Image of a drop of water causing amazing ripples. Transcending Lack and Impoverishment

5. Transcending Lack and Impoverishment


We, the Ancient Ones invite each who reads of our materials, regardless of level of evolution, to join us at our Dreamtime Ascension School (DAS) events in the calendar year of 2022-2023. The purpose of these events is to foster the ascent of the human species and the anchoring of future human ascending births. Anyone who is interested is welcome to join DAS by making the intention to participate during dreamtime just before falling asleep nightly.


This year, all sentient species are focused upon the release of poverty, hunger, homelessness and excessive greed karma along with the retrieval of all dream weaving information for ascension. Poverty based karma causes an imbalance of energies in which some starve while others thrive; furthermore, the lack of dream weaving information allows no other dream to be available to be chosen. For many spiritual initiates, manifestation is a difficult issue, and one may find oneself struggling to make ends meet; or if finances are not so difficult, perhaps one struggles to manifest the relationship or preoccupation that brings one joy.


Extreme Polarity


Humans are polarized in extremes; one may have the beautiful spouse and loving union, but have difficulty paying the bills. Or one may manifest in ease, perhaps even having created one’s own successful company, but have disastrous relationship after disastrous relationship. Polarity pits one manifestation against the other; in other terms, one can have some but not all of one’s dreams. Such an experience is directly related to poverty; one is impoverished in work or relationship, or in association with friendship or family. Perhaps initiates will take inventory in association with what regions of domain one experiences impoverishment in one’s current life dance.


In polarity, one will experience some life expressions in the physical, and some in the nonphysical. Therefore, one will see that one really does dream all things and experience them. It is simply that some of what one dreams falls through the cracks in one’s field and manifests in a parallel life in the unconscious instead of the physical. (Please refer to Ascension Insights, Volume 5 Chapter 10 “Mastering the Living Dream” for more information.)


Per recalls attempting to create a singles magazine in the 1990’s; this magazine would have made him a multi-millionaire. It failed as the investors so badly cursed him such that he could no longer hold the dream long enough for it to physically manifest, and they all lost. Such is the dance of greed, and Per was not a good player in the game. However, the magazine did manifest in a parallel plane where it flourishes to this day, although Per has ascended off of this plane, or in other terms gathered up the parts of self tapped in the unconscious. Read more