Image of two adorable birds in love. Yogananda Tales of the Heart #7

Yogananda Tales of the Heart #7


The Fable of the Lovers


The Force of the Love of the Two


The Lovers


The Lovers

The lore of lovers

Is a gift of care

That causes the truth

To surface within each

Such that the love of the beloveds

Flourishes in a union divine

As a motion of hope

That honors all kingdoms and people

In a lore fable

Of a dream of the heart

Of the love of the two


The Parables of the Tarot


The heart of the two is the Lovers Arcana through time. The lovers are a pair of either heterosexual or homosexual beloveds that inaugurate a system of care of the heart of the clan or kingdom. Care of the heart fosters a new rhythm of hope of the people in the governance of the lovers. Care of the heart of the pair fosters new dreams to aplomb for each willing to find sincerity within. Care of the heart of the two as leaders opens the heart accolade of many others in the clan or kingdom. Care of the heart triggers a new dream to unfold for the many as well as the leaders of a divine orchestration associated with the arcana lore fable of the lovers through time.


The Lovers Arcana in leadership is not a system of dream that works well if the clan or kingdom fails to care. Care of the heart of the clan requires the blossoming of the heart accolade of self in most to be fostered. In this era, many groups of spiritual orientation fail to open the heart enough to foster leadership kindly in the Lovers Arcana fable through time. Care of the heart is an adroit equation that fosters people in many dreams that are delightful to share of, express and experience in a collective ambiance of life. The dreams of the clan following the leadership of the lover’s tarot arcana dream are fostered in the Heart of the Tao.


The Heart of the Tao is a manifestation of the lovers fostered in the beloved within of each of the two. The pair ignites a flame of divine oscillations of the two in the Heart of the Tao. The Heart of the Tao flowers within each, upon the land and within each in the kingdom willing to foster a Tao heart development within. The Heart of the Tao is not symbolic; it is a function of a particular flourish of the heart accolade of self that is mastered into a sustainable notion of recurrent love. The sustainable notion of recurrent love imbues the care of the love of the heart upon the land and within each in the kingdom.


The Heart of the Tao reposes love to each recurrently throughout the life lived in the kingdom associated with the lovers’ fate of truth. The heart of the Tao is a beautiful and joyous experience to foster in others and master within. Two who ignite a heart of the Tao flavor together foster big dreams together that drive the dreams of the clan or kingdom to new heights of mastery and the fostering of care for one another.


The arcana fable of the lovers is not an easy role to play in this era. Two must be willing to embrace the Tao within as a beloved of the heart and then extend the love to a group with two thirds incarnate of parallel mastery. Tao hearts are few and far between in their manifestation today as beloveds. Two thirds of a spiritual group mastering heart accolades of a Tao Heart are even rarer in this era. Two that meet as Tao hearts are a once in a blue moon experience in the mastery quotients of life.


Sometimes a pair of Tao Hearts endeavors to attempt two masteries and only one fosters the spiritual goal within. The goals of the Tao heart are sometimes difficult if one is polarized against the other fostering one and not the two in a Tao heart accolade of self. The Tao heart accolade when fostered only in one is subject to dejection within due to the loss of the care of the two through time. Those failing at the lovers’ arcana foster a very difficult dream that generally includes death of the one and a loss of the Tao Heart in the other. The other losing the Tao Heart can succumb to the strife and pass the physical or can surmount the difficulties within rising to another level of mastery ahead.


The care of the two is an expression of sincerity of the heart. If one manifests the sincerity, they are generally embraced as long as the heart reposes the Tao care of the whole. If the Tao heart fosters a breach, the reposes of the care is extinguished leading to disfavor of self in life. Some leaders today have experienced a Tao heart opening only in one. The fate is a difficult happenstance of continued mastery to foster a recovery as often a loss of Tao heart motions can lead to death. Those fostering a recovery from a Tao heart breach configure another lore of development ahead.


The Tale of the Lovers   


The lovers’ arcana is the system of systems of care of the heart of the two. When fostered, the beauty of the love of the two can be felt for miles or in the entire kingdom. In ancient times, pairs of the two fostering the lovers’ arcana fable often generated a system of co-leadership through time. Sometimes the leadership expanded to be fostered throughout the kingdom. Sometimes the leadership was only of a small group of following in a spiritual context of self. Regardless of happenstance, the tale of the lovers will call in a clan of others who follow the leadership of care as a guiding force of the fate of the heart. The fate of the heart is a flavor of love of the people in a kindling of wholeness theory of the kingdom.


The Love of the Sisters of Divinity    


The beautiful self of the two is present to be fostered by the beloveds of the valley. The valley is a glorious meadow of sweet and succulent wild flowers, arching trees reaching oh so high, beautiful rivers and lakes that shimmer in the cascades of the sunlit skis lit unto the heavens and beautiful birds filled with song. The clouds roll by fostering the flavor of forever within. The Tao of the land blesses each who adventures to the valley and soon a small number of delightful people choose the region as their homeland. Two sisters of divine sequencing of dreaming as the lovers’ arcana adventure to the valley and are embraced by the people who request that they remain making the region a home of their heart.


Crescencia is a talented feminine equestrian maiden who loves in the care of nature. Four horses accompany Crescencia and her sister Delphinium. The two sisters are gorgeous in their mane of self. The buxom blond stuns one of the local single males who flares his heart out to Delphinium. She embraces Fielding with an avid smile. The two romance into another valley nearby and return to the village in the choice to marry. Soon the pair adventures away for a honeymoon foray of care of the heart flux of self. The two choose to wed in the heart of the Tao and anchor the blessings back into the valley known as Parishna (translates into Love of the Tao).


Crescencia is not unhappy with her sister’s choice of partnership. Her love is of the horse kingdom and not men she thinks. Crescencia rides wild and free many days per week in the beautiful valleys nearby and soon departs for another village that better suits her interests in life. The beloveds Fielding and Delphinium are very cautious about their heart accolade. They swoon and sway in the eve of the boudoir of themselves. The two care deeply and soon others in the village adjoin to them for counsel for matters of the heart.


The counsel fostered by Fielding and Delphinium is adroit and perceptive. The love of the Tao fluxes a new dream of understanding, compassion and care back unto each counseled through time. Soon aspirants find their way to peace in their unions. Some desire to study with Delphinium and Fielding to better understand their own mastery quotients in the care of the heart.


Fielding and Delphinium are very happy with the students that form a school of realization of self in the care of the Tao. Word spreads from the village to other regions due to travelers who find the region of Parishna interesting as a resource of renewal. Soon the school grows to foster many others who come and go. Some stay for a time and then depart all the wiser and renewed in the bath of love fostered in the care of the two. Others choose to remain long term and make the village Parishna their home. The valley of Parishna expands and the village grows in a golden glow that can be witnessed in the twilight by neighboring peoples. The golden glow is the formation of the heart of the Tao over the region in the fostering of the lovers’ arcana of fate.


Delphinium conceives a child. Fielding is concerned for her pregnancy and health. The two observe within for a time and Delphinium chooses to abort with the advice of a local medicine man Nadev. Nadev feels that carrying a child to full term is not wise as her body is built for transfusion and not child bearing. Delphinium consumes an elixir of an adroit equation of herbs fostering a natural abortion.


The child goes on to be conceived by her sister Crescencia in the care of the two. Crescencia has met the man of her dreams Waldemar who is also equestrian lore in stature. Crescencia, Waldemar and the yet to be born love child ride into the sunset returning to Parishna to wed. Delphinium and Fielding welcome the three as a reflection of the desire to bear a child but the inability to foster the choice to be parents in their life dreams of fate.


The village of Parishna celebrates the birth of little Baereyan in the care of the heart accolade of self. Baereyan is a beautiful collaboration of the love of the Tao of Crescencia and her partner Waldemar. Crescencia is in love with Waldemar and he is also with her and little Baereyan. The region of Parishna blooms yet again in the addition of the love of the three to the lore of the land. Others travel long distances to celebrate and adorn the newlyweds and newborn Baereyan in the celebration of the grand heart of the whole.


Delphinium and Fielding foster many classes and ordain sacred ceremonies to witness the flux of travelers that come and go for about nine months in celebration. The village of Parishna is enlightened in the joy of a special sacred fostering of incantations on the part of the Tao of the land. The incantations foster a blossoming of the Heart of the Tao in the land of Parishna which is the fate of the arcana of the beloveds through time.


Delphinium fosters four students of deep aptitude of mastery of the Heart of the Tao. The group of four spend many long weeks in sacred isolation working upon particular goals of the Tao of the land to be fostered within with Fielding. The heart region is to expand again in another series of ceremonies in the spring to come. The group of four is to foster the ceremonies in the celebration of the care of the heart emerging in a kingdom of Parishna. King and Queen Josmer of a neighboring kingdom are invited to the celebrations ahead in honor of their role as the keepers of the land of another valley also of great beauty. King and Queen Josmer are honored to attend and spend a month in the region of Parishna fostering the sublime notion of the divine right to love and care for each and the whole.


The four students along with Fielding and Delphinium are considered the saints of the era and are viewed as sacred manifestations of the God Goddess within adventuring into the physical to foster humans near and far through the care of the heart. Two neighboring kingdoms are on the verge of a war due to happenstance of difficult kings in conflict with one another. The armies are mounted on to steeds of horses to begin their attacks upon one another. Parishna is in the middle of the two kingdoms, and neither Fielding or Delphinium desire to witness their own beautiful land destroyed in the wake of battling soldiers. A special ceremony is hosted by the two to appease the distress. The two kings and their counsels are invited to Parishna for a visit and to settle the dispute.


King Blocknair and King Ridicchio are handsome in their hatred for one another. The two sisters Delphinium and Crescencia foster the Kings into an interplay of dialog in which the discrepancies of their interests can be brought to light and a neutral stance of the needs of the whole be constructed. Many treaties are signed over the course of a week’s long meetings of the group. Fielding stands by as an aid while others provide food, wine and merriment to the regional kings.


King Blocknair is single and chooses a bride from the village of Parishna. Jasilyn is a gorgeous and vivacious singer and dancer that entices his eyes to a point of a sudden romance and choice to marry. The love glows in their eyes and King Blocknair returns a happy man along with his new bride. He is killed on the way home by a cougar in the region who frightens the horses away. The now widowed bride Jasilyn returns to his kingdom alone and as the new queen of the land.


The war fails to manifest. Jasilyn spends much time with King Ridicchio to enforce the treaties agreed upon in the gathering in Parishna. He abates most agreements feeling that he has won his case given the loss of her spouse unto nature. Jasilyn fosters many counsels from the circle of her lost spouse who succeed at finding a balance between the two kingdoms through time. Jasilyn fosters the support of Delphinium and Fielding recurrently until the discrepancies between the two kingdoms are settled in full.


King Ridicchio attempts to seduce Jasilyn into the fate of becoming his new beloved and potential wife. Jasilyn is not attracted nor does she feel any care of the heart of his heart. Jasilyn could choose for the union with King Ridicchio for the sake of the two kingdoms festered in a union divine of the land. Delphinium and Fielding counsel Jasilyn to follow her heart and truth and to not sacrifice herself for the sake of the two kingdoms. Jasilyn soon finds herself resolved into a rapid marriage unto King Ridicchio after much contemplation. There is deep pressure of the people of each land to foster peace between the two kingdoms. She weds in a sadness of her heart knowing that her life is to be fostered in the arms of one who fails to care about anyone else or the kingdom.


King and Queen Ridicchio do not eclipse together but bear one child. The child is a lovely maiden Adorra that wins the heart of her father. King Ridicchio adores his little girl into her teenage and then adult years. His heart blossoms within fostering the care of the two with his daughter. Jasilyn returns home to Parishna for good as she is complete with her lore of self. She allows her daughter to assume the role of the Queen of the land. The people swoon as Adorra appears to speak to the crowds in her beautiful designer wear fostered in the eyes of her beloved father. The two kingdoms meld into one beautiful estuary of self fostering itself through time. The care of the father and daughter foster another Tao heart accolade to blossom within the land.


King Ridicchio will not foster a partner for Adorra unless he approves in himself of a union for her. Many young men flux to Adorra for her hand in marriage. King Ridicchio rejects all feeling none are good enough for the apple of his eye. Adorra falls in love with one young man who is banished from the land. She retreats heartbroken crying much of the year to follow. An attempt to commit suicide is made but fails. King Ridicchio is upset and calls upon Delphinium and Fielding to foster understanding and a possible healing of his daughter’s heart. Delphinium and Fielding invite Adorra to visit Parnishna for a time in association with their mastery school of gifted and astute humans on the path of self-realization.


Adorra discovers the inner capacity to realize herself. She realizes herself through her depression and suicidal tendencies into an adroit concoction of dietary changes, cleansing and spiritual awareness guided by Delphinium who takes her under her wing. Adorra is encouraged with the concepts of realization to foster the passion of herself to become a beloved and a leader of the two in her kingdom of self. A young male initiate of the school fosters a kind friendship with Adorra. The two ignite a flame of the two with the support of Delphinium and Fielding. Adorra and Lennert fall in love swooning in the light waves of the two in enchantment with one another. They wed without telling her father or the kingdom of their choice returning as husband and wife aglow in the love of the heart fostered in the valley of Parishna.


King Ridicchio is surprised but not difficult with Adorra about her choice. Her father has succumbed unto an affair of his own and has married again. Madailein is a gorgeous young and aspiring actress often fostering lead roles in plays or other theater fostered in his kingdom. King Ridicchio feels blessed by his new bride and happily embraces Adorra and her new spouse in the exuberance of the care blossoming in his heart anew. Adorra feels less and less called to strive for a leadership role over the people of his kingdom. Madailein appears to outshine her in every way. The crowds now swoon with Madailein and not Adorra. Adorra and Lennert choose to return to the land of Parishna to foster their union within and between the two in the care of the Tao of their hearts.


Adorra conceives and a beautiful boy Kaipro is born. Over time, Kaipro succumbs unto a very difficult stance of life. He is arrogant and conniving in nature and fosters a robbery of the wealth of the kingdom of his grandfather. Kaipro is embraced by King Ridicchio as the heir of the throne as he is the only male child or grandchild born of his inheritance. Kaipro matures and rapes the people of most of the assets disappearing to another land far away and out of sight. King Ridicchio rolls in his grave. His beautiful widow of a wife and queen of the throne Madailein strives to understand the plight of the people in the loss of income needed to foster the enterprises of the kingdom. She once again calls upon Delphinium and Fielding to intervene due to an uprising that is beginning to overthrow the queen.


Adorra does not choose to return to the kingdom of her father or queen Madailein although the people of the land call her to be present. She fears in part for her life. Her spouse Lennert is despondent due to the nature of the child that the two bores. The two had mastered the large Tao heart formations. How could a child of such lack of understanding of the needs of the whole be fostered out of our union, he ponders? The spiritual quagmires of the two in self realizing itself through time are so daunting. The two process and introspect for thirty years over the quagmire of their son to foster a restoration of peace within and forgive the outcome of their child and the plight of the people he caused. Adorra refrains from returning to her homeland ever again for her own sake.


Once again Delphinium and Fielding are able to resolve the strife of the people of Queen Madailein. They call a gathering into their own homeland of Parishna. Four thousand gather in an estuary of beauty in a parkland nearby. Most camp but some can afford to stay in quaint inns and bed and breakfasts fostering business in Parishna. Delphinium and Fielding foster fourteen ceremonies over a three-week period to cause an understanding of the karma of the land of King Ridicchio and Queen Madailein. The people depart in peace over the happenstance of fate. The karma is forgiven and the people draw together to foster another business to rekindle the hope of the commerce of their kingdom.


The vision for the new business is offered through Fielding who concludes the gathering in a rapturous moment of fate in which the people perceive a way out of their financial peril. The region can foster a crop that many other regions are in need of that is readily developed in the climate of their kingdom. The crop is highly profitable and will rekindle the commerce of the land. The crop is developed in the year to follow and sold at a high profit to many other regions in need. The resources are rekindled and all prosper under the continued ordinance of Queen Madailein. Queen Madailein does not remarry but remains a potent force of leadership over the kingdom through the end of her life.


Fielding suddenly becomes ill the year to follow the miraculous gathering of his rapture of self fostering Queen Madailein’s people anew. Delphinium is upset and unsure of why his heart is flailing. Fielding has had a difficult time breathing following a heart seizure. His body has weakened and he chooses to transfuse to an early crossing. Delphinium is distraught by the possibility of the loss of the twin of her heart accolade. She knows she may also choose to foster an early death if her heart motion fails in his passing. She chooses to attempt to remain post transfusion lore death of Fielding which occurs in nine months to follow. Fielding fosters one sacred ceremony for his closest students and then passes into the night of a full moon at the end of the year. Delphinium remains as a widow of his heart accolade of self.


The school of many gifted students pull close to Delphinium following Fielding’s crossing. Each is concerned about the possibility of losing both of their beloved teachers of the heart soon. Delphinium flails in parallel motions of heart dis-syncopation of her beloved twin in the year to follow. She follows the fate of her beloved and spouse in a short time to follow. The school and many in the land of Parishna weep at the loss of their devout leadership of the heart. Many gather at a sacred ceremony in celebration and honor of the many years of guidance that the twins of the heart fostered in the land.


The Dreams of Enchantment


Vidan is a magnificent player of self. He fosters many encounters of the eve in the adroit equation of a male entertainer of self. Vidan’s voice is rich and vivacious as a former opera singer turned contemporary in flair of sound. He attracts the most gifted of musicians and other entertainers to perform with, one of which is a gorgeous and luscious twin of himself. Kerrigan could be Vidan’s sister due to the stature of biological twin flames. The two are a mesmerizing duet inspiring a rising notion of enchantment into the echelons of the rich and famous through time. Kerrigan and Vidan record a Grammy winning first album that fosters them into the limelight of the radio and late-night talk shows where their stunning duets and frank talk about life experiences mesmerize the public eye.


Vidan and Kerrigan are often questioned if they are also a romantic couple. They deny this as the two sincerely are not attracted to one another. They are too opposite in disposition although alike in appearance, the two claims. Through time Vidan and Kerrigan spend more time together sharing of their unique life experiences which are just as opposite as their unique personas. Vidan is the son of an immigrant Hispanic family rising to wealth and fame from an impoverished but loved happenstance of background. Kerrigan is from a somewhat wealthy politician’s family who grew up feeling unloved and seeking attention to feel appreciated within. Each chose for dreams of fame for opposite circumstances within.


Soon Vidan meets his twin and beloved of his heart as a fellow Hispanic friend from his home town. The two knew each other and find one another again in a back stage invitation only party following a magical performance for a large audience in a large city nearby. Kerrigan witnesses the two come together before her eyes and feels introspective over the change of life happenstance about to unfold. She has enjoyed the company of Vidan and has fantasized a romance followed by a wedding now not possible given the attraction of the pair. Kerrigan knows now that her life is about to take a mesmerizing departure from the deep care of Vidan’s heart that allowed her to heal somewhat of her former family happenstance of non-care of self.


Vidan encourages Kerrigan to find the beloved of herself too. He marries Natividad in an extravagant production in which he entertains his audience along with Kerrigan. Kerrigan does catch the bouquet of roses and departs dreaming of a union as sublime as the one Vidan has created with Natividad. Soon Kerrigan is romanced by an executive of a talent agency who is attracted to her bosom along with her persona. Kerrigan has an adept capacity to dress herself in the aplomb of a mesmerizing queen of the night. Vartan is mesmerizingly attracted to her stature as a queen. Soon the two are off to a honeymoon following a private ceremony behind the scenes that Vidan and Natividad each attend. The four adore one another.


The four motion on to cavort many an endeavor together. Natividad becomes the production and stage manager while Vartan handles the publicity and region to perform within. The four take to the road for five years with Vidan and Kerrigan performing in major cities around the globe. They wine and dine together living the highlight of their lives fostering many new friends’ hopes and wishes. The four amass a fortune and purchase three castles to share for the fostering of another lifestyle ahead. Natividad and Vartan desire a family. In the New Year of their fifth year of marriage, Natividad announces that she is happily pregnant. Vidan is overjoyed. Kerrigan and Vartan hope for a conception in the year to come too.


The performances of Kerrigan and Vidan slow to a regional foray that take into consideration the entrance of a new child into the world. The audience haunts Vidan and Kerrigan to return to the major cities that have been overjoyed with their performances to date global wide. Kerrigan feels drawn to attempt an aplomb of herself without Vidan on stage. She misses all the fun and travel along with the highlight following each major performance.


Vartan chooses to promote Kerrigan for an International tour with three performances on her own. Vidan encourages Kerrigan to foster herself as he is deep in the experience of a father to be. His new born son is not well and needs special treatments possibly to survive. The son Laval does not die and pulls through but triggers Vidan to commit to becoming a parent before a performer in his life ahead.


Kerrigan mesmerizes the stage alone with a bigger than life appearance in Paris. The audience is riveted. Three other male singers are fostered to sing the duets of Vidan with Kerrigan on stage. In the final act, all three men sing along side Kerrigan with deep aplomb. The audience will not cease clapping to follow. Kerrigan sings her heart out in almost as many songs as the entire performance to appease the crowd. Finally, she takes her final curtain but is exhausted. Kerrigan retires from the experience to recover in the Canary Islands. It takes her a month and a load of spa treatments and a small fortune spent to recover. Most of the profits go to the adroit resort that she recovers within.


Vartan is concerned about her stamina to handle life in the limelight on her own and without Vidan’s fortitude of male power behind the scenes. Kerrigan fosters another heart stopping performance in Rome two months to follow. The audience is mesmerized with the male performers along Kerrigan’s side. She encourages each singer to seek out a world famous music artist position for themselves.


The shift within herself honors the three others also in the limelight into fame dreams of self in the year ahead. The honor ignites a new motion that fosters Kerrigan’s return to full stamina within again. She shines following each concert in the limelight of the European press. Kerrigan’s final performance in the year is in Stockholm. The performance is sold out months before she performs. The group concludes in a sacred happenstance of celebration that fosters talent agents to promote her three comrades of male concerto bravado into the limelight of their own life.


Kerrigan conceives a child the winter following her finale in Stockholm. She is delighted along with Vartan with the birth of a baby girl. The little girl Halsey is a twin to Vidan and Natividad’s baby boy Ontoe. Ontoe is only two years of development beyond Halsey. The six relocate into a large mansion that they can afford in the foothills of an adroit community in support of raising their families. The six spend eight years child raising and enjoying the company of one another through time. Vidan feels called to adventure out on his own to create performances for his own cause not unlike Kerrigan. Vartan rises to the occasion and arranges a European tour of Vidan’s own delight. Three femme fatales are drawn to the performance to match the elation that Kerrigan causes upon stage with him.


Sadly, neither Vidan nor Vartan return following the last performance of an appealing stage happenstance of self. The private plane goes down near a small airport in Austria and high in the Alps. None survive including the musicians and other performers. Kerrigan and Natividad are devastated by the turn of events. The two and their children retreat following the media blitz of a travesty of the heart. The two foster another life together far from the public eye. The insurance policies are large and create an income without any need to perform. Kerrigan doubts that she will ever rise to perform before an audience again without her beloved Vartan or Vidan to work with her again.


The little family of Natividad, Kerrigan, Halsey and Ontoe grow delightful in nature as the grief is forgiven. The children attend private and adroit schools of great expense but fostering of self. As Halsey and Ontoe mature into teenagers, they choose to foster one another as boyfriend and girlfriend of self. The pair remind Natividad and Kerrigan of the love of the two experienced in their own unions through time. They ponder the love of their children as an expression of the heart of their heart’s within. The two teenager beloveds choose to create a parallel dream of musical performances together. One plays guitar and the other sings. The two choose not a life of fame but enjoy their time through high school. Halsey and Ontoe marry only to adventure off to college together following graduation.


Halsey fluxes towards a degree in psychology to understand her father’s death. Ontoe chooses for a scientific happenstance of degree going on to foster a PhD in medicine. The two appear as interesting opposites in approach to existence although raised together. The scientific vs. psychological perception is different and yet complimentary in nature. The two finally choose to bear a child together and in the later years of their unique marriage. The child Linnen is a beautiful boy of deep aplomb of the heart. Kerrigan and Natividad love their grandchild greatly. The love restores the flavor of care of the heart they had once known when their spouses were each alive.


Analysis: The Tale of the Lovers       


The lovers’ arcana is an adroit equation of care that fosters nurturing of self. Nurturing of self allows for big dreams, larger than thought possible to arise in human systems of life. The larger than life dreams foster the care of the audience or those who attune to a life of fame of the dream of the lovers’ arcana through time. Often strife occurs in the lovers’ arcana fable due to loss of one of the two through time. If death of one lover occurs, often the other dies shortly to follow or rises in deep aptitude of self into another dream ahead. The heart accolade of self is so intertwined between the lovers that it is often difficult for one not to perish following the death of the other.


Life within the lovers’ arcana fable is a beautiful foray of dream of accomplishing something greater than one thought possible within and for the whole. In rising to the occasion of the life in the love of the two, something delightful and helpful unfolds for the many who become the following or who are inspired by the pair. Those fostered alongside the lovers often weave dreams also larger than life for themselves out of the love of the care of the two. The lovers’ arcana is always fostered by twin flames who unite to accomplish a large spiritual goal for themselves through time. The lovers are a beautiful foray of dream to witness as it unfolds if one is a part of a following of those of this arcana fable of self.


In the truth of the love within,

Master Yogananda


The Lovers


The Lovers

The lore of lovers

Is a gift of care

That causes the truth

To surface within each

Such that the love of the beloveds

Flourishes in a union divine

As a motion of hope

That honors all kingdoms and people

In a lore fable

Of a dream of the heart

Of the love of the two


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To all Beings in discovering the Love of the Love within themselves. May you walk in Love and Beauty on Earth.



Creational © 2021, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth


This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and that are useful to your spiritual evolution, and let go of the rest.


The Ascension Insights series and related books offer information on consensus ascension. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. These books disseminate information on having a complete ascension with the potential of taking the body with you.


The Light Wave series offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.



Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.




Asur’Ana. Light Wave 5: Yogi Tales of the Divine. Aligning With Earth, 2021. Digital.

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