The following information is from Chapter 2 of Ascension Insights, Volume 2:
In our last chapter on “Attaining the State of the Christ”, we went into detail on the energetic changes surrounding embodying the vibration of Unconditional Love. Becoming Christed is only the first step in becoming a Vibrational Steward of Earth. There are many more steps to follow which allow each ascending initiate to experience a gradual conversion of the body to a crystalline form. In addition to the cellular restructuring, the entire energy field of the embodiment is also altered. The following is a detailed account of these changes.
Every embodiment is slightly different, and therefore, each initiate may experience a slightly different order of conversion.
Initiations 13-16: Transcending Fear
During initiations 13-16, all remaining fear-based belief systems are transmuted. Fear based beliefs are polarized in nature. For example, if you believe that “I am worth more than others” in some areas of your life, you will also believe that “I am worth less than others” in other areas of your life. Both sides of any one belief is cleared and replaced by a belief that results in the middle path, i.e., “I am equal to all others.” Fear-based beliefs are different within every genetic embodiment and, therefore, will be unique unto each initiate’s personal life history.
Segments of the initiate’s soul that resonate in the 9th and 10th Ray are embodied by the end of the 16th initiation. Each of these soul segments have had many lifetimes of karma that must also be cleared.
Ray 9 – Ray of Honor is gold and silver in color and allows one to honor all of life. Issues surrounding honor and dishonor are addressed within the initiate’s persona as this ray is embodied.
Ray 10 – Ray of Hope is pastel blue and green in color and allows one to manifest the divine plan. Issues surrounding the lack of hope, or the inability to manifest one’s soul’s purpose are addressed within the initiate’s persona as this ray is embodied.
As the 9th Ray soul segment descends, additional chakras descend, making a total of 22 chakras. The new chakras along with the old chakras (which are converted in shape) appear much like large disks or CD’s that extend the entire width of the auric field, and simultaneously spin counter clockwise, much like a record player. The new chakra shape allows each chakra to hold much more information than the previous cone shaped chakras.
As the 10th Ray soul segment descends, the Light Body expands in size. In the original Light Body, which appears similar to two inverted pyramids, the top and bottom sections have a total of 4 panels each, or 8 panels in total. In completing the 16th initiation, the Light Body doubles in size, to 8 panels on top and 8 panels on bottom, 16 panels in total, making each section appear similar to a gem with 8 facets.
In completing the 16th initiation, segments of DNA 13 through 16 are embodied which results in the conversion of the spinal cord, spinal fluid, and bone structure to the crystalline form.
Initiations 17 – 24: Transcending Personal Archetypes
During this segment of initiations, personal level archetypes are transcended. Archetypes, much like fear-based beliefs, are polarized. Archetypes are those vibrations that the fear-based beliefs cleared in initiations 13-16 are extended from. The following is a list of some of the archetypes our translator discovered as she worked through this segment of her initiation.
Hero/Heroine Master/Servant
Judge/Judged Beloved/Unrequited Love
Parent/Child Fat/Thin
Beautiful/Ugly Teacher/Student
Giver/Receiver Used/User
Wise Man/Fool Perfect Female/Perfect Male
Wealth/Poverty Friend/Enemy
Archetypes, as they are transmuted, are replaced with a new archetype that resonates in the middle path of the two polarities. During this segment of her initiation, our channel discovered that the love that she feels for her beloved is no different than the love she feels for her sister and brothers, or her students, or her teachers, or the Masters, or her parents, but rather is one expression of the same emotion.
Archetypes, and the lessons learned as they are cleared, will be unique to each initiate’s personal life, past life and soul experiences. Soul segments that resonate in Rays 11 and 12 descend to sit within the embodiment. Any related karma from these soul segments must also be cleared.
Ray 11 – Ray of Blending is golden pink in color and allows the masculine and feminine within to blend into a state of divine union. As this ray is embraced, issues surrounding the imbalance between the masculine and feminine within are addressed by the initiate.
Ray 12 – Ray of Transcendence is pastel violet in color and allows one to embody their power to transmute all limitation. As this Ray is embraced, issues surrounding limitation are addressed within the initiate.
As Ray 11 is embodied, the mental body, the emotional body and the etheric body are unified with the Light Body. The emotional body is equivalent to what is left of the negative ego or inner feminine based on fear. The fragmentation of the emotional body has resulted in a sense of loneliness prevalent within humanity. As the emotional body is unified, this sense of loneliness is transcended. The mental body is equivalent to what is left of the ego or inner masculine based on fear. The fragmentation of the mental body has resulted in the experience of the need to compete with others. As the mental body is unified, the need to compete is transcended. The fragmented etheric body is the cause of the fear of death within humanity. As the etheric body is unified, the fear of death is transcended.
As Ray 12 is embodied, the Light Body is expanded in size to contain 12 panels on top and 12 panels on the bottom, or 24 panels in total. The auric field of a 24th level initiate will embrace the United States in size. As this segment of initiations is completed, the entire muscular structure and connecting ligaments are converted to crystalline. In so doing, segments of DNA 17 through 24 are connected within the initiate’s body.
Initiations 25-36: Transcending Group Archetypes
Group archetypes are those archetypes that govern the relationship between two or more people within the human experience. Some examples of group archetypes include the archetype for marriage, for family, for friendship, for lovers, for enemies, for school, and for work. These archetypes, which are based on condition and karma, are cleared as one embodies this next segment of initiations and are replaced by archetypes surrounding group relations based on Unconditional Love. In a sense, a whole new operating system for group patterns are embodied by the initiate. These archetypes will be different for each initiate depending on personal life history, genetic karma, and soul related karma. Our translator discovered that any negative experiences with groups during her lifetime came up to be processed during these initiations.
In completing the 36th initiation, soul segments resonating in Rays 13, 14 and 15 are embodied. Any related karma from these soul segments must also be cleared as they are embraced.
Ray 13 – Ray of Harmony is pastel turquoise in color and allows one to live in the present moment, without concern about the past or future. In the process of embodying Ray 13, any patterns surrounding the need to fantasize about the future or reminisce about the past are addressed by the initiate.
Ray 14 – Ray of Fruition is opal white in color and allows one to co-create the Divine Plan with God. In the process of embodying the 14th Ray, any issues surrounding how the initiate has codependently created with others or groups are addressed and released.
Ray 15 – Ray of Clarity is a golden white in color and allows one to see their soul’s purpose and direction with clarity. In the process of embodying Ray 15, any vision that is not in affinity with one’s soul’s purpose or the Divine Plan is released.
In embodying Rays 13 and 14, 11 additional chakras descend, making a total of 33 chakras. In embodying Ray 15, the Light Body is expanded again to have 18 panels on top and 18 panels on the bottom, or a total of 36 panels. In completing the 36th initiation, the auric field will embrace the equivalent of North America in size. During this segment of initiations, the liver, kidneys, spleen, and intestinal tract are converted to crystalline in form. In the process, segments of DNA 25 through 36 are connected within the initiate’s body.
Initiations 37-48: Transcending Planetary Archetypes – “Vibrational Steward”
Planetary archetypes are the archetypes governing the mass consciousness of our world. Planetary archetypes can be broken down to three separate categories: those archetypes governing the region that one lives, those governing the nation that one is born to, and those archetypes that are related to everyone and every nation around the globe. Some of the archetypes that our channel cleared included archetypes surrounding education, medicine, the IRS, the banking system, religion, and the media. Each initiate will experience a slightly different version of planetary archetypes due to their unique genetic and personal life history. In a sense, the initiate receives a whole new operating system for civilization on Earth based on Unconditional Love when this initiation is complete.
In embodying the 48th initiation, soul segments from the 16th, 17th and 18th Rays are unified within the body. Any related karma from these soul segments must also be cleared.
Ray 16 – Ray of Simplicity is pastel orange in color and allows one to simplify the outer so that the inner reality directs one’s life. As the initiate embodies this Ray, all group, national and planetary influence over the initiate’s direction is relinquished so that only their inner guidance directs.
Ray 17 – Ray of Truth is silver white in color and allows one to know their individual truth and unconditionally accept all other expressions of truth. In embodying this Ray, the initiate comes to an understanding that all expressions of truth are unique and valid, including their own.
Ray 18 – Ray of Unconditional Acceptance is bright white in color and brings to fruition unconditional acceptance of oneself and all others. In embodying the 18th Ray, all planetary influence over the initiate’s soul’s purpose and direction is relinquished, and the initiate unconditionally accepts their own path along with the paths of all others.
As Rays 16 and 17 are embodied, 11 new chakras descend making 44 chakras all told. As Ray 18 is embodied, the Light Body expands in size to 24 panels on top and 24 panels on the bottom, a total of 48 panels. The auric field of the 48th level initiates will embrace an area equivalent to North and South America. In completing the 48th initiation, segments of DNA 37 through 48 are connected within the body. In the process, the stomach, esophagus, lungs, diaphragm, and pancreas are converted to crystalline in form. Upon completion of the 48th initiation, one begins to be considered a Vibrational Steward of Planet Earth.
Initiations 49-60: Transcending Solar Archetypes
The next wave of initiations 49-72 take the human form to a level of awareness within spiritual evolution that has rarely been seen on Earth since ancient Egypt. These individuals are our spiritual leaders of tomorrow, who, through the balance that they have attained within, will pave the way for the rest of humanity.
Solar archetypes are those archetypes that govern our Solar System and Astrology as we currently know it. Astrological influences have been based on duality and polarity. In moving to the 5th dimension, a new astrological influence based on Unconditional Love will take precedence over the human experience. As the initiate completes the 60th initiation, they have embodied the new astrological influences, and the old system as we have known it no longer applies. In a sense, the initiate embodies a whole new operating system for our Solar System based on Unconditional Love. In completing the 60th initiation, the initiate also embodies the 19th Ray.
Ray 19 – Ray of Unconditional Forgiveness is pale pink-white in color, and allows the initiate to unconditionally forgive everyone and every experience within their past or present experiences.
In embodying the 19th Ray, 22 additional chakras descend. Segments of DNA 49-60 are connected within the embodiment, and the circulatory system, heart, bone marrow and veins are converted to crystalline. At the end of the 60th initiation, the Light Body expands in size to 30 panels on the top and 30 panels on the bottom in size. The auric field of a 60th level initiate will embrace one-half of Earth in size.
Initiations 61-72: Transcending Universal Archetypes – “Enlightenment”
Universal archetypes are the archetypes that our universe is constructed of. These archetypes fall into seven major categories or laws which include:
Law 1 – Separation from God: This archetype has to do with the belief that we are separated from God. As the initiate transcends this archetype, a sense of constant unification with God and Goddess is experienced.
Law 2 – Energetic Balance: This archetype results in the continued movement of energy between polarities, or the swinging of pendulum from one extreme to another. As the initiate transcends this archetype, they embody a continued sense of balance and a sense of inner-centeredness.
Law 3 – Karma and Indebtedness: As the archetype of karma is transcended, the initiate releases any sense of owing another for anything, and also releases any sense of another owing them for anything. This leads to a new sense of inner freedom.
Law 4 – Comings and Goings: As the archetype of comings and goings is released, the initiate’s sense of needing to escape their present circumstances or to leave Earth in order to find joy is released. The result is that the initiate discovers that they can experience joy wherever they are, whatever they are doing, and with whomever they are with.
Law 5 – Female Inferiority: As the archetype of female inferiority is transcended, any inner sense of worthlessness is released within the initiate.
Law 6 – Male Superiority: As the archetype of male superiority is transcended, any inner sense of being worth more is released within the initiate. This allows the initiate to embrace their own equality, and the equality of all others on the face of the Earth.
Law 7 – The Archetype of Good and Evil, Light and Dark. As the archetype of good and evil is transcended, the initiate embraces the remainder of their dark or destructive side, and transcends the need to create destructive or dark experiences within their reality.
We call transcending this segment of initiations “enlightenment”. In completing the 72nd initiation, the initiate embodies a new operating system for our Universe based on Unconditional Love.
The 5th dimensional universe transcends polarity and condition, so embodying a universal pattern based on Unconditional Love is a prerequisite for moving into the 5th dimension. In shifting these 7 universal archetypes, a segment of soul vibrating at the 20th Ray descends into the body.
Ray 20 – Ray of Unconditional Embracing is pale bluish white in color, and governs unconditional justice. As the initiate embodies this ray, any experiences surrounding injustice directed at oneself or another must be cleared. In embodying Ray 20, 22 additional chakras descend into the auric field, and connect the chakras between the base of the spine to the 1st dimension in a pyramidal fashion. The auric field of a 72nd level initiate will embrace the entire planet in size. Segments of DNA 61 through 72 are connected within the body during this segment of initiations. The lymph system, the autonomic nervous system, and brain stem are converted to crystalline in form.
Initiations 73-90: Embracing Cosmic Archetypes
This next wave of initiations allows the initiate to attain a state of total non-attachment. The state of non-attachment is designed for leadership that will impact all of humanity. This leadership will transcend the boundaries of race, creed, and religion, to create unification of purpose and direction within large segments of the population. Cosmic Archetypes are those archetypes that govern the Cosmos.
An initiate, at this level, embodies the principles of the running of a cosmos based on Unconditional Love for the purposes of planetary leadership. As the initiate completes this initiation, they embody two additional soul segments that vibrate at the 21st and 22nd Rays.
Ray 21 – Ray of Unconditional Governance is the ray of the Spiritual Hierarchy. It is pale yellowish white in color, and is related to Unconditional Love within leadership of large groups. As the initiate embodies this ray, all prior experiences of illicit leadership within past life or present life circumstances will be cleared.
Ray 22 – Ray of Unconditional Harmony is the ray of the Cosmic Hierarchy. It is pale violet white in color, and allows one to create harmony within large groups. As the initiate embodies this ray, any areas within their present or past life experience that has led to a state of personal or group disharmony will be cleared.
In embodying these two rays, 44 additional chakras descend, and the entire auric field turns into the “Flower of Life” pattern. In so doing, every chakra connects into every other chakra in a moving figure eight energetic pattern. The left and right sides of all chakras connect creating a horizontal series of figure eights keeping the masculine and feminine within in balance. Additionally, each of the seven original chakra centers within the body are given their own miniature Flower of Life pattern. This is the beginning pattern of non-attachment. Any energy lines from the initiate’s auric field that extend into another person, place or object, are disconnected and connected within. In so doing, segments of DNA 73-90 are connected within the embodiment, and the center of the brain is converted to crystalline.
Initiations 91-108: Attaining a State of Non-Attachment
In completing this segment of initiations, the initiate moves into a state of total non-attachment. Non-attachment is an auric field that is sovereign in its own energy. Within this state, the initiate moves beyond the influence of anything or anyone outside of their own soul and the governing bodies of our Spiritual and Cosmic Hierarchies. This makes possible a form of leadership that is true unto the purposes of God and the Divine Plan. In the process, soul segments from Rays 23, 24 and 25 descend into the auric field.
Ray 23 – Ray of Unconditional Purpose is bright opalescent white in color, and is the Ray of the Mahatma. In embracing this ray, the initiate embraces the vibration of the Mahatma within their auric field.
Ray 24 – Ray of Unconditional Direction is bright silver white in color, and is the ray of our Creator on the 144th dimension. In embracing the 24th ray, one’s soul’s purpose and the Creator’s purpose for one’s soul are brought into alignment along with the Divine Plan.
Ray 25 – Ray of Unconditional Transformation is bright golden white in color, and is the ray of the Creator’s Creator, known as the Omnipresent One. In embracing this Ray, the initiate’s purpose and direction is brought into alignment with a divine plan from outside of this creation. This ray enables the initiate to assist Earth in her transformation along with all of humanity.
In embodying Ray 23, 44 additional chakras descend into the embodiment and every minor chakra within the body is converted to a miniature Flower of Life pattern. In embodying Ray 24, the heart chakra expands to embrace the entire region that the initiate lives. Lastly, in embodying Ray 25, 23 additional Flower of Life patterns are anchored around the globe with the same Flower of Life pattern. Some called this the state of a 24-point avatar, or one who anchors 24 points of light. In completing this initiation, segments of DNA 91 through 108 are connected within the embodiment. In so doing, the right and left hemispheres of the brain are converted to crystalline. This is the state of total non-attachment.
Please click here for The Ascension Process – Part 1
Please click here for The Ascension Process – Part 3
Please click here for The Ascension Process – Part 4
Please click here for The Ascension Process – Part 5
Ascension Meditation Recordings
Ascension Insights Charts & Diagrams
Language of Light
Asur’Ana. Ascension Insights, Volume 2. Aligning With Earth, 2018. Digital.