The Language of ONE is a holographic language that is emerging upon Earth in her continued ascension. The Language of ONE defines oneness concepts. Oneness is a state of self sustenance in which all is provided from within.
The images in this chapter are brought forth as crop circles which capture this new language upon the land. Each symbol will invoke a holographic energy movement that causes density to dissipate and allows for continued ascension.
Asur’Ana has been requested by Mother Earth to begin to interpret crop circles for those who are ascending in human form at this time in history. Crop circles are static pictures of key codes and fire letters emanating through photonic sources. Some crop circles are electrical or radioactive, and these will have straight lines or edges or angles unto them. Such crop circles are from other Great Central Suns and are their languages.
Your Great Central Sun hosts a magnetic language. The symbols for magnetic tones of creation are rotational or circular in nature. Earth is traversing through a diverse region of domain in the choice to re-enter the dream of the Great Central Sun. Within the “Star Gates” leading into entry are many languages. Earth feels blessed for all of the information made available, as many of such languages have assisted in her ascent to date.
In essence, each tone and symbol provided unto Earth by the Great Central Sun(s) and through each Star Gate entered is captured within the Aurora. The symbols rotate. Earth then tries each symbol to see if the rotation fosters ascension of her field or portions of her field or not. Those symbols that fail to foster ascension are discarded and erased. Those that foster ascension are embraced as a part of Earth’s new “operating system” or language. Read more