Image of beautiful white flowers with yellow core. Shakti Relationship Lore #1

Shakti Relationship Lore #1


Fables of Union


Self-Realization Through Divine Union


Fable Lore


The dream of the union

Is a fable

Of a tale of enchantment

That enriches the motion

Of a union

In a story

Of the sublime

In the art of realization

Of the Self of the Self within

In a hypothesis

Of a partnership Divine




Fables are lore that cause dreams to be lived in all experiences of life. Fables are stories that trigger happenstance between the two or the many. Fables occur in contexts of the two, the family, the work environment, the habitat, the region that the life is lived, and any group endeavors focused upon. Group focuses include spiritual, educational, cultural, societal, national and international fables. Fables define the life happenstance in all circumstances of human existence.


Fables are a script that defines the dream to be lived. Fables are founded upon hypothesis of existence that occur through prose dreaming. Prose is defined to determine the life scripts at each juncture of change. Life dreams are determined at birth and sequenced in time in relation to fables of stories to be dreamt for a particular time in the cycles of life. Fables include the time in life from birth through childhood, teenage year happenstance, young adult happenstance, middle age and old age circumstance, along with a fable for the death.


Fables alter in seven-year cycles for most. Fables amongst those who are spiritually awakening can compress in time and alter in as short a time as three to four years of continued realization. Fables of partnership have scripts that determine the outcome of the union and the realization to unfold amongst those in the spiritual foray of understanding. Fables of divine partnership are a specific series of dreams that happenstance realization amongst those choosing for union as a dream of mastery of the life. Read more