ve spoken of the gray matter issue and that’s coming up from a mineral that’s dissipating due to the light rays entering the Mother Sun Dream of the Aurora, and primarily it’s coming up through the ocean.
Gray Matter
Gray matter is very sticky and can injure the body very rapidly if you absorb too much of it. The labyrinth system is diffusing gray matter out of most of you every night and it’s just something that’s coming up in most regions that seems unavoidable in the light motions and light gates of the planet. So at this point, they’re diffusing it generally an hour to three hours per night depending on how much showed up in your energy systems over the course of the day. That’s very important to make sure that it occurs because gray matter will cause you to not only feel unwell but tend to motion towards disease in this time period.
Tao Dreaming
If the region that you’re in produces too much gray matter, it may be something that your Tao or Dao or the seed system is going to want you to move away from. That’s a whole other story but they will arrange the dream; and you’ll go when it’s time and don’t worry about it because that’s what Tao dreaming is all about. Tao dreaming is a direction you need to choose for in the you of you every day that you want to dream your day with your Tao.
You’re going to dream each day with your Tao; and you’re going to dream each week or month with your Tao; and you’re going to dream each life change with your Tao; and you’re going to dream it in the love of your Tao and the honor of your Dao; and you’re going to dream it in a way that works out because you’re Tao directed. That’s very very important in light wave motion because it’s very easy in the wrong assemblage point to motion into a non-Tao dream and then life doesn’t work out very well. So be aware of this and as you choose every day; okay we’re going to Tao dream this day, and then you ask your Tao what redirection do I need to bring my life into a syncopated rhythm that works for you and me and the realization of myself?
The dream reordering will come through and you’ll know better where you need to go next and that’s all we can say about Tao dreaming. Asur’Ana started Tao dreaming over ten years ago and it took her in many directions maybe she wouldn’t have gone to because he wanted her to experience other continents of energy systems and different things that may not have been part of her life streamer’s dream otherwise, and so that can be for you too. And blessings to the tundra flowers from Africa planted in the botanical garden in Australia.
We have one last picture here for you. This is a lily that says, “You can bloom in your truth and in it you will be the lily pad of yourself. Others may be wilting away or having a hard day but that doesn’t have to be your truth, and that that is the nature of Tao dreaming because Tao will weed out the things from the dreams that really aren’t in harmony with the you of you of you; so you can realize more of yourself and grow and bloom in the direction that’s really right for you. And in what’s right for you, you’ll find your way through your worst nightmare or quagmire or whatever you’re facing and the changes you think you must make to be true unto you.”
There is that drive in every seed to be true unto you and not somebody else; and try new things that perhaps others wouldn’t have adventure to do. Many seeds have many different life experiences through time that others do not have an opportunity to foster because in the truth of you there is a drive to allow the fullness of your life expression to unfold through time. So you may experience through time career changes, or choices to re-educate yourself and go in a new direction, or choices to try partnership on for a time and then leave it behind, or choices to try a new type of career that allows you to feel very very much more fulfilled in your body, mind and spirit than what might have been if you stayed with what you knew before.
Fulfilling Your Tao Script
And that is the nature of seeds to push forward into the blossoming of the truth and the fulfillment of you in a Tao script that you were seeded with from birth. So what we want to reenact in each of you today is your Tao script and let it blossom up in your heart space, in your mind space until you see more clearly in the you of you of you the new direction of your life line. Tao truth is a little lily pad or a lotus always in its formation, and it has many petals for you to express.
Some petals are meant to be expressed with people, or with your beloved, or with your spouse or your family; some petals are to be a creative project of some sort that you love to bring through and you want to do in this lifeline of yours; and yet other petals are reserved for you to know your Tao, know your Dao, know your internal fabric of understanding who you are in this life of yours in relation to yourself and relation to each other and especially in relation to each. You need to forgive or find compassion for that may have felt like they tripped you up in some way, but really just someone there to help you understand yourself far better than you ever would have if you failed to have that experience.
So whatever it is that you face, understand that it’s an opportunity to know yourself better and in that to direct yourself to where you’re really needed in this lifeline of yours. And that is your Tao lotus reemerging for those of you that may have lost it or never had it ignited. Some of you may have had it ignited in the last few years and you’ve foster new directions in your life already; and some of you are just waiting to blossom and go in a new direction that is your Tao truth, your Tao driven dream, and your soul’s ignition as well.
Listen to Your Soul
So in the center of the lotus is the stamens and that’s where your soul sits. Your soul is like centrifugal to your Tao dream, and attuning to soul is also a natural part of listening to the you of the you within. Soul is often the soft voice that says be gentle with yourself; be gentle with yourself through these changes and your desire to grow beyond these quagmires; be gentle with yourself because this world is harsher than maybe where we were meant to be born in a galaxy somewhere over there. But whatever it is, wherever you were born, there is something to learn in this life of yours about the you of you of you as a star seed of yourself.
Your soul is that quiet voice sometimes not heard unless you really choose to stand still within yourself and listen and those moments of stillness are needed everyday. And if it’s in the morning or the evening or wherever you go to meditate, listen inward and direct your thought stream to your Dao and ask her, “What do you need to tell me today?” Direct it towards your Tao, “What are we going to Tao dream of? What do I need to look at to realize something that clears the me of me to be pure to manifest the dreams you desire me to that are more fulfilling. And then listen to your soul in the quiet space of yours who will give you an anthem about your whole life through and what you were meant to understand as spirit into matter as that’s the purposeful mission of soul.”
Soul records everything you experience as does your spine is a living record keeper as the star seed of you. Often, we apply light or release the difficult emotions out of the spine so you can purify yourself to find more joy as you transfuse. Soul also erases the difficult records not; soul holds on to the records so they’re not lost, and you will understand everything about yourself finally one day when you cross. That’s really all about this lotus ignition emerging now in you.
You Are Unique
So we’re going to go back here to our prose:
The assemblage points
Are balanced
If they are positive in stature
To foster your life
In an understanding
Of self realization
Each motion moves you
Towards a position that serves
In the understanding
Of who you are
Now and through time
The assemblage point system you’re receiving or moving into is of that stature, and we spoke today about the first three; about you in relation to you, in relation to your cardinal points in life, in relation to others, in relation to your Tao and Tao dreaming, and in relation to the Tao of others or the non-Tao of others as mostly maybe in most associations that you participate in. Whatever it is, the you of you is a unique system of an individual reference point in understanding and persona that expresses your nature. No two selves are the same, and so you are a unique fabric that has come to understand and interpret your life the way that you have.
One of the sad things it’s missing in this culture is that people don’t really stop and take a moment to first of all connect via the eyes. One way that you connect to another you of them is to look at one another in the eyes. As you gaze in the eyes of another, there’s an automatic kinesthetic system that says the me of myself honors the you of yourself as a unique individual that also is ensouled. Then the two souls engage to understand the reference points of life between the two individuals, and taking a moment to really be with another is a very beautiful thing to foster provided they have a Tao within them too.
Love, Forgive and Bless All
Sometimes when we eye gaze with others without Taos, you may see serpents; you may see strange creatures; you may see things that are less than beautiful. Tao-less people have no you of themselves and that’s very sad; so they don’t really know who they are in the world that they dream within. And so, bless them and forgive them for not knowing themselves because their anthology lost the motions of Tao and Dao and also self realization through time.
There’s nothing really you can do for them other than understand that their tendency to be imbalance also leads to many mind bends that perhaps are unhappy for them and very unhappy for you if you take on their mind bends. And so, remember not to be mind bent by another and reverse your assemblage point out of their mind bent and back into balance and see if that helps you with the many others that are Tao-less and Dao-less and do not foster a sincere sense of who they are in this life of theirs or in their world.
If you’re lucky enough to find other seeds that have Dao and Tao and bring them into your life and enjoy their company, you may feel far happier in your friendships, partnerships or other life associations; and they are there usually somewhere in time. And there’s many generations of seeds sometimes fostered through the same egg that are coming to understand the truth of who they are. You’ll know them by their wisdom; and you’ll know them by their understanding of life, which has broader bandwidth than most others; and you’ll know them by the love that they care in the sway of their heart too.
For each that loves and cares, remember to bless them no matter who they are with the Tao and Dao of you and your life will be happier, and your assemblage point shifts as you remember to love, bless and caress into greater balance. When you go into fear, or you go into judgment or you go into uncertainty, it’s quite the opposite because then the blessings stop. An assemblage point of negativity can overcome you and you move out of balance.
As you remember to love and to bless and be grateful for everything that you have or have received from spirit and each that has been here to support the realization of you, you will move back into balance and find an assemblage point that works better for you to know yourself even better in this lifeline of yours. All right this has been a beautiful dissertation on growing towards knowing the you of you better. We love you and we bless you as Dao of the star seed system and Tao father of the star seed system. We’ll be working with you for many hours now to adjust your assemblage points to be more balanced in this continued life line of yourself. We thank you for listening and say namaste.
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Light Wave Art & Glossary
This book is lovingly dedicated to all Beings who know deep within that Earth is at the end of her Evolutionary Cycle and is now on the Ascension Cycle home to the Tao or the Source. In the transfusion into the Tao, each has the opportunity to take one’s Consciousness (or Spirit) Home to where one was spawned or rely upon Tao gates to move to another creation to reincarnate that may be more loving and serve one’s continued Evolution.
Creational © 2024, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth
This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and that are useful to your spiritual evolution, and let go of the rest.
The Ascension Insights series and related books offer information on consensus ascension. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. These books disseminate information on having a complete ascension with the potential of taking the body with you.
The Light Wave series offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.
Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.
Asur’Ana. Light Wave Webinars #1-11 Transcripts. Aligning With Earth, 2024. Digital.