Image of the McKenzie River in Oregon. Shakti Relationship Lore #7

Shakti Relationship Lore #7


The Heightened Motion


The Lore of Seduction



The forensics of truth

Is a loss of hope

Of a seduction of the sublime

In which the masculine reposes

In a heightened motion of Self

Leading to a false union

Causing a cessation of sincerity

In the core of the heart

Of the feminine

Until the unity within is mastered

In a postulation of care

Of the Beloved Within


Seduction Is A Postulation of False Love


The love of the love within as it is mastered is not a seductive stance in life. The love of the love within is a sincere motion of sincerity of care. Seduction is a postulation of false love that causes strife as the flavor of union or friendship wears off. The flavor of union or friendship is a forensics motion of the nervous repose of self that aligns the two in a stance of care. If the two fail to ignite in a stance of care, one may ignite and the other may reflect or mirror the motion leading to falsification of love. Falsification of love is a postulation of seduction that causes a memorable dream of partnership that only lasts as long as the seduction is sustained.


Seduction can be sustained for years leading to marriage or a long-term partnership that leads to pestilence of self in the end. Pestilence of self is an adroit equation of dream that fosters strife in life for one and the flavor of love for the other. One manifests love within and the other does not. Two who fail to love together are a sign of seduction in the life happenstance of self.


The pestilence of self causes the one who loves to lose the ignition of the heart leading to the loss of sensation of the inner beloved. Two must share in the heart motions for the love of the two to be a sustainable action in life. As the heart ceases to ignite, the spirit diminishes and the realization of self or mastery can fade. Sometimes the pestilence leads to disease or death if the motions of seduction are in an extreme petulance of self. In some cases, the seduction can be transcended leading to the restoration of the fulfillment of love within. Read more