Image of an adorable giraffe kissing a sweet seal. From the Giraffe and Seal Kingdoms

40. From the Giraffe and Seal Kingdoms


Blessings for Freedom in Dream Weaving and Connecting to the Tao Within


The Giraffe Kingdom and Seal Kingdom


It is the Giraffe and Seal Kingdoms that greet you today. We are related to the Deer Kingdom that holds the “Unity Bearer” sign in the new astrology for ascension. We would like to speak to ascending humans today about the current system of slavery that you may find yourself within. The current system of slavery is a financial one that binds you and each to having to work to pay the rent, mortgage, purchase the food upon the table or anything else that one may desire. Or if you are not the bread winner, then you are enslaved to the one who pays the bills in one’s dance of life.


Free Energy


In more ancient times, there was not a monetary system; humans lived freely from what the land and sea could provide and traded or bartered between regions. However, each region did provide the necessities of life, as this is how the dream for nature works. We provide for each kingdom that resides upon the land, and within a 10-mile radius, you should find everything you require to subsist. This was at a time that Terra (Earth) was a Garden of Eden and there were not desserts as you know them now, or frozen tundra, or regions that hardly bare life due to toxic substances spilled upon them by humankind.


Within a balanced eco system, all diversities of plant life thrive and each will feed humans or animals all the components of nutrients necessary to sustain life. This also is what many humans are beginning to recall in their cellular memory and it is leading to movements related to sustainable living and green thinking in the current paradigm. This is wise as without such momentum back to balanced eco systems, more humans would perish in the times of cleansing ahead than need be so.


Earth is holding many new dreams for humanity at this time. The new dream includes momentum towards aiding Earth in the self-healing of her own body. In time, new mechanisms shall be invented to aid in the clean-up of the waterways as well as land based toxic spills. How will this be accomplished? Science in some cases already knows how to clean it all up, but those who desire the system to remain the same do not allow the technology to surface.


This is also so in relation to another form of power for humanity which could be hydrogen based rather than requiring bio fuels and acres and acres of plants to create your fuel needs. The use of bio fuels although perhaps better than petroleum based fuel requires nature to contribute so much more than the power created; and this creates even greater karma with the plant kingdoms than already exists; and the karma is so far out of balance that great plagues and starvation may be the future dream to balance the scales between humans and nature.


Earth would prefer that humanity develop a form of free power which is possible with magnetic flow. There are those that have developed such power, but they are blocked from marketing it by those who still profit heavily from electrical and fossil fuel resources and now also bio fuel resources. Humans are so determined to enslave one another to reap huge profits and wealth that they are unwilling yet collectively to allow another possibility for your energy source that is free.


Free energy is a new language that is coming from the Tao, a force outside of time and space and form that is extending into this creation to aid Earth in her journey home. As free energy becomes the prevailing chi available to move the chakras of Terra, then humans will attune to free energy thoughtform and allow free energy to develop and prevail within your civilization. This is coming and shall allow for another day ahead where humans begin to work their way out of the economic slavery that they are in; for free energy will allow for the possibility of humans living in remote regions and yet with the power they need to work and live from the land in ease.


Economic Slavery


What is it about economic slavery that is important to understand and transcend as an ascending human? The slavery humans are currently in is really to the banks and those of greatest wealth in your civilization. Each human gives dream to the banks and the wealthiest in one’s community and region of origin. Each human also gives dream to the leadership within their region and country. Each human also gives dream to the wealthiest nations upon Earth.


Dreams given to those of wealth and power are of two forms. Some humans give life dreams for fulfillment. In so being, they are limited in their capacity to create enough for themselves, and then live an impoverished lifestyle due to lack of dream. Those receiving the dreams of those who have less then have more fulfilling lives and prosper more greatly. Those receiving the most dreams have lives of great fame, fortune and power.


Some humans give body level dreams in lieu of life dreams to others or other nations. These humans may be very thin, but mostly they become ill or starve. Those receiving many body level dreams may grow to be very heavy or obese upon the physical plane. You will notice in present time how many western countries are struggling with obesity; this is due to having so many body level dreams from others who are starving or ill around the globe.


The Anu Manipulated Dreams to Live Forever


How and why did this come to be? Long ago, there was a Pleiadian family known as the Anu that arrived upon Earth. They came from a foreign creation and their dream did not fare well here. In order to have Terra respond to the thoughts of humans, humans must think in languages that Terra understands. Terra could respond to the thoughts of the Sirian seeded red nation peoples as the language was similar in nature. The Pleiadians arrived upon the scene speaking such a diverse language that what Terra mirrored back into their dream was abhorrent. Now what we mean by this is that the Pleiadian thoughts created destructive dreams for them to experience upon Terra. Therefore, for a time you could say that the Anu became accident prone due to the nature of variant language within their biology and upon Terra.


The Anu were gifted in understanding many things and so they altered Terra’s language by adding an electrical set of tones through geometrical patterns held in large minerals imported from the Pleiades. As there was enough resonant language in Terra’s biosphere, now the Anu no longer created accident dreams for themselves. However, this did not resolve the overall problem in the long haul, as the Anu found themselves aging more rapidly than they would at home in the Pleiades.


The Anu came to Earth with the intention of living forever; something that they could not do at home as it was illegal; and so, they went about creating a system of dream manipulation that allowed them to extend their lives forever (or 18,000 years in two cases). The dream manipulations included taking dream for life from everything and everyone around them. The Anu incubated a human slave nation of pared down biology to deposit their death dreams and disease dreams upon.


Indeed, the slave nation became increasingly ill the longer that they were incarnate upon Terra, manifesting all kinds of discord that was really the cause of the Anu’s own discordant biology. Over time the slave nation was unable to absorb all the Anu’s discord, and so the dreams of the red nations’ peoples were also manipulated to take on their dreams of death and disease as well. Many a red nation tribe befell plagues as a result.


Financial Slavery and Eventual Collapse


Financial slavery was not a part of the red nation dream. The red nations’ peoples lived from the land and traded between tribes to meet all needs. The Anu slaves on the other hand developed a civilization much like the one humanity finds yourselves in today that was founded upon money, profit and greed. Slaves who were gifted at the game of greed like the Anu themselves prospered at the expense of the others who worked like slaves for other slaves rather than the Anu. Those slaves related to Innana and Zeus in archetypal nature generally fared the best at the economic games within slave civilization just as these two managed the business deals back home in the Pleiades for their own profit and gain.


Over time the red nation’s peoples also became overrun by a dream of prosperity that involved money. This occurred this past cycle to such a degree that there is barely one indigenous human group left that is not a part of the financial dance in present time. The Anu have won indeed and control the dreams of all humans upon the surface of Earth in present time as a result.


The Anu are those descendants of the family of Anu that act out their archetypal nature to an extreme in present time, gaining large wealth and power and using such power to rule the world, or dictate the nature of reality and dream for the masses. Those of this nature generally have little compassion, as the Anu had closed hearts and had little compassion for anyone outside of self. So, you are in a time of leadership and have been for over 2,000 years that is Anu driven, leading to the rising power of the banks and monetary system, just as it controlled the slave civilization when the Anu were alive.


How do you get out of the monetary system if it controls everything? This Asur’Ana ponders, as she too has yet to find a way to move fully out of the game, requiring the funds for travel and life in Norway. She envisions a time of a self-sustainable existence where most of what is required is grown upon the land for all to share. This will begin to restore the dream for self-sustainable existence again and allow another possibility other than economic slavery to emerge within the human dream ahead.


In time the banks will collapse; they are beginning to do so already. The economic crisis over home loans in the US is an example of the beginning of the world financial collapse. The collapse will be the result of ascending humans taking their dreams back. As you take your dreams back from the banks and leadership and Anu in your lives, you will have enough dreams to prosper and manifest what you envision, and the wealthiest in turn will have less and less dream and will begin to collapse. Those ascending are taking more and more dream of the current system to co-create a new dream for humanity that is unity-based in collaboration with Mother Earth. In time there will be so little dream left for the banks and current wealthiest to sustain themselves that the current system will collapse.


Mostly the nature kingdoms perceive that this will come hand in hand with the times of cleansing when many will be exiting the physical plane due to diseases that are the result of rising temperatures upon the land. As temperatures rise upon the land, bacteria and viruses will be released that non-ascending humans have no immunity unto. As there are fewer and fewer humans to pay upon their mortgages and credit card debt, the banks will no longer prosper and eventually will fold.


In time humans will resort to pulling together in community, growing their own food source and bartering and trading again. This nature looks forward unto as it will be a time that humans return to working with the land again, and working more closely with each kingdom to survive. Nature does not wish humans to fail to survive or fail to ascend, as we are a part of you really and truly and we cannot ascend without your ascensions ahead. And so, we must all learn to work together towards the common goal of global ascension “home” to the Tao.


No Night Inside of the Great Central Sun


Recent records from the Great Central Sun show all kingdoms and Terra that humans arrived first and then cast all kingdoms through intention of thought upon planets such as Terra. This is how powerful your thoughts are, beloved. Humans are creators of the grandest sorts; humans can create anything they can think of. In this time within the Sun, humans thought of each creature within each kingdom and manifest each kingdom from human fabric. Therefore, we are all intricately related to humanness. In this understanding, we now know why we love humans so; and why we are willing to be abused by humans so; and why we wish humans to open their hearts and love again so that we can all complete with this experience and go Home.


If humans are such powerful creators, how and why did you fall into believing that the family of Anu or the wealthiest or the banks are better creators than oneself and should have all the dreams, dolling dreams out only in exchange for bank loans and credit cards? How in the world did you fall into such limited dream weaving capacity? Well this is a story too but it involves not the Anu, but existence outside the Great Central Sun.


Within the Great Central Sun, all energetic needs and dreams were met through a golden and silver energy that surrounded each creation such as Terra. There was no night as you experience outside of the sun; only an ongoing dusk as the sun from a higher frequency faded due to the rotation of planets around stars. The dusk was a beautiful pink-peach-lavender color and the clouds radiated the rainbows of vibrations that were prevalent of the time. Within the planet was a Sun of Terra’s own that glowed through the translucent minerals that spiraled from her core to the surface.


Although there were trees, valleys, and rivers along with lakes within, enough light came through that everything appeared to glow from within as the light from the Solar Sun faded. Much like the small lights humans like to hang at Christmas, everything sparkled at dusk in this time period. This was also a beautiful time in all kingdoms’ remembrance, as there was a gentleness of existence that was lost as Terra exited the Great Central Sun.


Death and Destruction for Life Outside the Great Central Sun


As Terra left the sun, everything was turned inside out. Suddenly there was no longer a beautiful dusk each night but dark night time skies with stars aplenty representing other creations that like Earth had also exited their Suns. As the dream for Terra was pulled inside out, she fell into destruction and patterns of death, but this did not manifest immediately; it took thousands and thousands of years for the real dance to emerge of life outside of the sun. This was a travesty so great that there is great pain in our hearts to this day from the experience. We are recalling this experience so that we can collectively forgive and re-enter the dream that we left long ago, and find our way Home to the Tao. Ultimately, all came from the Tao and now must return “home” to fulfill upon why we entered this dance in the first place.


In the dance of destruction, creators ceased to create and began to destroy. Humans as the creator began to destroy. The underlying cause of this occurred first through the mating of non-resonant humans from variant creations of variant languages. There were only larger headed humans upon Terra in this time period. As other humans with large heads from other creations with variant thoughtform arrived and “fell in love” with one another, soon an offspring was produced that was inherently dissonant and destructive unto Terra. This was so as the language of such offspring was half from another creation that failed to resonate. The net result was that humans fell from being creators into becoming destroyers of Terra in the dance of life through the dissonant languages held in their own cells.


This may be why humans fear being the creators that you are, or holding the larger dreams that you might be capable of in present time. We have witnessed some ascending humans give away their dreams so freely to others without awareness perhaps due to their own fear of holding a larger dream, and then creating large destruction rather than an ascension Home. They are learning to forgive this karma now in the greater understanding that as they purify their DNA to that which only creates, that the destructive possibility for their fields fades; and now they can hold a larger dream and not fear destroying Terra in the dance.


Taking the body to resonant biology is not difficult, and this should become the intention of every ascending human. It is only as you embody DNA that comes from this Great Central Sun that you can enter her dream and not leave a part of self behind, leading to disease instead of ascension home to the new dream. Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension Workbook 1 focuses upon intentions useful to this purpose and we highly recommend working with these materials. These materials are generated by Mother Earth with the focuses necessary to creating resonant biology with the Great Central Sun in preparation for entry into their dream.


As humans became destroyers rather than creators due to dissonant biology within, they began to consume their creations such as Terra rather than sustain them with love. How exactly does this work? If you do not have an open heart that loves, you consume the love of the consensus that you reside upon. Humans born with hearts founded upon other languages dissonant unto Terra could not love as they were speaking something other than what Terra understands as love from within their hearts. In so being, they began to consume the love of Terra rather than bless her helping her sustain her existence through the ongoing exchange of love between all kingdoms. Over time and as enough love was consumed, Terra fell in consciousness.


Dissonant DNA Causes Sour Music


This is also why the Anu were so harmful unto Terra; not only did they strip mine her of gold, but they also consumed her love to such an extent that she fell and fell in vibration, until the ice shields melted into your oceans in the great floods. In order to extend their lives, the Anu consumed 90% of Terra’s overall love. Why did the Anu require so much love to sustain themselves? Love is the vibration that causes the cells to sustain their life and sweetens the music of the entire field, from the cellular chakras to the chakras in the meridians, to the chakras around the etheric body, to the grid work of the etheric body, to the subtle bodies and dream time self.


Without love there is only sour music, aging, disease and death. What you know now as a species in present time is mostly sour music without enough love to extend the life long enough that a rapid aging and death occurs in less than 100 years in most cases.


What creates the sour music? Dissonant DNA that is non-resonant with Terra causes sour music. The Anu were so dissonant that they had to pass on the dissonance and take sweet music from everything upon Earth to sweeten their music enough to extend their lives, as their entire structure was non-resonant with Terra. Today most ascending humans will find that their DNA is a composite of many different types of DNA, some of which is resonant and some of which is dissonant.


It is the dissonant DNA that creates the sour spot in the form that then as one ages, the region becomes diseased and later fails leading to death. As the DNA is altered through the conscious intent to ascend to genealogy that is resonant with Earth, then the region can come into harmony with the rest of the body, and then disease may not have to be the future that one experiences.


It is in the dissonance that humans consume the love of nature, one another or Terra. For in order to extend the sweet music and sound around dissonant parts of the body, many have learned to fill oneself with the music of nature so that the body does not age or become ill as rapidly as it would otherwise. Perhaps this is why humans find vacations to pristine spots around the globe so important, as it is in such regions that many exchange their sour music for the sweeter music upon the land to aid in not becoming diseased ahead. The problem with this is that Terra and nature is always absorbing the sour music of humans in so being, and pristine regions then become sick over time and if enough tourism occurs therein.


Nature Absorbs Humans’ Sour Music and Becomes Sick


This is how the Anu held their sweet dreams for 16,000 years; they took all the sweet dreams of the land and of the slaves and red nation’s peoples, who fell into greater and greater dissonance as a result. Nature became sick, trees began to die, areas became barren as desserts or frozen tundras, and not all parts of Earth could sustain life upon the land as a result. This karma is being released at this time so that regions that have been devoid of life can be self healed. However, humans are also desecrating certain regions such as rainforests faster than they can be replenished.


Much of this has to do with the loss of dream for the rainforests which is being stripped and sent off planet. As the karma is uncovered for how and why the rainforest dreams are being sent elsewhere, humans will respond to the change in dream and cease to deforest rainforests. There is always a greater cause that Earth herself is responsible for, and humans only respond to the dreams around them. If there is no dream for a rainforest remaining, humans desecrate the rainforest. If the dream for the rainforest returns, humans will respond and cease to desecrate the rainforest. In so being, Earth takes responsibility for her own natural world dream and how it has been dissipating over the past 100 years faster than she can reweave it.


In parallel unto Earth, one may have areas upon the body that hosts missing dream or sour dreams. Such regions will become ill over time if they are not tended to in the ascension. The cure for this is to locate the karma of why there is sour music or missing body level dream in each part of one’s form, and intend to release the karma so that a new body level dream can be woven that is sweet and full in its expression. This too is what ascension makes possible for each choosing to evolve at this time in history, and as such, one need not become ill but ascend into a healthier form than one was born with in this lifetime.


Dream Management


How does one recast one’s dream? This is a part of the dream management information that was long lost unto the human species upon Earth. How was dream management information lost? Mostly, the Anu accessed the red nation and grand master holographic planes and took this information for their own life extension.  As such, red nation peoples fell en masse into forgetfulness as to how to recast their fields and dream so that a sweeter dream could be sustained in the life dance or around the physical body; and in so being tribes collectively fell into great dissonance and disease.


Now at this time of ascension, there is the possibility of gathering up the information lost and restoring it unto each human so that those ascending know how to recast their body and personal level dreams for sweeter dreams to manifest both physically and in the life experience. One can also intend to retrieve all information one’s inheritance had upon dream weaving from the Anu, and complete one’s karma for how and why such knowledge was lost over time. In so being, one will begin to learn to become the dreamer and the dream again, managing one’s own dream for the life and the ascent ahead.


Opening the Heart and Learning to Love and Bless


Opening the heart and learning to love and bless again is also a necessary attribute of ascension. If one is not loving and blessings, then one is consuming the love of nature or others around oneself. Consumption of love translates into consumption of Terra’s resources over time. Over time human descendants of the Anu and their slaves continued to consume the love of Terra to extend their lives and sustain their existence.


The dance continues today with more humans consuming Terra’s love than love or bless her in exchange. The dance has become so engrained that humans are also consuming Terra’s resources in the physical and faster than she can regenerate herself. The solution to this is for those who are ascending to open their hearts, learn to bless and begin to exchange love with nature and Terra rather than consume Terra’s and nature’s love.


As enough ascending humans learn to love and bless, opening their hearts, there will be enough love upon Terra for her to self-heal. As the requirement to love and bless becomes global thoughtform, then humans will attune to the need to remember to love, and rise en masse into a new era where love is restored as the foundation of human civilization. But before this can come to be so, the human map carvers must create the path to such a goal, restoring love within your own hearts and fields.


Some initiates love and feel deeply and were born with more or less open hearts. Most that love and feel deeply shut their hearts at some point as it was simply too painful to exist in a reality in which love is not the underlying thoughtform. As each heals the wounds of the past along with the ancestral wounds of non-love, then the possibility of opening the heart and allowing the love and blessings to flow becomes a possibility for one’s dance of life. Perhaps there is nothing richer than feeling the love as exchanged with Earth or nature. This Asur’Ana and Per discovered long ago and it has helped them sustain themselves upon their difficult path, as without the love there is perhaps no reason to continue to exist.


Most bodies are in such a state of loveless-ness that they are dying from the perspective of Giraffe and Seal Kingdoms. Without the love necessary to live, the body dies. We recommend that initiates focus upon filling the cellular structure with the love of the Tao. However, before this is really possible, one must open the heart and allow the love and blessings to flow in and out of the heart chakra. Then the love flowing in and out can be directed into the cellular structure to allow for a cellular remembrance of love. As the cells recall love, they will strive to ascend rather than die. As the cells begin to self-heal, there is another opportunity for life not only of the body, but also of one’s personal expression upon the physical plane.


The Heart of the Tao


As love is restored to the human expression, humans become creators again and cease to be destroyers of self, others or Terra. Love is perhaps the most missing attribute of all in this region of domain outside of the Great Central Sun. As love is restored, then all may self-heal and go home, as this is the necessary ingredient to the task of ascension. Love is so diminished upon Earth, that the Heart of the Tao, a force that was cast by the Tao to restore love to places sitting in non-love, has extended upon Earth at this time. The Heart of the Tao can be attuned unto through the Aurora and healing temples for ascension for advice and love as well as healing. The Giraffe and Seal Kingdoms will hold a gate open to those working with us in dream time to experience the Heart of the Tao.


The Heart of the Tao extends upon Earth to provide the love necessary to allow for Terra’s self-healing. The love is just beginning to flow from the Heart of the Tao, as more of it must be infused into Terra’s cellular structure in order to accomplish that task of global ascension ahead.


Over the coming 8 years, more and more of the Heart of the Tao will extend in upon Earth; and this will provide so much more love than Terra recalls that everything shall change. The music upon Earth shall sweeten; nature shall self-heal; and humans shall awaken to another possible dream in which unity and love prevail. Wars shall vanish and eventually so shall abuse and discord. Humans shall learn to relate unto one another and nature again out of love. Vegetarianism shall prevail and slaughter of animals shall cease. These are the dreams we now see ahead due to the anchoring of the Heart of the Tao upon Earth.


There are yet those forces that wish to prevent this anchoring, but they cannot. The anchoring is coming from within Terra’s own holographic blueprint. Humans also have holographic recollection of the Tao and the Heart of the Tao that one can open to as one masters enough initiations to restore holographic knowing. The Tao extends in through the holographic planes into each that is willing to open to its presence. Intend this so and we will assist you as we can in fulfilling upon this experience of opening to the Tao within.


Connecting to the Tao Within


It is the Tao that guides Asur’Ana and Per from within in their ascension now; it is also the Tao that is guiding nature and each kingdom and Mother Earth from within. This is necessary as one cannot go Home to that which lies within from the outside; one must connect within to the Tao and then allow the Tao to guide one home. As this occurs now, another pathway opens that was not possible before. Therefore, we invite each reading this book to open to the Tao within one’s heart and hologram, and allow the Tao within to guide you in your ascension journey Home.


Humans are grand dreamers. The Tao is the dreamer of all and dreamt of human form long ago. Human form serves many purposes within the Tao. Mostly human consciousness goes into problematic creations and assists in leading them back home to the Tao. This is your purpose and your destiny; however, before it can unfold you must find your own connection to the Tao within.


We leave you with these thoughts.


Ascension Meditation Recordings


Ascension Insights Charts & Diagrams


Language of Light


Language of ONE



This book is lovingly dedicated to the Animal and Nature Kingdoms. May their Gifts, Wisdom and Blessings support One’s continued evolution Home.



Creational © 2019, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth


This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and let go of the rest. Please use any or all information, to share and evolve. All information belongs to God Goddess/All That Is, You. As you integrate the information you receive, you evolve and radiate new truths via your own unique portal of expression, assisting Humanity and the Planet on its evolution Home.



Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.




Asur’Ana. Gifts from The Animal Kingdoms. Aligning With Earth, 2019. Digital.

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