False Twin Love of Not
The Lore of Beauty and the Beast
The journey of not two
Is a repose of
A Divine Twin of care
Who fakes the union
In superlative motions
Of the real twin
Who dies in the plight
Of saving a union
With a false twin
Of the non-self
In a sad fate of hate
Of the two
Beauty and the Beast Fable
The Beauty and the Beast fable is one of the beautiful one who fosters a care for one who is ugly or in mesomorph systems of self. Mesomorph systems are transfigurative keys that distort, bloat, damage and disturb the consciousness of the life. The damaged or distorted consciousness often leads to a distortion or damage in the physical. The “Beast” has been badly mesodorphed through time leading to a transfigurative system of ugliness or darkness that plagues the field, the physical and dreams of the life. The “Beast” is saved by the “Beauty” in the fable of Disney philosophy of self. The “Beast” is not saved in the sincere lore of Shakti fables of partnership. The “Beast” either perishes or destroys others due to false twin repose of self.
Sometimes the “Beast” works his or her way out of the difficult karma of a false twin repose. If this occurs, the patterns lift and the darkness abates surrounding the one in the “Beast” position of self. Those mastering ascension or self-realization sometimes work their way through difficult karma of false twin repose of self that would lead to disease, accident or death by suicide otherwise. The darkness in a false twin repose of self is overwhelming, often triggering a vastly difficult life dream to unfold if the lore fails to be transfused through in mastery of self. The “Beast” is destined for an ill fate in most cases in present time recurrences of the false twin union fable.
The wife or partner of the “Beast” generally has deep compassion for the false twin. The partner is sincere to the union and wonders why their spouse or beloved is haunted by such darkness. The darkness may be equivocal unto alcoholism or drug addiction or mafia like dramas through time. The darkness may also be the suffering of one who has not enough food and fosters a starvation and impoverished happenstance through time. The darkness plaguing false twin repose of self can also be associated with suicidal thoughts that in time lead to the outcome associated. Read more