We, the Order of Dari, have been involved with the mapmaking of biological ascension on Earth for the human species. We have observed thousands of initiates upon the spiritual path at this juncture of human evolution. So many of these individuals fail their spiritual tests which delays their ascension and momentum upward in vibration on a biological level. We wish to provide a psychological overview of the seven traps that initiates can find themselves in that will prevent them from ascending if the traps are not transcended within.
Self Examination
Many initiates have become gifted at self-examination. This is a requirement for anyone devoted to his or her own ascension at this time in history. It is only through the act of self-examination that one can begin to discern what patterns are necessary to transcend within to continue to move towards unconditional love and unity consciousness within their life experience. All outer manifestations that are disharmonious are a reflection of the disharmony that lies within. As internal disharmony is transcended, one creates not only peace within but also within their outer experiences of life.
It is human nature to blame the circumstance or predicament that one finds oneself in when life does not go in the direction one wishes. Life is holographic. Any outer creation is a reflection of an inner pattern. As the inner pattern is released, one’s related experience of life along with their creation changes. One cannot really change a negative circumstance by attempting to only change something outside of oneself. Changing only an outer circumstance without the releasing of related patterns only ensures that the same experience will manifest again in the future.
An example of this may be a woman caught in an abusive relationship. She may leave the relationship. However, if she does not transmute the patterns that created the relationship, she will simply create another abusive partner in the future. Furthermore, the abuse she experiences outside of herself is a reflection of her own abusiveness that is unconscious. Such unconscious abuse often is energetic in nature.
One’s experience of life is a ‘mirror’. One can either look in the mirror of what they have created and transcend one’s own like patterns, or blame and shame another for being something that is really a reflection of one’s own unconscious state of being. As one takes responsibility for what was created, looks fully in the mirror, and transcends the like patterns within that are being reflected in one’s outer creation, one gains mastery over the physical plane. Read more