The Light Wave series books are devoted to the emerging light wave thoughtform known as Fusion. Fusion combines light and consensus focuses to create a more greatly unity-based paradigm of dream. Fusion is also an amalgamation of Transformative and Transfigurative Action Thoughtforms.
There have been two paths of ascension available unto ancient archetypes. Transfigurative and Transformative archetypes are those relations that arrived from Sirius with vast spiritual knowledge and larger heads. Those of this nature are gifted at what is known as transfusion. Transfusion is a manner of ascending out of physicality altogether and into another realm of existence separate from the body.
Up until now, consensus ascension has been spoken unto through Asur’Ana, Mother Earth consciousness, the Great Central Sun, and Dara Soul Group/Order of Dari. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. Transfusion on the other hand allows the body to be released and the cellular knowledge to carry on in a nonphysical format from which one can rise to other dimensions of awareness due to relinquishing physicality. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the consciousness returns home to All That Is, the Source, or the Tao through one’s hologram.
(NOTE: Asur’Ana will continue to share information on having a complete ascension (with the potential of taking the body with you) for those who are interested, in the Ascension Insights series and related books to be published later on by Aligning With Earth. The Light Wave series and related books offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.)
The Act of Transfusion
The act of transfusion involves a fusion of light. The light penetrates the cellular structure allowing density to burn off gradually and over time. As enough density is released, the structure can burn up in a very slow and methodical manner extracting all the knowledge and records held therein such that they are transferred to the archetypal planes. This form of ascension is known as transfusion and is an ancient modality of departing the physical without dying and moving on as a human consciousness that is archetypally driven. In a deep sense, one ascends home to their human hologram. This type of ascension is not new but the records of transfusion have just been recently recovered through the holographic archives of the ancient ones. Read more