Image of the tops of the majestic redwood trees. Tips For Ascending Out Of Pain, Depression, Chronic Fatigue Or Disease

2. Tips For Ascending Out Of Pain, Depression, Chronic Fatigue Or Disease


We are honored to be able to speak to others ascending in human form through our translator Asur’Ana. She is our present day relation, and this may also be the same for many reading our book. We are the ancient ones with the large craniums that came to Earth so very long ago to see to fruition the ascent of Earth and the entry into the photonic dream of the Great Central Sun.


It has been a long and sad journey into great distortion, pain, anger, fear and disease in human form upon the surface of the Earth. The Inner Earth’s Peoples have fared much better, but alas it has been at the expense of their relations upon the surface of the Earth who have been bombarded with so much radiation that the falls were exponentially larger each time that they occurred in human history. Humans in the Inner Earth begin their ascent with a bare minimum of 1024-3000 segments of DNA, whereas humans upon the surface of the Earth by and large must begin at 2 segments.


The Crystalline Form and Unity Biology


This is known as the ascent out of the Kumara of Pain, Suffering, Greed, Lust, Judgment, Fear and Death and requires embodying 3,000 segments or more to rise above. Such vibratory bandwidths equate to dogma in human thoughtform, which is constructed from antimatter in vibration. Antimatter tears holes in matter, which translates into disease, terror and warfare in the human dance. It is the antimatter tones of creation that are black, brown, reddish-brown, gray, puke yellow and pus green in color. Such tones are generally transmuted by initiation 3,000 (embodying 3,000 segments of DNA or one of twelve complete tubes of DNA associated with fully conscious biology) within the etheric body.


In so doing, the etheric body becomes filled with primary colors in the energy flow instead, which is comprised of red, green, blue, yellow, orange, fuchsia pink, purple and magenta; except of course for any remaining decay or scar tissue yet to be transmuted through ascension to full consciousness. (Please refer to Ascension Insights, Volume 5 Chapter 4 “Creating a Complete Ascension” that describes this process quite nicely.)


The intent to ascend as a spiritual practice brings about the gradual conversion of both the etheric body into primary colors and the cellular structure to what is known as “crystalline” in form. The crystalline form is biology that one’s ancestry knew as a genetic structure before the last fall of Atlantis. Crystalline cells hold 18 fats and 18 salts not prevalent in the current human structure at 2 segments of DNA; these 18 fats and salts allow for unity biology. Unity biology is biology that does not self-destruct; in your current genetics there are viral and bacterial agents that destroy the form. Cells also die off every 7 years only to be replaced; furthermore, many groups or clusters of cells are not restored beyond a certain age leading to what is known as “aging”. Aging is really the result of the slow death of the overall cellular structure over time. Read more