Image of the gentle and graceful Quan Yin. Bodhisattva. Ancestor Quan Yin’s Life and Ascension

8. Ancestor Quan Yin’s Life and Ascension


Blessings for Real Biological Ascension


It is Ancestor Quan Yin that greets you today. I will explore a little about my life experience and explain the karma as an ancestor that I am settling at this time of awakening. I too like Buddha am first and foremost an ancestor who ascended to the fourth dimension a long time ago, 28,000 years as Terra (Earth) measures time (112,000 years as humans measure time), and 4,000 Earth years (16,000 human years) before ancestor Buddha ascended. (Please refer to Chapter 7 “Ancestor Buddha’s Life and Ascension” for more information.)


I was born in the Inner Earth to two very beautiful and loving larger headed monks and beloveds. The larger headed humans in the Inner Earth live a very different and separate life from other humans who have smaller heads and focus upon secular preoccupations. The larger headed humans live in a special valley and within their own temples and monasteries that sustain their existence to this day.


The valley that I grew up within is perhaps one of the most scenic regions of all of the Inner Earth, with lush green mountains and waterfalls, streams and rivers, and stalactite mineral ceilings high above that shimmer rainbows of color due to the play of light from the Aurora. Some have called this region “Shangri-La”, and indeed in other time periods there were visitors from the outer Earth that would venture to this region seeking the spiritual counsel of the elders of our monasteries.


I was born a hermaphrodite, or in other terms with both sexual organs of a man and a woman. Before I was born, my mother received a vision of my future ascension, and that it was necessary for me to balance both male and female within in order to accomplish this task. This is why I chose genetics that allowed for the expression and hormones of both a man and a woman and in order to ascend alone. Most ascending humans in this time period were couples that chose a life of the beloved and ascended together. Those who chose to ascend in the single chose a specific set of genetics that were different in order to compensate for having a life path alone.


There had been a large travesty 2,000 Earth years (8,000 years as humans measure time) prior to my incarnation. The underlying cause was not exactly understood by the Inner Earth spiritual elite of the time. Now and due to the ascension of the map carvers upon the surface of the Earth, we know of a group of humans from the Pleiades, the family of Anu, fell into terrible discord and to a point of warring upon one another culminating in a nuclear annihilation. This annihilation caused patterns and problems that were not understood at the time. The dream for the Inner Earth humans had been badly shattered. It was my cause to repair the dream as well as the damage to the DNA and set in motion peace in the Inner Earth human civilization through my ascension. Read more